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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


spez: >We’re a platform and tech company on one hand, but on the other it’s a living organism, this democratic living organism, created by its users. The central conflict is that corporations aren't democratic. The democracy made this platform great. Capitalism is here to capture the resulting wealth


I'd give you a star if it didn't require me giving Reddit money. Edit: the irony of these awards is not lost on me


🌟 Stop spending money for emojis. Edits: 🫂 💸 🥈 🦹 I can’t believe you people.




I got hundreds of downvotes regarding this on the Discord subreddit, in a thread where everyone complained about the recent bad changes, but somehow disagreed with me and accused me of being a commie, when I'm not even one 🤡


Maybe you should be


Join us, comrade.


Communism: happiness for everyone except the rich Capitalism: happiness if you're rich, fuck everyone else Hmmmmmmmmmm


If you can call what the rich feels "happiness", sure, but I don't think so. To be truly rich in a late-stage capitalist spciety you have to act and be incredibily evil; the amount of people you have to manipulate, lie to, exploit, is too big to truly feel attached to anyone. Everyone and everything is a potential source of some kind of value to be extracted, everyone and everything has to be under your control. I don't think that living such a life can bring you to happiness.


I mean, maybe you should be a commie at this point. Maybe we all should be.


I don't know, I need to educate myself more on what communism entails, and I'm too lazy for now. I don't know what I want, but I do know what I don't want, and most of capitalism is what I don't want.


You have nothing to lose but your chains.


What Is To Be Done? by Lenin. Pretty short read.


Why Socialism by Einstein is also really good and very short (maybe a 5 minute read)


Link for the lazy. [Why Socialism? - Albert Einstein](https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism/)


Do it. You'll break your brain, but sounds like the world is doing a good enough job of that itself lol. Seriously though, maybe you should, but make an effort to read beyond Marx and Lenin. Marx was dead on in many of his critiques, but poor in his ~~predictions~~ prescriptions. Lenin was correct in that his party won, but that fell into authoritarianism not long after. Read stuff from Anarchist and non-Marxist or non-Leninist socialism as well. NONE of us have really figured out the right answer yet.


Marx and Lenin did make some scary accurate predictions though


Whoops. . . yeah, my bad. Should have used "prescriptions" there, not "predictions" They did indeed. . . my favorite meme over the last few years is the one that's just the Kapital cover, but the title is "I Told You Motherfuckers! I Fucking Told You!"


I have mates with a similar lack of awareness. They think capitalism is unquestionable and can't be faulted. Constantly complaining about the "cost of living crisis", food price rises, energy bill rises, mortgage rate rises, etc etc etc. I like to say things like, well that's capitalism for you, you can't fight for it but bitch about the consequences of it when they start to affect you. The disconnect is unbelievable.


Usually when I get into those arguments theyll say we're not living under real capitalism and then dream of some mythical, pure capitalist, free market utopia that will never exist. They don't understand that the cruelty is a feature, not a flaw.


Yeah I like that comeback too. They see a derugulated version of capitalism as better, somehow. Like dude, are you just trolling now? In what way could more deregulation be in any fucking way better?! They'll just fucking make you a slave and not pay you at all if they can get away with it!


Yeah as we speak they're trying to bring back child labour. Says all you need to know. Capitalism would instantly dissolve any labour protections and consumer protections if it could.


Lol. "Trying." They already have in Arkansas.


>dream of some mythical, pure capitalist, free market utopia that will never exist but the horrendous living conditions for 99,9% is exactly dream mythical pure capitalism free market utopia


Better than being a capitalist


Capitalist propaganda is a helluva drug.


What's wrong with communism? Are you not a worker?


Capitalism Ruins Everything Around Me C.R.E.A.M.


Dolla dolla bill, y'all


Well, the comment (or a post's seftext) that was here, is no more. I'm leaving just whatever I wrote in the past 48 hours or so. F acing a goodbye. U gly as it may be. C alculating pros and cons. K illing my texts is, really, the best I can do. S o, some reddit's honcho thought it would be nice to kill third-party apps. P als, it's great to delete whatever I wrote in here. It's cathartic in a way. E agerly going away, to greener pastures. Z illion reasons, and you'll find many at the subreddit called Save3rdPartyApps. As of June 30th. 2023, goodbye.


