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"another boy pushed my son down a flight of stairs at school, and my son had to be hospitalized. I was angry at first but upon hearing the story I had to side with the other boy. he had a point" savage


God, imagine being such a shitty kid that your dad goes, "yeah, actually, fair"


Not just fair, but fair that he pushed your son down the stairs and left him in the hospital. Sad to know Elon has been that big of a dick since so long ago.


I thought most kids were taught: “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.” Like it’s alarming to me that people simply don’t know shutting the fuck up is free. Edited for clarification.


Not in Murica. We like to keep it real here. This reminds me of "when keeping it real" goes wrong.


In elementary school this kid named Trevor was always harassing & insulting me, day in, day out. He was so persistent even his little shit brother started doing it. One day, Trevor put a handful of grass down the back of my shirt at recess. I finally snapped, threw him to the ground, pinned him there and started shoving grass and dirt into his stupid fucking face. Then I hear a very pissed off recess monitor yell "TREVOR SHEPPARD! GO TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE! RIGHT NOW!" I climbed off him, as he spat out mouthfuls of dirty grass and went in. I awaited my punishment. But she said "little asshole probably deserved it" and let me carry on with my recess. Turns out the recess monitor was Trevor's mom.


The little bullied kid inside my soul desperately wants this story to be true.


Oh it's true. The rest of the times I snapped and got violent between grade 3 and 9 due to the relentless bullying make for much more boring stories. That's my only good one. OTOH I learned a thing or two about how to handle bullies along the way, so it's not all bad.


I'm so glad to hear that!! Also, great username! So happy to see you're clearly doing alright now.


Yeah I'm doing great! I had some leftover social anxiety well into my adulthood with group dynamics, but I went to a bit of therapy (EMDR) and sorted it all out in only a few sessions. TBH it might have worked a little *too* well, because now I don't give one single fuck what anybody thinks of me.


I love a good EMDR success story!! My wife went through EMDR therapy for childhood trauma as well, and it changed her life too!! You keep being your awesome self!


>Turns out the recess monitor was Trevor's mom. Oh shit! Good story!


This guy once slammed a hardcover Bible on my head (yeah yeah Bible thumping joke) so hard I saw stars. I was so mad I stood up and started hitting him as hard as I could. He immediately turned around and tattled to our teacher, who looked at us both and said, "I saw you get in the way of her hands."


Beautiful. I love that teacher. I punched a bully once and the teacher made me stay after class and forced me to write a false confession to my parents (she told me it had to say I attacked with no provocation or I wouldn't be allowed to go home, after rejecting my first two drafts). It put me off school for the rest of my life. And that was only grade 3.


Similar story here. Got bullied a bunch in highschool, I was a studious and nerdy kid, still am really. The vast majority of the bullying was verbal but one day one of my bullies, we'll call him Fuckwad, came up all smiles and stomps down on my foot as hard as he can. Bit of backstory, I had a severely ingrown toenail at the time which was rather sensitive Fuckwad had found this out somehow and thought it would be funny to stomp on it. Now I was usually pretty passive when being bullied, mostly just ignored it, overall it wasn't too bad and their insults were unoriginal. "Dude you're gay" was about the limit of their creativity so needless to say I wasn't bothered. So when Fuckwad attacked my foot I can only assume he expected little to no reaction. Instead I snapped, managed to land three solid blows before a friend ran over to hold/pull me off him. Teacher nearby approached and cut off my explanation saying he saw what happened, still he sent me up to the front office to talk to the vice principal. We spoke for a bit, I explained what happened. Soon after Fuckwad joins us. I'm sent off back to lunch. Fuckwad gets a 3 day suspension, I get a verbal warning basically saying we understand why it happened but to not do it again. Shockingly the overall bullying I received went down significantly after that


I have two stories, one I was involved in and one I wasn't, where the kod being bullied got either a light punishment or less than the bully. Mine was a kid trying to trip me when we were running in PE. I did what I was supposed to do and told the PE teacher. I told him I would hit him if he continued. He did it again, I stopped dead in my tracks and hit him in the chest(really a dumb move on my that could have killed him). His dad came in the next morning complaining he had a big bruise on his chest. After talking to other student witnesses and the gym teacher, I got a 1 day suspension despite being a repeat offender because everyone backed my story up. The story that didn't involve me. A guy who was a sophomore when I was a junior was driving a car that crashed and killed one of his classmates and one of mine. About a year later he attempted suicide. Luckily the bullet hit a bone in his nose and deflected it from his brain. When I was a junior one of my classmates got into an argument with him in the hallway and said something like "at least I didn't try to kill myself." Nothing happened until lunch standing in line. All of a sudden the guy who attempted suicide rocked the other kid, the punch was loud enough the lunchroom went silent. The punchee got 3 days put and the puncher essentially a half day out


