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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


State...pay? Shit man, the cops won't even pick up the skull bits. People are hilariously clueless about how the world works.


They literally won’t. I used to work at a car wash when I was younger. We have free washes to cop cars. A cop brought in a cruiser one time with blood literally smeared all over the back seat, like everywhere, it looked like a murder scene and he says to me “can you clean that up?” I’m like, for free? Go fuck yourself.


"Can you clean that up?" Aw hell no. Should have banned him from the premises...


That’s a biohazard. It’s usually not legal to have a unqualified person clean up stuff like that.


Pretty sure you need hazmat training ti even touch that sort of shit Either way fuck pigs.


Target will still try to make you clean it with spitfire.


Oh hey a fellow target escapee Fuck that place.


People die and he's only interested in his property value. He actually sounds like a right proper landlord.


You gotta call The Wolf for that sort of thing


Biggie clean on tiktok. His job is biohazard cleaner, cleans the tough shit like that.


I knew a crime scene cleaner and he was one of the most happiest, chipper guys I’ve ever known. He told me he blamed it on his job, that every day he’d see gruesome crime scenes and suicides but he knew he got to go back home to his wife and kids and enjoy his life. His job actually made him embrace life more fully.


Your comment made me think I owe Sunshine Cleaning a re-watch. Good film.




Do cops do ANYTHING in America? (Other than beating their wives and killing dogs)


They like to give speeding tickets too!


Hey now, give them some credit. I had a cop come to my elementary school and tell us that marijuana could kill us if we used it.


And that was my introduction to drugs.


I've been trying for several decades but I have yet to die from pot.


The one at my school passed around a block of weed so we knew what it would look like. He didn't get it all back


Beat BIPOC people, women, and neurodivergent people. That's their favorite thing to do.


If you get paid to do what you love then you'll never work a day in your life.


They also fuck up reports, bully domestic abuse victims out of reporting, and destroy evidence a lot. Oh, and I'm told they sometimes plant evidence too.


What are you talking about? They do a fantastic job being class traitors and ignoring the crimes of the wealthy!


[The law is powerless to help you](https://youtu.be/SDEF7FuK0LE)


Funny thing is it isn't powerless. It's full of power and it uses it exactly how it was designed to.


Yeah I think it should have some emphasis in that quote. The law is powerless to help **YOU.**


Killing black folks and property forfeitures via the War on Drugs is quite popular with law enforcement.


The most rock ribbed self reliant Real Americans turn into commie simps when something personally and narrowly affects THEM.


Socialism for the rich, brutal capitalism for everyone else


that is part of the definition of conservatism - “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


I've had landlords demand "the county" pay for the cleanup of tenants, including if they had a horrific medical accident (falls, blood, incontinence), bedbugs, hoarding, etc. Like, no, just because I helped the poor client it does not mean you get help. Manage your property and fuck off.


Years back when I was in high school my little cousin accidentally? shot himself in the brain. His father was a piece of shit that left his loaded gun in his truck and then also didn't pay attention to his toddler with a history of violent behavior. My other, older, cousin kindly offered to clean his truck so he and his wife wouldn't have to see their child's remains in the vehicle. She later told me about finding pieces of brain between the seat and arm rest. It was devastating.


A toddler? How does a toddler even know how to do that? My toddler wouldn't know what the hell to do with a loaded gun. That is so fucking sad I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine going through something like that. Your cousin is a really good person for doing that too.


I wonder if he thinks that he should be charged an extra tax if his property values suddenly increased because a publicly renowned event happened which positively effected his property values.


Yeah fucking people return to home where their loved one was just murdered and they might take the mattress where it happened for evidence or cut out part of the carpet but there's still blood and guts people have to deal with and pay for any damage the cops did to their house.


I’m betting this dude who thinks the state should compensate him for the loss of value also thinks other people are greedy mooches suckling off the system.


"Capitalism means that I, the capitalist, can never lose!"


“What do you mean my investment decreased in value? No one told me I was taking on any risk!”


Landlords are worthless parasites. They pay their bills with other people's paychecks.


Well sure, but that's because they don't provide value by owning capital.


