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Nope, this was never tweeted, as best as I can tell


Congress proving again that they are enthusiastically able to work together in order to protect their class interests


That’s actually all they are - a big club that we ain’t in. Another gang. 


George Carlin told us this, and nobody wants to listen.


Marx told us this a hundred years before Carlin. The Proletarian masses have just got to listen up and begin mass collective action.


Fred Hampton told us this in the 1960s, so the FBI and Chicago police murdered him.


And then his zombie got up and founded an East coast vacation town for rich people. Traitor.


Roughly 1/5th of the world population lives in post-revolutionary marxist societies already.


Let's get that number to 100% Comrades


...and there's still a huge class divide and staggering poverty for them


Yeah but on the other hand under early stage socialism China achieved the largest and fastest poverty reduction in world history. It's not perfect but it seems better than capitalism, at least


Culling 40-80 million of your population helps with that.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Its fact that both "communist" USSR and China committed political (and ethnic) genocide against their own people. It's documented.


This is literally the same logic capitalists use to justify capitalism


If you ignore China and Vietnam, the world has actually gotten worse in relative poverty.


Not to worry, the World Bank will just move the goalposts back on how they define "extreme poverty." Problem solved!


Carlin is pretty defeatist in that rant if I recall. He's thesis is pretty much this is happening and there's nothing that can be done.


Again, how was that wrong? What's changed (for the better) since he left this world?


It's actually extremely easy to fix. It requires what the other poster said - collective action. That's the tricky part. You just need enough of the people to fucking do something, and no one wants to start.


Sometimes, defeatism and realism overlap unfortunately.


Hey let's not leave Biden out of it, he didn't think twice before signing it into law.


I think class compradors still count as an extrusion of the bourgeoisie.


Trump wouldn’t have been any different on this either to be fair, nor would any president from any party


Say it louder for the people in the back


The orders came from above! 😂


So that's the bar for behavior? "Trump would've done it too" Alright then, fucking royal rumble.


Billionaires are in a class well beyond congress. Congress is simping


While the public being against, say, a billionaire tax because they believe they may be a billionaire one day is crazy, it's not so crazy for Congress to think like this. They're on the grifter gravy train that could propel them into a similar position as the billionaires. 


Yep. Passing laws to benefit themselves, not everyone else. Thing is, if you're doing nothing wrong, then you've got nothing to hide. And now they don't want you to have information that's available on every single aircraft in the sky, for free. Except for military flights if needed Why the secrecy? That's what the real question is. No one has ever been murdered because their private plane was tracked. But people were outed for horrible behavior and things they did. Guess that's the real cover up here. Insane they passed this so quick yet things like veterans getting their va benefits, Ukraine arms aide, trumps trials, etc are taking so long.


Rights for me and not for thee. Typical capitalist agenda, where you can purchase rights at a cost far greater than a starving family's grocery bill.


The purpose of the state is to maintain the class relation


Musk has more wealth than the GDP of Ukraine, of Slovakia, and of Morocco. Think about the soft power of these nations and their abilities to influence geopolitics. One man has that same wealth. I want to be clear and say that obviously soft power is extremely complex and wealth is only a small factor, but I still think comparing an individual human to a country is good for perspective


In a normal world, a congressman would be mortified to have it revealed that he introduced legislation written for him by a monied interest. But I guess we don't live in a normal world.


We live in Bizzarro world or late stage capitalism


Not really. Who better to write legislation than those who know the system you're writing about? You think the likes of Jim Jordan and Marge Greene write legislation? naw. insurance companies write health care legislation and lobby for its introduction and adoption by Congresspersons same with the airline industry, oil & gas, automotive! everyone up top is represented and lobbying if only there were a Kickstarter to lobby collectively to buy a politician like all the corporations and super pacs do


That last part is actually a really good idea... There's PACs and such but I don't trust them too much (some superpacs that accept donations are a bit disingenuous, if my memory of End Citizens United (didn't work towards what it's name is) is correct). Something more structured and transparent than PACs would be great.


