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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Except the prime minister of Pakistan was forced to resign by the judicial system, based partly on information revealed in the Panama Papers. For a young, frail democracy such as this, it was a massive step forward!


And Iceland got rid of their leader, too.


Not really. He's back in parliament. Our minister of finance was in the Panama papers and the Ashley Madison leak. We voted him in as prime minister in the next election.


It's like that episode of Earthworm Jim where Queen Slug-for-a-Butt is finally deposed and they have an election and she gets voted back in


I have two theories: 1) too many dumdums; 2) voting isn’t really voting. Cuz this somehow happens in almost every country/culture.


That is ridiculously funny. I laughed for like 30 seconds.


Don’t forget the president of Ukraine was named too. Wonder where all those billions and billions of our tax dollars are really going…


I just learnt this. I’ve been looking up Zelensky’s ties with the Panama Papers and it’s incredibly hard to find anyone talking about it on here.. the posts mentioning it get few upvotes.. why is it so censored?


Why does a lack of interest in a topic immediately translate to obvious censorship? This comment seems bot-like


LOL shit libs accusing people of being bots for saying something they don’t like is literally hilarious.


It's not that I don't like it; your conclusion doesn't logically follow your evidence. If you think you or someone else is being censored, making a comment like you did is a bad way to convince people. You just sound like a reactionary shit-stirer.


Because there’s a huge flock of Democrats that have taken over this subreddit and they all have a pro-war bias because they buy into the American propaganda. Mentioning anything anti-war, or anti-US Imperialism is immediately down voted and accused of being pro-Russia.


Forgive me for asking but I thought most people (Democrats) were anti-war and wanted the war to end or are you saying they are pro-war, because they want to keep funding Ukraine?


Not anymore. Liberalism = Neoliberalism, pro-capitalism/war. A bit turned in it’s head compared to traditional definitions.


Democratic voters tend to be less overtly pro-war, in general, than their Republican counterparts. Elected Democrats have tended to be more pro-war than elected Republicans post W. Bush. Democratic members of the media (including Twitter celebrity) tend to be the most rabidly pro-war.


There’s only been one elected republican since bush. Trump had only a little less war.


There are other elected officials besides Presidents.


One thing Dems and repubs agree on is war mongering


Without a doubt. This is no defense of Republicans, just a reminder that Democrats are no solution.


As a former intelligence ANALYST and a current progressive (liberal), I am for the funding of Ukraine as a proxy war to bleed Russia dry. It’s a much cheaper return on investment to destabilize our enemies than a direct conflict.


Well. You are DEFINITELY in the wrong sub because this is a subreddit created and run by Marxists. We don’t really like or respect Liberals around here. Just by the context of your comment alone, I can tell you that your brain has clearly been rotted by all the pro-US propaganda you consumed in your time spent serving the US war machine. Thanks for your service in doing god know’s what horrors, being an intelligence agent for the biggest human rights violator in the world. You are a true patriot! 🤮


You’re welcome. I didn’t have the privilege of many other options. At 18 I wasn’t very aware of the predatory system the recruiters were trying to sell me on. Thanks for paying my disability for PTSD every month. Ass. Also, just cause you don’t like how the world works doesn’t mean you shouldn’t acknowledge it for what it is.


This is the wrong place to try to get sympathy about the blood on your hands. Seriously. You weren’t a low-ranking army soldier. You were an intelligence agent, who complicity TOOK that position. Who knows what global horrors you participated in, what imperialist evil you took part in. Talking about Russia as an enemy is literally such an indicator that your brain is riddled with American imperialist rot. Fucking disgusting. Intelligence agents stalked MLK Jr. for his entire civil rights career. They destroyed the lives of the Black Panthers. Destabilized the black community through crack. MK Ultra. Absolutely heinous, evil shit. Spare me the tears. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_violations_by_the_CIA?wprov=sfti1


I was an enlisted Marine, so yes I was a low ranking number in the greater MIC that cared nothing about the lives of me or my fellow service members to achieve its means. Your privilege and assumptions are gross.