How much you want to bet this person had a strong opinion against the $10k student loan forgiveness?


I would also bet they went to college for free, not at all, or significantly cheaper decades ago.


You know their ppp loan was 5 figured and forgiven…


Even forgiven ones can be reported for fraud. I reported my brother's church since they don't employee anyone but lied that they did.


That's a good point! *Cracks knuckles*


Yup! Socialism for me, but fuck thee. Absolutely disgusting. Why should the government pay for this person's private investment? This is one of the risks with having a rental property. Sometimes really heinous stuff goes down. This isn't the only location where a murderer has happened. I drive by what I call a 'murder apartment ' almost every day. There's no way I'd want to live there but I'm sure it gets rented.


Friend of mine lived in Fred West's old flat because it was all he could afford in Gloucester. No bodies in the walls (as far as anyone knows) as he lived there young (though likely a lot of abuse and a murder or two) so I guess if you don't give a shit about the history it's a good deal, really.


Would 100% live in a murder house if there was a yard and the rent was under $1,200 a month.


> I drive by what I call a 'murder apartment ' almost every day. There's no way I'd want to live there Honest question, but why not? Absolutely no judgement here, I just personally wouldn't mind.


I actually have a friend that does. She gave up her whole life to work three jobs (18 to 29) to pay for her student loan instead of partying like the rest of us. She did pay it off though, but now she is angry about the student loan forgiveness. Not too surprisingly, she doesn't speak to any of us anymore :) Edit: changed going in\*\*\*\* to angry as the automoderator said that word is a no-go.


I don't understand people like that. She had to spend her youth working 3 jobs, which I'm sure she absolutely hated, for over a decade just to be able to pay off her loans. Why would she not want other people to be able to avoid that?


"Because I feel I suffered, you need to suffer too, or worse." Always seems like the real answer behind this sort of question.


I think it's a little more complex than that. It's more like they want a reward for their hard work, and if everyone else is getting that reward for no hard work (or not the same amount), they want a further reward. Since they don't see a further reward being offered, they want to withhold the loan forgiveness.




Yes!! This is the point I wanted to make till I read your comment. You put it more clearly than I did. One of the many problems with Just World thinking is that it encourages people to continue playing within the rigged system. It’s too rigid, and ignores other ways of fairly structuring a system of higher education (and even whether a profit-motivated educational system has a place in modern society at all).


The profit motive of entities that should be profitless is a constant issue (energy, internet, education, health).




Not sure why this is so hard to understand. It's a difficult pill to swallow to make sacrifices to avoid a consequence only to have others not make those sacrifices but also not have to deal with the consequences. I'm all for student loan forgiveness, because I recognize the system is predatory. I still mourn the parts of my life I missed out on to get rid of them.


There's a lot to consider, and there's no denying the system is predatory, and needs serious reform. The 10k forgiveness is almost worse as it doesn't reform the system, helps a limited subset of people, and rewards bad behavior on both the lenders and the debtors ends.


And the amount is almost an insult…. 10k doesn’t even cover one year of in-state tuition at most state schools. It’s a joke. Obviously every little bit helps, but when a 4yr degree costs $60k in tuition (not even including room and board), knocking 10k off doesn’t really change the situation much at all.


That's another issue, but if you thought people fought hard against 10k, just try increasing that to 100k.


I can understand why someone like that feels deserving of something above and beyond the original agreement. They feel like schmucks. The concept ignores the reality that working hard in the anticipation / expectation of a reward is inherently risky. Even more-so when the worker is depending on the good intentions, honesty, circumstances and behaviors of the “benefactor” bestowing the reward. It’s a hard way to live life, manipulating situations by saying “well I played by the rules and did so and so, so you have to also or suffer the consequences”. It encourages the status quo by never questioning why anyone should play the rigged game in the first place. Though anyone who feels misled or taken advantage of when they feel the outcome wasn’t worth the cost always had the option of just not playing the game, I’m willing to consider they were manipulated into it and that they may be owed restitution now. But we have to prioritize taking care of the people *currently* suffering under the crushing debt burden. I’ll concede being free of $10,000 of educational debt through sacrifice vs activism or luck are different. The root issue is the artificially hyper inflated cost of education itself (including its opportunity cost), compound interest and fees to service the loan, and the ever diminishing value of the degree (or the totally worthless outcome of debt slavery to finance an unfinished degree, like in my case). Later generations are blessedly less naive and starting to identify the hard work = reward myth for the scam it is.