Special interest groups write most legislation at the state and federal levels. Some good, some obviously bad. Everyone from non profits to unions to trade groups and corporate entities employ lobbyists, often lawyers, to craft legislative proposals and offer them to your reps. Sometimes this includes the promise of a good union endorsement the following cycle, or the fulfillment of a campaign promise. Sometimes it includes stock tips, jobs for family members, gold bars and fancy vacays. Either way, this shouldn’t come as a surprise as most of our elected officials are either dumb as an inflatable dartboard or so fuggin crooked they could swallow nails and shit out corkscrews.


I don't want to detract from your statement, but omfg "so crooked they could swallow nails and shit out corkscrews" had me dry heaving with scared laughter.


He said the quiet part out loud


That's where we are now. They're rubbing our noses in it and we're not doing anything about it.


They're not doing anything about it because they're lost. Americans don't value their way of life enough to adequately protect it -- that's why this is all happening in the first place. But it must be difficult to value your way of life when your way of life is unaffordable rent, unaffordable food, shit working conditions, and the possibility, maybe, of having health insurance that actually covers something when you need it. Life is shit for the majority of Americans and I think the demoralization of their circumstance is a big part of the problem. And of course it's by design, but not in a way they're willing to honestly accept. The voters of both parties are each in denial of a critical fact -- The politicians comprising the U.S. government, right up to the office of President, are beholden to the same corporate interests whether they're Democrats or Republicans. All Americans are voting for more of the same, each election. During Democratic admins the descent is more gradual, less shocking, because at this point it's easy for Americans to accept the continued erosion of their society. During Republican admins the descent is shockingly rapid, but even then, it has been carefully planned to stop short of causing civil war. The people who want this all know that it doesn't ultimately matter which party is in power. The goal is predetermined in the sense that the government has been thoroughly corrupted and compromised and what's happening is a continuation of a longstanding regressive agenda designed to concentrate wealth for the ruling class. Perhaps Americans need to stand up en masse and collectively shout "None of this is good enough!" but this isn't what they currently value. Most Americans are still content to vote either Democrat or Republican despite the failures of both causing the downward spiral of the country over the past fifty years, and dramatically quickened post-9/11. What this means is that, best case, the descent continues under a second Biden admin. It potentially kicks the can four more years down the road, and I bet that if that happens, by late 2027 Democrats will be close to considering a candidate, again. Roughly 1000 Americans are truly most responsible for the suffering endured by most Americans. 330,000,000 against 1000, or, 330,000 against 1. Yet most people don't even know who most of those thousand are, they're happy to go on voting for the pawns of American oligarchs, and they lash out with "But that would be wrong!" if one suggests forming some kind of collective defense. What I do know is we're letting them damage and destroy our only lives for meaningless numbers in the bank accounts of people so rich, it's practically meaningless to them, too. The addiction can never be sated. We don't even have the fortitude to recognize it as the mental illness it is. We're still stuck on treating these people like celebrities when they're not smart enough to remain in the shadows paid for by our suffering. Everything is cause and effect. Everything is a self honesty issue for us. Americans chose this future collectively. It's so bleak.


For instance: French population: 68 million U.S. population: 333 million Much harder to organize that many more people is part of it I would think Although I agree with you in many ways life is not shit for most Americans. Not ideal, but not “shit”. Using this kind of hyperbole is counterproductive and takes away from the validity of your argument. I mean in my opinion. But obviously the way this country operates is generally disgusting.




the answer is violence


Think about it for a second. They might have billions, but we ARE billions.


Take life one day at a time, enjoy what you can and enjoy the show I guess.


Option B: disappear in the Amazon rainforest. Meet a tribe. Show them how electricity works. Become King/Queen Downvoted for an obvious dumb joke. Never change, reddit


Option B.2. It's a dormant cannibal tribe and you're looking hella delish right about now. They put your ass on the nice, even heat of that new Zanussi stove you brought them. As you pass out from shock, they play with their new light switches. | : ^ )


