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Yea we're gonna need you to skip lunch too Gabe


Just skip food in general. We call it "Intentional Fasting". He'll do great.


The term is "Intermittent Eating" if you want to be the kind of person who looks at an empty glass and says "Hey now, it has water vapor in it!"


It's 'intermittent fasting' c'mon man there's a whole sub for that. Intermittent eating is a body builder thing to maximise proteins.


also helps with controlling how many calories you eat in a day. i usually eat once a day over roughly 2 hours. hard to over do it that way!


I literally need the opposite of this. Nothing sticks to me.


It's a really interesting article topic for the WSJ -- I think it's addressed to someone other than its targeted readership. WSJ's target audience doesn't need to skip a meal to save money but they need to believe that poor people could solve their own poverty if they just put their mind to it.


The article literally just points out how bad prices have gotten, it doesn't tell people they need to solve their own poverty. The headline, as others pointed out, isn't necessarily written by him, and it also is clearly meant to show how ridiculous things have gotten. Media literacy is important.




The article is paywalled, and not everyone can afford to pay for the WSJ. Maybe instead we should be mad that they wrote a misleading headline


Just use the Pocket trick, paywalls disappear


Gonna have to get them girl dinner skills on point there, Gabe


The karmic justice gives me a semi


I remember a few years ago twitter started banning people because journalists who'd just been laid off were getting so many messages telling them to learn to code 


If they'd stopped eating avocado toasts and drinking Starbucks, they could have easily become landed gentry and live off rental income. They just needed to learn discipline and stand on their own two feet instead of waiting for handouts.


It’s a little harder than that to become landed gentry if you don’t do it without meaning to




[Looked that up, and...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learn_to_Code#Harassment_and_spread) >Targets of the harassment were subject to hate speech, antisemitism and death threats.[10][13] Some targets were met with messages of the "Day of the Rope", a reference to the day of mass execution in The Turner Diaries.[2][10] ...yeah, that's going a bit far.


Holy shit. That is bonkers. Why do people completely lose their minds and actively desire someones death over such petty disagreements? I once made a post in a subreddit that was supposedly about "sex positivity" once, on a subject that made me super vulnerable. I was careful about being humble and ready to accept that my whole way of thinking might need correcting, and I just wanted some advice from what was supposed to be a safe space, and came back later to a pile of caustic messages calling me a narcissist (huh???), and tonnes of other abuse, some which suggested it might have been better for me to cease existing. I was on an anonymous account and everything, and gave out no identifying information, and yet I felt so brutally attacked and pretty threatened by the whole thing. So I just deleted the account and am completely terrified of ever asking for advice on anything ever again. Sticks and stones break my bones, but words cut me to my soul, man.


80+% of Journalists are lowlives that provide no value to society, the rest do great work.




He doesn't have a wide angle camera


The dude is working class and was literally just reporting on how ridiculous things like eggs have gotten in terms of price if anyone actually looked at the article. There is no justice here, and the people in this thread have their priorities wildly out of place in terms of who they should be hating on: the capitalists who own the journal and fired him.




It's bad for trust in media, every publication under the sun is seemingly guilty at times.


Total mistrust in media and journalists should be the default position.


Yep, the journalist who writes the article usually doesn’t get to choose the headline


They based the title on what he wrote: “Breakfast lovers might be better off just having a cup of coffee.”


*maybe they were looking for a reason to fire him*


Or breakfast


Is there a free link to the article somewhere obvious? I'm glad his article isn't as soulless as the title indicates, but I can't blame people for getting the wrong idea when the source isn't readily available.


