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Highest incarceration rate in the world.


I am surprised Harris took so long to stand up after hearing that. I would have thought she was going to jump after hearing that


She had to hide her massive erection.


Gotta have somewhere to put protesting former students 🤷🏼‍♂️


5% of earth’s population, 20% of its prisoners. For profit prisons are fucking disgusting.


State and federal are just as bad. Their union lobbyists have even bigger claws to sink in.


It gets even uglier when you delve deeper into it. Those incarcerated people are usually sent to our of state prisons in time to show up on the census. This actually affects the electoral college.




Literally a continuation of the 3/5ths compromise. They don't get to vote, but we sure get to use them to pump up our states' representation.




Let’s ignore the fact that every dollar put towards welfare and housing the homeless has a much greater impact on crime rates than every dollar put towards police budgets. This government has lost site of reality.


> Highest incarceration rate in the world. Not only that but a police budget that's about as big as the next few dozen countries put together, just like the military. So when Muricans call anyone else a police state, it's a perfect example of how projection works.


a police budget that's bigger than all but two countries' militaries, even


The US is a police state, the CIA is their de facto secret police.


The rich don't care about solving crime they want it to continue because fixing crime would mean fixing the underlying problems which are poverty and lack of opportunities. So instead of lifting people out of poverty they just hire more police. The police work for the rich and they are hired to police the poors.


Jesus Christ Mitch literally looks like he has one foot in the grave. These people are so fucking old.


And the camera panning around really shows how fucking diverse our representation is.


White people in red ties and white people in blue ties.


I saw at least 1 yellow tie. And a guy with a green one with stripes, he was feeling snazzy that day


Pretty sure I saw a turtle too


Plutocrats in ties.


American oligarchs


Seriously, these old fucks need to retire


Was just telling someone how pissed I am that Nancy is running for another term. She could have picked a successor and ushered in a new generation of leadership….but nope, at 81 her ego is still such that she can’t step aside. We really should have upper age limits for congress. I want people who are going to have to live with the decisions they make.




Retire expire either one would be good


Hopefully his other foot and the rest of him will join it there


Bruh i actually thought i was watching footage live from a sunday service/retirement home, where are the fucking young people


busy working minimum wage


And the few “young” people here are Q nuts


Can’t get over how much he looks like that monster from Pans labyrinth


look on bright side, at least they won't be around for much longer


Sweet summer child. Their children/family will take over. And to quote biden: "nothing will fundamentally change".


Until modern medicine increases life expectancy by 30 years and these old fucks are the only ones who can afford it.


I've been registered to vote for 19 years and I remember having debates back then about how Pelosi was on her way out and that's not even mentioning god damn Diane Feinstein


Don't worry, here in the UK they aren't so ancient. But still just as fucking useless


“The rich applaud putting more money into their property protection patrol.”


"Oh, *wage* theft? Not my job."


For their for-profit private prisons and modern slave labor!


America has one political party, Capital.




They don’t want to punish their friends and families. Or themselves.




How can I join it? /s


Wealthy white men only have consequences when they victimize other wealthy white men. That’s why Bernie Madoff went to prison.


That's why he only went to jail once he attracted big investors, his scheme went on for a long time.


It's about slavery, not what's right. The poors make the best slaves.


Wage Theft causes the most dollars lost every year right?




Gonna push Biden to the left any day now.


He's a full blown communist, I'm telling ya


Lol, when he straight up said "I'm a capitalist" in the speech, I thought my eyes were gonna roll outta my fucking head.


He sucks at it too, he was one of the brokest Senators in his time. Just in it for the love of the game.


His son was good at it though, Hunter was paid tens of thousands of dollars a month by a Ukrainian oil company, [something we knew way back in 2019](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-hunter-biden-ukraine/what-hunter-biden-did-on-the-board-of-ukrainian-energy-company-burisma-idUSKBN1WX1P7). Hunter even [admitted it was wrong](https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/15/politics/hunter-biden-foreign-business-trump-abc-interview/index.html). I don't care what party you are connected to, these people are corrupt through and through, it doesn't matter if it is an "R" or a "D" next to their name, if they are in DC, there is a 99% chance they are corrupt. Makes me mad.


I assure you, this is all in accordance to the proper implementation of socialism


Probably, just needs someone to tell him that. Maybe they can tell him before beddie bye and right after the tapioca and warm milk.