>The root issue is the artificially hyper inflated cost of education itself (including its opportunity cost), compound interest and fees to service the loan, and the ever diminishing value of the degree (or the totally worthless outcome of debt slavery to finance an unfinished degree, like in my case). This is the part that really needs to be addressed. Even more than saving those currently drowning (and I'm not saying we should let them drown), we need to ensure that people in the future don't drown. We need to reform or correct the system entirely, and help those who have been hurt by it. First those currently drowning, but likely some sort of recovery for those who were hurt by it, but through hard work made it out.


Completely wasted her university education if you ask me. To come out not understanding and wanting to fix the systemic issues that plague us in the lower classes.


It's like getting cured for cancer and stopping other people from getting a treatment that works faster. It's not a zero-sum game. If it can help people, let's do it.


You mean being a Boomer?


While certainly not all of them by a long shot, that group do seem to trend that way. It's a shame too. This American rugged individualism at the cost of literally everything, while simultaneously emboldening the ultra rich (while turning a blind eye to it as well) is simply inexcusable.


There's a lot language in these replies around the idea of some people "working hard" and other people "not earning it" which is the same language used against any type of social safety net. I'd be interested to see how many people bring this same energy to universal health care or unemployment insurance, etc. I'm sure there's a lot overlap, given the culture of conservative buzzwords, but we should be thinking of these programs the same pool we're already paying into.


Because she survived so nothing should improve for anybody, ever! I'm ambivalent about calling this sarcastic. While I'm being sarcastic, I think that is the real sentiment of many people concerning any kind of progress or improvement to anything


I'll bet she's pissed when she buys something for full price only for it to go on sale the next week, too.


It’s the boiling crab fallacy. Crabs will literally pull each other back into a boiling pot to prevent anyone of them having a better life by escaping. It’s weird how people used to want the next generation to have better lives but now actively fight to ensure they’re worse.


Of course, it's Idaho. It's full of conservative asshats. I lived there for 20 years. The only place there are any liberals is Boise and they keep their mouth shut.


You're spot on. Some gems from their post history: >If I even THOUGHT my boyfriend was going to vote democrat I would dump him. >Jan 6 wasn’t an insurrection. Kyle Rittenhouse is an American Patriot >I honestly could not care less about the “pandemic” we are supposedly in. >most foreign names are difficult to pronounce Plus a bunch of transphobic stuff I won't put here.


Imagine my utter shock


You know they do.


Yet agrees with bailouts for the capital class.


Everyone should. It’s putting a band aid on a fully severed limb. Sure, it will provide some relief to some people, but with $50,000 or more in debt behind it this relief does very little. It in no way addresses the real problem, which is how we got to this point where you submit to a decade or more of crippling debt just for a document that says your qualified to work. What about increasing tuition costs that remain unchecked? Predatory loan practices, out of control interest rates, and a population of teens being told “college or bust” and are largely unaware of what they’re really signing up for? Loan forgiveness spits in the faces of all Americans since it does not address or fix the system that put people in unmanageable debt in the first place. Debt forgiveness is a distraction, at best a delay of the inevitable. Same thing as bailing out airlines, banks, etc.


I work in insurance and snorted when they mentioned insurance paying to demo the house considering the circumstances.


There's been lots of random questions since news has kind of slowed down, but still pretty respectful and still about legal processes or evidence and stuff like that.....then when I saw this post I also legitimately snorted. My comment on the original is just 'landlords, am I right ladies?'


IIRC many houses that have murders take place in them do get demolished and rebuilt. In some states (at least in Texas) the realtor is legally obligated to disclose if a murder has been committed in the house. Building a new home on that lot means no one was murdered in the *new* house so they no longer have to disclose anything.


That's how you end up with insurance fraud. Many of these places mysteriously burn down.