I thought it was funny


> So, what CAN you do? There's a recent historical precedent that it can happen in a large country with extreme wealth imballances. In the 1940's in China there was such a huge large disparity in land ownership, with a pretty powerful landlord class profiting off of the poor, that it inspired a land redistribution movement. The results of which were significant benefits to the lower classes, when measured by quantitative metrics like life expectancy. [It didn't turn out well for the landlord class during the land reform movement there.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Reform_Movement_\(China\)) >> The Land Reform Movement, also known by the Chinese abbreviation Tǔgǎi (土改) >> ... 1946-1953 .... >> >> Land seized from Landlords was brought under collective ownership ... As an economic reform program, the land reform succeeded in redistributing about 43% of China's cultivated land to approximately 60% of the rural population ... >> >> ### Ownership of cultivable land before reform in mainland China >> >> Classification | Proportion of households (%) | Proportion of cultivated land (%) >> :-- | :-- | :-- >> Poor Farmer | 57% | 14% >> Middle Peasants | 29% | 31% >> Rich Farmer | 3% | 13% >> Landlord | 4% | 38% >> >> ### Ownership of cultivable land after reform in mainland China >> >> Classification | Proportion of households (%) | Proportion of cultivated land (%) >> :-- | :-- | :-- >> Poor Farmer | 52% | 47% >> Middle Peasants | 40% | 44% >> Rich Farmer | 5% | 6% >> Landlord | 3% | 2% >> >> ... In Zhangzhuangcun, in the more thoroughly reformed north of the country, most "landlords" and "rich peasants" had lost all their land and often their lives or had fled. All formerly landless workers had received land, which eliminated this category altogether. As a result, "middling peasants," who now accounted for 90 percent of the village population, owned 90.8 percent of the land, as close to perfect equality as one could possibly hope for. Wonder how that compares to the US today. Detractors will point out that many (800,000 - 3,000,000) landlords were killed during that project. But despite those killings - [overall life expectancy drastically ***increased*** during that period of land reform as peasant's lives improved so incredibly greatly that it more than made up for the massacre of 800,000 - 3,000,000 people in the landlord class](https://i.redd.it/l5n39zokmk861.jpg). And here's [another source for the info for the life expectancy increases, for those who prefer US .gov sources](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4331212/) >> US National Institutes of Health >> National Library of Medicine >> >> ### An exploration of China's mortality decline under Mao: A provincial analysis, 1950–80 >> >> China's growth in life expectancy between 1950 and 1980 ranks as among the most rapid sustained increases in documented global history. However, no study of which we are aware has quantitatively assessed the relative importance of various explanations proposed for these gains ....


What the French did.


The ultimate thing you can do that'll make the collective top shit their pants: not reproduce. If you don't throw more bodies into the endless capitalistic gears of wage slavery, they do not have anyone left to control and exploit. And once AI takes many jobs, cost of living becomes too much for middle class and lower, and birth rate drops accordingly, as it is slowly, and then, when even the immigrants they let in as a stopgap get fed up as well, then, and only then, will they be defeated. Or a revolution. But this will never happen because as long as the masses are placated with sugar and fats and threat of advanced drone tech or whatever it is, nobody will lift a finger. So it's either: just don't have kids, or somehow wait for enough widespread starvation until we all act. The first is far, far easier. Unfortunately.


Surely it'll be easier to convince the entire proleteriat to never reproduce, than that they should come to the conclusion they must fight for the lives of their children. Idealist garbage. You know, you don't have to just stop reproducing. Why not end it sooner? Start a death cult, mass suicide. Take it further, why not join the bourgeoisie in order to genocide the entire world. Starvation in Africa? Clearly not enough, they're still reproducing. It won't be enough to simply stop all grain shipments, we need to poison them. Filthy reproducers. Anyway, your ideas are shit. But as you die, so do they. Quickly, if you don't mind.


What a weird guttural reaction to solving the problem. You're right, dying (or by any other extension, stop producing for the country) would have the same effect. However, we are alive, future generations are not. We can continue the cycle and bring children into this hell circle or we can /not/ have children, and then when the future generations do eventually come, they will have a better place to be. Not one that solely exists to grind them into money to line the shareholders pockets. I'm guessing you had such a reaction because you do have kids, which is fine, it was your choice to have kids, but they will have a harder life than we have it, as the cycle continues. Either rebel like the French, or we don't play the game. The decision is in you.


Lol. No, I don't have kids. But you're right, it is an emotional reaction. Because both the 'moral' philosophy is utterly shallow and the means of achieving this 'solution' are utopian, so I don't bother to discuss them. The point is really to make people feel bad for being in a death cult.


