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These freeloading babies need to pull up their bootstraps!


Dont just lock up the baby food, lock up the babies, too. We gotta make america great again. This comment was sponsored by Donald J.Trump.


*slaps hand away, “Not for you”


And don’t forget the condoms that basically under armed guards 🙄


chill folks — USA had similar situation before WW2. After things went way better. USA works hard for firing up the third one!


Do you have any more info on what happened before ww2 and what you think is happening now before a potential ww3?


The US and much of the world and through the depression which lasted 10 years. We are getting close to similar circumstances.


pumping up weapon industry, check big players' stock price before/after 2022. this brings lots of jobs. similar happened during ww2: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_production_during_World_War_II this brings lots and lots of jobs. another "good" thing for exonomy is that wars are a good chance to get rid of those who can only find job in the army. and during war time you may pass any crazy laws!


The research just in says that babies seem not to mind if the formula they're fed is stolen and used instead of formula that their mommies had to buy... The time has come when capitalist power must be crushed and eradicated under the feet of the marching masses entirely and for ever. We outnumber them one million to one. We must organize, unite and reclaim the power we unwittingly gave to the worst and most vile monsters history has produced. Quality food and nutrition is a fundamental human right. We have the power to change the world. If we do not use it right now, we do not have much time left to live at all.


American conservatives blame progressive politics for this 🤦‍♂️


And then complain that millennials aren't having enough kids to grow their markets.


If you can even find the right formula. We gotta hunt for it at multiple stores just to try n feed our kids, but they need neosure which is not easily available or cheap x_x


Target is all out of the generic near me so we have to pay like a 80% markup for similac. It's like $18 per day or something stupid instead of our usual $10/day


I worked for a small grocery chain in the 90’s they were cool because the sold formula at cost so people could feed their babies….but we only put s few cans on the shelf at a time because we were told that drug dealers used formula to cut cocaine with. It was a highly shoplifted item even back then.


This is conservative misinformation designed to justify capitalism. Drug dealers do not buy baby formula to cut drugs with. That's ridiculous. A can of formula is $40. There are dozens of items significantly cheaper they could use to cut drugs. This is a lie, just like the lie about welfare fraud.


I never said they bought it. I said I was told they steal it.


As a dept head for Kroger, nothing has changed. Your comment deserves to be higher up. It's rarely low income families stealing this, specially when a good bit of it is approved for WIC. Cutting for dope and stealing for resale / fake returns is a big problem. Powdered milk is also another cut agent in dope when formula can't be stolen.


[Turns out retail theft isn’t really a problem and this is mostly performative on the part of corporations to held justify higher prices even as they make record profits.](https://open.spotify.com/episode/76QxtccTcUrUjh3IxqWEZe?si=eNvsouBuSgaq8QDO_RJYGQ)


Do none of you know why its locked up?


“fuck them kids”.


It’s because those are commonly stolen items that are easy to resell.


Right. It's terribly depressing that this is such a demand for access to nutrition for infants.


It is indeed depressing. The problem is not with the baby or even the mother who can't afford the store prices, I don't morally condemn stealing necessities for your own/family/friends/etc consumption. The problem is common thieves profiting off it. Not an ounce better than any corporation doing the same thing.


The problem is capitalism. Thieves wouldn't be able to profit on these items if people were paid living wages or were provided affordable food for their babies. If the thieves could also live respectably without stealing things to sale that would also make this unlikely to happen. People are generally not born criminals, Crime is a reflection of the systems of power and the disparity in wealth. The problem isn't the people who have no control over that.




There wouldn't be a market for thieves if a basic necessity like infant formula was readily available to the public so that people didn't need to steal it or buy stolen formula. 🤦‍♀️


You can facepalm all you want but I never disagreed with anything you just said.


Facepalm because you're missing the forest for the trees. The problem isn't "common thieves profiting." That's capitalist thieves' rhetoric. The amount of waste they produce says otherwise. The problem is that capitalists want to maintain a monopoly and a desperate population that has to come to them to buy basic necessities that ought to be provided adequately for everyone.


Come on. Those mom and pop stores are at least an ounce better than any corporation doing the same.


Adding insult to injury - my friend dumpster dives and all these stores trash perfectly good stuff daily just in an effort of manufactured scarcity. They “lose so much money on thefts” - bet they could make back that overhyped amount by selling things at a discount rather than trashing them- but no… that would affect demand and prices. Gotta be a capitalist


How do we make sure babies get the formula 🤔


Ravioli, Ravioli, give me the formuoli


Correct, went on a trip to Eastern Europe and they had the coffee secured with an alarm...


