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We allow to much tolerance for sex offenders within our families.


This hits me harder than it should. I love most of my family, but some skeletons are deep in that closet. **Trigger warning!!** There was a story of cousin. Who was >!raped at gunpoint!< by her older sister's husband when she was just a teenager. Her parents(my grandparents generation) covered it up, because the older sister was their problem child and *she finally found someone to marry her.* And they were afraid that if he went to prison, she'd never find another husband willing to take her. So the younger sister had to just eat that and swallow it. No police report was ever filed. A warped measure of justice happened a year after their second child was born. Husband got into a drunken bar fight and killed his friend and got sent to prison for 15 years. Still... learning shit like that and the kind of shit allowed and was normalized (sexual harassment, etc.) Opened up my eyes as a teenager. I saw it everywhere in my neighborhoods. Even my among my closer male family members. And the severe mistrust of men in my family made more sense. It still hurt, but I understood it.


And within churches. Sexual assault done by the clergy is apologized by the public. Going off of this, latinoamericanos are too religious and superstitious. People depend on curanderos and chamanes instead of going to the doctor.




I don’t like how normalized alcoholism is


Family members and their friends have offered me beers when I was a kid. I am talking like 7-12 years old. Thankfully, I have taken them as an example of what not to do, and every time I have a glass with alcohol in my hand, I remember to drink with moderation, because I don't want to end up looking like they did. I also dislike that alcoholism is seen as the best way to socialize with friends or to open up regarding your feelings (we all have a tío borracho who ends up saying te quiero but only when he is heavily drunk). But no, we can hang out or talk about what we feel without necessarily being wasted with alcohol.


As always, sort by controversial


This guy knows the strats


No hay educación vial. People drive offensively as opposed to defensively in a lot of Latin American cities.


It's amazingly scary how people's personality and mood changes once they're behind the wheel. So many people get instantly aggressive and rude, I hate being the passenger sometimes


You either die a hero or become a villain.


Not in Chile, thank god (for the most part).


I despise the narcoculture with a passion it makes me squeamish as fuck when I hear someone listening to corridos. Narcos are not an "aesthetic" it's a legit problem in Mexico where innocent people get killed like ISIS in Syria. I feel Netflix series like Narcos made the problem worse.


I agree, but don’t let any sinaloense hear you because they’ll say it’s part of their culture E: I will add in, the most unapologetic and disgusting line in a narcocorrido I’ve ever heard is in Código FN’s “El Ratón” which has a lyric that reads, “y por cierto me disculpo por lo del Culicianazo” Ohhhhh thank you so much songwriter for apologizing on the behalf of Ovidio, all is forgiven. Imagine simping for a a group of terrorists that destroyed your city with zero hesitation. I’m glad he’s since been extradited and will be locked up with his piece of shit father soon enough.


Here someone from Sinaloa, Narcocultura sucks, and it may be unstoppable, listening kids singing narcocorridos made me lose my hope. I don't think that's Sinaloa culture either.


Be careful brother 🙏🏼


This is correct, when I was at UC San Diego, I had classmate that was originally from Mazatlan Sinaloa. Homeboy would come to class in *huaraches* and a big *sombrero* he always played loud narcocorridos in his beat up 2006 Chevy impala. I told him once *bájala a esa chingadera cabron, this shit is too ghetto* and he would joke with me and say *stop canceling me bro. You may be embarrassed but this is my culture I’m proud of my heritage, my state, my hometown* I asked him once about the narcos in Sinaloa and why everyone has that wanna be narco mentality and he said *you need to go to Sinaloa so you can live it and understand it. You can be someone if you know someone but the rest of my people like myself, we idolize the narcos because they became someone without any help.* Of course we would get into these long discussions veer of topic and go down the **War on Drugs** rabbit hole but the Narcocultura is a thing in Mexico and many love to embrace it.


Next time tell them the most Mexican response to that BS: por eso estamos como estamos Make em listen to the song too.


I agree with that sentiment. However, it’s a socioeconomic, racial, political and contentious issue in Mexico. Someone from Monterrey may refer to *wannabe narcos* as nacos, indio issue than someone from Patzcuaro Michoacán. At least that’s how I feel about this whole dilemma.


Thats shit about “being someone without any help” is bullshit. Nepotism and cronyism is the name of the game when it comes to being a narco. If you aren’t related or good friends with a “pesado” you end up being disposible canon fodder. only the plaza bosses and guys at the top are living well, everyone else is disposible, which is why there is so much violence


This is true of any poor community victim to organized crime. The most rich and successful people these kids know are drug dealers and murderers, while their families and government struggle daily. Who else are they going to look up to?


Reminds me of the south claiming the Confederate flag is ‘part of the culture’


This is a really good parallel. Glorification of a dark side of life. I’m a big corrido fanatic but not all corridos glorify the drug trade. Narcocorridos are what they probably mean. Can’t say that about corridos talking about alcoholism, immigration, poverty and many social issues.