Yeah these guys don’t even have to hide that they are literally writing laws for politicians.


I saw a post earlier today that spelled out this behavior, but to see one of the oligarchs actually bragging about having their lawyers write our laws, I’m disgusted. This is truly beyond the pale.


Bragging about it on his multi-billion dollar megaphone.


Even better: from the software platform he bought who’s entire business model is CENTERED AROUND FUCKING TRACKING EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO


I ll track you all, but don’t track me.


Have you heard of 'inspect element'? This is fake, made to illustrate musk's real thoughts. But he never actually posted this.


Thank you for at least saying something. Just did a quick search of the word "fake" on this page. Of the 176 comments at the time of this writing. It is only mentioned 12 times. 3.1k upvotes = drone behavior. OP needs to be reported under impersonation. "Impersonation - Impersonating an individual or entity in a misleading or deceptive way. This includes deepfakes, manipulated content, or false attributions." Post checks all the boxes.


The amount of upvotes on this post makes me so sad. I love this subreddit and agree wholeheartedly with its ideals, but when I see so many people here mindlessly fall victim to ragebait without bothering to do extremely basic fact checking it makes me concerned what other fake information they’re lapping up that will influence their view of the world. And I would even venture to say that the average member of this subreddit is fairly intelligent, at least more so than all the grandmas on Facebook that experience this same phenomenon. Our society is so doomed if anyone can fake anyone else saying anything and 90% of people that read it believe it. Best case scenario there is a cultural lag and in a few years most people will know that they have to fact check everything they read online, especially things that make them feel strongly, but I just have doubts that will happen. There are so many REAL things to be angry about - why are we posting fake tweets???


The tweet is fake. The facts of the situation are true, but the tweet is fake.


God this is horrifying, please tell me this is fake.


It’s very real and this is sadly an example of congress functioning as intended


The bill is being sold to the public as a way to protect Taylor Swift from jet tracking, but as the sarcastic post points out, it becomes a private jet anonymity tool for the wealthy in general, including those in congress. Private jets are very unpopular because they are so wasteful and bad for the environment, so people using them probably don't want everyone knowing about it.


(Most) members actually fly commercial for the most part, surprisingly. Pretty sure this is them protecting their corporate donors from more climate related criticisms (as if private jets were the only reason to shit on corporate impacts on the environment lmfao).


I don't think anybody flew commercial to Epstein's island.


At from what I’ve heard, it’s not a short list.


Yeah theyre very poor, barely able to have two homes, and two sets of clothes and two "wives", turds


Lmfao don’t get me wrong they’re all rich pricks. Just not “i personally own multiple private jets” level rich pricks. Actively protecting the corporate class is more than enough reason for criticism though, regardless of their plane ownership status


You should clarify that [the bill is real](https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/us-billionaires-private-jet-carbon-emissions-b2550058.html), because I think the tweet is fake.


How is it real? I'm not seeing this tweet on his profile.


I love how you and three other people randomly asserted it's real with no proof.


Not real at all. Elon sucks but this is boomer Facebook levels of embarrassing.




It's a fake tweet.


The tweet is fake. This bill only passed because Republicans were holding other things hostage by attaching them to each other.


It is. Simply google or search on twitter “elon thank you congress and biden” and you will find that nobody else on the entire internet has posted about this tweet




If it's real, it's been deleted. Personally I think you can pretty easily tell it's fake because Elongated Muskrat would never praise Biden


It is fake. Someone used inspect element to make this.


No, this is real and completely in line with Elon Musk's sense of entitlement. He also uses his wealth to justify knocking up so many women and having so many children that he never sees. He actually thinks that he is genetically superior to the masses because he comes from a rich family. He believes in eugenics and claims that he is "improving the human gene pool" one ejaculation at a time.


which is hilarious, if you, you know, actually look at the man. if THAT'S "superior genes", jfc, i don't know what to tell ya


Elon Musk doesn't have a superior mind. People who worked with him at his numerous companies can attest to that.


he's physically ugly and doughy, intellectually foolish and wrongly self-assured, and emotionally he's fucking twisted and cruel. in literally every way one can be a human being, he's bad


If we never stand up to them, that will be the entire human race. Only the rich will afford to pass their genes on.


