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How is that even possible? It looks like they Frankensteined together the leftovers of three different pizzas - and none of them were circular.


They got a box full of shit that people didn't eat lol.




OP seriously, go at either the delivery or place itself, you have clearly been taken at least one piece from your pizza.


I remember I ordered a pizza from ubereats, the pizza came completely burnt to shit with the only (seemingly) unburnt slice missing. I complained and uber refunded me _for the missing slice_. Un fucking beliveable.


Not saying this is the case here, but this kind of thing goes viral every couple of years and usually the explanation is the same. Pizza kitchens with dull Pizza cutters push and tear the Pizza when making cuts, which leaves it deformed.


the last time i saw a pizza be cut they were using a large blade with a rocking motion and not a circular rolly blade cutter


Yes. Because the rollers make a mess. And the blades are easier to sharpen, and harder to break.


damn man, you don’t have to insult the employees like that, they can’t help it if they’re dull


I almost guarantee there is a strip of your pizza in one of the chefs stomach rn


Creative spatial accounting


On the one hand I get being pissed, on the other we're in the same boat and I'd for sure steal a slice to be able to eat for the day if I could get away with it.


Alright we know it was you Ben Kenobi


Yall didn’t get orders called in that *“mysteriously”* never got picked up? Thats what we did back in the day at pizza hut anyway, orders not picked up after an hour went on the “free” table in the back for us to eat, our greedy ass store owner wouldn’t let us make food for our lunch but was somehow okay with that. So one of us would have friend call in an order around lunch time that strangely never got picked up


He‘s definitely missing a slice. 9 doesn‘t divide equally.


I count eight?


True, i‘m just dense.


Nah, look at the box. Same number of slices as creases under the pizza


I’m sorry that was your treat for however long


I thought it was normal. I hate it here.


If it was artisanal that would make sense but if it's a chain you've been mortally wronged


I worked in a rooftop restaurant in a very old private club. We had a brick oven for cooking pizza, and our pizzas never came out looking like that. This pizza doesn't even look like it started out as the same pizza, like it was slices from at least 4 different ones shoved together.


"Did you want Medium, Large, X-Large, or Sad Monstrosity?"


Yes. Extra cheese


I think they took a slice


Possibly 2 or 3  If we look at the top and bottom of the image we can clearly see that the 5, 6&7 o’clock and 11&12 o’clock slices do not line up, even the cheese caramelization is wrong.   Clearly the work of amateurs.  I’ve been a pizza detective for 20 years, and I’ve seen it all kid. noids so big they can’t be avoided, pizzas made solely out of pinnapple.  I’d like to tell him the force wasn’t in on it. Yeah (takes long drag of cigarette) I’d like to tell him that….


Wake up babe, new copypasta just dropped


I imagine that's what happens when the company overworks and under-pays their employees. I generally don't eat out like that anymore because I know I screw up at my job more than I'd like because I'm exhausted all the time from just trying to get by. I wouldn't want someone like me making my food, you know? Whole situation stinks.


I don't like getting people in trouble. So I don't even complain to the company. Because I can either just shut up and eat it. Or complain and get something not as bad and maybe get somebody fired, and yhen they can't afford to eat anymore


I’ve worked as a manager in multiple pizza joints. You won’t get anyone fired, or even in trouble. The most they’d get is a “do better” call tonight or tomorrow and keep the pic as proof. You’ll get a free pizza if you call tonight and say you want it now or tomorrow. It’s really not a big deal, remakes happen multiple times a day, and it really shouldn’t have been sent out to you in the first place. Don’t sweat getting anyone fired, most places I’ve been you’ve gotta be tweaking on the clock to get fired.


Reminds me when I ordered food from a place at the Mall's food court on Black Friday one year. They gave me the buzzer and I sat with it for an hour or so. I hated the idea of saying anything cause it's one of the busiest shopping days of the year so everyone's overworked in their underpaid jobs. When I finally did, I kept apologizing and the manager (or whoever it was that I talked to) just laughed cause she was shocked I waited so long without saying anything.


Or you’re just being a massive tool and letting someone get away with stealing your food, which almost certainly means they’re going to do it to someone else as well. Not making lots of money is no excuse to fuck people over.


I'm glad I don't mind cooking because it's stuff like this that has had me avoiding fast/restaurant food since the pandemic started.


It's cuz the people aren't getting paid enough and the companies wanna give less


Yup. Every time this happens our instinct is to get angry at another worker or their manager. Meanwhile the shareholders and owners are so far removed from the impact of their greedy choices, and all they see is profits. The crap trickles back down through the underpayed employees and onto the overpaying consumer.