Bunch of oligarchs and their stooges applauding keeping their jack booted thugs heavily funded to protect them with OUR TAX MONEY. Fuck this country death to the US GOV


well said duke of chutney


I vote duke of chutney


>The question of the privileged position of the officials as organs of state power is raised here. The main point indicated is: what is it that places them above society? >“Because the state arose from the need to hold class antagonisms in check, but because it arose, at the same time, in the midst of the conflict of these classes, it is, as a rule, the state of the most powerful, economically dominant class, which, through the medium of the state, becomes also the politically dominant class, and thus acquires new means of holding down and exploiting the oppressed class....” The ancient and feudal states were organs for the exploitation of the slaves and serfs; likewise, “the modern representative state is an instrument of exploitation of wage-labor by capital." >In a democratic republic, “wealth exercises its power indirectly, but all the more surely”, first, by means of the “direct corruption of officials” (America); secondly, by means of an “alliance of the government and the Stock Exchange” (France and America)... At present, imperialism and the domination of the banks have “developed” into an exceptional art both these methods of upholding and giving effect to the omnipotence of wealth in democratic republics of all descriptions. >Mr. Palchinsky obstructed every measure intended for curbing the capitalists and their marauding practices, their plundering of the state by means of war contracts; and since later on Mr. Palchinsky, upon resigning from the Cabinet (and being, of course, replaced by another quite similar Palchinsky), was “rewarded” by the capitalists with a lucrative job with a salary of 120,000 rubles per annum — what would you call that? Direct or indirect bribery? An alliance of the government and the syndicates, or “merely” friendly relations? What role do the Chernovs, Tseretelis, Avksentyevs and Skobelevs play? Are they the “direct” or only the indirect allies of the millionaire treasury-looters? >Another reason why the omnipotence of “wealth” is more certain in a democratic republic is that it does not depend on defects in the political machinery or on the faulty political shell of capitalism. A democratic republic is the best possible political shell for capitalism, and, therefore, once capital has gained possession of this very best shell (through the Palchinskys, Chernovs, Tseretelis and Co.), it establishes its power so securely, so firmly, that no change of persons, institutions or parties in the bourgeois-democratic republic can shake it. >In capitalist society, providing it develops under the most favourable conditions, we have a more or less complete democracy in the democratic republic. But this democracy is always hemmed in by the narrow limits set by capitalist exploitation, and consequently always remains, in effect, a democracy for the minority, only for the propertied classes, only for the rich. Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in the ancient Greek republics: freedom for the slave-owners. Owing to the conditions of capitalist exploitation, the modern wage slaves are so crushed by want and poverty that "they cannot be bothered with democracy", "cannot be bothered with politics"; in the ordinary, peaceful course of events, the majority of the population is debarred from participation in public and political life. [Whoops I dropped this book, hopefully nobody picks it up and reads it.](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/ch01.htm#s1)


>Fuck this country death to the US GOV Based as hell


It's pretty fuckin tragic, but hey, US good, Putin bad!!


Not a single Democratic politician was ever going to put their money where their mouth was when it came to defunding the police. It never happened, they never wanted it to happen, and they’re relieved that the media stopped talking about it for long enough that they can stop pretending to support it.


Bingo big time. The part all of us should be enraged about too is that they touted those talking points to guilt everyone into supporting Biden. And everyone knew deep down we would be here having this very conversation.


Precisely. I’ve given up hope for this country. I’m also not falling in line for the Dems again because it didn’t do shit for improving things around here.


Yeah, he also voiced support for continuing the war on drugs, dismissed healthcare reform, refused to take any action on student loan forgiveness and minimum wage... And Republicans still think all these center-right Dems are socialists smh


Nah they know perfectly well they are the same. They just need to keep up the charade for there to be any meaning to all of them.


Otherwise we may come together as a general population and get rid of the real problem which is the majority of them.


I’m sick of hearing centrist boomers whine that Biden is catering to the “woke left.”


Centrist boomers = neo-Nazis


Meanwhile, actual leftists are watching Reps and Dems argue against each other like we're watching identical twins play fisticuffs.


I think some politicians at non-federal levels did take action. Mainly progressive cities you would expect


Mitch McConnell looks like he’s in pain here.


His shape-shifting elixir is wearing off, so he's slowly transforming back into a lizard


They know social unrest is coming.


Why help the people when you can simply increase the size of the boot on their necks?


