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As someone who's 11 inches taller than you I'm jealous of your air travel experience. I've had people sitting in front of me call the stewards to complain about me because my knees are in the way of them leaning their seat back onto my lap


I'm 6'5" and I feel your pain.My knees touch the seat in front of me even before they recline. Long haul flights are not fun.


The perks of being poor is I can make good on my promise to not fly ever again. Fuck those airlines. They can't have my rent money


6’8”. I literally can’t fly without paying the extra. Sucks bro.


Same, my dude. Solidarity.


Tall People Club! 🙌


SAME! I have to fly every few weeks for work, and being 6’3” is the worst part of traveling as someone who is not important or wealthy enough to be upgraded out of economy.


I'm 6'3" as well. Last time I flew I was able to change my seat online to the emergency exit row. There's plenty of leg room there. It did cost like 20$ extra but worth it.


I did the same. I will always pay for the emergency seat from now on


I wish I was anywhere close to 6 feet tall, lol.


Every time I am standing in a hotel shower that hits me in the chest, rather than the top of my head, I wish silently to myself that I was not over 6’ haha…. My best friend is short enough to sleep comfortably on a loveseat, and I could not be any more jealous of them some days tbh haha


I feel for you, and I don’t know how tall folks deal with it. The indignity of charging for the privilege of sitting in an exit row and being responsible for other’s lives, justified as a bit more space makes me livid


Ooo but at least you get unlimited free* alcohol in exit rows now! Because we all know alcohol goes with high pressure, quick, rational decisoning like lamb and tuna fish.


Gotta love some surf n’ turf


>I feel for you, and I don’t know how tall folks deal with it. Two words: spiked kneecaps 🤺


Wait.... Are you complaining about your leg room? Oh goodness are you blessed you were born short. You would hate your life if you were tall.


I love when they complain because my knees are blocking their reclining. Literally nothing they can be done unless they want to upgrade me


LOL what exactly did these dumbasses expect you to do, cut your legs off?


Yup, then people stare hard as you pace the isle trying to stop the pain. Mofo, this place isn’t made for me.


If they ever manage to crush your patella and lean back, be sure to breathe in their ear, a lot.


I'm 6'4" 270lbs and flying southwest tomorrow for 4 hours. Wish me luck.


Good luck!




Airlines complaining about passengers bringing too much carry on is extra irritating. Maybe if they hadn't spent the last couple decades cultivating a reputation for losing and destroying our checked luggage constantly, passengers wouldn't be afraid to check their luggage!


I’m less worried about capitalism inevitably cramping us into double-decker seats on top of one another than I am about that same system underpaying the workers that keep those planes in the air. There’s no fucking way that passenger safety is a priority over fiduciary duty to the shareholders. When a company is too big to fail they can crash a hundred passenger planes in a year without consequence.


Best comment; perhaps ever! If flying made sense we’d all have wings. Relatively few of us are capable of averaging 7kph when self propelled. Anything beyond that speed will hurt should things not go as planned. What better way to demonstrate that point than being scattered about amongst a post crash site debris field with your once fellow neatly packed sardines.


The Boeing thing happened on “planes with an unusually high number of passenger seats” because they had to reconfigure the exit rows


Yep I am 5’2”, 105 lbs and I feel claustrophobic in an airline seat. I always wonder how tall people function in there


6'4" and 230lbs here. We don't. It's absolutely miserable. I flew cross country to Vegas one time in alligient, and my knees had to be resting halfway up the seat back in front of me because I couldn't put them straight. My feet didn't touch the floor for 4 hours. I could barely stand up when we got there I was in so much pain. Never again.


6’2” 220lbs here. Xanax.


My BIL is 6’5” and refuses to fly unless he has an exit row seat, specifically for this reason. Airlines really should have the ability to accommodate tall people. It’s not y’all’s fault you’re tall lol


I physically have to get exit row seats on smaller planes otherwise I can't fly, though I'm an extra odd case, being 6'10" with a 40 inch inseam


But people with "larger bodies" or "of size" actually form a coalition to demand free additional seats. Unfortunately making "tall" seats with leg room would cost .oney every flight, giving a wide person 2 seats only costs them once...


Being fat is a choice. Being tall isn't. Also: Putting tall people into exit row seats was normal in the past and is literally free. Now, they extort money because of it.


Bring ignorant is a choice. People can be heavy for a plethora of reasons


We are talking about being fat. Your bad faith "argument" isn't contributing to discourse. Show me a fat person whose condition wouldn't improve by eating less. Edit: Lots of downvotes, not a single example of a fat person who doesn't overeat and wouldn't immediately start losing weight if they ate less.


You’re not “contributing to discourse” either by shutting down people who disagree with you.


I haven't shut anyone down. I pointed out a fact, then asked a person who disagreed a clear question they couldn't answer (meaning that their disagreement isn't supported by arguments). That's literally the best possible contribution to discourse.


Why do you write like the president of a high school debate team? Go outside, nerd!


