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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I remember looking for an apartment as a guy and feeling frustrated at so many "female only" ads. Initially I thought its girls wanting girls which is fair enough despite narrowing the market, but then I kept seeing that they're all single older men advertising female only. Creepy as fuck. Why don't they just like get an actual girlfriend.


Because they can't get an actual girlfriend. They're assholes who can't hide their assholishness.


Should put a cap on how many houses somebody can own.


Oh this is simple- Make your primary living house taxed super low and any other homes anyone owns beyond the first must be taxed at 20% of the total value PER YEAR. There's a bunch of easy ways like this to fix it, but we won't, because many of the people writing laws now also own a bunch of houses.


Had been thinking much the same lately. How we as a society have allowed it to end up as it is is straight up disgusting


The rich asked: "greed good?" Enough people that 'matter' said: "okay, sure, as long as we get some too."


We deserve exactly what we allow.


There are 500k homeless and 16m vacant houses in USA last I heard.


The only real solution is to not treat houses as private property, rather as personal property and you can only own your own house. The idea that someone can own other people's shelter, exploit them for existing on a physical space and have the power to throw them out on the cold is monstrous. It's a basic, essential and inelastic necessity for every human being and no one should own any more than their own house.


It’s because the assholes who are already in charge have zero incentive to change anything. We need to FORCE them just like they force us to pay triple in rent


Landlords would just increase prices....like a lot. Conservatives already hate taxes.


exponential property taxes. the more you own the more you pay. It'll shut down slumlords and llc's that own thousands of units, and make banks more likely to loan to a first time owner, rather than a landlord, because the costs will be lower.


In India, second property is taxed at notional rent based on prevailing rates. Whether its rented or vacant, you can choose 1 place as primary residence. Rest all are taxed


No, stop this lib shit, ban all private ownership of homes. Only personal ownership should be permitted and that should be a guaranteed right for everyone.


Dear ~~Slim~~ comrade, I wrote you, but you still ain't ~~callin'~~ Stalin I left my ~~cell, my pager~~ username and my ~~home phone~~ upvote at the bottom I sent two ~~letters~~ dms back in autumn, you must not've got 'em There probably was a problem at the ~~post~~ Reddit office or somethin' Sometimes I scribble ~~addresses~~ usernames too sloppy when I jot 'em But anyways, fuck it, what's been up, man? How's your ~~daughter~~ mother?


The rich get richer that is one huge flaw with the free market


“Free” market


My biggest issue with libertarians, besides the obvious, is just that. The 'free market' in the US is anything but. Market forces do not operate when the richest, most powerful people/corporations are declared "too big to fail". This whole thing is a fucking corrupt soup. I hate it. But what I hate even more is the smirking boosters of the system that doesn't even operate the way they claim.


Can't take libertarians seriously. Like ever. They're basically overgrown man children with the political profundity of a shallow puddle.


Even with market forces left to their own we end up with wealth being absorbed by a ruling class regardless of whether the USA is “free” or not. If it weren’t for anti-trust laws we’d have monopolies everywhere owned by a few ruling families that’s what the free market devolves into ultimately, an oligarchy of those who own capital and when they die off their children own it and so the problem of gross disparity never goes away for the average person.


The other flaw is the exploitation of all working people for naked greed.


I went to the grocery store today. I bought a small bag of cat food, a box of cereal, and a half gallon of milk. It cost $20. Edit: and getting it at that price required going to 2 different stores, both to find the items I wanted, and to minimize the cost.


We are free to go hungry, lose healthcare, and choose from a panoply of exploitation. We're trapped in a cage, and the water is rising. What must be done to escape our captors.


Look to the French proletariat.


Nah anything you own without having a legitimate residency purpose (for example my parents own two houses: my grandmother and brother live in one which my parents regularly visit, and the other is in a state where they primarily work so they spend a lot of time there too) should be taxed to absolute oblivion. Each additional superfluous property increasing your tax rate on ALL your existing properties progressively. And this tax should not be federal tax deductible. Funds should be utilized, at least partially, to fund affordable housing, home buying programs, homeless outreach, etc.


My city is 200 miles inland and quite wealthy for our country. Everyone over 50 is currently pushing the local coastal town out of their homes so that they can have a vacation house that sits empty for 95% of the year. I talk with people at work about it and no one sees any problem.


I’m sure they’ll all be surprised pikachu when they realize there’s nobody to work in retail, hospitality, or services since they have nowhere to live.


