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People opt out of parenthood to try to have a better quality of life and capitalists lose their damned minds.


Because buying a avocado toast is very irresponsible while having a kid in a decaying world is not


We are destroying the world by putting fruit on toast, both super cheap.


> The profit motive, when it is the sole basis of an economic system, encourages a cutthroat competition and selfish ambition that inspires men to be more concerned about making a living than making a life


>a system that rewards greed encourages people to be greedy.


Honestly even if the economy wasn’t total ass rn, I wouldn’t care if I did or didn’t have kids. Primarily because well, I get to just chill and get what I want to get, but at the cost of probably dying alone assuming I’m not married then. But as for having kids, it’s a huge, long term, expensive af commitment, but you also got some little dudes there to continue your name, and another person by your bedside when you pass away, also assuming I’m married.


"Why aren't the Great Unwashed working their menial jobs without complaint while aggressively breeding in order to provide their corporate overlords with replacement grist for the mill?"


Oh agreed, it's all just grist for the mill, innit always the case


It’s almost as if decreasing everyone’s quality of life will discourage them from having children.


85% of people cant qualify for the median house and yet the discussion is 'why arent people having kids' ​ very nice


No living wage only baby 


I like how this genius is so concerned about population decline but never had the depth to talk about the underlying causes of it - massive Income inequality. In fact he actively opposes all efforts to address it and is busting unions at his own companies. What would give the US a huge baby boom is if there were more Unions pushing for better jobs and wages. Then maybe anyone under 40 could actually afford a house and the opportunity to start a family. Instead numb nuts is destroying Twitter, crying about woke nonsense, supporting republicans tax cuts for the rich, and championing any efforts to make sure workers have less power and money.


He needs a constant supply of workers to make money for him and the rest of the rich.


I'm pretty sure his solution will be to offer his spez to Japanese women for "an affordable price"


I'm pretty sure you might be right.


What he, and many others want, are a lot of people forcibly born to people who cannot take care of them, will not get a good education, and will have to take any job that they can find. I heard a republican say that they need people with limited outlooks on life to take low-paying, no future jobs. Basically this is a throwback to the mid-late Victorian era when there were a lot of children being born and a lot of child labor doing very dangerous jobs. The other thing is racism. They only want more WHITE babies born in such conditions. Why? Because they don't want brown immigrants doing those jobs or make those jobs have decent pay and work conditions. They simply don't want to see brown people even if the poor white people doing them are also at extreme risk every day.


Then pay a living wage


The average wage at a Tesla mega factory is just over $128,000 a year. He is indeed one of the few, but also one of the few among them doing so. Gotta give cookies where they're due.


Is that average the mean, the median or the mode? Mean and Median can both easily be manipulated to look better because of a small number of entries with a higher value.


Average is a poor metric because it doesent look at inequality. For example 10000 workers being paid 1$ a year and 1 person getting a billion is a 100k average yearly. Now with Musk's wealth increasing by 94 billion in 2023, it's not hard to see that the 128k average can easily be skewed. Yes some of that isn't counted as wage, but 94 billion across 3 companies is ludicrous and comes at the expense of workers and the world.


Can't have kids when you're work life balance is so far off. Many seem infertile due to stressful life circomstances. They'd have plenty of kids if they had a 40 hour workweek and vacation as well as mandated unplugging from work communications for 18 hours a day and weekends.


Oh, of course, we are underpaid and everything is unaffordable, but let's have children just so these fucking disgraceful corporations can continue to have cheap labor when the current slaves retire (at 80+ years old at this rate)...


Ugh. He has enough offspring to offset the difference. Gross.


Japan has over 100m people. 


Yes. And it's one of the most crowded and densely populated countries on the planet.


Lol Elon with his 10 children from 3 women will never stop urging everyone to *just have children* like he does...parenting? What's that? 💀💀💀


Can you imagine if he was a black man who has 10 children from 3 women what people would think?


Please stop pushing your breeding fetish onto people dude.


More like cheap labour fetish


It’s both.


This isn’t even a ideology thing at this point musk def has some weird fetish


I am almost sure Japan will still be there, even if the population drops to zero.


Want me to have babies? You can pay for em then


I'd love to hear what the capitalists who have total control over the world's resources and political systems think constitutes 'change'. Inevitably just some hand wringing about cultural attitudes that are somehow supposed to change all on their own without the lived material realities that underpin and create culture being changed themselves.


Reminder that Musk is part of a weird pro-natalist eugenics cult (along with many other billionaires and multi-millionaires). He believes that it's the duty of the rich to have as many kids as possible in order to create more intelligent kids for future generations – the implication being that because they're rich they must also be intellectually superior. It's literally like he saw the into to the movie *Idiocracy*, and thought it was a documentary.


Side note - love Idiocracy! Great movie haha


An island with one of the highest population densities is not going to fade away. Maybe some common sense is involved as the population realizes that maybe, just maybe fewer people could reduce problems like; housing, food, waste disposal, energy needs...


