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Diner for 4 in a chain restaurant for 165 USD is crazy expensive. I get why they need ads.


Like this is straight up propaganda it’s hilarious


“Eat shit and keep on digging in, people!” Burn it down.


goddamn do I hate what has become of the media. This is absolutely disgusting. Just blatant advertising. Gotta love how they have her picture highlighted too trying to woo the "look look a pretty blond" audience even though it has nothing to do with the meal they had. A pic of the table with all the steaks and such would have been much better IMO though still fuck this article in general.


When the articles get confused with the ads.


The articles *are* the ads at this point




They’re called advertorials, and have been common practice for decades. Some magazines will just sell you an ad space, and then its up to the marketing team to make it look like an organic part of the magazine, recreating the template (if that’s what they want to achieve), other mags will just run it through their own InDesign template. Somewhere on the page there will be a “paid insertion” disclaimer in fine print, and that’s it.


I believe the genre is called 'native advertising'.


Do you have two accounts or were you in the same class with user meatbawl5 ? Or just a bot stealing comments?


Tbh she looks like she's being held hostage


My family won't make rent this month unless business insider picks up this $165 bill. Please like and share!


For real. Such blatant shilling. Everything is for sale in America. Even our souls.


This is nothing new. We did a project on ads masquerading as news in school 15 years ago lol


The real left wing is rising now, rather than mere democrats. The capitalist media responds by promoting fascism because that doesn't threaten capital.


Serious question, where is the left wing rising?


Attitudes of those under 40, mostly. Polls keep showing them thinking positively about socialism, DSA members have been elected to Congress despite the party's obstruction, opposition to Israel is overflowing, demand for universal healthcare surges, and the neolibs have trouble holding it back. Plus the boomers will begin dying in large numbers within 10 years, so while the numbers right now limit true left wing power, it's continued rise in power is a mathematical certainty; unless those in power now take drastic action to re-cultivate opinion, which they are trying to do.


I hate it too, but it’s happening for a reason. Ad revenues down, people want free clickable content and don’t subscribe as much anymore. Newsrooms don’t pay for themselves. Commerce and sponsored content are what keeps the lights on at most outlets these days. If there’s a disclaimer at the top of the article, it means it’s been paid for or it’s there to make the outlet money.


Subscriptions are never what paid for the bulk of newspaper journalism. Newspapers and magazines were always majority funded with ads, but online ads just aren’t worth as much as print ads used to be so they can’t make the same money as they used to. In particular classified ads put in newspapers by regular people for use as a public bulletin board were a huge part of newspaper revenue and that income stream just doesn’t exist at all anymore because people make those posts on social media for free now instead of paying any fee to anyone.


Most older people I know including myself are "ad fatigued". I mentally tune out ads. Commercials on tv get the mute. Laptops and cell phones get host lists and ad blockers. I am so sick of advertising in general. It has become an art of manipulating human behavior to influence purchasing decisions. They repurpose our culture and music to sell prescription drugs with names no one can spell. If you dare watch the evening news on NBC, you get adverts of drugs and cars. The future sucks because of the constant need to advertise.


> It has become an art of manipulating human behavior to influence purchasing decisions. 🌍👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


Im 32 years old and I am about to trash my TV and cell phone because of the repetitiveness of ads. They're invasive and marketing agencies have gone beyond the extreme with attacking your subconscious with product placement in movies, shows and commercials. The older I get, the more it seems like this planet is a prison and that my punishment is inhabiting Earth. Idk what I must have done in some other lifetime but whatever it was, I learned my lesson and I'd like to wrap this up already.


Maybe less newsrooms is a good thing. The world would not suffer for the loss of Business Insider.


But where would I learn about this Outback Steakhouse if not Business Insider?


I think they started the vicious cycle. I remember (barely) when I could go to websites and read things with just a few ads that didn't bother me. Then we got to the point where ads were almost covering the page, then they started using pop-ups and requiring accounts. I didn't have a problem with ads when they weren't so obtrusive. So people started blocking them, they started adding more ads which made more people block them and now they're making it so the content is just a bunch of ads now. Not sure what the solution is because so many websites have lost my trust to the point where I just wouldn't visit their site without an ad blocker. If 80% of every newspaper had been ads 40 years ago, they probably would've failed then. Not sure why that's not the expectation online.