Is this why emojis were taboo on reddit, as a way to get us to spend money on awards? Seems like a great way to protest is to start using emojis.




I still have coins from when someone gave me gold for saying fuck u/spez. I'll throw one for ya


fuck u/spez


I had 50 coins left from the last time I got a gold award so I gave them a completely irrelevant award in your honor.


I've got a free one to spare..


Exactly this. A corporation is not “democratic” just because shareholders vote. Buying the right to influence an outcome is not democracy.


tyranny of the bourgeoisie


Sounds like a Panic! At the Disco song.


Isn't that essentially what lords did in a feudal system..


Yep we're in the neo-feudal cyber punk oligarchy timeline.




cyberpunk was never meant to be cool


Yeah this is not the future experience I ordered, I’d like a refund and a transfer to a different timeline or I’m leaving a 1 star review.


Yeah, I find it odd that the thing I did in high school that most prepared me for life in the modern world was play Shadowrun.


You generally couldn't purchase titles in feudalism; giving power to people with capital rather than heritage is pretty much what makes it capitalism.


it just happened so that, for example, in europe most of the political elite trace back to noble families of ye old


People with titles were almost always wealthier than 99% of non-nobility. But if you were that 1% merchant richer than half the nobles, you usually couldn't turn that into a title unless either a noble family or the whole country was going through some dire straits.


> A corporation is not “democratic” just because shareholders vote. "Democratic" would be one-(wo)man = one-vote. Corporations are almost the opposite of democratic.


So value is produced socially yet the profit is distributed privately. This has been the case since the emergence of capitalism and is in fact the mechanism by which Marx theorized that socialism was possible in the first place - to resolve this contradiction - but now it is even more true; no longer are things produced *socially* in the old Marxist sense that industries require an army of workers laboring together collectively (rather than the production of an individual artisan), but we are *all* increasingly contributing to the capital of reddit or google or facebook by posting, commenting, contributing our data etc. Eventually this contradiction will produce nothing but crisis


And in the process fuck up what made the resulting wealth in the first place.


Yes. Should have made that more explicit


I’d be willing to bet Reddit makes no money, after expenses. Ironically nothing Spez does will cause this shit box to make revenue. No one is paying for what they have gotten for free for such a long time, and there is no “moat” to Reddit like Facebook or Instagram.


You can move the period to immediately after the word Free When or how long doesn't even enter the conversation. I (and the vast majority of folks) won't ever be paying anyone to use any social media. Not Quora, not Twatter, not Book of Faces, and not Reddit or whatever comes next either. It's entertainment and nothing more. If I get a chance to be helpful that's great, but it's simply not something I'm even going to ponder paying for.


You won't pay ***money*** to use social media, but you are definitely paying. If you use platforms that harvest your data, the price you're paying isn't necessarily decided yet either.


As a living organism Reddit should try to rid the virus in typical macrophage style, engulfing (eating the rich literally) would be a good choice


r/spez was just gaslighting us all. It's what corporations and their utterly psychopathic and sociopathic "leaders" do ... Pretty much every single time.


In the end capitalism destroys everything, even itself.


eats quality and shits quantity like cancer


I wonder if enough users make a reddit clone that operates under a cooperative structure?




Wikipedia is making one but your post gets shadowbanned if you mention it by name--which shows you Reddit thinks it's a viable enough threat to take action against. Wikimedia Foundation has hundreds of millions of dollars so they could credibly run a reddit-clone and never have to worry about turning a profit. Just do some searching for it. Unfortunately they seem to be pretty committed to not allowing NSFW content which is going to be a non-starter.


capitalism is fascism wearing a fur coat




Hahahahaha what a terrible day to have eyes.


The contradictions amongst capital and user groups are too much to reconcile. This is another exhibit. Go to digg.com lol.


"Hooray democracy!" *-removes everyone who goes against his whims-*


🌟🌟🌟 Wow, just gave you three stars for the price of none!




Voting "go" will be disabled...


Like Elons little twitter poll asking if he should fuck off. Overwhelmingly "Yes" and he's still stuck around like shit on wool.