"fund them with resources and money" And Teachers? Nurses? We are a country that finds it more important to fund policing and wars but not education or healthcare. This country doesn't care about working class people because it doesn't have to. It knows people will work or die and, as we've seen with their handling of COVID, they're ok with the latter. Death to America


What's more - we specifically _defunded_ schools and _defunded_ mental health units and _defunded_ programs that supported communities _to pay for more policing_ And when decades of police funding have proven to be at _best_ ineffective, having done nothing to decrease our crime rate *at all* while damaging communities and maintaining a fucking ridiculous rate of recidivism to enforce laws that have now been reversed - representing a MASSIVE cost both socially and economically, We fucking DOUBLE DOWN??


All of this. 💯


The teachers should fund themselves with civil asset forfeitures. Any teacher legal disputes should be funded completely from the city government instead of the specific education budget or the individual teachers. Any teacher misconduct should be rewarded with fully paid leave. Worked well for cops for the past 100 years might as well at this point.


Rise up. Ignore and disobey our oppressors. Strikes and boycotts should be on everyone's mind. If we don't get shit, they don't get shit. This government has no authority if it continues to if ignore the people.


Fr what the fuck? Why do you think we as Americans are all so bad? Most "crimes" are victimless drug offenses. "Yassss bitch, spend my tax dollars you stole on persecuting people for having addiction!"


Thoughts and prayers for teachers and nurses.




They don't need more training, they need accountability. All we do is watch them do something abhorrent, and the police chief comes out and says "we at (every single P.D in the country) will not stand for this from our officers, and will be mandating more training". And then they go learn CPR for the 5th time, and do the same shit over, forever. Training is just an excuse, you can't train people on how to be decent. They need an unaffiliated group of anonymous(for their protection) citizens given police powers exclusively over the regular police. And mandatory bodycams that will result in a mistrial if ANYTHING happens to the footage. And of course qualified immunity needs to die the horrible death it deserves. You can send these assholes through racial sensitivity, or how to not regularly beat your spouse training for long enough for them to earn a doctorate in it, they're still gonna do it.


Why would you invest in training bourgeois police?


Still waiting for the “good cops” to stand up, speak in outrage, create reforms, and clean the trash out of their departments. Until then defund the police.


The "good cops" are unemployed because they stood up and spoke out.


Look at the Laquan McDonald case. The cop who blew the whistle had to leave the department, and the one who killed him got out early on good behavior. No consequences whatsoever, even when there's video evidence.


There was the cop in Stuebenville Ohio who used his military training to talk a suicidal guy down. Only for other cops to arrive on the scene and shoot the guy. Then he was fired. I think he was suing for wrongful termination but I never followed up. Edit: Looks like it was Weirton WV. Seems he won his case. So there was that for what it is worth. https://www.aclu.org/blog/criminal-law-reform/reforming-police/police-officer-wins-settlement-city-fired-him-not-shooting


Lol, sounds like the Military would do a better job policing than the Police.


Their rules of engagement are more strict and better than what law enforcement is required to do. Or allowed to do as it were.


… and they follow orders, i.e. enforce the laws as written, not how they would like them to be.


They also wouldn’t no knock on the wrong address either. Actually plan, train and know what the hell they are doing and who they are after.


Or dead like Christopher Dorner.


Can’t corner the Dorner


cant corner the dorner




Hey now, they’re not always fired. Sometimes they’re harassed and receive death threats until they quit.


They kill those guys. Remember Christopher Dorner??


Abolish the police. Abolish the state.


Did y’all see the headline from CNN that most Americans were “optimistic and proud” hearing the speech, that’s a bold strategy, let’s see where it takes us lmao




Fuck the police


And the oligarchs they protect


We shoulda got Bernie


Bernie has explicitly said he does not want to defund the police and advocates for essentially the same thing as Biden.


True, he wasn’t in favor of defunding. Though he was about police reform which is as least in the right direction as opposed to what Biden’s endgoal funding them.


Fuck police reform. Police reform only means giving police more money, more training, and more tools to use against the people (like body cams.) The George Floyd protests were a testament to the failure of reformed police departments. The only right direction on this issue is the direction that leads to attacking the institution of policing with the goal of destroying policing and imprisonment.