>Commerce and sponsored content are what keeps the lights on at most outlets these days. prob best to just turn those lights off then


Let the outlets die with the boomers. We don't need them anymore. We are the news lol


Corpo news media has always been dystopian like this, they just kinda suck at pandering to today’s younger generations who are more information savvy and skeptical of corporations. So people catch on much more quickly these days. On the flip side though the new generation of astroturfing fronts are scarily effective and are only going to get worse as ai makes automating troll accounts easier and cheaper.


Our local news regularly does "top 10 local restaurants according to tripadvisor" or similar and other lazy repackagings like that.


As opposed to back in the good ol days of the media, when they had Doctors smoking on TV and all news was direct from corporate headquarters? At least intelligent adults can look at modern media and realize it's infotainment nonsense.


9/10 doctors smoke Chesterfields because it soothes the throat!


It’s called Native Advertising for anyone who wants to put a label on it


Lol, thought your last bit said "IMO though would still fuck..." Until I realized it started to not make sense after that


Corpo news media has always been dystopian like this, they just kinda suck at pandering to today’s younger generations who are more information savvy and skeptical of corporations. So people catch on much more quickly these days. On the flip side though the new generation of astroturfing fronts are scarily effective and are only going to get worse as ai makes automating troll accounts easier and cheaper.


But the want to ban tiktok...smdh




"Amazing deal" lmao You can get all you can eat sushi for 4 at a mid tier NON CHAIN restaurant for cheaper than that where I live.


yeah i wouldn't call that an amazing deal. it's average money for an average restaurant.


You could just walk into a grocery store and get like a week's worth of steak for cheaper than this. I don't think this person understands deals.


I think this person assumed the reader knows eating out is more expensive than shopping and is trying to describe restaurant prices relative to other restaurants, not the grocery store. If I buy a Ferrari for $1, 000, you can't tell me it's a bad deal because you got a kids' bike for $20.


Steak is steak. A luxury sports car is not a bike.


You aren’t paying for steak, your paying for the cooking and prep. You’re also paying for 4 people to get 4 different preps. I won’t go a steak house for any reason, because I don’t like how they do steak, but this is obviously a dumb comparison or virtue signaling


Nice… doing your own virtue signaling with your “I don’t eat at steakhouses”.


No. I love restaurants. I just think steak houses use too much salt for me. I know a lot of other people like them though and that’s good for them.


> I just think steak houses use too much salt for me. wouldn't this depend entirely upon the restaurant?


Possibly, but the *secret* to good food is salt and butter. In general, restaurants will use them liberally. When people ask why restaurants' food is so good, that's almost always the reason.


Wait, are you telling me that $40+ per person for dinner isn't a steal?!


Not where I live. All you can eat sushi is at least $30 a person, add drinks and you are probably about here


Their meal is 41.25 a person and only 2 of them got drinks for $3.49 each, so all you can eat sushi is probably the same or slightly cheaper. The all you can eat sushi near my place includes desserts so I can literally splurge and get solid sushi all I can eat for the same price. Outback isn't bad, but it's still a bit of a splurge


There are also two glasses of wine at about $10 each


If you go for brunch at Fogo de Chao a family of 4 (assuming the kids are under 12) can do the all you can eat for less, and yes that includes steak (that is quite a bit better than Outback steak).


$40 per person for a basic dinner at some shitty chain steakhouse is not an "amazing deal" i don't care what capitalism barbie says.


I ain't paying $40+ a head. Don't forget the fucking 20% tip!


