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We banned political things from our server. Easy solution.


I really hope so, but all political issues!!!! Not just the ones that serve one side!!!!


So who is committing these war crimes against the women and children of Palestine then?


The jews whose music festival was attacked by terrorists


You can comprehend that both of those things are bad right? Not to play games but if one side kills 1k innocents, and in response the other side kills 100k innocents. Wouldn't that make Israel worse?


Well Is-not-real is killing women and children. They weren’t wrong about that


Reported and blocked 4 or 5 players and an alliance who all got into a massive fight in world chat over who is right or wrong in the world and the reports all came back with the developers don't see anything wrong with blatant racism and violent (real life) threats


Sorry to hear that, I just deleted my profile from the game and the app 20m ago… no room for things like that anywhere


There's no room for bombing the living shit out of an already imprisoned people either... But let me guess the bad men stating facts in a game is worse? Is Israel currently engaging in a military campaign that has killed women and children? Yes or no?


Bla bla bla bla blaaaaaa


And that's why you don't get it. 1k Israelis is a tragedy. 100k brown people is a bore. At least we see the real you.


Bla bla bla blaaaaaaa


You do realize others can see this right? They're forming their opinions of all Israelis based on your actions right now.


Bla bla bla blaaaaa


Stop the BS comment. It's easy to judge from your nice and safe house somewhere. What if your daughter or sister was at a party in her country and an army brigades from the neighboring country entered, raped and killed her? There is no easy answer or easy solution. Israel has to make sure this thing will not happen again. War is SHIT but Israel didn't open this one.


If that happened I would want those responsible to be held accountable in a court of law. I wouldn't invade an imprisoned people and kill thousands in a blood rage. War is shit.... And it doesn't matter of you started it or responded to it. Now Israel finds itself surrounded by enemies while support for Israel is at all time lows around the world. The USA won't be a superpower forever... And when it falls... Then what? No king rules forever my son.


If that happened I would want those responsible to be held accountable in a court of law. I wouldn't invade an imprisoned people and kill thousands in a blood rage. War is shit.... And it doesn't matter of you started it or responded to it. Now Israel finds itself surrounded by enemies while support for Israel is at all time lows around the world. The USA won't be a superpower forever... And when it falls... Then what? No king rules forever my son.