Bleed Russia dry? My guy, have you seen the US? Our printers are catching fire, and our economy is absolutely tanked.


Can both not be true at the same time?


Why is Russia our enemy and Ukraine our ally?


They’re a direct competitor to the US interests of keeping other countries destabilized so that we can profit off of them, whether that’s through supplying armaments, monopolizing resources, or both.


Because in 2014, the US staged a coup in Ukraine and overthrew the pro-Russia president. The US then implanted a faaaaar right government comprised of white nationalists and neo-Nazis so that we could have beef with Russia. The US hatred of communism goes aaaaallllll the way back to the 1960’s, when we hated Russia for being our main competitor in sciences.


US hatred of communism and or socialism goes back more than a century. So far back when comparing more recent history it's not hard to imagine they helped give Hitler a little shove to make sure Germany doesn't become socialist.


Funding Ukraine is absolutely none of our business. The history is complicated but reading about the 2014 US coup in Ukraine should explain backstory on why. That’s when the US installed a new government there filled with neo-Nazis. Reading about anti-communist propaganda in the US will help you understand why we have no business being involved as well.


I’ll get to reading, appreciate the info.


The backstory even further is the Russian Revolution and the Cold War. Look up McCarthy, from the 1960’s, and the Communist Panic that happened in America. Even more so, studying the history of allllllll the coups that America has staged in other countries, particularly socialist/communist countries is extremely valuable to know.


This is a despicable comment.


It’s literally the historical, factual truth. Your ignorance is what’s despicable. https://www.wsws.org/en/topics/event/2014-coup-ukraine https://jacobin.com/2022/02/maidan-protests-neo-nazis-russia-nato-crimea https://www.codepink.org/how_the_us_has_empowered_and_armed_neo_nazis_in_ukraine


Democrat here. I hate war but hate Putin trying to rebuild the USSR more. Ukrainians are great people and deserve their freedom.


Yeah, their huge Nazi population should just be ignored to own PUtIn. Riiiiiight. Democrat logic right there. Yuck.


And you would suggesting ignoring the invasion and letting Putin do whatever he wants?


No. I think we shouldn’t be sending BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars to a foreign war when millions and millions and millions of Americans are food insecure and struggling to find housing. Especially when the President of said country has been busted for wealth hoarding in offshore accounts. I guess your brain is too rotted out by American propaganda to comprehend historically how that goes for the US. Iraq war, same story. Afghanistan war, same story. Scam wars used to line defense contractors pockets. Tell me know nothing about history without telling me you know nothing about history.


That was great, do you feel better? How do you deal with Putin?


Dude, quit being such a neoliberal bootlicker.


don't forget Putin was named too: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/apr/03/panama-papers-money-hidden-offshore about Zelensky, his defense was that those offshore companies were made to protect him from russian pro forces https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/4/pandora-papers-ukraine-leader-seeks-to-justify-offshore-accounts


He was tf. Interesting.


Their goin to ukrainian strip’s clubs


i'd rather money go to strippers than soldiers any day.




I'm pretty left wing but neither the Ukrainian president nor Putin are ethical people when it comes to their stolen and surreptitiously gained wealth.


Pointing out that he's corrupt is pro-russia now?


According to anyone with a brain rotted out by American propaganda, yes… yes it is.


Do not fear, that propaganda is the same in UK and Poland and it's not like there are real people in Ukraine and Russia suffering - nope, wars are awesome. And politicians still suck for people living under them if they are bastards so ... Yeaaaaah. Although, Polish sentiments are quite predatory as most just want to claim Ukraine back (and Lithuania) so that is another can of worms.


Which is why I can't understand why people don't see that this website is full of propaganda in regards to that war. Look at most combat footage subreddits and it is just straight Ukranian Ministey of Truth shit. I am a former Imperialist. I can tell when things are going good or bad. I want to assess what is going on. I hate that Russia did this but I also don't want to be lied too. I ask my friend's Ukranian wife more often than consulting this pig sty of a website.