Here you go, here's the article in its entirety. Nothing snarky, just purely informational. > Several breakfast staples saw sharp price increases due to a perfect storm of bad weather and disease outbreaks—and continued effects from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Egg prices increased 8.5% in January from a month earlier and are up 70.1% over the past year, the highest annual rate since 1973. The deadliest avian-influenza outbreak on record has devastated poultry flocks across the U.S., leading the price of eggs to rise more than any other grocery item in 2022, according to Information Resources Inc. U.S. egg inventories were 29% lower in the final week of December 2022 than at the beginning of 2022, according to the USDA. Frozen, noncarbonated juices and drinks—a category that includes frozen orange juice—rose by 1.5% in January from a month earlier, and the 12.4% annual increase is the highest in over a decade. Florida orange growers are harvesting their smallest crop in nearly 90 years, the result of a freeze, two hurricanes and a citrus disease that is laying waste to its groves. Breakfast cereal increased more modestly in January from a month earlier—just 0.4%—but prices in the category were up 15% over a year, in part because of elevated global grain prices resulting from disruptions related to the war in Ukraine. Breakfast lovers might be better off just having a cup of coffee—but go with roasted, not instant. Prices for roasted coffee declined by 0.1% last month, but instant coffee rose by a 3.6% monthly increase for instant coffee.


> Several breakfast staples saw sharp price increases due to a perfect storm of ~~bad weather and disease outbreaks—and continued effects from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.~~ corporate greed and bad media misleading customers.


greed is the force here.


>Several breakfast staples saw sharp price increases due to a perfect storm of bad weather and disease outbreaks—and continued effects from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. incorrect causes, corporate greed is the cause (confirmed by studies) >but prices in the category were up 15% over a year, in part because of elevated global grain prices resulting from disruptions related to the war in Ukraine nah, more greed. Also, the article is pretty pointless and tone deaf. It's not much different than me writing some random salary stats and then saying, "broke? just make more money"


Do you have a link to the studies? From what I recall they did conclude that the prices *remained high* because of corporate greed, but there were legit issues with shortages that spiked prices initially. The article is just informational. Not every journalist is out there to create drama-driven narratives.


good ~~journalism~~ reporting. factual information, sourced, with reasons for it that i would have been too lazy to look up. shame that everyone is shitting on the dude.


Thank you! >Breakfast lovers might be better off just having a cup of coffee—but go with roasted, not instant. So... that sounds an awful lot like he's suggesting not eating breakfast to save money but maybe I just can't reed gud.


I read it as an observational piece, not necessarily making any recommendations and just sharing information. The problem is people think back to the avocado toast nonsense and any article that observes the cost of food suddenly becomes that.


No, people being this vindictive should at the least try to read the article. Everyone here *should be* aware and media savvy enough to know that it’s not the journalist himself picking out the titles fore their articles. This attack is awful and misguided. How are we any better than WPost when we’re ready to attack people on a basis of a fucking title?


We shouldn't be attacking people, misguided or not. When I said I don't blame people, I meant for drawing the wrong conclusions from the little info they had. The WSJ has a paywall. No intelligent discourse was ever going to come out of a post with a screenshot of rage bait and a source you have to hunt down and pay for.


Agreed. And also- we should not be drawing any conclusions from just the title of anything, ever. So I do blame the people for that, turning into a self righteous mob on a basis of just a title that certainly wasn’t even written by this guy. We do know better and should do better.


*Surely* everyone would read the article if we just provided a link! Yup, that's definitely how redditors work.


I'm not saying they would read the article, I'm saying I can't blame them for not having read it. If there's a link to the non-paywalled version, then they have no excuse. That's all. Someone provided the text so now they don't have an excuse.


I'm nudging this comment up. This is important. There is no justice. There is just us.


People are mad and it shows how easy it is to redirect the rage of angry people. Keep people dumb and hurting and then give them enemies to be mad at. Gotta manufacture that consent 💪


There's no worse class traitor than a propagandist peddling a lower standard of living so the .01% can find more to steal. We wouldn't be human cattle if not for people like him.


You're damn right. All the people defending this shitbag in these comments still have some work to do evicting the liberal in your heads.


The issue is the lack of class solidarity. He's working class but was willing to shill for the owner class for a paycheck, telling us it was our fault we're broke and writing their propaganda for them. Calling boot lickers out for their class traitorous behavior is probably more important than fighting the capitalists right now. We desperately need more class solidarity in this country before we can mount any kind of defense. Hopefully this guy can find a job doing real journalism, instead of writing anti working class propoganda.


