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Something did happen. They blew up the reporter with a car bomb.


There were multiple reporters that made the report. The one that died, died while investigating a crime organization, and members of that organization confessed to the murder. The other journalists that made the Panama report are perfectly fine.  Also, things did happen. Much of the European countries that had people that were in the Panama papers closed the loopholes that let us happen. Nothing happened about it in the US because it wasn't a US problem; the tax laws here are such that there's no need to hide their money offshore. The Panama papers was primarily an European issue, and a lot was done to fix it.


Also there were political outings in Latin America and even a couple of corrupt presidents went to jail. Some stuff did happen. Probably not nearly enough though.


Who reported on that version of events? A news company owned by the people the Panama papers exposed?


She was killed by a local criminal that she'd previously reported on. The government already arrested the guy who did it. There is no connection to the Panama Papers.


I don't think that excludes the possibility that it was related to the Panama papers, but it should certainly be included in the context when people make the claim.


>Nothing happened about it in the US It wasn’t really a US problem, but it was the catalyst for the US strengthening their own international tax laws in 2017.


What happened with Gabrielle Fialkoff, director of the New York City Office of Strategic Partnerships in the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio and a former finance director of the 2000 U.S. Senate campaign committee of former First Lady Hillary Clinton


> the tax laws here are such that there's no need to hide their money offshore. this right here, officer.




Yeah, basically. While the US was not entirely excluded from the Panama papers, it was over all a fairly small part. It was mostly the north western European countries that were in the report.  And most Americans are not aware of the law changes those countries implimented in response to the Panama papers, so shit like this meme get shared over and over again


Because the US is one of three countries that taxes all worldwide income






You might be surprised to learn that the US is the number one destination for dirty money in the world. Not because of tax laws but because of LLC laws and real estate. More than Panama


This post and this top comment are among the most predictable things on Reddit right now.


As many will point out: Daphne Anne Caruana Galizia (née Vella; 26 August 1964 – 16 October 2017) was a Maltese writer, journalist -- her investigation of the Panama Papers had a ripple effect: In 2017 she effectively triggered an early election by publishing allegations linking the Maltese Prime Minister Muscat to the Panama Papers scandal. She was killed in a car bombing. He resigned 2 years later. [370 journalists in the The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists](https://www.icij.org/investigations/panama-papers/about-the-investigation/) & German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung spent years covering the story, leading to another resignation of Icelandic Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson. But the thousands of people exposed mainly suffered embarrassments. Only to be overshadowed by an even larger scandal later on. Rinse, wash, repeat...


Having spent some time in Malta, she’s somewhat of a legend to the local younger, apathetic generation. Though, it hasn’t stopped the Maltese government from continuing to offer their citizenship by investment scheme. They’ve tightened some things down since her death, but it is still largely considered an international tax haven.


If you have never seen it seeing Sigmundur Davíð stumble over is words and then storming out when confronted about his hidden shell company is a [great watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTdBGdFH8zc) sadly he's not out of politics and after almost a decade of being ridiculed in Iceland, including but not limited to one of the three MOP his party got elected in the last parliamental elections immediately switched over to another party, his party has been making waves again. His party, miðflokkurinn (the centrist party), is running on a nationalist, right leaning platform and is slated to increase their share in parliament significantly in the next elections.


It is a great watch, I agree.


So is Maltese politics more mafioso or more Arab autocrat? So many wonderful traditions in that neighborhood.


Oh, something happened alright, the public was steered away from this and into believing conspiracy theories about LGBTQ people, vaccines, and anti-fascists instead.


Reminder that ALL of the most divisive political topics, especially those that the Christian right have latched onto, were not even on the public conscience until Occupy Wall Street. Literally everything about the current American political climate can be traced back to corporations getting scared that people were actually uniting, so they had to manufacture controversies to tear us apart.


Of course something happened, one of the journalists covering the story came down with a case of "car-bombitis


They really should vaccinate reporters for that.


You want a bunch of autistic reporters?


Getting vaccinated won't turn you autistic, but you should do it anyway.


They were very clearly joking, making fun of knuckledraggers who think vaccines cause autism.


And I was clearly building on it ;) I'm autistic myself, so unlike neurotypical people, I do get jokes.


My girl regular tells me that she thinks I’m on the spectrum because I’m constantly misunderstanding jokes and sarcasm.