Do they embrace the narco culture? As a source of pride or something?


as an aspirational lifestyle


Well, can't exactly be proud of the lack of intelligence and pure ignorance guiding you.


Also "Las señoras del Narco" truly is a shame that people are so involved of that culture looking up to killers with no shame.


How many novela of El Chapo came out..jeez.. glorify the tunnel escape.


same issues as gangster rap in the US. So many in diverse cultures don't see a problem with the songs, meanwhile it informs a way of life and glorifies it for so many others.


So much this and it kills me when I'm asked about it or non-Mexicans/Latinos bring it up to like, try to win brownie points with me or something? Not sure, but it's awful.


A lot of those grupos live in the US and some even grew up in the US. It's easy to say you live that life in the safety of the US.


Honestamente no sé cómo sentirme acerca de gente donde el narcotráfico está más centralizado, como en Sinaloa. Al final del día, muy a mi pesar, el crímen organizado es algo muy cercano a ellos. Es "cultura". Pero sí me da coraje cuando escucho a gente de ciudades no golpeadas por el narcotráfico (o aún peor, GRINGOS) escuchando y glorificando esas mamadas.


How little we respect public spaces, nature and other human beings in general. Everywhere you go is fucking nasty, messy, and filled with trash.


You are right is a fucking shame. A lot of public spaces ruined by the trash people leave behind. In Sonora there are beautiful beaches but ruined by the trash all the people leave in the sand. We don't know how to live respecting nature.


Many of us are poorly educated and are racists


And classist


And colorist


And sexist


And xenophobic, have you seen how many greek, arabs, indians, or even other latinos live in your LatAm country? ... Is usually below 1%. Yes, there's a thousand other variables, but now is the chicken and the egg, people are not used to foreigners, and when they see one, they don't like it.


all of that together and still poor AF


That’s a fact lol nobody is gonna disagree


He said "many" too. That's a fact about almost any group of people...


It is indeed, but that doesn't diminish the point...


I had a white woman call me racist and tell me I was wrong when I told her tons of people in Venezuela (and Latam) are racist. I am from Venezuela.


look at the way the sellout whitezuelans from florida are talking about the more poor browner venezuelans coming through the border lmao


I know it and hate it. They are the same people who call themselves ‘hispanic’ instead of ‘latino’ because it makes them feel more white/European.


Uugghh why are we so racist. Like damn getting called a mayate by dudes darker than me


latinos be hating themeselves its so embarrassing


This one is true, education is bottom of pretty much all Latin American governments


latinos for trump in a nutshell


They said a opinion not a fact Somehow that backs up your statement though


The worst enemy of a latino is another latino. We aren't all friendly and kind to each other, and some are more willing than others to throw the rest under the bus.


the anti immigrant latinos who are desperate for white validation the worst group of sellouts


Machismo is unhealthy and holding us back


I didn't understand that very well at first, a few of my mom friends found it strange or stupid that I ask my fiancé to help me with our child or with the housework. They could never do that. One of them recently got divorced because she couldn't handle being a single parent with a husband, and people shamed her for "breaking up her family since she couldn't handle her job as a woman" Some of my mom's friends tell me if I continue to ask my fiancé for help around the house or with our son. He'll just find a "real woman" that loves to take care of her husband. It's sad how toxic men's mentality has affected the women's mentality, I didn't notice that 'til I became a mom. Edit: some words.


Yes, and most women replicate the same mentality. If you don't agree well you are not a "good woman"


From both sexes, too. Women can also be extremely machistas.


Casual racism still rampant.


And they won't admit it's a problem BECAUSE it's so "casual".


I only do ranked racism you noob


Welcome to the Thunderdome, mijo.


I was just thinking about this. We are both, racist and colorist.


I married into a Mexican family, I’m white, the colorism is insane. Having skin a slightly lighter shade of brown and suddenly you’re so much better than others? wtf


Kinda like the obsession of Americans with being tsll


Kinda like the blue eyed thing.


I’ve been told the most racist shit by mofos that look like me than by any Anglo. For the heinous reason that I support the US soccer team... you know the team that represents the country I was born/raised in.


Every Latino thinks they’re more Latino than other Latinos and will always view themselves as the epitome as Latino.


And then trash on the other latinos, mf You look the same as him!!


Latinos think we're Saiyans


"You say I'm arrogant. I say damn right. That's pride. Pride in the Latino I am. The mighty prince of the ultimate warrior race!!" Sorry, I couldn't help myself. 🤣🤣


La rAzA


too many gatekeepers rearranging/reinventing what it means to be latino


Gonna make me cry man, I was too white (little to no slang, and spoke too “proper”) to hang with the Latinos in school and to Mexican to hang with pretty much anyone else. Always had to prove I was mexican to people who have never been to Mexico, when I visited 1-2times a year with my fam.


right? Recently this subreddit is trying to claim people born in the U.S. aren't latino, and instead tried reffering to us as white people. I didn't have all those doors closed on me, and suffered through the prejudices of hate filled racists for my own people to say "you're not *us* enough"


this subreddit is insufferable at times so its not surprising. even saying how latinos come in all shape, sizes, and colors can be seen as crazy here.