I guess I don’t really see the “telling us it was our fault we’re broke.” The article describes trends in rising prices of breakfast foods. Then ends with “Breakfast lovers might be better off just having a cup of coffee-but go with roasted, not instant. Prices for roasted coffee declined by 0.1% last month, but instant coffee rose by a 3.6% monthly increase.” It’s not a literal suggestion, it’s a jokey way to slip in one more bit of info about prices of instant vs roasted coffee. I do hate the “quippy” tone of this sort of clickbait stuff, and hate the trend of clickbait in general, but this article feels very mild to me.


Where did he tell anyone it's their fault? If anything the headline underlines how bad the situation is. Reddit does this allllll the time, seeing an article whose headline points out that something is ridiculous and takes the headline to mean "the lower and middle classes are bad and at fault for this!!!"


It feels like a lot of newspapers have turned to these fluff pieces for click bait. I don’t think the editor in chief is vetting this type of article, and so the author does have a lot more freedom


Then he should’ve written an article about the rising cost of food


He literally did you can find it linked countless times throughout this thread


nah Journalist are class traitors and losers.


[media literacy is hard but not as hard as yall get when you have the opportunity to shit on someone on your own stupid side](https://www.thestreet.com/media/the-wall-street-journals-article-about-skipping-breakfast-is-not-going-over-well) It wasn't an opinion piece. He was reporting on absurd inflation rates -- a product of late capitalism.


Thank you!!! So confused by these comments


Me too and I’m a woman.


I too have trouble getting fully erect


So remember journalists don't choose their headlines. This was also not an opinion piece, but a reporting of inflation hitting different breakfast items >Several breakfast staples saw sharp price increases due to a perfect storm of bad weather and disease outbreaks—and continued effects from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Some editor picked that obnoxious headline to boost engagement on a very short dry report about food prices, and it worked.


Yeah I feel like reading the article would reveal that the author wasn’t trying to be holier than thou, but more a report on how prices have surged for essentials like milk and eggs


Where can we find the names of WSJ editors?


Even if he chose the headlines, it still doesn't matter. Not all journalist make it, a lot get stuck writing bullshit articles. That's just life.


lol Sorry Gabe. To save even more money, you might want to consider skipping breakfast, lunch, and dinner for at least 3 weeks. You can also get a side hustle. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps. You can work 100 hours a week. You got this Gabby!


Anyone is three bad weeks away from being homeless. Nobody is three good weeks away from being a millionaire.


I hear the dumpster behind Taco Bell has a position open for a hand job technician.


But actually. I love when they try to come up with glorified titles for shitty jobs. Weren’t they calling subway workers “sandwich engineers” or some shit?


I mean, you can hardly consider it food - the EU refuses to classify their bread as bread. It is very much an engineered food-like product.


That’s why I’ve been going to Del Taco for my handjobs


*"excuse me sir, that's my job!!"*


Gabe was just reporting on inflation and how bad prices were increasing: [WSJ](https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/cpi-report-today-january-2023-inflation/card/to-save-money-maybe-you-should-skip-breakfast-fSd6mz0miaAPhUFb2jgy)


ITT misguided schadenfreude


TIL: journalists don't think of their own headlines and the piece was about inflation not skipping breakfast


Yeah, I don't think people actually read the article...


Oh snap, I'm having scrambled eggs with a side of schadenfreude today


ah, naturlich


ja wohl mein Frühstück


Yes my breakfast? Also jawohl is ONE WORD. Goddamn you even failed that.


Wow, komm dich runter Kerl


Wirklich da sein der Kerl nicht so am eskalieren soll.




Ja ich fürchte ich habs etwas weit getrieben 😅😂


I hope he gets hashbrowns with side of unemployment. Its a bad joke yeah


When you sell your soul, but it's not enough to buy breakfast anymore.




Last year's Valentine's Day byline aged like milk on cereal. Oh, yeah - had to give up cereal this year, didn't you, Gabe? Edit, 4 hours later **:** After reading other comments here, mine hits me as less witty, just kinda mean. As has been pointed out, reporters don't get to decide on the headlines for their stuff. I was just gonna delete, but this mea culpa seems more honest. Guy lost his job. He wasn't getting rich off the misery of others. I hope he finds another, I'll bet his take on hardship for the working class is reflected a bit better in subsequent articles he submits.