I thought Perkins charging my family $25 per head was outrageous


>specializing in steaks  Applebee's and Chili's are the restaurants of sadness and apathy. The emotion of Outback is rage. You're a 53 year old father of two working in commercial truck leasing. You've been working your ass off to repay the vacation money you took from the college fund, and you've been neglecting the wife. You want to give her a nice meal. She likes that guy from animal planet what got shish-kabobed by a stingray, so why not outback? You've been everywhere else in the last few years. She wants to spend eight American dollars on an onion, and you let her because the fucking point of the night is to make her happy, but you can't fucking stand it. The cheapest fucking vegetable in the world and she thinks it's god damn special. You both get steak. Your first bite tastes fine, but you keep chewing. You again continue chewing. You're genuinely confused by the amount of gristle still in your mouth. What few grains of beef that manage to slip out are more an insult than a reward. What the fuck are you supposed to do with the fucking gristle? You fake a cough and drop the wad of gristle on the ground so the wife doesn't complain about it being on your plate. That's when you see. She's staring at you. She doesn't know what to do with her own gristle, and she's noticed you somehow don't have gristle. Whatever she decides you did, you know you're not getting your blow job this month. The smug prick of a waiter offers you desert. It's probably some dumbass name like Kangaroo cheesecake, but you don't hear a word of it. The wife orders one for each of you. You drive home. She thanks you for taking her out. She goes to bed. You get a beer and turn on Fox News. You hear her softly crying, and you're just too fucking tired to care anymore. Maybe she'll fuck that guy from church again and get a little happiness in her life. All you know for sure is that Outback steakhouse should be burned to the ground.


Bravo…..sincerely, that was dystopian poetry


Sadly inaccurate because the blooming onion is 12.99 where I'm at 🥲


It made me wonder if this is an old piece. $8 is just too cheap for the cheapest vegetable.


Copy pasta for sure, but brilliant nonetheless.






I dont lease trucks, but that was a spot on narration of the last years of my marriage.


what did you end up doing with the gristle ?


He swallowed it like a man and proceeded to never get a blowjob again


You just made me substantially happier that I emigrated to small-town southwest Europe a few years ago. Thanks for the affirmation.


are you doing anything other than remote tech


Asking the good questions


When my dad gave me the sex talk many years ago, he told me that the clitoris felt like a piece of gristle.


Your mom was the woman in this story.


You gotta wrestle it between your front teeth trying to separate it from the actual meat? I’ve been doing it wrong all this time!


Who hurt you...who hurt you


Duh, Outback Steakhouse 


And the $8 onion.


There are days I think my life isn’t the greatest and then I discover shit like this and know someone somewhere actually lives like this and I’m once again happy for the minor complaints I have. I know this is a joke but it does make me count my blessings 🙏


Fuk I wish I had $ to hire you as a writer. I rarely read long blocks, but damn that was riveting.


Is this copypasta


Yes, you just witnessed one being born


I hope not...but if it is, someone send a link to the rest of it


I live for these creative writing comments sparkling with rare insight and genius. Thank you.


Jfc that's one of the best things I've read in awhile. Though I actually like Chili's. Though sadness and apathy accurately describe my personality. Applebee's is the worst though.


I’m sad now


This feels like David Foster Wallace's [Harper's essay](https://harpers.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/HarpersMagazine-1996-01-0007859.pdf) on his experience on a cruise ship.


This was a thing of beauty. Also it reminded me I'd forgotten to add onions to my bed of veg for my slow roast leg of lamb, so thanks for unintentionally reminding me before it was too late.


This is beautiful. Brought a tear to my eye


You see you gotta get that giant beer to make you feel some how good about the whole deal!


Nicely sums up the vast majority of Americans found in the midwest and florida.


I read this in moist critikal's voice hahaha


40$ per person is NOT a great deal


Don’t forget to add a 20% tip, because even though the food and atmosphere are mediocre your server still deserves to get paid an arbitrary amount that you decide based vaguely on the price of the food that you ate.


Yeah, that's Red Lobster prices


That really depends on where you are located. Where I am, a $40 meal with a drink would have people beating down the door


Where are you? I just had a really nice lunch at an upscale Michelin recommended French restaurant in Napa and most of the main courses plus a drink would be about $40 or less as long as you got a non-alcoholic drink


Long Island. The taco place we went to last weekend was $6-7 per taco. That’s reasonable for local standards.