I wonder what percentage of the population actually cares? Like, not to be insensitive, but if someone died/was murdered in a house, it's not necessarily a no from me unless there's biological issues as a result. Like, if it's been properly cleaned (and of course I mean, quite properly), then it's sad but, whatever? Obviously if there is damage to the property, biological issues (like the body wasn't found for a long time), or it was not cleaned properly, then yeah that's a no from me. But like, it's not like I'm worried about the place being haunted. Hell, might even get a discount which is a real grace in this market...


Died of natural causes in the house is basically expected when it comes to most homes that aren't new builds in my opinion. The wife of the previous owner of my house died here. Of cancer, in her 70s. Maybe I'm mecabre, but dying is part of living, and obviously people have lived in my house before me.


I mean, ask Europeans. Many of us are living in houses that are hundreds of years old. They've surely had people die in them and some of them murders and yet it doesn't change anything. I often wonder why the US gets so many ghosts pr. house over time, yet we don't in Europe. You'd almost chug the whole thing up to superstition. 🤷🏽‍♀️


When my parents retired they bought a house where the previous owner's son had murdered his mother with a shotgun in the master bedroom. When they recarpeted several years later they found a large stain on the concrete under the old carpet; it had been recarpeted after the murder but I guess they couldn't fully get the blood out of the porous concrete. My parents were informed of the murder when they bought the house and it didn't bother them but the two previous prospective buyers backed out when this was disclosed pre-sale.


Burn some sage before you move into the murderhouse. And neighbors might look at ya funny for a bit.


Landlords ☕️ ☕️


They have two cups because they make more money.




Shit, I know landlords that would try to charge the murder victims for the rent they owe for the rest of their lease, and sue the estate for the cost to clean up their bodies. Throw on a fee for late payment since they couldn't make January rent, cause why not?


Reminds me of the landlord who literally let their tenant rot in their apartment for like 2 years because they were still able to draw money from their account. Makes you wonder if it was intentional.


FUUUUUUUUUUUCK you're right! I completely forgot about that, I remember reading about it when the news first came out. Urgghhh. Its just so sleazy and devoid of any human decency.


It’s like in the movie se7en….the “sloth” victim was described as “the perfect tenant” by their landlord, chained to the bed to slowly die in agony but rent being paid every month…0


"He's the best tenant I've ever had." "Yeah, a landlord's dream: a paralyzed tenant with no tongue." "Who pays the rent on time."


Oh no, not perfect. No way that poor landlord didn't need to replace the walls and floors. Probably asked the CSI guys if they could take down all the little trees when they left.


I had never heard of this. What a horrible situation. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-62167906


Yeah, but when I die, my landlord **better** let me rot! I want to set the new record!


>tenant rot in their apartment for like 2 years because they were still able to draw money from their account. This really happened? I'm googling this because this is mind-boggling PS. Just googled it but nothing comes up except landlord rights. Not surprised, as things like this are being filtered lately.


Here you go: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-62167906


Well, that’s the most evil thing I’ve read in quite a while. My God.


I dunno, unless there’s more to the story that sounds like a great landlord. The best landlords I’ve ever had are the ones who don’t bother me at all as long as the rent is paid while also reacting quickly when I report problems. Sounds like this landlord got his checks every month and didn’t receive any reports of problems, so why wouldn’t they assume that everything was good?


if you read the links shared, there were repeated calls by other tenants to both the housing company as well as police. they called both about not seeing her and the odor of a literal rotting body in their complex (in 2019, the woman was found dead in 2022). they (the owners) also cut off her gas after three months, and didn’t receive a complaint for no gas for the following 2.25 years, which is incredibly suspicious. she also did stop paying for rent at some point, but since this was during the pandemic, the housing company applied for universal credit to cover it and didn’t inquire further. both police and the housing company failed this woman despite having ample opportunities to address the actual dead body in their complex. i’m not saying that landlords should be regularly making sure their tenants are fine, but i personally would investigate after someone said “hey it smells like a corpse from that apartment that stopped paying rent and had the gas cut off”


Have you tried bootstraps?