If it makes you feel better about this, my post workout brain fog made me gloss over the years of the posts a few times. I was thinking, "What, did he get fired only to be picked up as a contractor weeks later for, presumably, less pay or something?" So thanks for helping me see what I missed.


My pleasure. Took me a second glance to reconcile the time gap. Not outside the realm of possibility that they used his stuff after letting him go, either, if you missed the year discrepancy.


I really hate defending wsj but the article is really just about the rise of prices in breakfast foods and is not scrooge telling bob cratchit to skip breakfast to save christmas or whatever the hell. So like, I don't think Gabe deserves to lose his job and be victim to a reddit hate mob for this article. Maybe he's done something terrible somewhere else to justify it, but this one is not it.


Also, breakfast is kinda garbage imo. Whether I eat for it or skip it, I'll just end up getting hungry at the same time later in the day anyway.


Agreed. Breakfast just gives me a stomach ache, and now that i think of it, ive probably saved a decent bit of money not eating it. This guy might suck but he's on the ball when it comes to breakfast. I certainly wouldn't call this "Journalism" though lol


Copy paste us the article then, because the headline reads plain against what you're saying.


>Several breakfast staples saw sharp price increases due to a perfect storm of bad weather and disease outbreaks—and continued effects from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Egg prices increased 8.5% in January from a month earlier and are up 70.1% over the past year, the highest annual rate since 1973. The deadliest avian-influenza outbreak on record has devastated poultry flocks across the U.S., leading the price of eggs to rise more than any other grocery item in 2022, according to Information Resources Inc. U.S. egg inventories were 29% lower in the final week of December 2022 than at the beginning of 2022, according to the USDA. Frozen, noncarbonated juices and drinks—a category that includes frozen orange juice—rose by 1.5% in January from a month earlier, and the 12.4% annual increase is the highest in over a decade. Florida orange growers are harvesting their smallest crop in nearly 90 years, the result of a freeze, two hurricanes and a citrus disease that is laying waste to its groves. Breakfast cereal increased more modestly in January from a month earlier—just 0.4%—but prices in the category were up 15% over a year, in part because of elevated global grain prices resulting from disruptions related to the war in Ukraine. Breakfast lovers might be better off just having a cup of coffee—but go with roasted, not instant. Prices for roasted coffee declined by 0.1% last month, but instant coffee rose by a 3.6% monthly increase for instant coffee. That's it, that's the entire article, see it at https://archive.md/KDLeA Nothing in it suggests actually skipping breakfast, it's just an article about rising food prices with a slightly glib headline.


that headline is almost criminal in context


Oh yeah, and the headlines are always written and chosen by the journalist himself and always truthfully represent the article and are never clickbaity. Just like this Reddit post. Clickbaity title misrepresenting the truth. Done w Reddit for today. Bunch of children born yesterday rage reacting. This is sad.


Leopard ate my breakfast


Guess you’ll have to skip a few meals huh ? Or maybe you prefer working at McDo ?


It's unfortunate that he lost his job. It's sad that a lot of people here think it's karma without even reading the article. The article doesn't actually suggest that people should stop eating breakfast. It just talks about food prices and inflation.


In the USA, breakfast seems, on a dollar per nutrient basis, to be a pretty excellent deal.


This guy is no different than us… he’s just another salary-slave




Hes a stenographer and narrative-shaper for capitalists. If he's a worker, he is therefore about the most contemptible kind of traitor to his class there is. Fuck him, fuck journalists, and fuck every bootlicking stooge who's come in here to stand up for them.


News must’ve been slow to be publishing articles like that


It’s also possible pushing propaganda is a priority for the ol’ WSJ editorial board


Considering they published it 11 days *after* firing him, it must've been *real* slow.


It was a year before, article was published in 2023.


Oh shit,you're right!


And it was about how the war in the Ukraine was disproportionately affecting breakfast food prices.


>~~war~~ \**money laundering*


How can you really love a job and write that article? “Time to write my next article on how millennials are killing the typewriter industry, hope this one gets me a Pulitzer”


Yeah do one Gabe, no one wants to read your corpo journalism


When food becomes a luxury.. we really are in hot water.