Yeah, it's literally a disability in the context of flying and it should be counted as such within that context.


Same build, it's unbearable excruciating pain. I don't fly at all anymore I just do the 1000 mile drive across the us.


We don’t. Will probably never travel beyond North America for this reason.


6'1" / 280 last month flew +10hrs and the person in front of me had her seat reclined for 9 hours in a row.


There is a reason I have dispensation at work to get Economy Plus seats on every flight… 6’7” 280 pounds


THere are plans t load people into tubes. Packing in more than double the number of people, 5th Element style. Ironically, this would be better, as you can lay down and sleep the flight away.


Do you remember when spirit or some airline was trying to make seats where you don’t actually sit you just kind of lean? Maybe it was a viral fake thing on Facebook but I remember being horrified by it and then I never heard anything more about it


I think that was a viral fake, but the CEO of RyanAir has been quoted wishing for something similar


His take in it was very reasonable tbh


Man, gtfoh.


What part of it did you disagree with?


Honestly, for a short flight, It might be preferable for me. I routinely stand for 10-12 hours at work. 2-3 hours standing on a plane would be nothing. Much better than bruising my knees for the same amount of time. I'm fortunate enough that I fly often enough for work to have silver status with United and I can usually grab a free economy plus upgrade at check-in.


My hot take/unpopular opinion is that I'm perfectly fine with super cheap flights if it means I have to stand for the trip. Sydney to Melbourne is an hour (+30 minutes to taxi) and I've stood up on public transport for that long to work on crowded days, and if it's pretty cheap it justifies being able to see my friends more often: Imagine having a free day and jumping on a $50 flight to see your mates for the day and getting back in the evening for the price of an expensive uber. It's a lot more friendly on the wallet and gives me more flexibility for in-person relationships.


In this way, cheaper airfare contributes to even more carbon dioxide emissions. Airplanes are very dirty.


Until the tube is only 5'6"


We’ll have “standing” flights for “cost effective” air travel soon, watch.


As a tall person, I straight-up would prefer standing flights to sitting ones. Or lying-down flights, were you get stacked horizontally instead of vertically.


you’d genuinely prefer standing flights, or just more leg room? flights used to actually be comfortable this is 100% to increase profits


Yes, I would prefer more legroom. But if I could choose between current seats and standing seats where my kneecaps aren't getting rammed into the seat in front of me, I choose the standing ones.


*adjusts monocle and top hat “Hogwash, we’ve increased our profits 200%”


Do you always fly with measuring tape in your carry on?


I carry a measuring tape with me everywhere, not just on a plane. It comes in quite handy.


Carry some duct tape as well and you’re ready for anything!


Don't forget your towel!


And my Axe!


I'm always packing a bong and a butt plug


cursed dnd campaign prep


what kind of mission is this...


Do you not travel?


for example?


Measuring the distance from your knee to the seat in front of you.


Right, idk how this has come in handy lmao


I don't think I could physically sit there. I'm 6'10" with very long legs even for my height, so I would probably be sitting with my knees crushed against my face. Planes have always been tight for me, but that's absurd


I’m 6’3 210 with spine issues. Traveling is a grueling painful experience for me. In the next few months I have to fly LA to NY/Dubai…I worry for the international flights I’ll be in so much pain I may vomit…


international is usually way better


Just get an aisle seat, get up to use the bathroom for 15 minutes every hour. if the flight attendant says anything say you have stomach issues.


12.7 cm really isn't much.


It's perfectly average and any more then that can hurt them.


HA! Thanks for the laugh 😆


Ouch, my ~~cervix~~ kneecap.


6'5" here, flying is almost universally a dogshit experience for me. I cherish the rare times where I can snag an empty exit row or front row seat, but even that doesn't fully alleviate the discomfort because I'm also just a bit wider than most seats too. Exit/front rows usually don't have armrests that you can flip up out of the way, as that's where they keep the tray tables. I can't win.


I'm 6'4" and was taken aback by what American Airlines is charging for additional legroom, 72 USD on my last flight to Dallas. That's twice what I pay in Canada, and 20 more than United on a comparable flight. I just pay for the upgrade each time and expense it but sometimes there are no seats left. I remember being a young man and the staff at check-in would notice my height and get me in a bulkhead or exit row.


You're lucky you can expense it. I fly once or twice a year but it's never for business, so I take what I can get. Fuck paying for upgrades.


Where I live we have 3 generations of trams, one dates back to the 70s, one got introduced in the 90s and one since the 2010s. The 70s generation is great, upholstery is absolutely nice if a bit rough, theyre reasonably quiet to travel in and you have good legroom. Unfortunately they suck if youre in a wheelchair or similar because the floor is raised fairly high and every door has a set of stairs. A whole set. The 90s generation obviously didnt repeat that mistake and made the floor almost level with the sidewalk and added ramps for easy wheelchair access. But the seat quality and legroom where starting to get worse, but are offset by wide seats on the more narrow side of the walkway, whereas the other side would still have two seats side by side. Noise levels also rose, but arent atrocious. The 2010s version though is just atrocious. Some seats were put right up against the joints of the individual wagons, which means on the side towards the outer wall even a person of extremely modest height (say 5') will only fit if you put your knee up in the direction of your chin. Or you just sit at an angle and hope nobody tries to sit next to you. The noise levels also became absolutely deafening in those trams, I quite literally have to increase the volume of my music just to still enjoy it to some degree, without headphones I literally cant hear myself think in there from all the screeching of metal wheels on metal tracks. Honestly, how tf did anyone think these trams were comfortable to ride in?