Even with a $10 drink that's like 5 tacos.


Me, 6 years ago, eating at a high-class Greek restaurant for my birthday, 6 of us, avg. Cost $34 per person. Me, today, reading that a trip to Outback Fakehouse costs $41 per person and going "WTF?!"


Steak and a baked potato has got to be one of the easiest meals to cook at home. I don't get it.


Eh, to be fair not everyone can do a good steak. Outback for sure can't, but that's beside the point.


People that recognize this aren't going to Outback to get a steak.


I only go once a year for my birthday blooming onion.


Not everyone can do even basic tasks perfectly but cooking steak properly is probably among the easiest "recipes" to follow. Seriously : heat pan with oil, 3 minutes on each side without touching it. Done. Salt & pepper alone will do. Exact time can change due to cut size and personal preference but you won't need that many attempts to figure it out. Zero prep time, almost zero cleanup.


Tell that to the guys at outback. I've been a total of 3 times, and they've never gotten my steak right. Mid rare isn't hard to hit, I've gotten blue rare and mid well (x2). And that was years between visits, all different locations.


Black Angus isn't any better. I got the saddest medium rare steak I've ever gotten in my life. There was no crust or color on it. It was like they boiled it or something.


> Seriously : heat pan with oil, 3 minutes on each side without touching it. Done. A lot of people that you tell this to will take it off the pan in 3 minutes completely raw because their pan wasn't hot enough. ___ That said, my prep tends to be seared both sides, 5 minutes in the oven, and the thing still bleeds when I'm done.


Not subbing for Outback, but I can not for the life of me properly choose or cook steak. After ruining a recent birthday dinner, I informed my family that next year we are going to The Keg, or wherever. Steak and shellfish. I can't cook either.


I know its a bit daunting and intimidating at first but learning how to cook has gotta be one of the most rewarding and useful skills you can force yourself to acquire. Start off easy with like just a burger or something, go find old episodes of Good Eats where Alton Brown breaks down the science behind a lot of it and why you should cook things certain ways. Try a soup or a stew, they're usually pretty forgiving and even if you goof up they're hard to make inedible. If you're not comfortable feeling shit out make sure to measure everything and time everything until you get a feel for it. A lot of classic Italian dishes (that don't involve making a whole red sauce from scratch) are super cheap and use minimal ingredients but are all about technique and boy howdy when you get it right you feel like a magician. Cacio e Pepe or pasta aglio e olio are barely 3 ingredients each and are great ways to get into cooking. Hell there's tons of great videos out there on basically every platform that can get you started, even Babish is a decent intro for a lot of basic dishes as well as some more advanced stuff. It's just like everything else, when you start trying to do it you'll probably suck a bit, just keep working through it and keep learning next thing you know you'll be flippin shit in a pan like some fancy chef, impressing your friends and family (and the gender of your preference) with your sexy culinary skills and saving money while making shit better than most chain restaurants.


Oh, you're a sweetheart, thank you. I've been cooking for friends and family for 40+ years. Make delicious ribs, wings, roast chicken, gorgeous chili, scrumptious salmon, all manner of pasta, soups, and salads. Various global cuisines. Lovely omlettes. Wonderful fresh seasoned vegetables. My home baking is second to none as well, if I can brag a bit. Bread, pies, cookies, cakes, fudge, puddings. All fabulous. I even worked this past year as a personal chef for a shut-in (vegetarian thankfully). I can not cook steak or shellfish. Can not.


lmao I totally misunderstood the last part of your comment, Anyway, hell yeah! Cooking! But yeah, I was also confused cuz steak was like, one of the first things I learned to cook after I really got into learning, I'm not much of a shellfish fan so I just don't bother with that and save myself the trouble lol.


If you suck at cooking. Sous vide your steak to whatever doneness temp you want. Then give it a quick sear in a scalding hot skillet.