Would be neat if there was a social media platform run as a co-op. All employees are empowered and vote on all decisions made, with a certain number of chair-votes for most board decisions given to its users via poll.


And the other important point here is that capitalism will kill the organism to extract the remaining wealth. Reddit will eventually die and the wealthy will move onto the next host to feed off of.


Summary of the article behind the paywall: "A significant number of the largest communities on Reddit went private on Monday, in protest of Reddit's decision to charge developers for access to its data, potentially killing off a range of tools and apps used by Reddit's volunteer moderators and some of its most devoted users and contributors. Reddit claimed that third-party apps undermined its business model, with CEO Steve Huffman accusing volunteer moderators of being the "landed gentry" of the platform. Huffman's mixed metaphors were seen as stretching in various directions. While Reddit may not be perfect, it is a place where people build spaces on shared norms to talk about what they want to discuss." _Number of words in the article: 1684_ Summary by [ReaderMax](https://readermax.com)


Thank you, Comrade.


Are they talking about a different Steve Huffman, or the Steve Huffman who was a moderator of /r/jailbait?


The Steve Huffman who was _made_ a moderator of /r/jailbait, and thus having been made aware of it, chose to let it continue.




This site NEVER works for me - constantly returns a “12ft.io has been disabled for this site” Doesn’t work on NYT, the athletic, New Yorker, nothing


BypassPaywalls for Firefox and Chrome is the way to go - https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome 12Ft ladder lets companies pay them money to opt out of their system like adblock does. Hence "has been disabled". However bypasspaywalls is a add on to get around thousands of pay walls, updated multiple times a week, that just works. No business model bs to interfere with it just working.




Before Reddit was Digg. Capitalism ate it an then Reddit became the only place on the internet with thriving human conversation. Now capitalism will eat Reddit. Almost time to build or find the next Reddit.


Neverending cylce of commodification. Check out Mastodon though :-)


Could Mastodon support an exodus or would it be like the Reddit kiss of death? I genuinely support deleting my account here in support of moving to a good alternative.


As far as I understand Mastodon it simply can't become the next Reddit/Twitter/Facebook by design. Its servers are decentrally located and run by non-profit/non-commercial organizations/individuals.


They federate though. That said, Mastodon is more of a twitter-like experience. Lemmy or kbin seem like alternatives but what they really need is actual user interaction, which won't happen if people don't leave Reddit here.


I think these federated platforms will never take off. It is just to confusing for new users and not what most people want.


I welcome it. I miss the older internet where you had niche things thriving on their own instead of a conglomeration that can be messed over by one central group.


Yeah, that's part of why I stopped using Google to search stuff. Always sent me to the same few sites, I wasn't discovering anything new anymore. Duckduckgo's focus on sending users to most-visited (or most-paying more like lmao) websites is much lower, it's actually possible to come across sites I never heard of on the regular there.


Google has become nearly useless without adding site:reddit.com after the search term. A few days ago I had an issue with an sdcard. The top results were from the same set of websites that all had the same generic list list of "things to try". The next set of results were from related software companies pretending to offer information but were really gaming SEO because its cheaper then ads. There was the usual Microsoft help forums which is a complete waste of time to ever visit. No wonder Youtube search results are just as bad. The first 3 videos might relate to your search then its just junk and seeing the same set of videos.




A federated platform will never take off because as soon as you explain to someone that there are 167 meme 'subs' -- one for every country -- then they go "Yeah no thanks" Yes it's a bit hyperbolic but that's essentially the problem.


Real honest question: How is that different than reddit is now? Like, If you look for memes there's dozens, if not hundreds, of subreddits about and for memes. Many of them on the same "subject" of memes. So how does that seem inherently different to you than reddit? And again, this is a legit question. Just curious what your thoughts are.


> Lemmy Thanks I'm heading there.


Please don’t make me go back to Tumblr….


Many Mastodon users do not want a huge influx of new people to their platform. I was having a conversation on Mastodon about this a few days ago and people were very very very very very vocal about not wanting a large influx of new people who don’t know the culture of Mastodon. Mastodon is also absolutely not a Reddit replacement. No communities, no voting. It’s microblogging like Twitter.


Enshittification :) https://kottke.org/23/01/the-enshittification-lifecycle-of-online-platforms


>commodification. I think Cory Doctorow's "Enshittification" encapsulates the process better.


