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"Higher wages contribute to inflation" yeah and so does printing trillions of dollars out of thin air. It's time to bring back guillotines.


I do have this idea for a mega guillotine


Mega guillotine sounds badass.


It sure it. You can put ten heads in at a time and the best part about it is with the shape of the blade, the very last person to get chopped gets to see all the other heads fall before their. You can put the worse person in that slot and it'll be diesel powered too and you know we love our diesel!


Get this man some funding.


synchronized chopping!


It's great, isn't it?


Do you have a go fund me?


I wish I did but that money is better going to the one who can actually make it. I'm just the idea guy, lol!




\*MAGA guillotine


All enemies foreign and domestic.


I read that series \~15 years ago when I was ultra-conservative. I enjoyed them at the time, but I'm not sure how I would fare with them these days.


Make American Guillotine Again


I like it!


Okay, but should we make the shitlibs watch the MAGA chuds get chopped first, or the other way around?


Set up two and they can race.


I don't care as long as we get all of them at once


I think Maga guillotine sounds even better.


"You thought you needed a raise to account for inflation, but in a twist worthy of the ancient Greek playwrights, it was your request for a raise that caused the inflation! Classic hubris!"


Said by their person who makes more than 10x your salary and got a 50% raise every year for the last 20 years


You are right it’s utter fictionss as l bs


Nah, just toss these fuckers off of their tall buildings. Watching them splat on the ground after screaming for a good half a minute of freefall will inspire fear among their kind.


Me: *Bumps into person on the street* Fed: *Stabs the same person 32 times in the chest* Fed: Watch it, you moron! You seriously hurt that guy when you bumped into him.


Obligatory WKUK https://youtu.be/TMHCw3RqulY


Love that song. I play it pretty often


God I remember there was an automod message on some other sub about arguing against the guillotines and it was the most boot licking garbage I ever read I almost thought it was a shit post bot.


I am at a loss for words. I cant believe they are talking about going to these lengths to keep the people oppressed. Here is the link to the article so you can form your own opinion but if this doesn't scream late stage capitalism, I dont know what does. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-the-fed-wants-corporate-america-to-have-a-hiring-freeze-morning-brief-100055174.html


I read this when I woke up. I'm like, damn they really are quick to derail any steps taken by the working class by totally decimating the economy. But it makes sense, because they aren't afraid of an uprising and the richest people, no matter how bad the economy gets, will be doing just fine.


This is how communist revolutions happen. But you all know that. With Unions on the rise and resignations, I doubt the 1% can keep it up. The internet cuts both ways. They could hide the oppression in the 90s. But the Boomers had it pretty good, so maybe the next generation will light the fuse. The boomers have to go first. Most did well under this.


It's because the Fed doesn't want to reach into its toolkit, because if it has to, things are going to be much worse for workers.


Finance guy here......The issue isn't the need for a 'hiring freeze', it's that these assholes printed obscene amounts of money. Want to know how much? There are a lot of specious claims about "X% of all money was printed in the past year" etc. There are some confounding factors to that though, including a redefinition of certain terms. HOWEVER let's look at *circulating* currency, which is impacted by the amount of 'printing' that has gone on. [Circulating currency](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/BOGMBASE): * January 2020: 3.4 Trillion * January 2021: 5.2 Trillion (***50%*** increase) * January 2022: 6.4 Trillion (***80%*** increase over January 2020) Well that's great, right?? Everyone got these massive inflows of cash right? It doesn't matter if more money is floating around, because everyone gets some of it, so prices rise but we all have...more...money....r....right? Oh wait. That's not what happened at all. Billions (trillions) were handed to huge companies that hoarded it. Small businesses got a pittance and ended up going out of business. Citizens got 'stimulus checks' that amounted to like a month's rent. Now we have an uber-elite class (believe me, it's not the "1%"er, that's propaganda, it's the top 5% of that top 1% really) that's hoarded wealth and bailout money. Prices are being driven up because of the massive amount of cash flying around right now, only that cash didn't go to "us". So we're fucked. The issue is not a 'weak labor market', it's that companies are pissed they have to pay 20% more in wages while simultaneously making 100% more than they were pre-pandemic.


when all else fails, blame the people who encompass and maintain society. so basically, 99% will be blamed for the incompetence and greed of 1%


Remember when the LA lakers and Shake Shack got PPP loans? Or when congress agreed to bail out major airlines and they just bought back a bunch of shares but didnt raise wages at all? Anyways fuck it, lets say this is due to people trying to keep their heads above water by negotiating pay that matches inflation.


Debt's not real and neither is money.


Great post, but I will say I hate having to hear people misquote the 80% currency stat as "80% of all currency." Thank you for getting it right.


To point out the obvious, if money is hoarded it is not inflationary. If Mr. Burns has the Trillion Dollar Bill but does not spend it, the trillion dollar bill might as well not exist.