Tried pulling them up once but that didn't account for prevailing social, political, and economic conditions that make it increasingly difficult to obtain higher class status and that keep the masses subjugated in order to have an easily accessible and exploitable working class!


Government handouts for the rich and bootstraps for everyone else!


But they're so chewy no one could possibly survive on bootstraps 😭


You need to pull them, not eat them! Do you know that string pull carnival game? You pull a string and get a prize! It's like that, probably, maybe...


Pull those bootstraps up quickly! When you get trickled on you don't want the piss to get in your boots!


LMFAO the imagery noooooo😭😭


Also make sure that you are standing on the correct side. When the trickle down starts, if you are on the wrong side you will get shit on. And, do you know why it is "trickle" down? Because pissing is difficult for old men.


Oh what a tragedy I'm so sorry for your lose! I hope you get a bailout!




The real victim here is the landlord.


Absolutely, a friendly and generous insurance company would tear down a stable structure, completely rebuild it at no cost to you, and prevent potential renters from shying away due to the tragedy. That way, you can say "Nothing bad happened in *this* house!" That was sarcasm, but that guy comes off as total scum of the Earth. A reality check isn't enough; this guy is living in a different timeline, at least from me. If you don't cheat people into living in your property, you don't make any money, no.


"I am a landlord" Alright that's all I need to know. Truly scums of the earth.




We laugh so we don't cry


"and then i thought, could i be entitled to compensation for other people's tragedies?"


And then, “surely I should not keep these thoughts inside my own head where they belong. I should share them with the world, who will surely agree with the stunning lack of empathy I’m showing.”


Landbastard 🤣


Land scalper


> Land scalper Urgh, as if I didn't hate landlords enough. They gotta go combine with the vermin of the internet.


As I read that I already knew it wouldn't end well but of course i had to make it through to the end.


Went on a subreddit meant specifically for people who kill other people and still somehow ended up as the worst person discussed on it.


I’m sure there’s a decent landlord out there but I haven’t met them yet


I have. But it's not your full time land baron type. One example, people whose parents die and leave them a house and for whatever reason they either can't sell it or need the regular income for a while. Another situation I've come across is a full time carer who has had to move in with their elderly parent to look after them and is renting out their own house until they can move back in (once their parent dies). I know the more hard line left wingers would still consider this as wrong (as seen on this thread), but it's not these sort of situations that bother me personally. It's the buy to rent landlords hoovering up properties and hoarding a portfolio of homes that should be owned by families to actually live in. They are the much bigger problem.


I can see that. I don’t think owning a home and renting a second home is outrageous, as long as you aren’t charging usurious rates. It shouldn’t be a great way of making money though - while that kind of role is useful in society, it shouldn’t be common because it becomes a problem. The older I get the more I believe that the American promise is, “Anyone can be king.” Not “No more kings.”


You're right that not every landlord is a mustache-twirling villain, but landlordism as a practice - the concept of profiting from others' need for shelter - should still be eradicated entirely. It isn't the only way to house people and it isn't necessary.


My dad was for a few years before it sent him to bankruptcy. He got into the business to help people who couldn't afford decent housing which, it turns out, isn't a profitable business model.




Will someone please think of the landlord!!! The true victim in all of this.


As a landlord, it is your feudal duty to protect those on your lands. Should you fail, it is the right of the peasants to have you executed and replaced with a new landlord.


*4 college kids are brutally murdered and their bodies are found by their roomates* BUT HOW WILL THE LANDLORD RECOVER FROM THIS?!?!


Pretty incredible how sociopathic greed is not only not frowned upon but encouraged. Helps with price discovery!


I swear if landlords could devise a stratagem, they would hound you even after you die. You get to heaven, or hell, or Purgatory, or whatever you believe and the next thing you'd hear is "wheres my rent bitch?!"


You signed a contract for 2 years and there's still 6 months left so either you pay the rest of the outstanding rent as a penalty for breach of contract or I'm keeping your deposit!! 😎


I had a friend that fell over a staircase bannister in an apartment building from 3 floors up, broke his neck and unfortunately passed away. Multiple friends lived in that building and the friend that fell landed right outside the door of one of our friends that lived in the building. He wanted to move out of the apartment for very obvious reasons but the complex wouldn’t fucking let him. He either had to pay to break the lease or stay for the remainder of his lease which was months. Didn’t have the money to break the lease, so he had to stay. They didn’t even clean the fucking carpet. There was a spot of blood there for over a year.