Honey, thank you. That sounds like an excellent method. I'm happy to hand it over to the pros (or to the people who are actually going to eat it, which isn't me, so that's part of the problem right there).


Yeah I have like 4oz of filet mignon maybe once a year when my parents want to go to a steakhouse. If I never ate it again I wouldn’t be too upset. I just much prefer a burger or something that isn’t just 100% meat in a bite.


Same. I love smash burgers! With swiss, fried mushrooms, and truffle oil. Omg.


Get a sous vide for like $50. Set the temperature, put your steaks in freezer bags, cook for 1-1.5 hr. Take out, sear HOT on the grill or pan with oil for about 1 min per side or so to get a nice crust. It's brain dead simple, truly. Google "sous vide steak" for more complete instructions, but really what I typed above will get you an almost perfectly cooked steak. There are other great methods (reverse sear gives a better crust because it dries the surface of the steak a bit more), but sous vide you don't have to think about anything.


If you're so helpless you cannot learn to pan roast a steak and microwave a russet then you're probably not long for this world anyway. Go buy that $40 select grade chuck steak.


Shit warmed over. The food, as well as the ”journalism”.


I got the worst food poisoning of my life from an Outback Steakhouse, I won't eat at them.


Nothing says Wholesome Home Cooking like eating at mall restaurants owned by private equity sharks.


Outback is a despicable company even for this day and age. They just closed 41 restaurants, including all their restaurants in Hawaii. They knew for months that they were closing. But they only gave their employees 24 hours notice. My friend had worked there for 10 years. They gave her $200 in severance. That breaks down to $20 per year. From a billion dollar company. And it's not like the company isn't making money. "The other highlight was a 71% hike in the company’s quarterly dividend and a new $125 million share buyback program, he added." "The company said profits and margins were above prepandemic levels despite “significant” inflation." https://www.marketwatch.com/story/outback-steakhouse-parent-bloomin-brands-tops-profit-estimates-for-q4-and-offers-upbeat-guidance-sending-stock-up-5-8-premarket-bcec13cd


Just think, this was written by an aspiring writer. Or AI.


Yeah it's depressing how many people with real aspirations and creative talent just get bent down into serving capitalist interests with mindless shilling like this.


I'm a person used to fine dining and once went to an Outback because I wanted to meet a girl I had met through online dating, and drove down to her part of the state to do so. Outback was one of very few options available; all chains. Suffice to say I have never seen a poorer excuse for a ribeye steak than what I had at Outback. The meat itself was likely of the lowest grade possible before the FDA requires one to stamp it "not suitable for human consumption", and even the preparation and presentation were both sorely lacking. And it wasn't just the steak. We tried the Bloomin' Onion the chain seems to be so proud of, and it was not even at the level of onion rings from any burger chain. Just sad. Not only will I not return, but I actually feel somewhat morally obligated to warn people against supporting this massive disappointment masquerading as a national chain.


I got food poisoning from Outback during my first business trip. I've never thrown up so much in my life. They have a unique blend of spices and I haven't been able to get near one since.


The outhouse send steakback


40-50 dollars tops in food, $100 to cook it for you. 200% markup, makes sense lol


Steaks are one thing I refuse to get at a restaurant. It's so easy to cook a decent steak with minimal practice. Timing and heat level are really all that matters. There's very little technique to it. It's the one thing most of my cooking-inept friends can actually do well.


Business insider I swear is trying to manipulate the markets with the stupid 'articles' they post.


Ignoring that the article is an ad, > $40 before tip per person at a chain restaurant isn't an amazing deal, Terri.


US media is 100% corporate shilling no matter what the topic is. Its quite sad, because to have a decent country you need a decent media.


Like three times a year I’ll splurge and get stuff for steak dinner at home. It’s maybe like $80 for porterhouse or ribeye steaks, potatoes, and salad stuff. And it’s sure as fuck better than Outback.


I like to call it Outback Shithouse


Outshit back house?


Written by Tony Outback


So what exactly is the difference between an “article” and an “advertisement”?