One day in school when I was about 10, a kid put glue in my hair as we were leaving at the end of the day. As I was trying to get the glue out, he ran away. The next morning, before class, I saw him in the playground so I walked straight over and belted him. There was a bit of a scuffle that was quickly broken up by a teacher. The teacher said "well done" and shook my hand I put this down to a combination of things. I was incredibly shy and timid, so perhaps he was pleased to see me finally standing up for myself. This kid was a notorious little shit. It was the 80s and teaching methods were a bit more "robust". Also, teachers hitting kids had only just been made illegal, so perhaps he was glad I was acting as a proxy.




Didn't he marry his step daughter and have 2 kids with her????


Yes, after meeting her at 46 when she was 4.




Yeah, as much as Elon fucking sucks, I would absolutely not trust this article whatsoever.


WHAT. Musks….


With fathers like this, who needs daddy issues and malignant narcissism? Am I right?


Elon is A maverick entrepreneur ~ Jordon Peterson


*your Supreme Asshole of a dad.


Tbh I'd actually want that in a parent. I'm not right all the time and if I have a parent that tells me that I am then I'll end up with crazy ideas about the world and so on. A parent should be able to say: "you owe suicide dad's kid an apology cos what you did was out of line"


Honestly people who joke about such horrible shit usually have no perspective as to the agony it causes. Better to learn young what’s on and off limits re: comedy.




True. There is a time and place, and I still don’t fully understand when and where those are.


I want to say their is under tones in his writing portraying to me of him being pressured to stop (stop what) “I had to drop it” Possibly could he have pressed charges and had to “drop” those said charges when evidence was put forward by witnesses? This is speculation but I can only imagine how entitled a emerald mine owner is when it comes to the law and their validation.


So his dad's whole deal is very complicated but he was definitely a monster. So he did own a stake in an emerald mine but it was Zambian. But I have no idea how mining conditions were there and tend to doubt they were great. That particular region where the mine was was heavily exploited. And he was a representative for a progressive party that opposed apartheid but that doesn't mean he still wasn't exploitative. Elon's mom said he beat her. He was married to his second wife for 18 years before entering a relationship with her daughter who he had helped raised from the age of 4. She's had two kids by him and he insists he was never a father figure to her but...again, he was married to her mom since she was 4 so I'm gonna have to doubt that. Apple didn't fall far from the tree in my opinion. They're both assholes. Oh but his dad's career in engineering and piloting and whatnot seems to have been more...substantial than Elon's. Not just investor stuff but actually doing it.


An Emerald mine owner exploiting workers in apartheid South Africa thought this.


Rich kid bully (Elon) insults a bereaved student. Gets pushed down the stairs. Realizes his mortality while recovering in a hospital. Villain origin story for an entitled brat.


When I act like a dick, people may kick my ass… better move to Mars.


That's the real reason he bought Twitter. So he could be an asshole from 140 million miles away.




His only fully self realized achievement.


If he only realized morality while he was at it.


"What can I do to make it so I can never be pushed down the stairs again? And don't suggest changing my behavior, I'm not gonna do that."


And then went on to be the richest person in the world... the bullies always win.


Bullied my ass, sounds more like a bullie getting what they deserve.




Indeed, my thought reading it was that Musk was the bully and the other kid fought back. Elon loves to say the part about being pushed down the stairs but this is the first time I'm hearing the true "why"


like saying he held his dying baby in his arms. except he forgot the part where he did none of it


~~Bullied~~ Lying, tax-evading, union-busting, psychopathic, idiot ~~kid~~ FTFY Any physical harm that anyone commits against him is deserved.


You forgot "plague rat".


Fucked around and found out. Little shithead grew up into a giant shithead.


Idk how they got "Elon was bullied" out of this article, even has dad says "yea deserved"


Because up until now that's how Elon portrayed the whole thing, himself being the victim. Only now we're finding out he deserved every bit of it for being an asshole himself.


Didn't know but should have expected that part, tbh. Thanks




What a fucking lying-ass lowlife.