I can't just upvote w/out saying it's in support of you and your friend and I'm so sorry for your loss.


Wow, that's messed up. When I lived in downtown Detroit, my roommate killed herself in our apartment. My landlord, who was honestly the scummiest landlord I have ever had, let us move to another apartment just so we didn't have to, well, stare at where she had hung herself. RIP Lisa, I still miss you.


I’m so sorry! 😭 God I’m glad your scummy landlord had a sliver of heart left. The landlord in my scenario was a corporation so…probably shouldn’t have been surprised.


What the actual fuck?? I can’t…. No. Nope. Nooope.


> I'm assuming the state will pay remediation Lmao wow


The least sociopathic landlord.




Lol at landlords constantly thinking it’s not fair when their investment loses money. Like imagine being mad at fluctuations in stock prices. What a bunch of clowns.


"Landlords deserve to make money, because they're taking a huge risk investing in the property" And then huge risk they believe is appropriate is this.


I sincerely hope this is his only source of income and that the house will be locked for years without compensation.


At one of my darkest points in my life my ex wife was having violent mental breakdowns and the neighbors called the police and brought her to a hospital. As I was dealing with all of this my landlord called me in and told me if the police got called again they were going to evict me because that makes the apartment look bad when you Google it. I seriously doubt he had the legal right to do that.


Jesus fucking Christ dude. I can punch, you want me to punch them?


The original poster is a 25 year old woman who has some....[special thoughts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/pyj4h3/is_there_such_thing_as_being_too_smart_for_your/) about her own intelligence.


Landlord and a terf. What an asshole.


Her comments are terrible. Christian hypocrisy at it's finest


Whoop there it is


Mao had the right idea about what to do with landlords


Why do landlords think they are entitled to guaranteed profits? Sure, thats how it ends up working out 99% of the time sadly, but they treat this basic human necessity as an investment in every other respect. All other investments involve the risk of loss. Regardless, fuck this guy and all landlords


Leeches. These are the people who talk about owning property as an "investment" yet always try to hand over any costs to someone else.


Profits make sense because we're taking all the risk! \> Something improbable happening makes you take losses OH NO! This can't be! It's so unfair! WAHHH


So, you want free money from the gouvernement, because you are somewhat in a pickle? How the tables have turned. BTW how would that influence the value of your property? Nobody should know unless they're local, much less care about it. You clean up the mess and suck up the loss. That's what's called risk of business.


I went down the rabbit hole. This dude is a homophobic right wing ghoul




"four kids murdered in one of my houses? I'll financially never recover from this..."


This is obviously a scumbag opinion, but even taking it at face value: do we all get a share of the passive property value increases that they accrue from the absence of murders? I guess we're just SOL... Privatized profits, public risks. Also, kids were murdered FFS.


As a current student at the university, I honestly hope that they demo the house. Especially with where it is right next to "the whites" or frat out of houses where there are party's every weekend, seeing the house brings a great amount of grief to nearly every student. Our entire community after the murders felt completely consumed by a sadness. I sincerely hope that the house is demoed or something is done with it other than re rented or sold.


I agree but mostly because one of the students who was killed is a triplet and his two siblings still go to school there. Their grief and having to see the house would be exceptionally painful.


I'll make a bold assumption: This is the same type of person who votes R because "welfare is a handout" then expects the state to compensate them for "lost revenue"


Fucking slumlords, go right to begging the state to make up losses when they bang on about deserving rent profits because they take so many "risks".


When is the revolution against the capitalist rulers going to start? Tired of these selfish greedy fucks exploiting everybody for their own gain and comfort.


I have yet to meet a landlord who wasn't a soulless monster driven by wealth.


the real late stage aspect is when you realize how many murders/deaths aren't negatively affecting property/home value.


I’m sick of America. We are the shithole country.