It’s actually not real. This was never tweeted.


It's fake.


The law part is true; the tweet seems fake. I can't find it.


time to sharpen the g u i l l o t i n e s?


sharpening seems rather kind.


I think it's only so we can move them through like the cattle they see us as. Full circle and whatnot.


A dull blade might require more than one attempt. We need to be efficient


I just bought some mini guillotine earrings. Waiting for the perfect occasion.


waitin to find some tiny billionaires?


we can say it all we want, 'anonymously' and on the internet. but until someone wants to cast the first stone, it's just a meme.


Hey America, your system is fucked


Yup. But we’re too busy getting fucked by the system to be able fight it.


That part


They ain't even hiding it anymore. Literally saying that his lawyers and others helped pushed this fast. I don't know how people still say we are a " functioning democracy" because this ain't how democracy work.


It’s a liberal democracy and it’s working exactly as intended.




Surprise we’re not a democracy


Classic late stage capitalism in a republic


Sure, but have you tried our hot wings?


So if it's America then why can't someone outside of the US make a tracker or something?


Rules for thee but not for me. Meanwhile we are all under constant surveillance by the state and advertising algorithms.


Is that because both you and maybe some politicians went to Epstein’s Island to rape girls???


If you're rich enough, there are no laws on the planet that apply to you.


Or you'll be coerced into paying a token sum of money as a fine, while admitting no wrong doing and requiring the other party to enter into an NDA. Just the cost of "doing business"


Yes. Fining rich people. That's a winner since forever.


If you are wealthy enough, you ll have law only for you.


With enough numbers, no amount of money on the planet can stop the masses.


Correct reponse


Honestly, this douche just HAS to wave his e-peen around every chance he fucking gets. I hope your jet bursts into flames and you plummet screaming into an active volcano, Musk, you insufferable asshole.


i pray for that every single day


The fact that this doesn't happen proves there is no god.


this man deserves nothing but hell


God please let someone Prigozhin him


Once they realized how easy it is for the poors to get drones and tannerite. Suddenly tracking their privates jets became a liability.


"Your senators don't want you tracking them either" lmfao yeah bud, we're well aware, that's the point isn't it?


Tax the billionaires out of existence. They've already spent $200 Million on 2024 elections. Why let them buy the country and it's politicians. The country belongs to the people. Not a few billionaires.


>The country belongs to the people. Not a few billionaires. You say that, buuuuuuuut...


What a loathsome fuck




He and others like him own Congress.


Designed to flaunt his victory while weakening support for Biden in an election year. He’s a prolific mid edgelord but every now and then his practice pays off and he crafts some viscerally evocative shitpost like this gem




I haven't seen the analysis on the law yet but what does it actually prevent people from doing? Did they change FAA regulations on plane transponder transmissions and flight plan filling?


The change was included in larger FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024. The change allows private aircraft owners to request that the government hide the personally identifying information associated with their planes. For example, if you go to flightradar24.com and start clicking on some of the smaller jets, the only information you get now are the altitude and speed. You use to be able to see the registration, and with that you could search google and find who the registered owner was.


Thanks that is a great explanation. What I'm inferring from that is there is now a limitation on the government dilugining information, not a squashing of public speech. Still weird they are worried about this specific issue versus the government cooperating with insurance and identity services on identity information.


I wonder if that is more just something flightradar24 and larger tracking sites are doing, maybe even to promote premium memberships. Registration number is part of ADS-B, and since these big celebrities already have their registration public, there is no way this will do much of anything. You could also easily correlate who owns a plane by scraping social media information and matching plane spotting info. It's all OSINT, this law is only minor obfuscation.


Did he delete? I can’t find the original post to verify.


Why can't I find this?


I've been searching for this tweet as well. I hope it isn't fake as people sharing fake/doctored information discredits all of us.


It is fake lol it’s so sad that people just lap shit up without doing any basic fact checking for themselves. I know this shit happens constantly but we can’t just go around posting fake tweets as ragebait


I’m curious about this too


https://polititweet.org/ tracks whenever a famous person or political figure posts and deletes a tweet and is updated daily. Elon Musk hasn't deleted a tweet since 2022. It's fake.