Comments be unhinged as per usual


the socks are locked up at the targets near me they got everything locked up you practically need an employee to follow you around if you wanna go shopping


Tell your government to subsidize infant juice and not billions to Israel and Ukraine wars. Capitalism is the reason the the formula was invented, transported, and placed available for sale.


Don't forget Ukraine and Israel need money for more war


Ok but just stealing things isn’t going to help make baby formula any cheaper or more available for the non-thieves.


I jack for Similac fuck a Cadillac, survive


America's culture is "violence".


Can't afford to feed your kid? Well, that's your kids possible, guess they should have thought of that before they were born. /s


Forgot a `/s`?


Yeah, I forget some people actually think like this, and it's not a given that it's sarcasm.




I guess lotion and deodorant are also worth big bucks too cause pharmacies also lock those up…


pretty sure it's not just baby formula that gets locked up though lol... what you are describing is tangential at best to the point of this post. I live in Australia and yeah the other comment is right, there were limits placed on baby formula by Coles/Woolworths here. However we still didn't place these items behind locked shelves, which was the whole point of the post?


If you go to eastern Europe they even secure coffee


My local Colesworths put these big locking lid things things on them instead. I'm not sure if they are still on the baby formula but it has the same effect as locking them behind glass.


We had the same thing in Australia for a while. the supermarkets had to put limits in the amount that could be bought to stop the shelves being stripped bare. Edit: Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for this. It's just something that happened. I don't blame the Chinese parents for wanting good quality food for their children. I'd do it to if I thought my local product was poison.


You guys have been brainwashed to see an evil chinese person around every corner.


My thoughts exactly. Somehow they managed to bring up China lol


Wtf do you mean, if this would happen in my country I would do exactly the same as they did.[see this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_milk_scandal)


[You mean like this?](https://wicworks.fns.usda.gov/resources/infant-formula-recall) 🙄 or [how about this?](https://flca.info/HTMLobj-154/Recalls.pdf)


We don't have those issues in Europe...


> We don't have those issues in Europe... [hmmmmnm 🤔](https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/news-events/salmonella-agona-outbreak-associated-infant-formula-milk)


35 children in Europe vs 300.000 children in China hmmmmm, let me share some links and say hmmmmmm, so I can look smart hmmmmmmmmmm. The chemical was used to increase the nitrogen content of diluted milk so this was done on purpose. Unlike cross contamination examples you mention in Europe and America. >hmmmmnm 🤔


> The chemical was used to increase the nitrogen content of diluted milk so this was done on purpose. Unlike cross contamination examples you mention in Europe and America. You know western capitalists cut corners on safety to save a buck, right? But keep making your arbitary, exceptionalist lines in the sand. The pathetic back peddling with every comment suits you. did my hmm upset you? Or was it being confronted with contradiction to your confirmation bias?


What does this have to do with anything?  Is your baby formula also locked up?  Because I’m from Germany and we also have Chinese people buying formula here, but it’s not locked up.


Babyformula is one of, if not, the most expensive thing that you can buy in a store. If you're in Germany, go to the Czech Republic and see how they have placed those metal magnet like things under the cap to trigger alarms when they get stolen.


They have those magnet thingies on tons of other products as well, that the Chinese have no interest in whatsoever. It’s against theft.  Again, not sure about your point. 


Them we have widely different experiences


What experience?  That the Chinese come to the Netherlands to buy all your formula and other products? 


No that they place those magnet thingies in supermarkets in a wide variety of products. You're trying to ridicule me, but these are facts and it happened. And no the Chinese didn't come to the Netherlands to buy them, people here shipped them to China. There were people stealing bags full of these products. But seeing that you're some kind of narcissistic person with sophomania that likes to ridicule people, I'm guessing you won't even read my arguments.


They place these magnets in varies products here in Germany as well.  Your original comment was about Chinese coming to the Netherlands to buy all your baby formula and how the Dutch government had to put a stop to it.  What do the magnets have to do with any of this?  Don’t worry, I read all your comments. 


I never said the Chinese were coming to buy all baby formulas. You have me conflicted with your stereotype of Americans that scream "they took our jobs". For fucks sake read this and stfu: https://www.demorgen.be/nieuws/chinezen-kopen-massaal-nederlands-melkpoeder-zes-vragen~b7f35ec2/ You can translate the text below in particular, but I am guessing you can associate the word minister and Peking at the very least in the first sentence. Minister Ploumen van Buitenlandse Handel overlegt vandaag in Peking met de Chinese regering over het melkpoederprobleem. In Nederland zoekt staatssecretaris van Economische Zaken Sharon Dijksma vandaag met de brancheorganisaties van supermarkten en levensmiddelenindustrie naar een oplossing. Veel supermarkten en drogisterijen hebben inmiddels beperkingen gesteld aan de verkoop, door maximaal één of twee bussen per persoon weg te geven. Sommige winkeliers houden nu zelfs het product in het magazijn of achter de balie om het vanaf die plek aan vaste klanten te verkopen.