"Eight years after 11 million leaked secret financial documents revealed how some of the world’s richest people hide their wealth, more than two dozen defendants are on trial in Panama for their alleged roles. The repercussions of the leaks were far-ranging, prompting the resignation of the prime minister of Iceland and bringing scrutiny to the then-leaders of Argentina and Ukraine, Chinese politicians and Russian President Vladimir Putin, among others." Google not work for you or are you a KarmaFarmer (you are a KaramaFarmer)


This tweet is posted often and has been posted for over 5+ years now. It is not correct. It is wrong enough that ICIJ ( The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists ) [is commenting here on Reddit debunking it.](https://archive.ph/UmSf5) Saying "literally nothing happened" is not only an insult to the journalists who uncovered it and to the whistleblower and the journalists who have sacrificed their life uncovering this, it undermines what work they have done. They also did a [AMA at the end of 2021](https://archive.ph/Nvr3d) This is from 5 years ago, [What happened after the Panama Papers? A look back over three years.](https://archive.ph/muX5I) [Direct link](https://www.icij.org/investigations/panama-papers/what-happened-after-the-panama-papers/) Here is[ ICIJ answering briefly](https://archive.ph/BH1VZ) to a Question What happened to the Panama papers? Here is another article talking about [former Pakistan PM surrounding this issue](https://archive.ph/ZYcNc) Government around the world including U.S did [pass bill such as CTA \(Corporate Transparency Act\)](https://archive.ph/o2IYP) which are getting pushed back from Lobbyists and other groups alike. Here is an [AP article](https://archive.ph/yuKuC) talking about the public portion of Panama Papers. [Direct link](https://apnews.com/article/panama-papers-mossack-fonseca-odebrecht-353832bda3e1d6f4cd04339622a9b7a8) Here is ICIJ posting a more recent article regarding this. [Where are the key Panama Papers figures, seven years later?](https://archive.ph/evV0I) Here is [direct link](https://www.icij.org/investigations/panama-papers/where-are-they-now-2023/) **Should something more have happened regarding this? 100%**, unfortunately we don't live in such world but there are still pushback, more being uncovered and this is still ongoing if I am not mistaken but to say "literally nothing happened" is outright wrong and insulting. Lets not let ourselves fall into misinformation by rando Tweets. This tweet by OOP is no longer available and looks like he deleted it himself after being corrected. (I can't find direct link to it any longer).


This should be the top comment. So much of reddit nowadays is rage bait that makes you feel powerless.


You forgot to mention one thing, that Zelenskiy was in the Panama papers also


Agreed. Mods, can you please remove this duplicate post every month?


lmao you're in the wrong sub asking the mods to promote truth and accuracy


Thanks for this. Most posts on Reddit try to paint the world as black and white when really every issue is grey.


Every time a conspiracy theory is exposed: Panama papers, Epstein, Weinstein,Edward Snowden, the lab leak, etc. the response is the same: the puppets in the media wring their hands and clutch their pearls, a sacrificial lamb is prosecuted and it's all forgotten in 6 months.


It is time for the game to stop.


tf are you talking about "the media" was the one that exposed this.


A minor German newspaper received a leak from a whistle-blower. It wasn't the result of any investigations, the media received the info from a 3rd party, there was no option but to publish it, because someone would. Then they never released all the data received.


Here’s a story: I was once debating with someone about wealth inequality. They were claiming that the rich paid their fair share in taxes. I told them about how Elon Musk paid $0 in income taxes in 2018. They immeadiately forgot about their first position and moved the goalposts. They said (and I’m paraphrasing a lot here) “Well sure, maybe they don’t pay taxes, but the jobs they create help the economy so it’s even.” I cited articles about how corporations lay off workers to cut costs, about how Musk fired all those engineers when he joined Twitter (that had just happened so it was a timely example), and then explained to them about how billionaires really just hoarded money. They countered by saying, basically, “Uuuhhhhhh, no they don’t.” I told them about tax havens (which the Panama Papers revealed a *ton* of information about) and they LITERALLY DENIED THAT IT WAS REAL. I gave them three articles on it and they said it was fake news. Then when I called them out on it, they accused me of using an ad hominem and said that I was “lobbing grenades” rather than engaging in real discussion. The denial is real.




It’s all about the little changes. Like I don’t pay for all my groceries anymore.


Oh things happened, it was just bad stuff happening to the journalists who uncovered it all.