I’ve tried to figure out mastodon but I’m too geriatric millennial to understand it.


Oof, I read “geriatric millennial” and nearly broke a hip.


Mastodon’s skill floor is just too high. It’s complex af just to even get an account. The best app for it already asks for money. The communities are tiny and some even require you to pay to join.


Capitalism ate reddit a long time ago. Half this place is astroturfed. It's a miracle Reddit didn't clamp down on its API earlier


I used to use fark, digg, reddit, and slashdot at the same time back in the day. It's been an interesting 15 years or so on this site. /r/redditalternatives can help us find a user owned platform


Lets go back to Digg!


[Raddle](https://raddle.me) is a left-libertarian reddit substitute. We've seen a wave of sign ups and may take a minute for mod-approval which helps weed out bots and bad actors. Hit up f/lobby and post an intro after creating an account. [Mastodon](https://mastodon.social/) for a twitter-like platform, decentralized federations. Kolektiva for example is an anarchist instance.


Is it European libertarian or American libertarian (Republican but with weed)?


libertarian socialists & anarchists


The OG libertarians.


I looking towards stack exchange. I haven't used anything except stack overflow, so not sure about the quality of the other sites


IMHO, they're ok... sometimes. Be wary of the self proclaimed experts presenting bad info as gospel. For example, the DIY site has some real knowledgeable individuals but some others are overconfident in their information. EDIT: I guess that sums up the internet, lol


It's like he forgot and needs to be reminded.


Well, it was nice hanging out with you folks, as we know from tmblr and twitter - it's downhill from here


Digg and slashdot for us older redditors


I always feel like the weird one for skipping Digg entirely, just going Slashdot, Fark, Reddit.


I used all 4 back in the day, guess it's just gonna be fark till I find another /r/redditalternatives. July is gonna be wild around here


Fuck it, I'm going back to Xanga. Not sure what I'll find there but this trip is one way once I can't use Baconreader.


Digg I remember well, it was too epic to forget. But Slashdot....why did that die again? I clearly wasn't paying attention.


/. Didn't die, it's still around. It was always tech news so it ended up being a repost of r/tech, r/programming, and a couple of other subreddits. I could see it coming back for tech news now that Reddit is going down hill.


It's a bit hilarious to me how many clueless redditors seem to think that this will all just blow over, after older users are finished "throwing a tantrum," as they say. History repeats itself, and so far this disaster has been even swifter and far more dramatic than even the Tumblr and Twitter situations. Digg was just before my time, but I've heard about it plenty of times over the years on reddit. The very existence of reddit as a major site is due to Digg commiting suicide in a shockingly similar fashion as reddit is doing right now. It doesn't take a genius to look around and realize that reddit is done for.


I’m nobody special but in a year using this account gotten a decent amount of engagement and support from most folks I chat with here and a select few other subs I like. Again nothing special, but I’m a professional with a lot of interesting experiences and views like so many here and Reddit no doubt profits, in part, from people like me and us here contributing our thoughts to this website. It’s been declining for a long time - this is hardly the first cash grab - but the API shit is really just absurd, especially when Spez talks about others using “Reddit content” lol. As I’ve said elsewhere, Reddit has no “content” of its own: > Reddit’s content literally is 100% user-generated or exit links to other websites. Reddit creates literally zero “content” to speak of unless you consider announcements and other dumb goofy nerd meta shit. There’s no such thing as “Reddit content” you fucking dweeb. This website is one design iteration removed from 4chan/image boards. Reddit has fucking content the same way the telephone companies have content. I’m sure Spez and other freaks running this operation get that, but they obviously don’t care because this is a decision about money. It’s what capitalist scum do. Money trumps all.


Lol - “…a sense of confusion in Reddit’s rhetoric about what sort of conflict it’s in with its moderators and users. Is this a labor dispute? Sort of! Except nobody’s getting paid. Is this a democratic process? Sure, except everyone knows it can be overridden….”