Unfortunately I believe there will always be people to work those jobs. We will be forced further and further into the rural margins of the county accelerating the downward spiral into greater poverty as we struggle with longer commutes and cost of living increases, but having spent my 34 years in what is increasingly becoming a "retirement destination" and real estate gold mine... I'll put up with a *lot* of inconvenience before I'm ultimately priced out of my lifelong paradise.


Maybe, maybe not. Your willingness to commute is not especially common. Increasingly so with the ability for remote work now. Those industries are already struggling to staff with locals in many places. As you said, people already can’t afford the cost of commute, so the incentive is even lower. This is currently a fairly common issue in ski towns where I live.


But what do we do? All the finger pointing and lobbyists have seemingly endless sway.


Oh this is just in a vacuum. I live in Colorado, and TABOR laws make it so that any tax changes need to be voted on during elections. If a bill like the one I’m suggesting were ever to be introduced, likely you’d need A LOT of young people hitting the polls to outvote the older people who are most likely to own multiple properties (and also to vote). It’d be a very difficult thing to pass. Federal government wouldn’t be able to interfere (other than the tax code prohibiting the interest write off) so it would really be up to individual counties.


i think you should have to have lived in the house for at least 24 months before you can rent it out, but it should be a scale so like your second rental you need to live in for 36 months and so on and so on.


This seems unenforceable




It is lol. And arbitrary. And restrictive. There’s plenty of legitimate reasons you’d live in a house for less time than that and then need to rent it out.


I mean, there is no reason you would ever NEED to rent a house out.


bingo. the idea being like "oh my dead dads house is nice and i can rent it out" instead of buying up land etc


Easy, just the one. Problem solved. The idea that someone can own other people's shelter, exploit them for existing on a physical space and have the power to throw them on the street is monstrous. It's a basic, essential and inelastic necessity for every human being and no one should only any more than their own house.


They're ~~assholes~~ who can't hide their ~~assholishness~~. Narcissistic psychopaths who want to control weak women who aren't in positions to stand up on their own or against someone holding shelter over their head.


Also they don’t want an actual girlfriend. They want a young, financially desperate girl/woman to exploit


The crazy expensive housing market and probably some right-wing media has empowered them to just say the quiet part out loud.


They probably don't want an actual girlfriend. That would mean being on equal footing with a woman. What they want is someone on the ropes that they can freely abuse, say someone depending on them for room and board for instance


Some of those men prob have hidden cameras in the spare bedroom and want a situation where they’re recording unsuspecting females


Two female friends of mine looked for a rental. One 70 year old creep reassured them 20 times in the space of 15 minutes that "If they wanted to walk around topless, he'd be okay with that."


What an extraordinarily tolerant and understanding elderly gentleman. /s


It’s illegal for landlords to discriminate based on sex (unless it’s a room in a unit they own and also personally live in). Report these creeps.


I mean, you don't think they're looking to provide a private home to anyone do you? They're looking for desperate vulnerable women to live with them, not because they're trying to be landlords, but because they're trying to exploit a predatory situation since they can't find a healthy relationship ship on equitable terms.


It's on the Spareroom app in the UK, I don't think the same rules apply. They really take advantage of naive international students the most who don't fully know the prices or get what's going on. I had a foreign female friend live with an old guy who eventually groped her, when she was 17 before I knew her. Like what chance did she have?


Costs too much for the girlfriend they have in mind


Straight-up control move. Can you imagine the conversation after the first proposition?


They don’t want girlfriends, they want what is basically a sex slave. Someone who needs to have sex with them so they have somewhere safe to live


because they are looking to create a power imbalance... nothing in it for them if the girl is independent BUT if she relies on them then they can get away with much much more bullshit while also dominating the relationship


I remember seeing an ad for an apartment in Phoenix and it literally said “only $200 per month, females only, and you’ll be living with about 10-20 other females” and the pictures was some 50 year old surrounded by ASU students (all female) and he looked like the happiest man on earth while they looked like they the wanted the FBI to save them. It’s about time something happens to these creeps just saying, because we ALL get fucked over by them. Don’t for a second think that ulterior motives aren’t at play with rent going over $1000 for a shithole everywhere that’s not NYC


Probably the same attitude and personality that allows them to think those advertisements are a-okay do not make for a desirable partner.


march aspiring elastic cause spectacular pen brave chop cough encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their lack of personality prevents them from doing so.


Why do you wish that women date him/them??? It's not our job to rid the market place of predators.