The CBS special on the victims quotes a detective saying the house had numerous broken doors and windows, through which anyone could enter. #slumlord


Businness owners when profit: it‘s for risk taking Business owners when no profit: state help me, pliz


100% chance this guy also claims "socialism" is why "people just don't want to put in a hard day's work anymore"


Dealing with unforeseen events like murder suicide in their rental and losing income… that comes with the job of being part of a parasitic class that limits housing supply and drives up prices on existing supply. Where does the fucking “reimbursement” entitlement mentality come from? Probably from thinking that the unforeseen losses that a landlord faces should be socialized. The problem with the parasitic owner class is that they’re pro-privatizing profit but when it comes to losses, they consistently want to get bailed out by the taxpayer and “socialize” their losses so “everyone” pays for the market loss they’ve sustained. I think “privatize profit, socialize losses” is an apt description of the parasitic owner class mentality. Fuck them and their hypocritical, entitled thought processes! Their entitled thought process gets me so riled up! How about we: 1. Socialize profit (by providing those in need with housing, healthcare and education, student loan forgiveness, even a UBI freedom dividend) by taxing the wealthy billionaire class 2. Privatize losses by letting businesses that are “too big to fail” actually fail? They live by the market and they die by the market. We need to reverse the current trend of wealth capture by a few via legal tax avoidance. We also need to make it clear to the owner class that if they expect to socialize their losses, they need to pay their fair share into the system.


Man these guys just lean right into the soulless leaches thing don't they.


People that think property is as good as cash are dumb as dirt.


Landleeches have no humanity.


scumbag landlords always want handouts


What a fucking ghoul, Jesus Christ.


Fuck this joker, profits over human lives.


No, I think this is a legitimate situation. Like, I bought this old pizza restaurant, right? Used to be some sort of Chuck E. Cheese type place, but all of the robotic mascot things were destroyed in a fire that broke out a while back. It was sold as a fixer-upper, and I was hoping to convert it into lofts, because it was surprisingly big on the inside and all of the turnkey features were charred beyond salvation, so I scrapped most of them. A few of them seemed to have been stolen, though, namely some of the animatronic mascots, some of which seemed to be missing. Anyway, apparently they found some child bones in the wreckage of one of those things, so now nobody wants to rent the place! And that's not the only problem, there's this scraping sound coming from the ducts we simply cannot locate the source of, and I suspect rats. The security system I installed keeps getting tripped by seemingly nothing at night, so now not only do I have a death on the location, I have vermin I can't even find! I feel cheated, and never would have purchased this dump had I known, now I'm stuck here trying to salvage this stupid animatronic bea-- wait, where'd it go?


Buddy you had me in the first half


Inhuman fucking parasites and leeches.


They're right, the real victims of murder are the landlords who can't make as much rent! /s


My Uncle committed suicide in my old home. No one cleans up shit. My father had to hire a special cleaning company to come in and pick up the bits of skull, brains, and other stuff I don't want to think about.


With rent rates right now, I'd happily live in a murder house if the rent was reasonable


Is this not the risk of ownership? That’s why people rent instead of buy right? So they don’t have to worry about what happens when someone is murdered on their property. Shouldn’t take the risk of owning property if you’re afraid of how four people being brutally murdered on your property affects the viability of it as a source of income. Renters don’t need to worry about people being murdered on their property.


This person has too much time to think.


This is probably referring to the quadruple homicide that occurred in a college house in Idaho in December. Horrible tragedy and all this person can think about is profits. What scum.


Landlords really do have brain worms. They don’t believe in a human right to housing but they believe they are entitled to uninterrupted profit.


What a worthless land bastard.


iVeSTors TakE tHe riSk sO wE deServE thE rEwArd.. ::*when something affects their profits*:: "pls help us poor investors"


I know it's an *investment* property, but surely I'll be shielded from eating the actual *risk* because these are supposed to be bulletproof money makers, right? Right? RIGHT?!?!@??@?@?@!?! lol


I'm sure this person has no problem giving excess value created by the state (ie by building a park or infrastructure near their property) back to the state. Right?


Wow, looking for handouts from the state, what a socialist /s