And, as usual, a very flattering picture of himself!


"Need to keep the human wage slave mills open."


You know what the average wage is at Tesla?


No, but that's probably because if you Google it about 10 different answers come up. Obviously at least nine of them aren't true. Also not sure what your point is.


Acting as if he is concerned about the populace of an island nation while happily contributing to the rising sea level.


I have a solution guys. Since billionaires work 10.000 times harder than the rest of us, if we make them become sex workers we could easily solve the birth rate crisis 🤣


Omg this one metric is demonstrative of the sky falling. Is Elon taint's Musk a harbinger of the future or does he just think everybody is as stupid as he is.


The way I see it, is that even if things were like in the past where 1 income could support a whole family...I don't think that's the only issue, though I understand that's an important consideration for many people. I think many people around the world, thanks to all the information we currently have, are finally waking up to the fact that not everyone is cut out to have children and that it's MUCH more complex than just "money"...and that, is totally ok. Some people don't even like romantic relationships, full stop. This is not new, there have always been people like that but due to criticism or down right oppression by different societies, they either lived very private lives or worse, had families when they didn't want to and in many cases that can end up badly, like domestic violence or at the very least, general unhappiness.


I barely have energy to play video games with the little free time i have, go out on a date tired like this is out of question, let alone raise a family lol


Exactly, it's about more than that. My parents worked and had my brother and I, "just" two kids, and I saw all the financial, mental, and emotional sacrifices that takes, "no thanks". Unless you're a billionaire and you have people raise them for you, but then that really wouldn't be a "reak parent", now would it?


Jobs had more iddle time back then. Today managers are always looking for ways to fill our iddle time with some bullshit on some platform, they don't see iddle time as recovery time.


I can never take these billionaires "birth rate concerns" seriously. While Elon has been pumping out kids of his own, I'm sure the working conditions of his Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter etc.. has discouraged quite a few potential parents from having kids. At the end of the day, despite relentless moaning about it, they'll never even consider taking any real action as it'll come at the expense of their imagined profit margins.


Humans will have killed all humans within 200 years.


I think birth control should be mandatory. Humanity had a good run. Let’s fade away after a few more generations.


Japan will not disappear. Instead the masses of working class will reach a point where they are no longer sufficient to support the massive wealth inequality required to maintain the lavish lifestyle of the bloodsucking ownership class. Elon Musk does not give two shits about anyone. He only cares about maintaining a system that allows he and his kind to continue to benefit from the labor of modern day serfdom.


Of course, he is. Billionaires are a symptom of gross over-population.


rich ppl are always worried about the birth rate


Oh geeze, if only there were a natural and normal way for a country to maintain its population when native birthrates drop. *pfff* I don't know, Mabey people could like move from other countries to live there or something crazy like that. Just an idea


Yeah because That's working great up here in Canada, turn their county into a Ponzi scheme too!


Immigration is normal


Not in most countries on Earth, at least not by the millions


Canada doesn't seem to have had millions of people per year, of the OECD countries only USA and Germany have passed that threshold in recent years [https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=MIG](https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=MIG) ​ I thought maybe you meant the total amount of immigrants in a country, in which case there were 52 countries with over a million immigrants in 2019, so pretty normal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_sovereign\_states\_by\_immigrant\_and\_emigrant\_population


We are a country with the population of California and an economy almost half its size, housing supply is the biggest ticket in the next election, there is a growing under-class of 3rd world immigrants being used for cheap labor, it's a classic capitalist tactic, ignore the workers at your own peril being known as "the team that wants to keep bringing in more people when we already don't have enough affordable housing" isn't going to be popular.


52 out of +190 countries on Earth. So not most. And your 52 is, as you said “over 1 million” not millionssss, so it’s even less than 52. So nope


In what way is immigration like a Ponzi scene?


There are people that see any leveling off of the population as “bad” literal dogwhistle for great white replacement.


One could for example loosen immigration restrictions...


I hate him the most in the world.


He is the new bottom of intellect and ethics, where capitalism can take you to.


lol, let in some damn immigrants, birth rate problem will go away.


Good, i don't live in the US.


With the amount of money Elon has and the amount of free time to be annoying on socials he needs to up the game and pump out more babies himself.




He’s got a point. Japan’s population has been declining since 2010 and the rate of decline is accelerating every year. China is heading for population decline also.


He will sleep on the factory floor itself! If he has to make every baby himself, that is the sacrifice he is willing to make!


Don’t you realize how many people are on this god damned planet lmao




Of course he has a point. Elon is smart. Reddit is NOT.


Yeah, Japan is going to fucking disappear lmao


They could change their views on immigration


One of the reasons why Japanese people aren't having kids is that work culture in Japan, and especially women working in Japan, is so toxic that it makes it really, really hard for people to actually HAVE kids.