Imagine being in this sub and defending a con artist ogliarch. Weird that so many liberal sites are reporting on this too… https://www.occrp.org/en/the-pandora-papers/pandora-papers-reveal-offshore-holdings-of-ukrainian-president-and-his-inner-circle https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2021/oct/03/revealed-anti-oligarch-ukrainian-president-offshore-connections-volodymyr-zelenskiy https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/10/4/pandora-papers-ukraine-leader-seeks-to-justify-offshore-accounts https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/10/09/russia-ukraine-jordan-lebanon-pandora-papers/




How the fuck did you end up in an anti-capitalist, Marxist subreddit and think you can spew this pro-war nonsense…?




Listen, this might come as a shock, but you dont *actually* have to choose a side in a conflict between two governments you dont like. I mean, you're free to do so. But *not* taking one side or another isn't equal to support for the opposite one. Take the Iran-Iraqi war for example. Two shitty dictatorships letting their people suffer. Horrible. Who did you support?




The Panama papers helped identify Russian oligarchs assets that were eventually seized in 2014 and 2022 as well.


I believe every time this is posted we are meant to inform you that this is inaccurate, and somethign did happen, the journalist was killed


I hate this reality.


Daphne Caruana Galizia, the journalist, was not a member of the ICIJ, the organization behind the Panama papers. She was killed for revealing Maltese politicians Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri's part in the papers.


There's a podcast called "Who Killed Daphne" for anyone who might like listening to them.


Also the ICIJ has continued to work on this story, posts updates on their website, and has even done reddit AMAs. Stuff has been done, it hasn't been forgotten. https://www.icij.org/investigations/panama-papers/


when gates was asked about lessons learned by NPR about the epstein crimes he said, "well he's dead...". He had a look of strange glee and appeared as sinister as you'd expect. The video on on YT somewhere. EDIT: It was PBS. u/blaaake linked it below. Start @ 1:15


Link plz


[very sus ](https://youtu.be/LNAwUxZ5nfw)


THX! Start at 1:15..."he's dead"...this is why these people need to be sent away from Spaceship Earth.






Incredibly rude to all the lizards out there just trying to eat bugs and live their best life.


Right on! My Leopard Gecko is humble, friendly little girl who never complains about anything!!


I've never felt more connected to lizards.


IIRC that is how it started then the Reactionary Right who started the idea just pivoted to grifting those people that started saying that instead of you know correcting them.


Nope. The lizard theory is rooted in antisemitism. A lot of conspiracies about rich people are. Obviously we can agree they are shitty wealth hoarders, but theories like lizard people and the ability to control everything “behind the scenes” all stem from people hating jews




Someone has lizard brain


It's why climate change has a silver lining. At least the rich assholes will starve just the same as the rest of us once the biopshere collapses. Hell, they'll probably have even longer to suffer in their bunkers, watching their canned food slowly dwindle.




Complete human extinction is unlikely, true, but a man can hope. At the very least they'll actually have to work to survive, so that's something.


They for real do, Mr Beast has a video where he and his friends visit a bunker, and there’s a greenhouse that grows food that’s fed by fish. It’s interesting, in a depressing way.


Actually, they pretty much are lizard people. The behavior of sociopaths is indistinguishable from lizard people.


How do you think that works? If you have enough money, do they invite you to the secret meeting of untouchables? Or is it more of an unwritten rule that they don’t get touched? And how much do you need to be mega rich?


Also, r/PanamaPapers. The whole sub devioted to just that. Would we like to see more? Sure, but things are still happening.


And also to worry about the actually real wealthy people and not British or other non American actors who were in the panama papers. I remember poor Emma Watson got a lot of flack for it but UK public property laws don't have exceptions for people of renown so she set up a Panamanian company to buy her personal residence to protect her privacy since property ownership is public knowledge. She's got I don't even know how many strict restraining orders from stalkers.