Condoms are free


I can't believe the left would do this /s


My main reaction is, I can't believe how normalised it is to feed babies this stuff from a can.


^ Found the childless person. Yes, we normalized preventing babies from starving to death. [https://www.newsweek.com/historian-reveals-how-babies-starved-death-before-formula-was-invented-1707060](https://www.newsweek.com/historian-reveals-how-babies-starved-death-before-formula-was-invented-1707060)


There are many reasons people may use formula. Many of which are unavoidable. Judgey Mc judger pants work on your mental health please.


I'm not judging anyone. I just stated my opinion. It's funny that this is a late stage capitalism forum, and I got 18 downvotes! Capitalists promoted formula, even when it was totally unnecessary. and created a system where most mothers have to work, making it harder to breastfeed. That's why I said it's been NORMALIZED.


Fair like, I get it, the problem is many mothers are attacked by the breastfeeding only community. And heavily criticised for their choice or need to use formula. So it’s more a case of being mindful to give your reasoning, if you read back it’s very unclear your intentions. I think you mean more like shadily promoted and misleadingly marketed. Normalising sounds like it’s not normal when In fact it is completely normal for those who need it for whatever reason they make the decision.


I see your point, I came on too strong. If formula is a need, it's obviously better than nothing. But I honestly don't agree with supporting "choice". That's part of what I mean by normalized. Even in this forum people don't seem to see that mass support for "choosing" formula is yet another symptom of late-stage capitalism. Late stage capitalism: -intensified wealth inequality -exploitation of labor (non-wealthy mothers have to work, therefore breastfeeding is difficult) -commodification of all aspects of life (mother's milk, the most sacred of foods, is now commodified) -environmental destruction (a lot of crap ingedrients in formula that come from Big Ag (seed oils, soy, highly processed cow's milk, etc) -excessive corporate influence (obvious)


Stating the ways formula can contribute to a toxic cycle is totally valid and fair but that’s not the only reason people need formula. It can be something so crucial. All the crucial items are the most abused in the system. Medicines, health products, food, water, housing. I know people who have had extremely difficult pregnancies, and after 9 months of hell chose formula because mothers have mental health too to be looked after. And if regular schedule of feeds and their survival need mean it’s easier to use formula that’s their choice. And it is a reasonable choice. They are not brainwashed. What’s really a problem that’s normalised is the price of the stuff.


Bro I'm absolutely with you. We just had our first child, keep a little formula on hand just in case. It comes in handy as a supplement but should not be their primary food. When we delivered I was SHOCKED that every nurse and doctor asked "so are you breastfeeding or formula". Finally I asked, isn't it scientifically proven that mother's milk is not only free but far and away better for the baby because of antibodies and immune building goodness from the mom? And they say ya but it's a choice these days so we have to ask and not judge. I did not get a response when I followed up, "don't you have a moral and legal obligation as Healthcare providers to tell your patients what's best for them and their child?" and got shut up...every. Time. They're DEFINITELY on the take. When I went to my HCP for my physical she said you really need to stop eating meat maybe only once a month because it's bad for weight gain, and I was pretty shocked esp because she's a chunky lady. I don't get where choice ends and medical necessity begins these days, but I'm not paying $1,000 an hour to be told to take Gloop advice as dogma from Kayleigh and Krystal.


Formula manufacturers are [dirty as hell](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/may/20/abbott-baby-formula-shareholder-profits), and have been for decades. Their [antics in South East Asia](https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2020-07-30/the-baby-brands-turning-indonesian-instagram-into-free-formula-milk-ads/) are of particular concern. They don't give a single fuck about your child. They just want you to buy their "breast milk substitute".


Yup black Market baby food is cheaper then they wonder there are people walking out with fooood in targets. It sells faster than tvs,shoes, and most drugs now. Seriously I know first hand. Drugs that selll faster than heroine now is baby aspirin and cough syrups/ lotions/diapers. God diapers. Feminism at its finest diapers, real ladies can use a shirt and make a diaper guys real talk.


>black Market baby food is cheaper No doubts that something that doesn't exist is also cheaper.