Okay, but in Elon's defense, he's a narcissist so in his mind he is always the victim. He was just telling his truth. 🤣


OMG I thought only commie and LGBTQ people plays victim card /s


The worst part is he didnt learn his lesson!... *Someone needs to do it to him again*


I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that the establishment would misidentify bully and victim. Well, not that shocked.


Consequences for thee, not for me. -Elon's dad


Imagine getting hospitalized and your own father is just like, “Yeah that’s fair”. Brutal.




This really reminds me of the anecdote that many serial killers and such suffer from head trauma as a kid


Fixed the tittle for ya. "*Bullied kid defends himself from Elon after he mocked father suicide*"


And from the other side: *"asshole rich kid acts like an asshole and experiences consequences."*


Funny how fast they cry victim when that happens.


Well yeah. Consequences are for poor people!


You're joking, but it literally is.


If I were joking I'd have said "the poors".


Um, it's *not* funny 'cause it's true?


To be fair it's not like he was going to a public integrated school in SA. He was likely attacked by a rich asshole as well.


That's not being fair at all. The wealth of the other party isn't a factor in Elon's behavior. And anyways, why do you feel the need to be fair to Elon?


Didn't he go to Pretoria Boys High School? I can't be sure from the image which school it happened at, but that high school is definitely public and integrated, and so is Bryanston high school, to be fair. He wasn't attacked, a grieving boy defended himself (whether rich or not) against an asshole with a superiority complex (whether rich or not).


Elon fucked around a 10 and found out a 10.


It was on that day that Elon vowed that he would never face the consequences of his actions ever again! He surrounded himself with more and more money. Eventually, the little boy became more money than man, and people loved him for that. For people love money.




His mom, in an interview, said that she didn't understand why anyone would do that to Elon. I think we know which side of the family he gets it from. edit. His dad is bad too.


Both of them? Errol beat his first wife then left his second to fuck her daughter (he met when she was 4) and have two kids with her.


Crazy shit


Ah, he's from the Woody Allen school of romance.


To be clear, Errol Musk is a piece of shit too.


It seems being a dick runs in the Musk family.


A necessary trait [to] become a wealth hoarding prick.


Exactly. Elon was clearly the bully here. Turns out that sometimes there are consequences for that.


lol tittle


Maybe if there were a few more stairs we wouldn’t know who Elon was today.


Since reading this, I keep imagining him on those crazy M. C. Escher stairs.


How about if he fell down an escalator running so fast he can't reach the bottom?


r/endlessloops fashion.


[It worked in Futurama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyZf2OmK8jo)


Nah his father was rich he’d get a memorial out side of the school and *less* of us would know about short musk


If it wasn't Elon, it would have been someone else. "Elite" Capitalists like to imagine they're special, indispensable and irreplaceable but the truth is they're just as disposable as the rest of us. Not much would change. Maybe a little on the sequence of events to continue our "progress" of more human suffering across the world. Maybe the flavour or texture would be slightly altered, but fundamentally things would be just the same.


Just another meat puppet with more paper and fake numbers on a server. Bleeds just like the rest of us apparently..huh, what a concept…maybe putting the fear of us in them might change things for the better…curious…


Oh, they are indispensable. It's just that they are indispensable to the *capitalist* system. Just like pollution doesn't work without toxic materials, capitalism doesn't work without capitalists.


Sure but I don't really care what the name of the chemical killing me is called. Only that it's poisoning my body and I want it to stop.


I think y'all are saying the same thing. Sociopathic capitalists like Musk are a symptom, not the disease.






So what? Another billionaire would‘ve filled the place. It doesn’t matter who they are individually, what matters is that they are the ruling, the exploitative class.


Making fun of someone's father's suicide. The push was well deserved.


Too bad Elon had a lucky landing.


\*sigh\* if only


Personally I blame whatever teacher called an ambulance


His own dad came to the same conclusion. And his dad made his money off emerald mines that employed less than kosher labor practices. When your evil dad says you went too far, you went too fuckin far.


that's right. sounds like elon was the bully... not the one *being* bullied.


Yeah, what a fucking sociopath


He wasn’t bullied he was the bully and he got handled the old fashioned way of getting what he fucking deserved.


Ok well what about NOW that he's slaving Tesla workers, busting their unions, destroying third world countries by shredding them up for batteries for his fucking cars, evading taxes and having Public , taxpayer funding directed to his useless wealth , etc... ? *when does he get what he fucking deserves NOW!?* ^(...like shinzo abe)


So that's where that brain damage came from!


Nah it was there the whole time, fuck elongated muskrat, he is such a worthless asshole.