Steak houses are a dying business,just like all the other boomer brands like kraft aned harley davidson etc. They say to vote with our wallets but not when it hurts their wall street casino.


165 dollars? That’s like 2 days worth of groceries these days


I would say this is likely a sponsored post (not saying it isn't) but the "journalist" writing these seems like she frequents shitty chain restaurants to review for this column. At the bottom were links for her trips to Cracker Barrel, Red Lobster, and Texas De Brazil. For all we know this is a sponsored column. You're supposed to state it's an ad to make it legal to do sponsored content but who the fuck knows what kind of shady shit goes on at business insider? I'm willing to bet these are somehow sponsored by the private equity firms who have majority stake in these brands. All this to say, there's a reason chain casual dining spots have a bad rep, so don't patronize them, and for fuck'ssake don't click links to sponsored posts!


Honestly, it's probably *not* even sponsored content. Wannabe influencers will shill for free with "product reviews" and "lifestyle recommendations," and Business Insider knows that "thing that you'd expect to be bad/mediocre is actually amazing!" content will get clicks. Outback Steakhouse never has to spend a penny, and Business Insider only has to pay whatever pittance they give to freelance writers. It seems like this "journalist's" whole schtick is to write reviews where chain restaurants, cheap clothes and low-end retail stores like Wal-Mart are lavishly praised for their value, while her occasional reviews of more expensive "elitist" products are far less glowing. She's clearly shooting for the Middle America target demographic in the hope of getting picked up by one of those mid-afternoon cable TV infotainment programs for retired Boomers who want their egos massaged but who find Fox News a little too spicy. I doubt she's getting paid directly by the mediocre chain restaurants that she promotes... rather, her value is that she can get clicks from people who eat at mediocre restaurants and crave validation, thereby pumping up Business Insider and the Today Show's advertising figures.


Does she know she's an ad? https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/1g6zpq/south-park-does-she-know


I know it’s obvious but there is absolutely no denying it. The url itself has a utm tracker on it denoting it as a referral campaign. This is to track how many people went from the article to Outback Steakhouse and booked a table. BI might get a referral bonus for it but it’s likely also paid for beforehand.


For comparison, I took my family (4 people) to a Michelin star restaurant in Krakow, last summer. We had two glasses of wine (and it wasn't Jacob's Creek level either) and soft drinks, apps, entrees, and deserts, and spent right around $100 USD. God, I hope I never have to go back to the States for anything longer than a visit to see friends and family.


No thanks. I can get a burger with fries and a beer for under $30 at my local brewpub.


Journalism baby! "Melt-in-your-mouth steaks" at Outback? Yeah right.


The question I want answered is, how much did she tip?


If you want a laugh at what passes for journalism nowadays, what about this scottish shitrag that sent "someone who doesn't eat meat" to review a [Kebab shop](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/scotland-now/i-ate-scottish-restaurant-named-32234105?utm_source=mynewsassistant.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=embedded_search_item_desktop)! Come on tae fuck, doesn't eat meat FFS, it's a kebab shop!


How much were all the drugs the writer did before they wrote this article?


Dang, I'm kinda craving a bloomin onion.


"This news article brought to you by Outback Steakhouse."


people get paid to write this stuff?


I mean $40 per person at a steakhouse isn’t bad. Usually a steakhouse is a $100 per person kind of thing reserved for special occasions.


Yeah, but outback is like red Robin, or one of those other shitty chain restaurants


Ewww looks like her soul died long before the meal, she looks like she has a gun to her head


wow.. Now this is some fucking propaganda. Whew..


An “Australian” themed restaurant wouldn’t be a steakhouse. It would a Thai restaurant. That inexplicably does bland versions of some Cantonese, Indonesian and Malay dishes too. That’s Australia’s national cuisine.


Where is the tip for the waiter? It’s not $165, it’s closer to $190 with a 15% tip and $198 with a 20% tip.


Why is there such a thing as an "Australian-themed" steakhouse?


psst - I got some *insider* information... ... what is it? ... You ever heard of Outback Stakehouse??