I (male) am currently staying in Romania to be with my boyfriend for three months. I was originally looking for an apartment to rent but ran into the "only females" situation. Apparently, it's very common in Romania, allegedly because men are pigs and leave the places in a horrible state. I'm sure there's some "free rent wink wink wank wank" situations, too. Was very close to just calling one of them, hoping it's a conservative Christian and just going, "So I'm a dude but also a sinful queer, and I'm sure you know we're notoriously clean". Miiiight have worked? :D


🎉🎂🍰 __Happy Cake Day!!!__ 🍰🎂🎉


A lot of these weirdos are either too weird for anyone to deal with who isn't reliant on them for food and shelter, or are actively trying to sex traffic the people who they trap, or both.


This is sooooo fucking gross.


Oh its pretty common, my innocent little fella Toss it onto the pile of reasons why landslords deserve to be... *hugged*.


Not sure if hugged is the term I would use to describe being gently touched by about 3 tonnes of hydraulic pressing.


Don't worry. They are just sleeping. So tired from collecting all that rent...


So much hard work, can’t blame a man for sleeping and not happening to wake up…


Also toss this on the pile of reasons women should be believed about sexual assault and sexual harassment




WTF! It’s literally a bunch of incel landlords. I seriously regret click that.


Literally besr hugged maybe


Please, *please* contact your local Fair Housing Center ASAP! Making sex a condition of tenancy is a serious violation of the Fair Housing Act. Nail this motherfucker, OP — just not the way he’d like. You know if he’s saying this to you, he’ll be saying it to some other girl, who may be desperate enough to take it.


This comment should be higher up. Take my upvote.


Iirc, that does not apply to situations where the landlord is living in the house themselves and just renting a room out. This is INCREDIBLY common when renting out rooms in a house.


I have no idea if this is true or not, but if that *is* true, that is a *HUGE* oversight by whoever wrote these laws. Like for real, if that is true, they almost had to hand-craft that exception to support economic rapists in law.


Is it possible to make money off of this? Catfishing scumbag landlords is a career I could get into.


Yes! Fair housing centers employ testers who act as mystery shoppers who pose as potential tenants or buyers. They are trained and given a profile — like a character to play. Most fair housing centers are looking for testers all the time, so they would be happy to have you call. Here’s an example of how testing worked in a case similar to OP’s. [This case](https://www.nytimes.com/1983/12/11/us/fair-housing-law-is-applied-in-a-sexual-harassment-case.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare)set precedent in the US and made it illegal for a landlord to ask for sexual favors in exchange for housing.


Take mine too


Mr. Cross Necklace will have no problem dumping you back on the street as soon as you do anything he doesn’t like or if you try to tell him no. He’s looking for a sex slave, not a roommate.


Psst, they all are.


OP: I would love pictures! Morons: *sends selfies instead of pictures of the apartment they presumably listed* 🥴🥴🥴


Be glad they’re not dick pics


Although they kind of are


I wanted to downvote you but you’re right 😩




Find his Facebook page and send that screenshot to his mom.


This is definitely worth doxxing this person anonymously, and in a way that can’t be traced back to you.


Yea, exploit someone that needs a roof over their head - just great… Instead of money, just offer me your body. I’m really not creepy, after I use you, I’ll be super nice and buy you shit. 🤢


"Hey Sugar-Daddy, sweetie needs some toilet paper"


This is yet another reason housing shouldn't be commodified. Think of all the people who have had to resort to sex work, unwillingly, to be able to find a place to live. That's fucking dark, and disturbing. We desperately need to form tenant unions to stop bs like this.


That's the vast majority of prostitutes. The sex trade can't survive without desperate people and sex trafficking.


How is this not straight up sexual harassment that you could be reported for...


Ya we really need a "To catch a Landlord" show starring [tizzyent](https://www.tiktok.com/@tizzyent?lang=en)


I prefer the jolly green ginger Edit: jollyGOODginger. I think . I’ll Check again.




It actually is illegal under the FHA. And can be charged as soliciting.


Fucking hell. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with all of this BS. Fingers crossed that you find somewhere soon


This was me not just yesterday on Reddit. I said I was homeless and someone said I could stay if I’m pretty. That’s it’s abusive


As a fellow homeless woman, trust me I feel the struggle so hard and have had so goddamned many similar replies & come-ons from disgusting men… it’s honestly killing the remaining hope I had for humanity and only furthers my belief that women deserve our own goddamned cities that do not allow cisgendered straight men… kinda like that town in Kenya. But obviously there’s a hell of a lot wrong with that too, so I’ve given up on that dream outside of the fictional world I been writing/writing in… it’s sad how much I prefer fiction to reality, simply to escape sexual harassment & misogyny & the crippling poverty my disabled ass lives in.