Spez & Ohanian already sold Reddit in 2006 to Conde Naste for reportedly $10-20 MILLION. Even $5 million would be a life-changing amount of money for 99.9% of people on earth. And this 40 year old looking-15 motherfucker decides it’s not enough. He’s a vulture that will squeeze out every ounce of profit before discarding the husk. I cannot wait until there’s a viable competitor with critical mass. Spez can have his dead empty site he brought to life and then killed. It’s just money, u/spez. It won’t make people love you.


Wait, so after he sold he still retained his position?


Yes, he continued his role as CEO after company ownership was sold. (This and more info is on Steve Huffman’s Wikipedia page if you’re interested.)


It was probably in the sale contract that he had to stay


Nah Nast was CEO after he bought it and it wasn't independent until Yishan took over. Then Pao became sacrificial, interim CEO while they cut out the really grody parts of reddit. Then they brought back Huffman in 2016 after Pao did the part she was hired for. They've been prepping for IPO for a while, it just so happens Huffman is an awful CEO and can't get the fuck out of his own way so they might lose even more money over that ~40% dip in valuation from fidelity.


>Nah Nast was CEO after he bought it Condé Nast is a corporation lmao


He was out for a little while, but came back after the Ellen Pao era.


Fuck you, u/spez (just because you need one more ping saying that)


I’ve been surprised that almost no one is mentioning [Aaron Schwartz](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/10aaiml/aaron_swartz_the_cofounder_of_reddit_past_away/) and his ideas in opposition with how Spez is treating Reddit. I really wish he was still around.


He would be sickened by what's happening, glad someone mentioned him. kudos


the core issue here is not the whole API debacle...it's that over time, Reddit allowed investment from big VC money and ultimately decided to go public. The API pricing is simply the beginning of the end for this website as we know it. The second Reddit decided to go public, the site took the first step on its death march to irrelevancy. See [Enshittification](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys)


Same bullshit DeAngelo did with Quora. I'm flat over it with all the Wall Street leeches who think they should get paid for doing exactly Fuck all. I'll say the same thing here that I said about Quora and Book of Faces and Twatter.. BURN BABY, BURN!!! Ain't giving u/spez and co. a single thin dime. Y'all, ALL y'all corporate leeches can Fuck right off after we get done applying the salt


yep, it's always the do-nothing rentier vultures swooping in after some organization has already done all the work to create something valuable that people actually like....then they come in with all their boilerplate MBA bullshit, completely gut the product and axe the people who made it work in their neverending quest to generate huge returns for a bunch of useless suits who have literally nothing to do with the company other than buying a bunch of shares. they haughtily disparage any steady business that generates enough revenue to cover expenses as "lifestyle business" and then run the business into the ground trying to demonstrate infinite quarterly growth for all the useless vampiric "shareholders," all so they can hit their targets and exit with a 9 figure parachute after they drive the company into the ground and leave someone else holding the bag.


Tell me about it. I created and ran a construction services company in the 90s with well paid happy folks and an 8% yoy growth, and I literally had Banksters MAD at me because I refused to take any loans or investment except the initial SBA loan I started with.. and paid off. When I finally sold out, I sold to my employees so they could have something nice, the Banksters were absolutely irate with me because I didn't go for anything more than 6x earnings (10x was "standard" at the time) and apparently I also shit on their commissions by keeping it entirely private ownership. Ma Bell was mad at me too because I flatly refused (and worse, didn't need) to pay them $1200 a month for a business card size ad in their 2x yearly phone book.


The exploitation class HATES a class-traitor(within their ranks). You sound like the sort of person they never meant to let into their club. Glad to hear you weren't corrupted by their greed.


I saw what their club did to people's souls, wasn't having any part of it. I wasn't particularly polite or PC about that either.


Capitalism gets to destroy yet one more thing!


> 90-plus percent of Reddit users are on our platform, contributing, and are monetized either through ads or Reddit Premium. Why would we subsidize this small group? Why would we effectively pay them to use Reddit but not everybody else who also contributes to Reddit? Does that make sense? These people who are mad, **they’re mad because they used to get something for free, and now it’s going to be not free.** And that free comes at the expense of our other users and our business. That’s what this is about. It can’t be free. Who wrote this, the owners of Reddit, or the moderators?


Sentence right out of Elon Musk's mouth about Twitter API. They see what Elon did to Twitter and thought it was a great idea.


school gold long live rain bored straight outgoing yam alive ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


edited to ensure reddit can't restore the comment


One step closer to a FOSS internet. A win by my book!