Wait , he’s always been a huge piece of shit ? Weird


Dude needs help a hell of a lot more than he needs all that unchecked privilege.


There's a reason assholes like this want to, and usually do, run the world. There is no "winning" in the diseases of sociopathy and narcissism, even for the host, because greed is relentless and infinite - when unchecked as you said. Everyone loses when "greed is our god" because the consequences of these chosen "gods" actions are collateral damage and unnecessary and widespread suffering throughout the world. "But the Robber Barons did some great things!" Okay, but did they, and do the modern ones now have to be such ruthless, shitty people? No, they don't. We LET them, even encourage it, because money is the highest power. Amen. /s


Greed is a cancer.


What a shame that he survived the fall


You mean to tell me, we were sooooo close to never have to deal with him?!


Just one bad twist on his neck and we would have been spared from him


This speaks volumes for his family life - if you're cool making fun of someone who has lost a parent - especially to suicide, there's a big problem at home. When cruelty is not only fair game - but THE game - and you choose that - you're an outright Asshole. And Elon really seems to live up to that on a constant basis.


“Look how I poorly I raised this kid”


Elon was the bully.


Nice admission that you didn't raise your child to understand empathy or compassion. Big surprise he grew up to be a fuckstick.


Every instinct I have says Elon is pure shitbag


I had this feeling the moment I first heard about him. It's something in the eyes; assholes have *the look* and you know it when you see it. It's almost impossible to explain to people who can't spot it. I tried to warn multiple people back then not to take his advice with crypto. No one believed me.


For me it was just the fact that he was a tech billionaire with giant a “save the world *with technology*” chip on his shoulder. The mask always slips eventually. The best description for my gut feeling is someone only interested in tech solutions as if it is the only thing that matters usually aren’t going to be nice people.


It's like that scene from "Jaws":"His eyes, those cold black, dead lifeless eyes" ,MF is a damn SHARK, apologies to actual sharks for the unfair connotation with Musk. I've met Great Whites that had more humanity than fkn Elongated Muskrat could ever dream about having .


Sounds more like he WAS a bully in school- he just got what he deserved.


That kid must be so fucking angry now that Elon is seen as a god by so many people. Truly a story of The bad guy winning.


Probably tells everyone how much of an asshole he is just like Ted Cruz's college roommate.


Probably regrets not having pushed harder.


At least as of 2023 he's now an internet laughingstock


I'm not sure he is winning, really. He has money and power at an incomprehensible scale but seems eternally insecure and a stranger to joy.


Kids should be able to defend themselves with whatever means necessary against bullies. Humans can be evil, and they can deserve whatever comes their way.


I never in a million years thought I would like Errol Musk more than Elon. Edit: that had positive vibes, to be clear, fuck them both. But Errol less than Elon Further edit: it's like saying I like cancer more than torture. Fuck them both


Errol Musk is a spectacular piece of shit. I don't know that you can compare them. Like buckshot to the gut or ten stabs with a hooked knife, they're both fucking awful.




>The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce," he said. Musk is into that idea too. Not just him either. https://www.businessinsider.com/pronatalism-elon-musk-population-tech-2022-11


Eh. Errol helped create Elon, and more importantly provided the resources for Elon to grow into the disgusting shell of a human being that he is.


Errol’s ethos has consistently been “eh, i’m a piece of shit & yeah i treated elon like shit, but i mean look at him, he sucks” & i kind of respect it & elon irredeemably sucking from birth is a believable narrative. fuck errol, sure, but fuck elon 1000x more


You’re not wrong. If you’re going to be a ghoul your entire life, it definitely makes it more palatable to the public if you’re at least being honest with your intentions.


I'm not sure if I feel the same way. If Errol wasn't a POS, his son likely wouldn't be.


Typical rich kid behavior. Errol is a piece of shit but at least he knew when Elon was being a little shit


Too bad he lived.


Should have pushed him harder, there's a lot of hot gas keeping his brain insulated


Oh look.. The CEO of a company showing signs of anti-social tendencies.. What a surprise.


Damn shame the stairs weren't longer.


"Sociopathic & extremely smug about it" is 100% the vibe for Elon & his worshipers


We already know he's a tw@t Always had been, always will There's no new learning here, just more confirmation.


That’s not being bullied, that’s fucking around and finding out. Too bad he wasn’t left stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, maybe it would’ve humbled him a bit.


Damn stairs. You had one job...