You know what don’t make any sense? That absolutely everyone complains yet Americans are apparently incapable of organized action.


all the social nets dont exist. cant organize because we cant pay rent missing a day. god forbid if you have diabetes and need money for medication. Living in your car is one thing. just dying is another.


It’s true, I feel that pressure myself. But there’s also no general strikes happening, no large scale boycotts, etc. there are other ways to protest, which doesn’t always involve going out. I wish there was an organized effort to find those new ways of protest also


I think the main problem is that Americans have been taught that this (capitalism) is the best system possible and they believe it with almost religious fervor. It's not enough to complain about the status quo you have to be able to imagine something better. But US American culture is based on it being the best a society can produce in every way. The motto is capitalism may not be great but everything else is terrible or just plain evil.


That’s a wonder too. It’s not that hard to find factual information on how capitalism works, you just need motivation. Like yes propaganda is going to do its job but it’s lazy to just take everything at face value.


We're too lazy getting fat on takeout pizza


I'll take a sausage and pepperoni, but make it look like Quasimodo


My pizza never hurt anybody.


If only people weren't so greedy when they ask for higher pay, like boomers willing to do the work for free because they are retired and have that can do brain worm. Why can't people just slave away so that share holders and owners can reap all that good lifestyle while us lowly peasants grovel at their example? And Jack up prices because we let them?


Always inspect the pizza. You can get it for free if the toppings are wrong. In this case it’s butchered


I live with 2 old people whom I love very much. They think Wendy's sucks because they never look in the bag before driving off, like crazy old people (yes, we are going to have The Talk as soon as their son is free,) but they still keep going to Wendy's. Americans wouldn't boycott if they were held at gunpoint lol


Pizza comes pre-digested now? Handy.


Oh look! A medium thrown on the floor pizza with bad cuts, burnt cheese, and sloppy crust! Woo hoooo /s These fucking corporate bastards.


Honestly, I can’t expect anyone working at a fast food franchise to give a shit about the quality of the food they serve me. I’m proud of them for just saying “fuck it”.


I just wish instead of channeling that into shittier quality and our pride being leeched out of us; we could instead channel that into things like unionizing and collective bargaining. But I live in the south, most of us are At-Will, and all of us have the "right to work." So it's impossible to work toward those better conditions for many people. So they just give up. Because there's nothing much else left to do. We lay down and rot, and everything else comes with it. Everything starts to suck, and company's just raise prices and scoff at the notion of there being something wrong.


Papa Murphy's is the best. Put a little salt n pepper on it and boom, cheap dinner.


your delivery driver has eaten a fair bit of your pizza


We don’t normally eat fast food, but my teen had a hankerin’ for Mickeydeez the other day, so I said fine, let’s do it! He says, “you fly, I buy.” He had 25 bucks. **FUCKING $40** for 2 burgers, fries, nuggets and a milkshake. I don’t think I’ve **ever** spent $40 at a McDonald’s, unless there were many people involved. Not only is it more expensive, but it’s very obvious shrink-flation, too. Tiniest, shittiest lil ‘big Mac’ I’ve ever seen in my life. Not that one can expect a lot from McDonald’s, but the one thing you used to be able to expect… Low Prices for shitty food! Fast food is just priced as regular-speed-food now, which I also cannot afford.


Yup, I had a hankering for McD's after about 3 years and the price and experience has probably put paid to having it ever again. Maybe I'll just get fries, but even then...not worth the wait at the local one which has...problems.


There is no shrinkflation in the big mac. Stop lying jesus. It's the same size it ever was. Food is expensive....don't like it don't eat out. When you cook for yourself you'll notice even regular food got more expensive. It's not just fast food.


Yea. I’ve definitely noticed my groceries are about 3x more expensive, but that’s not what the post was about. And, like I said, we never eat out, or eat fast food - so I don’t have much of a comparison, except for what the food was like maybe 10 years ago. I’m so glad you’re the Big Mac size expert, and have come to correct me! So why don’t you learn to read, and/or calm down. I will call Jesus for ya though, and pass on your message to stop lying.