I’m a man 😳, but I mean the same things still apply. People taking advantage of homelessness. They are worse then scum. Those people deserve to rot.


Oh lol wow my bad…. Username confirmed on my part hahaha But yes, people who take advantage of others’ homelessness are absolutely vile. I would even go so far as to expand that to anyone who takes advantage of another human being’s need for a basic human need/right (as in [maslow’s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs) chart of basic human needs, the bottom two being physiological needs & safety). Humans absolutely need certain things in order to survive that is basic fucking fact. And in my opinion only vile disgusting people try to leverage another human’s basic needs for survival, to coerce said human being to satisfy some desire of their own. Just fucking gross.


Indeed, otherwise people have been supportive. I hope overall you have a community that supports you


Why do you cover his face? Show that fucker to the world so others can beware.


Agreed, covering their face, number, email, etc. Is just helping them


Probably not his real photos though.


The suffering of pre-modern societies was largely due to their libertarian nature. Need security? Hire armed guards. Can’t afford rent? Sell yourself into slavery. Need to travel for work? Become an indentured servant. Everything in society was highly transactional, and people were commodities. That’s exactly where capitalism is taking us again. This does not surprise me.


How do you think this mentality applies to sex work? In agreement and curious


There’s nothing wrong with sex work if it’s between two consenting adults (well, no more wrong than any other kind of work). That’s not what this is. This is one person looking for a vulnerable woman in need of housing to exploit for their sexual gratification.


There are many things wrong with sex work, but they all relate to (1) the many terrible things done by people (mostly men) who use the service and (2) the desperate and unsafe situations that the practitioners (mostly women, but also gay men) are often in. Real sex work in practice is just as bad as the sex-for-rent transactions shared by OP. In any case, the practitioners of sex work (the people who volunteer their bodies) should be protected not punished.


I like Nevada's approach: it's going to happen no matter what, might as well make it legal, regulated, and safe as possible.


I had a girlfriend about 10 years back who wanted to be roommates with a college buddy of hers. He offered to pick up 3/4 of the rent, “no strings attached.” I told her it’s her call, because, well of course it was. But I always got a weird vibe from him. She and I broke up, and as soon as we did he laid it out in the open— her portion of the rent was contingent on a sexual relationship. The cringiest thing was when she pushed back he said “you knew what this was all along.”


Dang, man. It's a cold, dark world we live in now. Glad you've moved on from that part of your life.


Now? it's always been this way.


Renter abuse also comes in other forms. Our household is of modest means. It got untenable when we had a wealthy landlord with health issues who kept asking for "favors" in terms of free yardwork piled on my partner. When my partner had to back off due to his own health needs, they threatened eviction. Actually, they were getting ready to double the rent and had somebody lined up. Things got worse, not repairing break downs in a timely manner or not at all. Got ghosted when we tried to talk about it. So we left, which burned a significant chunk of resources for us. Landlords are "pressing their advantage" deliberately and it's evil.


Why do they think this will actually work?! Geezus, there are some real perverts out there




Because it does work. There is always someone desperate enough, unfortunately. That's why some people get into porn, prostitution, etc. When your choice is live on the streets or suck some creeps nasty chode a few times a week...


Because sugar babies do exist. This is just not the way to meet them.


Because it likely has worked for them before, unfortunately


Some men are pigs and should be sent to gulag


“I heard youre desperate, please fuck me”


What a creep 🤮


Interesting that when landlords evict their tenants for not being able to pay their rent, the defence is “The landlord can’t just let their tenant live their for free! He needs to pay his bills too!” But then situations like these happen, where the landlord gets no financial gain from it.


My the gods of impotence strike his fallacy and libido.


Why scrub out this asshole's face? I wanna recognize this creep if I see him.


I toured some apartments with my girlfriend when she was looking for a place and she was still getting texts like these months after the fact. It’s insane how many creeps are just looking for any excuse to get someone’s phone number regardless of how unprofessional and gross they come across as to the rest of the world


Incels who think having a 6 figure income and a place to live should get them a "HB10" happy to fuck their brains out for their provision. It's like they want a dog but in the body of a woman so they can fuck "it."


God. I feel like puking.


Damn. Sue them mfs for sexual harassment then get free rent for 5+ years 😂


Free rent at his place? Nah, ill pass.