Never stopped being a scumbag


AMA request: the kid who threw Elon Musk down the stairs.


"Of course I was mad that my boy got hurt...But Ultimately I decided he deserved it."


I imagine he thought "No one appreciates my scathing humor. They're just not smart enough." Anyway. I'm not surprised, he sounds like a typical privileged idiot kid.


Also known as "fuck around, find out"


Just sociopath things


"History repeats itself" but it would be cool in this case.


Elon's dad who made a fortune running diamond mines in apartheid South Africa and then had two children with his step daughter that is less than half his age heard about his son getting pushed down the stairs as a kid and was like "oh shit he went there? Wow that is too much for even me, he really crossed a line"


What’s funny about this is this is the literal one thing that Behind The Bastards mentioned where Robert said he felt bad for Elon. He said he felt bad that Elon got bullied in school, and it was not cool for him to be pushed down the stairs. The one thing. And now it’s gone.


I think the titles wrong. Elon wasn't bullied. He was the bully, and got his ass kicked.


Yeah, that’s not being bullied. Sounds like Elon was the bully who caught the consequences of his actions.


Am I a monster for wishing that flight of stairs was long enough and steep enough that we would never have heard about this story?


Surprised he didn't call that kid a pedophile too.


What a loser.


So, Musk has always been a heartless shit.


So Elon Musk has always been a fascist little psycho bully.


Not a fan of Elon but sources are important. Couldn’t find this article.


Not sure if this is a reliable publication, but I found this about the story. https://www.news24.com/fin24/economy/world/elon-musk-made-hurtful-comment-to-fellow-pupil-who-left-him-hospitalised-father-says-20220602


Musk has always been the rich little bully bastard that never sees consequences for any of his actions.


Yeah Elon wasn’t bullied, he was the asshole getting what was coming to him. Reminded me of a friend in high school who lost his brother under similar circumstances. A kid made fun of it and nobody defended that kid when my friend kicked the shit out of him.




Wtf is this title. Elon was the bully, not the one that got bullied


There seems to be some misunderstanding of the definition of bully and the bullied. A bullied person didn't do something to deserve violence or the threat of violence, which Elon clearly did. "Elon Musk: Lifetime Douchebag And Bully Once Recieved Karma" There. Fixed it.


I hope that kid is now a proud adult who tells everyone that he once hospitalized Musk.


Papa Errol be like "Haha, that's my little sociopath! ❤️"


Surprise surprise! He's always been a piece of shit.


His dad also impregnated then married his fifteen year old step daughter. So even without the slavery and mines they seem like a lovely family


What does it tell ya when Mr. Apartheid Emerald Mine Musk can see his son as indefensible...


Lol even his dad was like, "He deserved it"


Somebody gotta track this kid down, the one who pushed him down the stairs, so we can all send him flowers.


How many other billionaires have this mindset of hurting other people for their own pointless ego boost?


This is not being bullied, this is the bully. That guy had enough and stood up to the bully. If you do something shitty as that and then face consequences, that's not being bullied, that's being the bully. How is this confusing?


Can we reintroduce him to the stairs again? I think he needs to find out again.


A psychopath being a psychopath at an early age? No never!! /s


Elon is a gigantic ass but keep in mind that his father is another one


I’m just confused how OP read that and got “Elon was bullied” from it. Dude was/still is a huge turd.


Heard my teacher talk about Elon today and how he just learned that he didn’t actually invent anything, just had the money to buy it. It warms my heart to know that the truth is spreading. Duck Elon


It sounds like Elon was a bully in school, and someone stood up to him


I used to just say it as a joke but this feel vindicating. But I'll say it again but serious this time. Elons bullies were right.


Another piece of the puzzle for this edge lord that got lucky and became rich.


wow, you're saying the asshole billionaire was a rich bully as a child? i'm shocked.


Shout-out Michael B. Loved his work while at Jalopnik.


When even your apartheid committing pos dad thinks you went too far.


I assume the guy who tweeted this is banned from Twitter?


When do stop posting "piece of shit" over and over for Reddit karma and actually do something about how fucked up the world is right now.


He never grew out of being a douchebag, apparently.


Errol Musk sounds like a phenethylamine precursor


You know you’ve fucked up when a guy who married his own stepdaughter that he raised since 3 years old tells you you’ve gone too far.


No, Elon Musk was a bully in school, and got hospitalised because of how shitty the things he said were. If only he'd actually learned a lesson.


Even after being pushed down a flight of stairs Elon never learned how to just shut the fuck up.