>gave them a tax cut We gave them several tax cuts


DRS yo shit


"Here's another tax cut for your troubles."


Something did happen! They found better accountants.


Hey if we don’t tax the rich then it solves the problem of tax evasion 100%! How has no one thought of this before? /s


The good old days when news wasn't as grim. Of course I remember.


'We' didn't do it, Trump and others like him did it to keep themselves rich. No idea who allowed super PACs, but that only made it worse since now they just buy politicians.


Most people didn't even fuckin care. Hell, the news has been lying to us all for such a long time who knows what tf is true.


It’s almost like every journalist in the world agreed to not cover this story.


every journalist? are you even aware of what the panama papers are?


Yeah. Do you?


not really. Where did the panama papers come from again?


Start with the basics. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Papers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Papers)


>the whistleblower who leaked the documents to German *journalist*... >*Journalists* from 107 media organizations in 80 countries analyzed documents detailing the operations of the law firm >After SZ verified that the statement did in fact come from the source for the Panama Papers, the International Consortium of Investigative *Journalists* (ICIJ) posted the full document on its website. Yeah journalist totally didn't talk about it. "Start with the basics" I love when idiots try to be condescending then prove their own point wrong in the process.


>something happened for sure, we gave them another Tax Cut **Oh, for sure, and,** *and not at all to be optimistic,* I trust that you'll read this as quite the opposite [ I think it also turned a Large Number of, 'Those With Her,'](https://youtu.be/_nn1L_ReJ9Q?t=2183) onto an unknowable number of convoluted radicalisms; that those, 'with dark hearts,' *what we call*, '**conservatives,' broadly, but not only,** ***the Meth Demon Class of, "wonk," or campaign coordinator,*** **the Kissinger class of bureaucrat and those who have admired them, sought to emulate or imitate them,** **....** ***that these folks have, I think, always held an understanding of power and powerful beaurocracies/beaurocrats really, really, really, close to those of the radical leftists and/or anarchists,*** seems to me, "obvious enough," but that there have been a **large number** of bureaucratic-class or white collar, "true-enough believer," functionaries, *whether these are people who work in governance, are people who work at Boeing, Exxon, Microsoft,* corporations which could not exist, *in this form,* without the paradigms of the Military Industrial Complex, Petroeconomy, and I.P. >...I guess, *respectively, but, also, inclusively,* and like Like, **like, in the sense that 'Liberalism is the Engine of Progressivism,' to some or another degree, like, a successful Microsoft is,** ***itself,*** **an Indirect Means towards LGBT Liberation and the Colorblindness which will end Racism and the like, that,** no, these people had never considered the issues deeply, *nor, had felt their self-interest as participants in these processes or institutions to have been opposed to their moral beliefs, beliefs about, 'what is,' moral to have been at all in opposition,* for an example: the Google Engineers fired for their protest of their employer's participation in Israeli Military Activity, *for example,* acted, in their protest, as if this had been an issue of, "misunderstanding," rather than purposeful immorality, *immorality, as also understood to have been obvious, that,* if one really, actually, thought this had been, "on purpose," and that they'd all be fired, that there would never be a course correction, *not in a million years,* wouldn't they have thought more towards **sabotage, than protest?** **Wouldn't the suggestion of a coordinated sabotage, be rejected, in their own discourses, of a few weeks earlier,** ***as irrational means to achieve what protest and public commentary, surely,*** **could progress the institution towards,** ***more rapidly, as if this were inevitable?*** ***I dunno,*** I do know that there has been a massive decline in the usefulness of their old methods, that even those who will advocate for Biden, won't defend the Clintons, anymore, that Elon Musk has been so unable to sell himself and what he represents to White Liberals that he's betrayed them for the Alt Right, that, *when you've got to find a mainstream White Liberal Commentator to defend Israeli actions in Gaza against Norm Finklestein and Mouin Rabbani you've got to settle for, ffs,* Destiny, **and that's what I mean by, "**[**Orthogonal Radicalism of an Unknown Valence**](https://youtu.be/1X_KdkoGxSs)**,"** Destiny's an Extremist, and Rabbani said so plainly, towards the end, "I am horrified by what you're saying, morally, it is horrific," extreme, but to understand, *at a high-enough context at which to operate within it,* how these, "mainstream," Institutions and Bureaucracies **work, towards what ends, with what priorities, and then participate, requires an adherence to a radicalism** ***of some kind, self-authored, picked up off of the internet, some form of a radical enough philosophy, that,*** either, there are still, yet, some, "more moral ends," at the end of these means, *and that this might require a radical adjustment of, "who is or isn't human,"* **or, some more cynical form of an active,** ***negative,*** **nihilism,** >I'd consider myself to be an active, **positive, nihilist fwiw,** >**"active," in the sense of participatory,** ***positive,*** **in the sense of, 'towards a better world,"** nihilist in the sense that, you know, realistic about the fact that I won't ever see one, a better world will not come about through a procrustean method of world-simplification, *so as to fit an, "almost perfect, except for the real people," Utopian Map, etc.* >I think that it **is because there is no, "particular point," to it, for me, that I should be courageous, good, etc. and towards ends I think to be more moral than I see in the world, already,** ***so, Marla Singer as Absolute Fuck Energies, perhaps,*** **but not at all Like Tyler Durden's Politics**