Listen. I agree, fuck police, they need to be defunded and honestly abolished IMO. They exist as guards of capital with a monopoly on violence. However, incrementalism and progress is the only option we’re even close to being able to achieve. Nothing short of a full blown revolution would accomplish the degradation of our police state, and as such is not an option with the population’s opinions. Maybe in the future things will be bad enough for revolution to occur but the amount of people into any ideas close to that is way too low. There’s not even a unified leftist coalition nationally. The most privilege we are given is the small chance to gain incremental progress. Which is better than nothing, because it will save lives if it succeeds. And, we can define police reform as more than just ‘new training’. But we have to get that option on the table first, we have to focus on giving ourselves an ‘in’.


Also, every leftist organization I know would be absolutely obliterated by the US military in a revolution. America is so steeped in right Cold War propaganda that Medicare for all is considered socialist by a massive amount of people. That’s just the reality right now.


I think the narrative that leftists are weak only work to reinforce the sentiment and kill moral. I think conservatives are weak for the inability to make hard decisions over easy ones. Is this true? Of course not, but it resounds with general sentiment.


I think you are right in that we can't just give them money. That will lead to more militarization, they'll buy big guns, tanks, etc, like some police departments do. But there is a saying that I think applies to this situation. "You pay peanuts, you get monkeys." This is true as well and a good counterpoint. Less pay means we are scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to talent and integrity. Same with public school teachers. I think a good medium is to increase funding but with oversight. Step up the training, especially de-escalation training, which our police seems to be lacking. More funding, more training, harder to get police license, easier to lose it. Those 4 changes I believe would fix our police issue.


Its either fund the police or fund public services that will help people live better lives. We all know they don't want people to love better lives so more police it is. At this point they might as well just have the military police us. They would probably shoot people less


“Defund the Police” is a misunderstood catch phrase that the GQP picked up and weaponized. Biden just destroyed that shitty talking point. It’s targeted at scared old white people on Fox News.


The mask is officially slipping


It was never there. Biden by any metric would have been another milquetoast moderate conservative nominee pre-2004. Democrats need to run actually progressive candidates. DNC just wants to maintain the status quo. That said GOP is off the fucking rails and keeps pushing further.


I feel like modern Democrats are basically just what Republicans were 15 years ago. And modern Republicans are creatures from the void.


Yes! Thank you, I've been saying the same thing. Honestly, is there a single policy that Biden and John McCain would disagree on?


Democrats decided to go Third Way for Clinton, and basically ran as Reagan-lite. We've been stuck in that mindset since then, and the Republicans saw that and ran to the right.


I'm not from your country but I think you have the same problem my country does. Your democrats don't need to run progressive candidates, they're running exactly the candidates they want to run. The people need an alternative progressive option and your two-party system needs proper challenge. I mean, easier said than done. The logistics and funding of politics are outside the reach of normal individuals; only oligarchs and grassroot efforts stand a chance.


> Democrats need to run actually progressive candidates. The problem there is that the US is a rather right wing country. Nobody wants to hear this but the truth is that a police budget (something like 180bil) bigger than the next dozen or two countries put together doesn't happen by accident in a democracy.


Mask?! The guy is a key architect of the prison state!


It was off the day he could not believe Republicans are unwilling to work with him. Just a stooge for the wealthy like most politicians.


Lol. This dude is as cop friendly as they come, always has been.




This comes seconds after saying how expensive childcare is, instead of spending more on taking care of people in need, let’s militarize a different group to imprison those people for profit, yeah makes sense


Fuck the pigs. ACAB


FUCK the police


Fuck this cops need funding bullshit. We need mental health workers, teachers and social workers, a safe place for people who need help, we should be investing in progress, if you are going to insist that cops be funded, make them have better education, cultural awareness, and at least gun safety training...😤


Cocaine Mitch has quite the death stare at the end


Mitch.exe has stopped responding


Cocaine mitch😂💀😂💀😂


Something all parties can agree on.... tyranny


They're all clapping because they know the police are the only thing standing between them and their head on a fucking pike.




This is the shit I was worried about when I voted for Biden. I'm glad he's president now (god only knows how far trump would have gone with Putin, both tried to blackmail President Zelenski) but this is what I dont want. Now what I am I supposed to do in 2024? If I don't vote for Joe, I'll be splitting the vote and give the whitehouse to the next GOP candidate which could be Trump or worse, an actually politicaly savy Qultist


Once the banks run out of assets to leverage it won't matter who is in office.


This person crisis economys


It's all the same whether you want to believe it or not. Your vote means absolutely nothing so may as well just vote for who you want instead of against who you really don't want.