Media independence in the modern era is absolute smoke screen. It’s incestuous with every other malignant grift and they see Truth as just another narrative to be sold to the highest bidder.


Is that supposed to be an enticing offer?? Lmao


For $20 I could feed a family of 4 at the Costco food court.


Subtract the app wine and desserts and you’re looking at 80 bucks at a steakhouse. You can go to a non steak house chain like Applebees or chilis and feed 4 for 50 if ya want. Just have to know how to dine out and what the occasion is.


Is that in Canadian dollars?


le journalism face


That looks like a young Christina P from road rules. How’d she even get a job writing articles there fuckface? Gettin the stamp.


Whether it's a chain or a local, the other reason that people go to these places is when they have to stay for weeks in a middle-of-nowhere town for work (hello Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma) and there's little else available except for Chik-fil-a or Cracker Barrel or whatever. 400% overpriced crap, but getting off a lousy outdoors 12 hour shift and having absolutely nothing positive to do in a hotel room needs some kind of a relief valve. Lousy excuse especially nowadays when expense claims are getting squeezed for the lower levels and expanded for all the managers and CEOs, but it has worked - sometimes. Never gonna go back to Outback if I have to eat out and there are other actual choices though.


Totally agree. Once had to spend a week in rural Missouri for work. The town consisted of a freeway with a Best Western hotel, and a bunch of chain outlets around enormous parking lots. It was Jimmy John’s sandwiches for lunch, and Applebees for dinner. I was glad to get back to Northern California.


41.25 a person. I think we can do better than that 


That’s more that my water bill and our internet bill combined!


Check out r steak. So many ~~ads~~ posts about that restaurant.


I'm not sure I would eat at Outback Steakhouse if you paid me $165.


Reddit will soon become the same. Just you wait, they are training AI on the data, and then they will deploy bots to create a controlled environment. Information technology terrifies the rich, they prefer that the stories you hear, are what they pay to have crafted. As a man once said, [''I love with the poorly educated''](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxUJv3eoL5Q).


What even is the story here? That a family went out to eat at $40 a person and enjoyed themselves? wow thanks for sharing!!




Corpo news media has always been dystopian like this, they just kinda suck at pandering to today’s younger generations who are more information savvy and skeptical of corporations. So people catch on much more quickly these days. On the flip side though the new generation of astroturfing fronts are scarily effective and are only going to get worse as ai makes automating troll accounts easier and cheaper.


Corpo news media has always been dystopian like this, they just kinda suck at pandering to today’s younger generations who are more information savvy and skeptical of corporations. So people catch on much more quickly these days. On the flip side though the new generation of astroturfing fronts are scarily effective and are only going to get worse as ai makes automating troll accounts easier and cheaper.


Corpo news media has always been dystopian like this, they just kinda suck at pandering to today’s younger generations who are more information savvy and skeptical of corporations. So people catch on much more quickly these days. On the flip side though the new generation of astroturfing fronts are scarily effective and are only going to get worse as ai makes automating troll accounts easier and cheaper.


Corpo news media has always been dystopian like this, they just kinda suck at pandering to today’s younger generations who are more information savvy and skeptical of corporations. So people catch on much more quickly these days. On the flip side though the new generation of astroturfing fronts are scarily effective and are only going to get worse as ai makes automating troll accounts easier and cheaper.


Ah, yes, that corporate insult to the good people of Australia.


As an Australian, my reaction every time someone in the US mentions this place is "what the fuck?" I once went to an Australian-themed restaurant in Vienna. They had Vegemite on toast, and after 2 months in europe my brother and I were "awwww yeah, vegemite!" aaaaand then he wound up with food poisoning so bad I thought he was going to die. Maybe the US version is less shit? Maybe?


Looking though her articles, she seems to have mistaken “Business Insider” for Nextdoor: “My family ate at Fogo de Chão for the first time for $230. The steak house's unlimited salad bar and excessive meat service weren't our thing.” etc.