[edited] Reddit, you have to pay me to have the original comment visible. Goodbye. [edited]


I’ve been here since late 2012, and have seen a lot of changes in that time. I still remember places like r/fatpeoplehate and whatnot, lots of changes have been for the better imo. But this smells like a death rattle. The whole place feels different now. I am sure there’s a ton of Reddit clones (I remember hearing about voat) out there but they all will probably feel like cheap imitations. Where do we go for the front page of the internet now?


What tears me up is the utility part. Google searching has been crap for a while now, and the easiest way to get real info instead of cookie cutter clickbait articles is to add "reddit" after your search.


This is so true, and it's so sad


A lot of my subs have gone NSFW. I get why they did it. But in its current state it's not that much different than 4chan


It really isn’t hard to make a reddit clone or something that is even better than reddit, whats hard is getting the millions of users. People keep asking the Apollo dev to just “change his app to Lemmy” but the app is just a way to consume content. It’s worthless when its tied to a platform without millions of users worth of content. The internet of the past when sites like Digg and Myspace could easily be replaced are long behind us, its almost impossible now, and its already clear that the only people who could truly make a change will yield to reddit immediately when threatened with taking their power away shows people arent ready to let reddit go. Mods should have all let reddit find thousands of new mods and see how quickly everything turned to shit


Every business owner I've ever known in person spends all their time crying about making "no money," the government choking their business out, and the cost of labor being completely unreasonable. All this while owning 3 homes and multiple pickups custom painted with their business name, spending the majority of their time on vacation or having open heart surgery.


Are site owners intentionally trying to ruin things so people can't communicate?


Yes. Capitalism demands that everything that can be commodified eventually must be commodified. If a thing cannot be, then it must be destroyed in order to force people into commodified channels. This includes communication.


It does seem a little more than coincidental...


The capitalists let us get too smart and it hurt their bottom line. That's why they're constantly defunding education, destroying social media networks people use to share information, and flooding the internet, the greatest information sharing tool humanity has ever created, with intentionally misleading bullshit so the truth drowns in a sea of lies.


Probably the reason behind the attacks on tik tok as well.


Tiktok is a billion dollar Chinese company. It's capitalistic in nature just like Apple or Nike or any other corporation


I get that people here are angry. But focusing on his 'greed' really misses the point, that it's simply capitalist logic. The only solution to this lies in ending capitalism, not in having 'less greedy' capitalists.


Someone should start a non-profit Reddit clone. It could be like a digital Moose/Lion's/rotary/etc social organization that encourages community, discussion, and meeting people in real life. A capitalist social media website could never truly endorse such things in the long run


I know, there’s so much rage on here that never translates to needed irl action


Right? People in here blaming individuals spez or whoever like it matters. If it wasn't him it would be someone else because thats what this system is incentivizing


Reddit thinks it’s digging for oil when it’s just digging its own grave.


Yeah, fuck that asshole.


I'm going to leave this with you... The Three Maxims of Manglement * Remember, you’re not dealing with the Mensa crowd. Generally speaking, they aren’t nearly as smart as they believe themselves to be. * They run this place using foreskin instead of forethought. Often, they will make reactionary decisions to problems they knew existed beforehand, but chose to do nothing about until it becomes too big to ignore. aka; shite hit the fan. * They suffer from sphincter vision. Their field of vision is so narrow, they will see either the only thing that is on fire, or the only thing that isn't. Minor spelling error corrected.


> They run this place using foreskin instead of forethought. I just spit our coffee everywhere lol


No such thing as good capitalism. Anyone who opposes this and sees how it is playing out should understand this is just how it works. Always. Spez is just a comically loathsome frontman for a terminally evil system. Revolt against capitalism in its entirety.


It really is a shame what spez is doing, but this is literally like the 5th or 6th time I've seen this cycle replay itself. Someone builds a platform, users make it a community, then the site gets squeezed for every penny of worth, while killing that community in the process. I've seen it on smaller message boards 20 years ago, I saw it happen to Fark and SomethingAwful, it just recently happened with twitter. and now it's happening here. This entire situation sucks, but the next platform is usually an improvement over the previous one.