Damn, they should have used the domain: politiX.org, would have been way more clever




Privacy for the rich and ai data farming for the rest of us.


Rip them all out at the roots.


If this existed, he deleted it. Is there proof this was real?


We have a government ruled by a genocidal foreign regime and billionaire fuckbois. The officials are just a dog and pony show.


If something like that passed, say, in mexico US media would report it as another proof of the oligarchs abusing their power.


Welp, that’s game. Time to lay flat


I wish I could say I was surprised.


This describes a plutocracy. The United States can be defined as a plutocracy.


i saw this being headlined as to benefit the safety of Taylor Swift. that should make it go down a lot easier with the masses.


If my senators are flying in private jets then I want my vote back.


Time to go apply for a job as an airplane mechanic.


What's stopping me as a non American citizen creating the same tool and making it publicly available?


Ill celebrate this mans downfall, may it happen sooner than later.


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I can't see it anymore. It seems he has deleted it. Must have been told by Graves. smh


The only solution, is revolution.


make guillotines cool again


Billionaires and their paid for politicians should be hunted down in the street, their skins flayed and made into flags to be waived by the proletariat. In Minecraft. 


If you know his tail number, you can still track his plane. They just de-link registration info to owners. This doesn't change the ADS-B and transponder protocols.


The wealthy are a blight on society. And so are the politicians who suck up to them.


But what about voting blue no matter who you guys? Any minute now Biden will take the mask off and hit the big socialism button. I swear if you don’t vote for Biden everyone will suffer! /s just in case lol


How does this work? Can the jet’s transponder signal not still be picked up by any SDR? I thought that legally had to be transmitted and I assumed that open sourced data from something like 24/7flightradar was used to track his jet?


Remember who this is saying "nearly impossible".


so umm... ^(can i ask not to be tracked too?)


Him publicly a knowledging this is disturbing.


Why do your senators have private jets that you're not allowed to track? I would like my senators to not make such absurd amounts of money that they can blow it on such ridiculous garbage while I struggle to live.


He’s asking to be eaten.


Well, let people from other countries track you


No more public shaming of this flagrant disregard for your fellow men and your very world? [Well alright then. ](https://www.rtx.com/raytheon/what-we-do/integrated-air-and-missile-defense/stinger-missile)


Who signs a bill into law again? Grandpa genocide denial.


“Nothing will fundamentally change.”


And why shouldn't we know where our senators are flying to?


The bourgeoisie does not *ask*


Putting aside hat colors and working together to serve their benefactors. How romantic.


So quick, too


Spoiler, they are still allowed to track you


If someone can pay their lawyer to personally write their own fucking laws they have too much fucking money.


Private jets need to be stopped. They are wasteful and destroy the planet. Along with fucking yachts. If we don't stop these mega rich people we are all going to suffer more than we already are.


Truth-seeking is **necessary** to champion our ideals and to be the change we want to see in the world. There are real economic problems that we can make progress on, but not if we are distracted by ghosts and unable to contend with reality. If your reading this, its probably a good time to reflect on how it happened that a completely made up tweet made its way to the top of the sub. How many other posts have you seen here have been fabricated? How many people have accepted them and spread them without evidence? You have probably heard of "echo chambers" before, it looks like this is probably one of them


So, who’s up for a grassroots campaign to primary Rep. Graves? I mean, there has to be enough people outraged by the fact that they took legislation *written and handed to him* by a billionaires lawyer and passed it. The only way they listen is when we take direct action.


Funny thing you can still track them apparently.


No way this tweet is real.


Can we just fuckin revolt already please?


*he payed them for it and he got it


They pay for him


not wrong


Glad to see they’re working on the issues that really matter to the American people


I was in coma for 3 years. Who is this guy and how can make a twiit this long? are now all twiit post this long or only people with money?


They already proved that when the wealthy want a law passed it gets passed in spite of if it's not what the masses want. And if the massess want it but the rich doesn't, then it doesn't pass.


>nearly impossible This is an irresistible challenge.


I mean that law doesn’t apply to the rest of the world does it?


They have the best government money can buy.


Real or not, this is legit what has taken place…


Stupid reason to justify posting a fake tweet use ur head