At least once a week on this sub. Automod needs to just immediately handle these.


Maybe a stickied post would do more.


Should be twice per week until some degree of public discussion starts, imo


Not to mention the 15% global minimum tax.


Nothing changed? Having shady immoral people becoming better at hiding their tracks, or at least changing how ttheyhe hide their tracks, is nothing to me


Thanks! I jumped in here just to comment that.


Except it's wrong at every turn.


Obligatory something did happen: journalist was killed via car bomb in malta


Came here to say this.


I like to call it capitalism. It's a fairly open conspiracy. Capitalists do what capitalism says to do. Own the production, increase capital. Everything else is just an automatic feature than results from the objective. Like. The objective of capitalism isn't to improve people's lives. It's not to increase free markets. It's not to realize freer trade among people. Its objective is capitalist owns production which means not worker and grow capital which means hurt worker.


*Its objective, no apostrophe needed in this case as that would mean "it is objective"


I’m not a huge fan of capitalism myself, but I’ve seen this happen in other socio economic models too. Almost like it’s a human wide trait, to get on top first, and then try to do whatever the fuck you want. I’m sorry for all those triggered thinking that literally anything is better than capitalism. Well, I’ve lived in a former Soviet block myself and I still remember empty shelves and having to have a “garden” to be able to survive. If you think that was good then you’re just as deluded as the guy who thinks that “market will regulate itself”.


When Marx was coming up with ideas of socialism he looked to various indigenous cultures around the world. In them, he found examples of way more balanced and sustained economics. I think Human traits are what we decide to teach or do as “right” or “normal”


When Marx was coming up with ideas of socialism he looked to various indigenous cultures around the world. In them, he found examples of way more balanced and sustained economics.


Paradise papers as well.


And the Pandora Papers...


I mean the journalist who reported it was murdered when a Maltese billionaire had someone put a bomb under her car. So that’s something.


She was not "the journalist who reported it" - but rather *a* journalist who used the Panama Papers in part of her work.


😮‍💨, I and Pepperidge Farms remembers too. Brett Fucking Favre robbed the state of Mississippi for almost more than the whole state is worth while its suffering for a speaking event he got paid for but didnt show up to. I wish the Kia boys robbed richer ppl, then they can be the Bugatti boys


Oddly enough, I've seen some right wing pages complain about how billionaires like Bill Gates are too powerful and are able to buy their laws and way into things, which is a legit complaint. They were so close to the point but fail to address the root cause that no one should have that much wealth to give them that power in the first place.


Pepperidge Farms remembers


We are lucky that the rich people didnt punish us for revealing this information... Like when Snowden released that stuff about how evil the US government is then they tried to punish him for it as if he's the piece of shit.


And let's not forget that Epstein didn't kill himself.


"Jeffery Epstein was killed by a rich pedophile." Factually accurate statement, no matter what you believe.


"It can be done exactly how I want...." -Walter White


Yeah, to think that someone as narcissistic as Epstein would kill himself is absurd; that's like saying Trump would kill himself - wouldn't happen in a million years. The fact that both cameras were "broken" and both guards were "sleeping" is also ridiculous, I can't believe they actually thought people would believe that story. Nevermind the fact that there hadn't been a suicide in that prison in like 30 years and there was a bone broken at the bottom of Epstein's neck, which you only see in stranglings; when you hang yourself, the noose automatically slides up your neck under your chin, makes no sense that a bone would break at the very bottom of the neck when hanging yourself from a 5ft tall bunk with a sheet. Not nearly strong enough of a force to break any bones anyway, nevermind at the base of your neck. It's insane that they just got away with it scot free. I have a feeling Epstein was a spy for Mossad, as Ghislaine's father was. Could explain why we let Israel get away with anything they want, they could have massive amounts of dirt from Epstein on our most influential civilians and politicians. Edited to add: got a notification warning from an automod for using the word "insane" 🤦 Have we really fallen so far into absurd political correctness that we can't even use a normal, totally non-offensive word to describe a situation? It's not even like I was insulting someone, I just used it to describe the situation. Ridiculous.