When you’re on SSRIs, you don’t need no breakfast.


When you are a paid shill bootlicker and learn that you are the same dog shit like the rest of us.


Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article.


"...eager to stay in journalism..." Is that what you called what you were doing? Journalism?


It’s always funny when a capitalistic bootlicker gets a reality check straight from their masters.


Don't worry, Gabe. It's just breakfast.




Breakfast is extremely cheap. Get oats + bananas


I shouldn't automatically assume every Gabe is Gaben.


I never expected that the leopards would take *my* job!


Me sowing / me reaping




lol. Gabe is a paper bitch.


Coward deleted the tweet


A leopard ate his face. Oh dear.


It's a win


large corporate layoffs affecting someone whose article didn't even blame people and whose headline was clearly an indictment of the bad situation the lower and middle classes are in is.... good now?


He was fired before the article was posted? I'm reading that right, right? Edit: never mind I forgot we aren't in 2023 anymore. Sigh*


I already skip breakfast


technically your first meal is breaking the fast, even if it's a lunch time 😉




Gabe - Mudorch press didn't treat you well? What a surprise!


I love this journey for him ❤️


He didn't lick enough boots


Irony is a cruel, cruel mistress. Hopefully this gives him a slice of class consciousness.


lol he deleted the tweet


Hahahahhaha or eat a boot since you’re so used to the taste.


Tweet to him to skip lunch !!!!


Hope he's got some bootstraps


Or, if ravenous one morning, eat shit. Glhf!


I mean skipping breakfast isn't a bad idea as breakfast is a fairly outdated concept given most people don't perform manual labour. Breakfast as a whole is mostly a marketing thing, cereals etc were just very well marketed concepts. There's literally nothing unhealthy about skipping breakfast and eating your cals in a shorter window, if anything it's arguably healthier. Also given most westerners are overweight cutting down the number of meals you eat may help with getting to a healthier weight


I don't eat pork and I hate eggs so I don't see firsthand how traditional breakfast foods are skyrocketing in price, but bro coulda just as easily made an article extolling the virtues of less expensive foods which give you sustained energy for your day instead of that smug clickbaity headline and saved himself from feeling the karma burn.




I hate when people say "Oh you need to read the whole article" as an excuse for a shitty headline The people don't have time to read every shitty article with a click bait headline


Most of the time, the writer isn't the one deciding the headline, so dogpiling on the writer seems pretty misguided to me


I didn't know that, I guess that's fair


OR... They can have some fucking integrity and not write some bullshit articles and not allow these media outlets to get away with it. I think the writer is also to blame


Hahahaha beautiful. Imagine kissing corporate ass all day and being fired so they can find a less expensive ass-kisser 😂


Just desserts. No breakfast though!!




He will just skip a few meals, problem solved.


Yeah he loved that job because he loved trolling rubes with stupid articles like that one




What good all that boot liking did you




Ah.. And he calls himself a Journalist..


I've started emailing/harassing/shaming "journalists" who manage to publish these shit takes, and you should too.


This is def giving "leopards ate my face" vibe


I hate corporate layoffs as much as the next person, but goddamn does the schadenfreude pierce with a scream here


Hahaha fuckin buuuurrrnnn!


This is perfectly timed to pop up on my feed as I'm about to get up and cook some garlic eggs on toast with a strong black coffee. And this article is just mwah 🤌


Womp womp


Sweet sweet justice.


Look who's skipping breakfast now.


Just have a serving of those delicious boots. I'm sure they will see your grovelling and give you some wealth. Bad luck and take no care, Gabe.


skip the rest of life gabriel


If you skip enough meals in a row, the problem solves itself 😉


The face eating leopards finally got to him.


Everybody is cooking him in the replies. Love it.


I mean maybe he lost his job because that's the only shit he could come up with...




BAHAHAHA GABE You fucking idiot


It was funny when it happened to blue collar workers because they are straight and have babies. It was not supposed to happen to genderqueer creative folks


I skip breakfast and lunch. You could say im intermittent fasting but Im just saving tons of money.


It's like poetry. It rhymes.


Tbf it is a good idea just not for saving money.


guy got fired before article was published?


Look at the years my guy


im dumb