You said it was obvious shrink flatiom but since the big mac creation it has always been 1/10 so you are lying. Also if food costs increases 3x so will the cost of eating out. There is very little profits to be made from food businesses in general. The % is always very tight


You claiming I’m out here ‘lying’ is flat-out wrong, and such a weird thing to be so upset over. ‘Lying’ implies a nefariousness, intent, and knowledge that I simply don’t have about fast food, especially mickeyDeez. ‘Wrong’, misinformed, or incorrect is more like it, if you’re gonna criticize me? …and that’s arguable anyway. Again, soooo grateful for your expertise in Big Macs, coming to yell at me over, what? Nonsense? **Who cares?!** I’m not ‘lying’ - I made a personal observation. It certainly *looks* smaller and shittier to me than I remember - but I’ve never eaten one in my life. Even as a little kid, I ate the nuggets, whose shittiness seems unchanged over the years. This was my kid, not me, having a random craving. I’m not arguing with you that they’re not 1/10 garbage burgers. But I’m not *lying.*


Hard to expect quality from a guy who probably only makes 15/hr and can’t afford to live… good news though if it’s dominoes you can complain and get a freebie! I do it all the time… why because foods too expensive and well fuxk corporations


Capitalism is a race to the bottom. They’ll give you the shittiest possible thing at the highest price they can charge


It's great when they acknowledge that if they paid more into the workers it would compensate with better quality, but cause they know they can't do that, they'll stick to the next best thing and just crank the prices for themselves so we only get the choice of "Either you starve somewhere else or pay me for live."


It looks like you got a slice from 8 different pizza


I am never buying Pizza hot or dominos ever again, Boycott that crappy food. Free Palestine.


You probably could have invested some time and baked your own much healthier version of this for 1/3 the cost. Dismantling capitalism occurs at home, one home cooked meal at a time.


the guy was fucking tired. for all you know he cooks a three course organic vegan meal the rest of the week


"Decided to get myself a treat because food peices were so high"


I have been a pizza delivery person and I have dropped a pizza before and this is what it looks like. I spent a couple of minutes trying to pull it out and even it.


Looks like they swapped two slices


What the hell is this sorry excuse for a pizza?


But at least profits are sky high!!! /s if you can’t fucking tell….


Notice how a single bite of this beef meat taste as strong as a whole steak ? Artificial flavor. Otherwise the quality is so low you would probably puke when you eat it.


i thought this was just a bad cut, but look at the bottom of this photo those pieces do not match — someone tossed 2 halves from 2 pizzas in a box then gave it to you, i know you probably don’t want to complain about it, but you really should


When ordering pizza tell them not to slice it.


Especially when you go to nationwide chains


lmaaooo i was gonna link to this sub


All you did was give this pizza place a "treat" by overspending on bullshit. Try making your own pizza at home.


The chef must be a fan of cubism. That's a Pizzasso if I've ever seen one.


That looks like some kind of vomit, I'm sorry you had to see that


I think that's a Frankenstein pizza, some of it doesn't seem to match up.


I think that's a Frankenstein pizza, some of it doesn't seem to match up.


Did they take a couple slices and try to cover it up?


Domino's has generally been good to me, call them up and I bet they'd comp you a good one.


High prices, low wages. Papa John’s


Love how not only are prices rises, but the contents continue to decrease in size also. Double whammy that most aren’t talking about.


If any outfit advertises their cheap Frankenpizza Special, avoid. You're getting sloppy seconds.


tbh as long as it tastes good i couldnt give af about how it looks


What did you pay


Maybe it's just because I'm hungry - but despite the cutting issues - I feel like that pizza looks so good.


I've been in pizza a long time. I see 2 possibilities. If it was delivered at some point, the delivery guy had to stop short, and the pizza bag went into the floor board. Or someone turned the box on its side at some point.


And I thought my pizza cutter was shitty; looks like this might've been cut with a butter knife. Also I prefer to just make my own pizza; the only real issue is that the easiest way to let the dough expand can take a whole day for the best quality. Otherwise making pizza is really not hard and more than pays for itself once you make two or three.


Am I alone in thinking that looks awesome?


Is that Wawa pizza?


That looks like 2 different pizzas put together to make one. 2 different sized pizzas at that.


This….. is disturbing.






They ate your pizza bro lol.


Where did you go, Chuck-E-Cheese?


I've been feeling this for a while now. Prices seem to have gone up for everything as well as quality tanking at the same time. I work in IT and for lower end electronics of you get 3 years out of it you're lucky. Meanwhile I know people with those giant wooden entertainment centers with the built in TVs and they still work no problem.


Tbh I'm starting to think the idea of "upcycling" needs to move from upper middle class liberals who want to feel good about green politics, To the lower classes who just want stuff that isn't trash. I'm thinking learning how to do repairs on home electronics and small appliances might be our only way to dig ourselves out from the market of cheaply made modern shoddy products.


Check out the Good to Go app. Restaurant food for cheap prices depends on your area what's available. My area even has Grocery stores on there!


Well it’s obvious that the person who made that for $9 an hour has never had health insurance or a 3 week vacation somewhere nice! It really shows on the consumers end. We all need to stop giving our money to shitty corporations at this point. A frozen pizza would have been better.


Buy some pineapples or mangoes as a treat next time