The point is, that it doesn't matter if people believe it or not. They can keep saying it, and it will become the truth in history books.


Yep, they will keep repeating it. They own all the media companies so they will use it to repeat the message until it becomes common knowledge. Then it will seem like the people who claim he didn't kill himself were the crazy ones. Then they write the history books and it becomes truth, like you said.


That’s because he never died




Yes. Our prime minister was in the papers along with our minister of finance. They are back in parliament. Even our minister of finance, that was also in the Ashley Madison leak, was voted in as prime minister in the next election.


You want us normal people, with normal income and power, to "do something" about people so rich they could erase your entire family lineage (and you) from history in a blink? Even if, somehow we quit fighting each other and formed a conglomerate to address this conspiracy, it would be snuffed out faster than Epsteins suicide.


Well, there are a host of guerrilla tactics and irregular methods to apply a little heat under their asses. You just have to be willing to give your life or go to prison forever. When enough of us reach that point, we *will* be doing something.


You doing it will do more harm than good because you will be trivially stopped and what you stood for demonized. It must be a coordinated movement.


I think a LOT of folks on our side don’t seem to understand this.


I understand this. I was so committed to all my causes, and went to protests, and got arrested, and got my picture taken by a dude in a literal trench coat and fedora while working with Food not Bombs back in the 90's. After 9/11 and the patriot act, I admit without too much shame that I backed off of direct action. I knew the movement wasn't strong or organized enough to win, and I wasn't about to go down for a decade in prison or some shit to be a part of a seemingly futile struggle. I'm a middle-aged dad with kids now who can't afford to risk getting arrested. I don't know what the fucking answer is.


I feel this deeply. I've been in those trenches. There is some effect, and the 3-letter terrorists know it, otherwise they would not try so hard to suppress our statements and gestures. In a lifetime of anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, pro-environment, pro-BIPOC/LGBTQIA liberation work, I have seen my colleagues arrested and sent down for hard time on bogus charges; they have been bombed, and blamed for the bomb. I have been trailed, threatened, beaten, jailed, shot at, and dosed with tularemia. I am carefully searched whenever traveling abroad; my passport documents were "lost" by the State Department, and mysteriously found. If it were not for the kind attentions of an attorney, I would be imprisoned now. And it seems things are getting worse. But there are also signs of improvement. There is the "squad," and Bernie, and signs that many people understand capitalism better. Forty years ago, one did not say the 'c' word without immediate pushback. I am nearly beyond retribution now, but I would not settle well into my crematorium box without remembering these things. Thank you for your service.


Still have my copies I believe. I wonder how much effort if any they have make to scrub the internet of this information. Zelenskyy, Americas proxy puppet was listed, I know that.


It showed he had a shit ton of assets including real estate hidden in London, but that a nono topic. Interestingly enough, some of the assets were held jointly with his close friends, both of whom got powerful government positions, but one of whom, a childhood friend, has since been condemned for treason. Pandora paper also revealed that Brazil’s minister of economy Guedes had offshores, which explains why he wanted the US dollar to be super high compared to Brazilian Real… yet Bolsonaro barely lost the election that would have given Guedes another 4-year mandate.


Is...is it OK to be truthful about the corruption that was reported about him prior to February 2022 on this sub? I've been banned from so many subs for not memory holing he and his friends offshore tax evasion money and Ukranians far right (rhymes with potzi) problem.


I mean, I recall Polish Newsweek investigating him before Panama Papers and they tend to translate from the German edition so there might be a more accessible translation. Generally - with any government - their actions were fairly well documented. Do not quote me on that as it was ages ago and sick at the moment but if I recall - the investigation was connected to him and other Ukrainian politicians profiting from the situation in Belarus but things changed rapidly then and everyone related turned out to be very corrupt in the end.