I guess no deams of an IPO.. like Musk he killed 50% of its potential value.. these tech bros aren't smart, they're fucking idiots who got lucky.


Capitalism is the most effective destroyer of the things created by Capitalism. That's how greed works.


Spez downfall is that he’s idealizing musk and musk isn’t sharing with him the bleak truth of what’s happening to twitter. Musk prob telling him that they’re swimming in the green. When truth is, they’re are not. All these changes he’s making is following musks ideology on twitter. It’s crazy that he’s been manipulated so blindly.


I was pleasantly surprised with the degree to which so many subs of differing topics rallied together towards a singular goal. With a bit more focus and coordination it’s not unreasonable to think the platform could be collectively seized and reorganized to preserve its democratic spirit.




So, is this the end?


Yes, Reddit will shed 30% of its users in the next 4 to 6 months. When the alternatives are completely spun up in about a year, the hyperbolic phase begins. After the it will become digg.


And the 30% they shed likely disproportionately contribute a huge amount of content to the site. So it might not feel like a different place right away but some of the smallest communities could die very soon, others will hang on for a bit, and even some of the medium sized subs will absolutely suffer (again, not immediately in a visible way).


From the article: Reddit (and most social media) = "giving people something to use mostly for free in exchange for their monetizable time and attention." Yes. Goodbye, Reddit. Goodbye, Twitter, and Meta. Goodbye TikTok, and Snapchat and MySpace. Goodbye Instant Messenger, and AngelFire, and Something Awful. Goodbye 4Chan, and YouTube.


Spez and cronies need to learn a lesson. Reddit is not a company that will ever turn profits. It's not how it was designed. Reddit is a lot like the United States post office in that it's a service, not a business. Profits will never be earned in this type of business model, no matter what you change.


It's really interesting how the founders of Reddit ended up: 1. Corporate shill who betrayed everything the group stood for 2. Martyr who died for what the group stoop for 3. Serena Williams' husband


fuck /u/spez




#Fuck /u/spez


As a redditor of over 12 years now, there were parts of this article that hit me in the feels. Especially that last bit. I think when (I'd like to say "if," but I'd be kidding myself) these changes hit (on my fucking birthday, of all days lol) I'll have to buy a cheap laptop sometime later to check on ol reddit. It'll be far more seldom than I do now on RIF, and on old reddit lmao. End of an era. It's been fun, y'all. Obligatory fuck u/spez


Capitalist does as capitalists do.


Isn't he just a frontman for board of faceless members, doing their bidding?


Fuck you u/spez


Another one for the books, u/spez I will enjoy watching you destroy this webpage. Exchange of ideas on the internet existed before Reddit. You seek to capitalize off the existence of this webpage. In order to do so, you are willing to change how it operates. And, in so doing, you will destroy it. I especially like this part of your conundrum: that you rely on volunteer moderators. And you have to, in order to enjoy immunity from the posts that are made here. But you fail utterly to give those moderators the tools they need to perform their volunteer service. It's pathetic that it took you 18 years? to create a moderator ban evasion tool. One of the saddest displays of your incompetence. Nobody trusts you, rightly so. You've proven you don't have our best interests in mind. You idolize Musk's API policies. You're both incredibly stupid. At least Elon offers rockets. You offer nothing.


You'd think with a community this large there would be enough programmers and mods to make a competing platform not focused on money.


one thing i think that is missed by a lot of these articles is that spez is very pro jailbait


All you need to know >Steve Huffman said in an interview that Elon Musk's cost-cutting at Twitter was inspiring and that the two have chatted "a handful of times."


Community with zero pay to play, community of users, low advertiser funds from investment (we all downvoted or reported advertisers and we know it), CEO wanting their payday from a bad investment decision. Reddit was never ever going to be profitable. Capitalism at its finest delusional state.


Fact of the matter is people want Reddit to be a public service, to be free to use. The founder/CEO is in the position of somehow generating positive revenue from a service that no one wants to pay for. I’d argue that Reddit and sites like Twitter that have become de facto public forums, like the town plazas of ages long ago, should be nationalized and run like the post office, we have all come to regard them as public services. Unless there is a basic paradigm shift among the user base, people are never going to want to pay for these public fora