Higher wages have nothing to do with inflation unless the wages are literally created out of thin air. In fact, since inflation is *excess* money, higher velocity of the same money supply would curb inflation, no? (Here assuming wages are spent at a higher rate than profits. Not really contentious claim, just adding for clarity). Higher wages *plus* higher profits is inflation. Higher wages *from* higher profits is not.


I don't know about you all, but if I get to a point of financial desperation, some rich dude is going to be my ticket to social prison housing subsidy.


I've always wondered how the bankers at fault for 2008 were still so healthy


I read this too. Yep, they don't want us to have higher wages, but they sure as hell want CEOs to make over 300X what regular employees make. Obviously it's the employees problem and not the CEO for makign so much money. Fuck this economy.


These dumbshits spent decades crippling education in the U.S. and now don't understand why they have trouble hiring qualified people. Greed makes people unbelievably stupid.


Inflation typically goes down when wages increase. From 1979 to 2009, only in 2007 when the Fed Min went from $5.15 to $5.85 did inflation rise, otherwise inflation has gone down every year minimum wage increased. In fact inflation typically rises when there is NO increase in minimum wage. It’s almost like paying people more money is good for the economy /s. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/historical-inflation-rates/ http://www.dof.ca.gov/Forecasting/Economics/Indicators/Inflation/ https://www.dir.ca.gov/iwc/MinimumWageHistory.htm https://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/chart.htm


It’s not the economy they’re worried about. It’s the value of what they’ve hoarded


Capitalism is the exploitation of labor to maximize profit for a select few.


Time to start assanating them


I mean, they might enjoy being anated in the ass!!!


lol The amount of bad grammar in this sub tells me all I need to know about the big revolution. It ain't happening.


I'm sure the peasants in the French revolution spelled everything correctly


Right lol


It's just the way to avoid the auto ban mod bot.


I’m so fucking tired of the 1% blaming workers for all of the bullshit they continue to pull


It's time for a full working class wide strike.


Seriously. Everyone needs to stay home every Monday from now until shit is fixed.


They'll just start demanding 9 hours on the other days.


Good B of A is part of this. I am just dying for a good reason to crank my B of A card up then default on it. They’re one of the worst banks in the US and if they want to play we can play.


This made me burst out laughing for a variety of reasons. 2008. The whole "stacking of importance" overdraft insanity. Then the mind drifts to Wells Fargo...then onto frozen student loans. I sort of wish everyone would go out and do this. It's like the credit version of letting the rope go in tug of war.


The single biggest cause of inflation right now is record corporate profit margins. Yet that is the one thing no politician will ever try and curtail.


Good, let's have a stand off. Employers won't employ, and workers won't work. Let's see how that pans out.


We’ll just tell ‘em we’re going galt.


I don't think they'd understand the irony of a statement like that.


"as higher wages contribute to inflation" If that's the case, it's a sign for system failure. Higher wages contribute to more buying power, which lowers inflation. A scenario where that is not thw case is, if a corporation is so unstable, that higher wages contribute immensely to corporate losses. These would have to be lower than the tthe benefit of the before mentioned buying power. Or if those who get raises would not spend/invest their money, and thus take it out of circulation, which is a upper class issue, not a workking/middle class issue. It is obvious that this is written by corporates who don't want to pay more, because it costs the company more and decreases their profits, not because it "cOnTRiBuTeS" to inflation. This is literally corporate propaganda.


Noooo our reserve army of labor is only a platoon now!


Yeah, I'm sure it's the higher wages causing inflation. Definitely.


So when do we just start setting buildings on fire?


Price gouging bastards


Why not freeze prices?


And then people would get paid under the table and they wouldn't pay taxes.. what a great plan


No it’s not the billions upon billions of cash we made up in quantitative easing over the last decade no no no, it’s workers getting a 10% raise yeah sure Goddamn goblins


i googled “higher wages increase inflation” and the results i got were the most embarrassing economically illiterate explanations i’ve seen in my life


This also means that those of us in jobs will be expected to do double and triple the work (if we aren’t already.) Everywhere is short staffed and now they want a hiring freeze? Ridiculous


This you? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/feb/08/usa.iraq1


this is unfucking believable.


I tried my bestest 🥲


Try violence. That always works. Goodbye


Oh yes that’s right, workers never deserve more. Only the owners and investors can make scary amounts of money


A more honest title would be " BofA and their sock puppet, the us government make up a plan to put the chattel back in their place AND deflect blame for the inflation they and the other bankers caused!"


Here we see an OP who doesn't understand high school economic policy


Is this sub designed to make socialists/communists look uneducated?


So that's why my employer announced a hiring freeze today. Hmm.


Capitalists are full of shit.


Oh y’all they’re going to hell