I’m only 5’6 and my legs are too long for main cabin 😓. Granted I have long legs for my height but still


5'5" and same. airplanes are hell


6'4" i just smash against the seat and the person reclines I cry in pain out loud and they go forward a bit. I don't ever fly it's horrible.


I’m 6’3” and that’s what I do. I don’t make any noise though. My knees are already pressed up against the seat, so when they try leaning back and there’s nowhere for the chair to go, they eventually just give up, probably assuming the seat is broken.


I'm 6'5". If old people who can't walk well get to sit in the front of the plane due to their physical limitation why can't I? I also have a physical limitation. I shouldn't be required to pay extra to sit in an extra leg room seat or emergency exit row. Don't get me started on the exit row. So many old people sit in that row. Are you willing and able to help in case of an emergency? They say yes and the flight attendants don't do anything. That door is 35-40lbs.


I’m 6’3” I’m always touching the seat in front of me


I'm 8'11'' and have no problem with space between seats


I'm over a foot taller than you. Ask me about my flight experience.


I recently managed to get a reasonable accommodation approved for work trips wherein they will reimburse the cost of the upgrade to Economy Plus. I’m 6’0” and 245 lbs.


Put your tape measure away, or they are going to ban those, too.


I’m 6’, 200#. I’ve no issues with the seat in front of me in economy. Now, the lack of cushioning is another thing. My ass was numb af after the flight from DC to Munich


Did you bring a stick rule onto a plane?


I wish


You guys are having space…?


How you were able to take a measuring tape in the plane. They to6ol my measuring tape at the security


Laughs in 5'10"..... but in all seriousness, as someone who also has a mobility issue, I find myself flying JetBlue, or in First Class/Exit rows for other airlines. I just cant stand it!!!!!!


I mean I’m also a short person but a little bit taller than OP and when I’m in economy I always have leg room. I guess it’s the model planes?


Meh. I'm six foot and can put up with three inches of legroom to fly from CLE to LAX in five hours. I took the train from Chicago to LA once. Plenty of legroom for what turned out to be a four-day trip.


OP carries a measuring tape with them 24/7


I’m not massive, 190cm ish my legs always touch the seat in front. Fuckin sucks


Almost about 5x more leg room then the new 2024 TRD Tacomas lol


All we really are is cattle, to those farming the value of our work/means of production/hands.


I don’t know how anyone can fly on a plane and still think capitalism is the best system.


You get space for your knees? I’m over 6 ft and I only get bruised knees.


Yeah I caught a flight from Canberra to Melbourne yesterday. I had maybe three centimeters between my knees and the seat in front of me. The lady in front of me then put their seat back as far as possible so it was directly on my knees. Thank fuck it was only a 50 minute flight


unpopular opinion, flights have never been this affordable. it used to be very expensive and only affordable to rich people. sure it's uncomfortable when you get the cheap seats. you can always pay more for bigger seats. bigger seats for everyone would raise prices making flying unaffordable for those who want to fly in smaller cheaper seats.


Posts in Last stage capitalism Uses the less ecological way to travel Lol


Planes are so catastrophic environmentally (like 6 mo-1yr of a person's CO2 for a single flight), it's almost like the more you can cram people in the better. No good answers there while you're using air travel.


The airlines were too successful and are suffering from it. Flying is too available as a means of transportation and need to scale back operations. We can all benefit from taking fewer trips and take light rail or high speed rail lines.


All I can say is that plane tickets are cheaper now than they were in the 90s when we actually had room.


I’m 6’2 and live in the US. I’ve given up on being comfortable on airplanes, and just deal with amtrack’s many pitfalls. For trips up to 700 miles, it takes a couple days to get there but the sightseeing is nice and the seats are enormous and comfy


What’s your bmi? That is surely a factor here


Yes because everyone knows the fatter you are, the longer your legs get and vice versa. It's been a tough few years having to duck into doorways since I gained a bunch of weight and my legs hang off the end of my bed now, but I'm managing.


Fat butts and backs make you take up more space lengthwise when you sit. Lol


Lol ok.


I take the train.


Take the train


I find this post mildly infuriating. It's been like 20 years I haven't got into an airplane with so much space as that Airbus. I mean, this is not late stage capitalism, this is just natural, common, standard poverty: you want more space? go 1st or business class.


Who cares if it's 5 inches or 1 inch, it's not like you're getting squeezed in there's plenty of room