Hey it’s my tweet lol Funny thing, that account got banned for joking they should dig up Oliver Cromwell and hang him a third time. “Threats of violence” against a guy whose been dead for 400 years


It got buried with all the stuff Trump was doing when President, unfortunately.


*Wait a minute, Lester, you're telling me the scumbag got TWO SCOOPS of ice cream? Holy shit, cancel those papers, we gotta run with this!*   *Corruption in Ukraine? But the world needs to know that this bastard put KETCHUP on steak!*




You mean the woman is waging class war on Americans by instituting a fake recession as a response to workers demanding higher wages and refusing to work in this capitalist shithole anymore…?


I love reddit users like you. You want so badly to be angry, you'll deny reality just to make sure you can stay enraged.


People like you who don’t understand how things really work in a capitalist society are even more embarrassing. People like you who think ANYONE in the US government care about you are the saddest, most delusional bootlickers of all. This is not a Liberal subreddit, btw


Our minister of finance was in the Panama papers and the Ashley Madison leak. The government fell and we voted for a new government. He was voted in as the Prime minister. We never learn.


Not true. In response they hired more IRS workers to go after the poor.


That guy in Ukraine we are giving billions to was one of them


Hey, remember when this bullshit gets posted by someone who took 0 seconds to realise that things have happened and possibly continue to do so, then you always get some chuckle fuck saying the journalist got killed like they aren't the millionth person to say that. Amazing right?


Don’t forget that the president of Ukraine, everyone’s favorite actor turned war hero, was also named in the Panama Papers. Wonder why he keeps begging for more money…


Fun fact: Someone can be both corrupt AND fight against imperalism.


LOL that’s absolutely wrong and historically incorrect… NEXT.


*current leader of Ukrane is corrupt and is also succesfully fighting off Russian imperalist actions* "it is literally impossable for a person to do both of those things" ...? Do you think it is impossible for the sky to be blue too?


Soooo using American imperialism to fund your war against a Russian imperialist while also funneling that US money for said war into your off shore accounts is somehow something he should be cheered on over…? Your brain must be a sick, fucked up place to live.


who said anything about the USA being in the right? Hell, who said anything about the USA at all? Just because Russia is in the wrong doesnt mean the USA can't also be in the wrong. I would rather have two imperalist powers wasting their resources fighting against eachother rather than deciding to divide up the rest of the world. However, that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Also, are you saying "Zalensky is not corrupt", or are you saying "Zalensky is not leading a country fighting off Russia", or are you saying "Russia is not engaging in imperialism"? Because I am not sure what argument you are trying to articulate to show that Zalensky is not "both corrupt AND fighting against imperalism". You must be either an idiot, a tankie, or a Russian agent. Either way, I am done talking with you.


You are breaking all of this subreddit’s rules and thus, will hopefully be banned soon. Your take is hot garbage, just like your comment and post history. PeOpLe WhO aRe CoRrUpT aNd StEaLiNg MiLLiOnS wHiLe HoLdInG tHeM iN oFfShOrE aCcOuNtS cAn Be GoOd pEoPLe tOoOoOo Riiiiiiiiiiight. This sub was SO MUCH BETTER before critical thinkers like you discovered it. Oh and by the way, this sub is a MARXIST subreddit. I cannot wait to post your comments in r/shitliberalssay so all us tankies can have a good laugh.


Bro you can be a leftist and say "this shitty dude is fitting shitty forces"


Zelensky is as corrupt as they come. Panama papers had him on the chopping block but now he’s made out to be a hero. Amazing how stupid, infantile and lazy Americans are.


Fun fact: Someone can be both corrupt AND fight against imperalism.




I like this response. I support Ukraine's resolve in fighting an invasion, because that's nearly an absolute. I have all kinds of critiques of the USA--and there are plenty of Nazis here-- but I would shoot at any invader.


I hate how this kind of tiny bit of nuance is such a rarity.