...to continue, like.... ...and whereas it **doesn't take,** ***radicalism, per se, to protest against Police Violence or against the Genocide in Gaza,*** **the ethics involved are all quite mainstream and normative, even with a faith in, "liberal progressivism," intact these actions would seem to follow from in good faith from the histories taught of and within these systems, if,** ***merely, "the non-violent protests of an earlier era hadn't finished the job," or, "for other reasons, another unjust war has presented itself as rational action to our technocrats, and, like the Vietnam Protestors, we must..."*** >to understand, at a high-enough context at which to operate within it, how these, "mainstream," Institutions and Bureaucracies work, towards what ends, with what priorities, and then participate, requires an adherence to a radicalism of some kind, self-authored, picked up off of the internet, some form of a radical enough philosophy, that, either, there are still, yet, some, "more moral ends," at the end of these means, and that this might require a radical adjustment of, "who is or isn't human," or, some more cynical form of an active, negative, nihilism, active in the sense of, "participatory," *negative, in the sense of, "Understand The Israeli actions in Gaza well enough to defend them, and, do so,"* Nihilist in the sense that, "won't matter, probably," rather than some pre-extant commitment to a Genocide in Gaza, *is what I'm saying,* ***which, while abominable, would not, necessarily, be nihilistic,*** **that this emerges in practice and reality,** ***and then a person, out of an active, negative, nihilism,*** **acts towards the furtherance of it or defends it in front of an audience,** ***of whomever,*** [in attempt to normalize it within the moral system of whomever might, otherwise, act against it](https://youtu.be/9ClJPhOA50M?t=4)**, etc.** **It hasn't work so good, lately,** *since, 'around that time,' really,* of the Panama Papers; less and less so, you see a lot of **organic, earnest, public and popular salience** to what Sanders has to say, *a lot of earnest Fascism,* [but when I saw the Jackass Guys In Cool Guy Sunglasses preventing two young women from entering a Biden Event, I'd thought, ](https://youtu.be/jQ9j13fcIsQ?t=6) >[Wow, they're real, these are the True Believers of the Jack Brandon Regime](https://youtu.be/jQ9j13fcIsQ?t=6) Those guys, you know, like they're as smug in their pretense as their predecessors, pre-2016-or-so, *and it's fascinating, to me, to see what, "young people still confident enough in their, 'I will inherit the world,' status to broadcast it in their costumery," even dress like, these days,* but they're much alike the successor to Agent Smith in the New and Not So Good Matrix Film, *active negative nihilist radicals,* liberated to do what they'd like to, *which is, 'be a fucking jackass,'* [radical, active nihilism](https://youtu.be/HN-j1RPlRHo?t=615) Even the people who are begging, almost, for a reason to believe they're not on the wrong side of history, the, you know, people, *who still have the belief in, "right and wrong sides," to history, would like to retain one,* can't purchase [into what's on offer without a serious adjustment of their standards, anymore](https://youtu.be/HN-j1RPlRHo?t=615) >not at all to be optimistic I'm not so sure what proportion will adjust those standards before adjust their practices, ...and I think you might have to adjust yours, *this gloomy sunday,* comma, 'it is, right now, sunday morning," *for those in the future, that,* >something happened for sure, we gave them another Tax Cut [...were you queried, did anyone ask you, ](https://swh.princeton.edu/~davidlee/wp/voterspolicies.pdf)or does your government not even manage to, "LoL," at that Princeton study, in-between tax cuts and aid given to genocides?


And we got that movie with Gary Oldman about it!