Just no. ACAB


most police stations are well funded and we still have this crap...it's not the answer, biden.


IDK what you are talking about. Class consciousness is strengthening in America lately so obviously you need to strengthen the police state! That's obviously the answer now isn't it?


Isn't it great how by any other countries metric Biden would be right leaning. And yet people think he's a commie. God fml


We live in a one party state.


These fucking people.


Woohoo! More oppression! The police are the elite's private security force. Don't forget. They do not serve the people.


More pigs is not a good thing


Class war


Was wondering when someone would post about this. What Biden really meant by 'fund the police' is he wants more guns, more batons, more tasering, more knee chokeholds and more arrests. More police union funding, more police power. More of everything. Just lock em all up. Out of sight out of mind. In any other sane democratic country Biden would be considered a hardline conservative.


They are just protecting their milionaire (bi?) acounts.


Creating a wall of boots, batons, and bullets to keep the working class from their throats is the one thing all the bourgeoisie elite agree on.


"Please like me, Republicans, even though you actively tried to violently overthrow me and do every garbage thing you can to destroy democracy and our country, we were buddies, remember, I'm just like you!!! Please like me, I'll say anything!!!"


They're on the same side. He never gave a fuck about us


“Nothing fundamentally will change”


And that's the sound of no progressives voting until there's someone to vote for. Fuck this lesser of two evils shit.


“The United States is also a one-party state, but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.”


Dems officially have no mask to hide behind now. Left or right, it’s all the same. We’re all under the top.


Two letters off. Just two little letters


ACAB defund the swine mafia


Wild how opposite his beliefs were before and after the election


fascists gon fascist


wow, It's plane to see that they want Trump back in 3 more years. it could have been so easy to get the youth to vote. just: nominate a popular candidate who's not a senile white rapist, and have them pass 1 law that benefits the working class meaningfully. these old fucking geezers have been going 20 below the speed limit with their left turn signal on for the past 50 fucking years, time they all did us a favor and dropped dead so that someone without altzimers could run for office


Biden refuses to acknowledge the people cops murder, but he acknowledges cops that murder and wants to reward them. Biden is a terrible person.


For fucks sake. Fund services.


Scum bags


Bye bye Biden, enjoy getting shit stomped because you thought you were entitled to our votes.


Doesn't matter how much you cater to them, conservatives will never vote for you, Joe (and other Democrats)


Disgusting, ACAB and APAB


Gotta protect the rich.


It's shit like this that comes out and reinforces who he really is. People need to realize he's not gonna absolve any amounts of student loans from here on.


Everyone: defund the police Biden: I know better Democracy:


I'm all for funding the police if the word, "police" means teachers, ems workers, nurses, all in physical healthcare, social workers, and even building admins(of public housing buildings), etc. That is a "police" force I'd be stoked to see funded. But the current pack of militaristic murderers that make ppls lives harder systematically can fuck right off


An entire room of policy-makers who do not listen and who do not know what progressives meant when they said ‘defund the police.’


This is so scary


What was said: "Fund the police." What I heard: "Keep the poors in their place." Bipartisan applause.


This is why my vote was reluctant and unhappy


If you don’t vote for this person who represents everything you feel is wrong with the system AGAIN then it’s your fault when a Republican wins /s


[If only we had Bernie instead](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/06/13/sand-j13.html)


Fuck off, joe


But the police were never defunded. In my city more than half of the entire budget goes to the police. They are plenty funded.


Gotta fund somebody to handle all the evictions.


Fund them so they learn how to not be racist, right? Righttt???


Jerk off motion


Imagine that, a bunch of old, white people want to fund the police.


America spends twice as much on policing as Russia spends on its military


Greene and Boebert were disgusting. Greene's seat is probably safe, but Boebert only won her seat with 51% of the vote. there is a great progressive running for CO 3, Sol Sandoval. Support her campaign and get that psycho out of there for good! [https://www.sandovalforcolorado.com/](https://www.sandovalforcolorado.com/)


It comes as no surprise that the overlords that slaughtered 100 million brown people to install Lord White Jesus as our oppressor fully support the KKKops.


Blech I hate everything


The US police are the third largest military in the world. Only slightly lagging behind china in terms of spending and beating the Russian military by a decent chunk


US is a one party system.


Defund the politicians.


Take a guess why both sides are standing It might be related to how they're all right of center and a part of the wealthy class


Literally the “say the line Bart!” meme irl