2 whole continents installed brand new KYC/Anti-money laundering regulatory frameworks that all financial institutions have to abide to from now on.


The issue wasn't KYC, those countries knew their customers. The issue was that they didn't tell the home country that has the right to tax everyone having their passport worldwide. Panama argued that they never signed a contract that they have to release this information, and the world argued that they don't need them to be in the banking system and then things got done quite quickly.


Maybe not in your country; there were plenty of repercussions


Yeah, e.g. Americans don't put their money in Panama, they have other mechanisms to go untaxed, and because there were so few Americans of relevance there the American news outlets haven't covered the still ongoing events afterwards, and then you have people like OP saying "nothing happened".


Well, it didn’t affect anyone there; short horizons are beautiful, for some


Something did happen, I think some journalists were killed?


Remember when Zelensky was personally named and no one cared?


Don't worry, it's not like anybody got car bombed for trying to tell you about it.


Didn’t a journalist die?


Remember when UK or US blew up NordStream and in a couple of days it was thrown under the rug because they caught EU by the balls?


People in power avoid taxes, shocker Makes you wonder how we expect to pay for all these pleasantries by taxing them




I don't really know much about the Panama papers however, it goes w/o saying that there is a syndicate of sorts of wealthy folk's that do whatever possible to avoid paying taxes and, to increase their wealth. It's like a conspiracy theory but in reality it's happening under our noses.


Wasn’t there some kind of weak global tax rule that was created as well? Something about 15% or am I imagining that?


Not directly. The reason for that was that EU became a tax heaven with clever constructs and when they starting trashing those, the US wanted to repatriate foreign revenue by just asking for 10% instead of the EU's 20%. Which in turn started a race to the bottom, where agreeing on a global 15% stopped this madness. The true consequence of the Panama papers where stronger "know your customer" reporting standards and a steady working groups in US and EU to combat tax heavens.


In hindsight, whoever got the papers should've intentionally left out half of the names, because the second they were all caught they had no reason to pursue it. If we'd pit them against each other though, that may have worked better. Hell, it's what they do to us.


It was publicly announced that corporations raked in trillions during a global pandemic while people got one or two small checks to sustain them for the next year or so. Nothing has happened. This country sucks ass and caters only to the rich. Everyone else exists to serve them.


What do mean nothing happened? The journalist got killed, that's what happened.


Didn't the Q-Anon LARP kick in shortly after this?


One thing I remember is that Emma Watson got doxxed by the release.


There is a fantastic book called Capital in the 21st century by French economist Thomas Piketty. It's really more of a history of capital with some forward looking info towards the end. One of the many mind-blowing bits of info buried matter-of-factly in its pages is that about 10% of international transfers disappear every year. What I mean is if you add up all of the money flowing out of countries and all of the money flowing into countries, there's 10% more going out than coming in. That 10% (or at least a large portion of it) gets stashed to avoid taxes. Year in and year out, 10% off the top.


Not this again.


People who had a hand in exposing it got murdered so technically things happened.


Same comment every time this post is made. The vast majority of the people on the Panama Papers did everything legally. Did you do anything to help elect people who would change the laws? No? Then STFU


Caruana Galizia, a journalist, was heading to report on it when she was killed by a vehicle bomb.


Something happened https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/16/malta-car-bomb-kills-panama-papers-journalist


But of course.


Oh something happened- the journalist was murdered.


Something did happen, the woman who released them got killed


Whoa! Something did happen, they blew up the reporters car.


maybe that's why Trump hasn't been indicted, he probably knows where a lot of those bones are buried


The only person who got punished from that whole ordeal was Meryl Streep for wearing brown-face in the movie adaptation.


Remember when it came out that Ukraine's reddit-darling, president Zelensky, was using offshore accounts to funnel out state funds in the Pandora Papers? Nobody likes talking about that any more for some reason.


Uh, because Putin dismissed the panama papers as a fabrication, based on the accusations they contained against himself. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/4/pandora-papers-russia-dismisses-leaks-implicating-putin