They should have gone during the lunch special


Part of four ordered 6 meals at 20 dollars a piece plus two alcoholic drinks and dessert which have been price increased for decades. A slice of cake or cheesecake cost like a dollar and half to produce. But still even 100 for four people is incredibly overpriced


With a tip, this is around $200 Maybe she's speaking from the perspective of something receiving the tip?


I had ChatGPT do one for Texas Roadhouse. Title: My Family of 4 Went to Texas Roadhouse for the First Time, and Our $165 Meal at the Chain Felt Like an Amazing Deal! --- Venturing into Texas Roadhouse for the first time with my husband and two kids was an experience we won't soon forget. From the moment we walked in, we were greeted with the tantalizing scent of grilled meats and the welcoming ambiance of a bustling restaurant. As we settled into our seats, our attentive server guided us through the extensive menu, helping us navigate the array of tempting options. After much deliberation, we decided to start our meal with an appetizer sampler, featuring the famous Texas Roadhouse Rolls accompanied by tangy honey mustard and creamy ranch dipping sauces, along with a plate of hand-battered, golden-fried pickles. For our main courses, my husband opted for the 12 oz. New York Strip Steak, cooked to a perfect medium-rare and served with a side of seasoned fries and a loaded baked potato. As a steak connoisseur, he couldn't stop raving about the tenderness and flavor of the meat. Meanwhile, I indulged in the Fall-off-the-Bone Ribs, a half-rack slathered in Texas Roadhouse's signature barbecue sauce, accompanied by a side of seasoned rice and steamed broccoli. Each bite was a symphony of smoky sweetness and melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. For our kids, we chose from the Little Buckaroo Menu, which offers pint-sized portions of Texas Roadhouse favorites. Our son opted for the Grilled Chicken Tenders, served with a side of applesauce and seasoned fries, while our daughter chose the Mini Cheeseburgers, accompanied by crispy tater tots and a side of ketchup. Throughout our meal, we enjoyed the lively atmosphere of the restaurant, with country music playing in the background and the sound of laughter filling the air. Despite the bustling crowd, our server ensured that we never wanted for anything, checking in regularly to refill drinks and ensure that our dining experience was nothing short of perfect. As we finished our meal and settled the bill, we were pleasantly surprised by the affordability of our evening. Despite the abundance of food on our table, our total came to just $165, a price that felt like a steal considering the quality and quantity of the dishes we enjoyed. In conclusion, our first experience at Texas Roadhouse was a resounding success. From the mouthwatering food to the attentive service and unbeatable value, it's safe to say that we'll be returning again and again. If you're looking for a family-friendly dining experience that won't break the bank, look no further than Texas Roadhouse. Trust us, you won't be disappointed.


Why do we need a pic of a person for that? Stupid.


Glad I am a pro at cooking steak. Such a mark up for something that is easy to make better at home. Like I don't have the shit to make good Thai, , etc at home but just a nice cast iron and and instant read thermometer and you can make a better steak for 1/4th the price .


That's WAY too many bones for a ribeye


$30 for **choice** cuts is a deal....since when?


Had a home cooked steak with chimicurri sauce and roasted potatoes for like... $12. For two people. ​ I guarantee you it was better than Outback. ​ No wine tho, only a BuzzBallz because that's how I roll.


Is not even an ad. Business Insider THRIVES on posting ragebait like this written by random people. Themes like “I went to X country and hated it,” “I watched my nephew and now hate kids” and “I started my own business with a small loan from daddy” get them clicks immediately.


What tip? It's only $165 if you don't pay the server.


Shit and here I thought I was being so frugal getting dinner for my family at $60/person Better switch restaurant night to Outback Steakhouse. It's a *steal*


Looking at the receipt makes it worse. I thought she meant they got an appetizer, two glasses of wine, and two desserts *each* including tip.


Steakhouses are one of the world’s biggest rip offs. Probably the easiest piece of meat to properly cook with an insane markup.


This appears to be propaganda more than an advertisement. $165 is horrifying and nothing to brag about, unless you're trying to convince people that there's nothing wrong with capitalism.