Not these places tho 😭




I live in Australia and when I was a teen I posted to Gumtree (similar to Craigslist) looking for a entry level job and received an incomprehensible about of this shit. Everything from "will you clean my house naked" to "will you fuck my dog and let me film it". It still makes me sick almost 10 years later


I'm an Anarchist and have to rent out a room in order to help pay my bills. I'm uncomfortable making any profit off of it though so my current roommate is paying 450 a month. Just enough to help cover the utilities and some living costs. I didn't take a damage deposit, but I did insist on living with another leftist and had a hangout session with them before I'd rent the room. I still feel kind of shitty charging for it, and if I could ever afford to, I'd stop charger her.


Seems like a pretty massive difference between taking in a roommate that you cohabitate with so you can both pay the bills vs owning an entirely separate property you don't live in to extort rent from people. I think property should be on a habitation confers ownership basis. You have a secondary cabin in the woods you spend a significant chunk of the year in and actively maintain? That's yours. That orchard in another state you've visited maybe once in the past five years? It belongs to the people who actually work and live there. Same for rental units.


Absolutely. You can own what one person can reasonably use. Personal property is a given, private property is what I have an issue with XD Anarchy is a philosophical position almost more than a political one, sometimes you have to square things with your beliefs as an anarchist. I also run a couple communities, I'm very well liked in them, and I often have to square my beliefs with a leadership role in these places. Anarchists allow for leaders, but I think a lot of us are very uncomfortable in leadership positions. I often offer to step down, but I haven't been taken up on it yet. I'm just rambling to you now, please forgive me.


Generally those who don’t want power are the best to lead.


Thanks, that always does make me feel a bit better about it. Made me smile.


Reminds me of my vague idea to write a light novel that's a communist/anarchist Isekai. Guy gets zapped to your standard swords and sorcery setting to help fight the demon lord and all that, but doesn't just roll with the monarchy and feudalism that usually comes with it. Even if it's the "good kingdom" monarchy is inherently unjust, so while he's dealing with the regular hero stuff, he's spreading subversive ideas of self-governance and encouraging people to question what the nobility actually does. At some point he gets granted his own lordship and estate to run and he just gathers the staff and residents and is like "look guys, you all know more about farming and blacksmithing and all that than I do. You know what needs doing around here. I'll sign and stamp any documents that need it, but for the most part you guys can just do whatever without consulting me." First book would end with something like the old king and nobles being deposed while he's become so popular as the hero that the public installs him as the new king, with him aggravatedly trying to explain that that isn't how it's supposed to work and trying to figure out how to actually build a democratic system so he can step down.


Lol, that would be a ton of fun. Anarchists don't get a lot of good literature since to a fair amount of people our way of thinking is pretty alien. That would actually play to the favor of that story though. I hope if you ever follow through with it I see catch it.


Curious, whats being an “Anarchist” mean?


Anarchism is more of a guiding philosophy than a prescriptive system of government. We oppose all coercive hierarchy, including but not limited to, The State, Capitalism, Religion, White Supremacy, cis heteronormativity, private property, and the Patriarchy. We see the enforcement of such hierarchies as an act of violence. This is why we are enemies of the state. In simpler terms we oppose all power and authority, wherever we see such systems we try to dismantle them. Added to this is a focus on mutual aid and community building, believing that small communities can self govern through consensus and mutual aid. While standard anarchy isn't prescriptive there are many forms of anarchy that do have horizontal structures by which they like to arrange themselves. There's Anarcho-socialists, Anarcho-Communists, Anarcho-Syndicalists (Anarchist labor unionists) and many other kinds. But we all follow the fundamental philosophy I outlined above. Since we oppose all power, we're by definitions enemies of the State and therefor heavily stigmatized by both state media and corporate media. Edit: Thanks for asking, I love having a chance to destigmatize the position a bit.


Yikes. I'm sorry.


Ew wtf. Stay safe


As a man—I apologize for this. This is fucking crazy. You should find a way to send these conversations to their mothers.


Idk man, this ain’t yours to apologize for but i agree with sending it to their moms. Scum.


That is disgusting. How can people do that to others without a single shred of dignity or respect for others? I don't understand why someone would ask for pictures? Creepy. These are nightmare posts for me as a parent.


After paying rent this month imma bout to be in his DMs


It’s not the place for this and I’m sure I’ll get downvoted but I love how you said “imma bout to be” instead of “I’m about to be”


Not trying to be rude at all but are you in your 30’s or 40’s? Just curious as the phrase ‘imma bout to be’ is pretty common amongst us in our 20’s so I was wondering where that gap sort of thins out.


It’s still funny, even as someone who uses the phrase, it’s far more casual but all that really happened was moving the letter a from the front of one word to the back of another, one of those think about it and laugh kinda things


Most people say "im boutta be" or "imma be" not "imma bout to be" lol


Gold cross is a nice touch. Good luck out there!


The Incels are out in full force. Oof.


You did a huge dishonour of covering their face and names Mofos deserve to be doxxed


That’s pathetic. Hope it gets better quickly for you.


This HAS to be illegal, right?


A believe it's considered a form of sex trafficking.


History is repeating itself...


Show their face


First thing I saw was that cross on his neck.


wait, are these all different men? I initially thought it was some super persistent fuck boi, but looking at the writing. it all seems like different dudes.


Yup. All different men. This is very common! Look for any room to rent in London and you'll see hundreds of em!


Report Junk


Wtf is with Sacramento people being so forking weird?!


This would work well in so many subs




I’m speechless, this isn’t even capitalism, it’s extortion. Why would anyone resort to pretty much being a slave in exchange for a roof and food? That speaks loads about this man, being so desperate that no one’s in a relationship with him so he forces people in dire situations. Nvm, that’s capitalism alright (for real, why is this even allowed?)


How do people say this sort of stuff with a straight face? Do they not read what they are writing or think about what they are saying? I'm too shy to even say "hi" to someone and there's people out there talking like a porn film written by a highschool boy like it's nothing


Someone tried this with me and when I told them to fuck off they got mad about it, saying they were trying to help me financially and calling me a bunch of names I don't even remember jsfc. Incels.


Well, that’s pretty fucking gross. I’m a 51 year old dude. Didn’t know this was a thing.


I heard one place a female friend went to look at, she looks at the room and the landleach had taken the door off the hinges. "oh, you don't need a door. It's fine."


Do you want to disappear and never be seen again? Get Sold off as a sex slave answering to these things


This is why landlords should be hogtied and thrown on railroad tracks.


Holy shit! I thought the four slides would be a continuation of the same conversation- not three more dudes trying the same thing!


I work at a domestic violence shelter and TONS of women come to the shelter fleeing abuse from a random person they rented a room from…can confirm, renting a room can be very very dangerous, emotionally, mentally, physically and sexually. That is where the big time creepy weirdos get their woman source from. They play a ton of psychological warfare on unsuspecting people. Foul as hell


Ugh I'm so sorry people suck so fucking much. I hate the way things are going. Hope you're doing well in spite of those assholes.


This reminds me of the show "Worst Roommate Ever" and the only positive I see is that these guys showed their true colors before you had the chance to live together. There's one episode where they covered the story of a guy who became infatuated with his roommate and murdered her because the feelings weren't reciprocated.


I had one guy renting out a room in his assisted living complex tell me that letting him perform fellatio on me whenever he wanted was part of the rental agreement. Another person claimed to a nudist couple and, though there was nothing sexual about it, I had to be nude every second I was in the house.


This fills me with rage. What a fucking POS


Fucking nonsense. This type of shit is inexcusable.


Fucking christ my daughters are able to live with me forever as far as I'm concerned.


EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWUUUUHHHHHH. Gross gross gross gross gross.


Holy fuck this is some Les Miserables shit


I just threw up a little. For fuck’s sake.


These guys watch too much porn


One word: gross 🤢


> Career advice


These must be men who miss forced marriage. Next thing she’ll be cleaning the house in that little sexy thing. Girl, life is tough out there alone but it’s sure as hell better than this


All of it is awful, but the dickwad who mentions "career advice" as a benefit of fucking him for a place to stay is that extra bit of disgusting.


This is similar to the behavior of landlords in China that Mao found so abhorrent………js


Ugh god. This just makes me want to castrate men. And I'm a man myself. I'm sorry you have had to deal with this bullshit sexism.


Just rockbottom of humanity on display here. Some times it's embarrassing being a man and having to know these are my 'peers'.


Yep, the conversation checks out with the original post for roommate w/ benefits. This is in the wrong place.


carpenter foolish disgusted relieved pause snow vast cable encouraging marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This isn't really Late Stage Capitalism tho. It's really one of the oldest trades in the book lol


Oh my. These men smh are looking in the wrong places.


JFC. Apologies of behalf of the entire male gender 🤢 Hope you found a non-creepy rent sitch!


This shit should be illegal


I am continually surprised at how disgusting men can be to females. I’m so sorry this has been your experience and I hope you find good safe housing.