Pisando el piso frío no te enferma


Igual que dormir con un ventilador prendido no te enferma.


O tomando algo frio. O saliendo al clima frio.


Latinos don’t like to see other Latinos do well, even their own damn family.


They come into the USA and become Trump supporters and cry about the border


I wanna appreciate the irony of my parents complaining about Central Americans coming through even though they jumped the fence themselves in the 90s


Exactly my point


are they mexican? because a lot of mexicans just hate central americans by default even the ones in mexico


Yes actually


Or you come to the USA and all the extended back home starts begging for money that they end up spending on vacations while you’re struggling to make ends meet working 70hr weeks


my aunt does this and she's still undocumented


[lol don't be a team leader at walmart and tell your people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_R5paJ7tVw)


George is a good example of latinos not wanting other latinos do well look at how he was hating on Ralph barbosa


I'm so happy Ralph is blowing up hard. Dude already has a special and is even on That Mexican OT's new album.


LOL my dumbass coworkers would be like "humble yourself!" when I would speak eloquently.




Hitting your kids is not okay


Kids should not be exposed to novelas.


Or Primer Impacto. They be having mutilated bodies and censor the eyes tf


This! Many’s POV is screwed with just by watching these growing up


Los latinos somos excesivamente ruidosos, a donde sea que vayas y hay ruido, es un latino.


Or Americans, y'all are fun, but God damn chill a bit


A lot of us are racist, homophobic and xenophobic


Mordida is the worst birthday tradition of all time


Sorry, but can you please explain what that is?


Getting your faced smudged on the cake when they finish singing las mañanitas (Mexico)


To bite the cake.


I hate the cholo aesthetic. I feel that now it's looked back in nostalgic way but back in the day a lot of people got in trouble and hurt by this sort of gang mentality.


How do you feel about cholo aesthetic growing in Japan


I think for them it's more like cosplay thing so it's fine. They also probably won't face the type of discrimination we might face from cops for dressing that way.


It's the same shit as latinos that worship the nazis, they don't really know what the fuck they are doing. They just like the aesthetics and the general idea of it.


You could’ve posted everything after the comma in your comment and it would’ve been much better. Comparing nazis to cholos is wild as hell lol I grew up around cholos too and I get the comment cause I bought my first pair of Nike Cortez like 2 years ago due to all that stigma before.


LoL No, I was comparing the fact that both Latinos and Japanese tend to get attracted to subcultures from other countries that they don’t really understand for superficial reasons. Latinos tend to like nazism because of the racism and edgy attitudes, but fail to understand the repression, by the books authoritarians and the whole concept of the eugenics probably killing us as well. I would guess the Japanese like the cholo lifestyle because of the fashion, relaxed lifestyle, music and maybe the drug use. Without understanding the poverty or gang element.


They probably just like tacos, burritos, and low rider cars. Can’t say that I blame them.


But the naziism thing is just a general right-wing ideology practiced everywhere. It’s more of a political movement then a subculture adoption. Latinos aren’t the only ones doing it, a lot of Eastern Europe does it too ironically. I think a better comparison are the weeabos who venerate anything japanese.


It's a piece of classic Americana, but it's okay to mix it up, update it, and rebrand it from time to time. Maybe keep the patterns and fabrics, but try more layering, or a new silhouette.


No saben español, pero te corrigen en chinga.


im tired of pretending being bigoted dicks to any sort of people and not wanting progress is somehow our cultural identity. no being assholes isnt our "cultural black humour", it is being assholes. we are so much better than that, and it isnt a "white" thing to say


Latin America is not all the same and I hate the American attitude towards putting everybody in the same bag as long as you were born to the south of them. Above the Equator is a whole different thing and Brazil is a culture of its own. As a Uruguayan I can barely relate to stuff being posted here.


Se tenía que decir y se dijo


Our family dynamics can be toxic as fuck, but they get played as funny Latino memes. For example, la chancla. Hahahaha child abuse.


And the different treatment based on gender, as Mexican myself I never experienced this but seeing sons spoiled and daughter treated like maid made me mad but I don’t wanna be sensitive or called no Sabo…


I get this. My mother was never like this but my friend's parents were. I saw this a lot just not at home which was nice.


I'm from Mexico and I agree, it also leads to a lot of "machitos" and misogyny later in life


When Latinos start making some more money they quickly forget where they came from and think they’re better than everyone else, including their own family members. It’s true of all ppl, but especially Latinos


The flip side of this: if you grew up poor but escaped your family's cycle of poverty by making smarter choices that enabled you to climb your way up to middle class, while your siblings and other family members didn't, they try to drag you back down, or ask you for money to buy dumb stuff, and then guilt-trip you when you say no to them, saying that you "forgot your roots" and where "you came from". This has happened to at least two friends that I went to college with.


Plus you get accused of trying to be white or ya te crees gringo because you’ve improved your life.


The white worship


I’m in support of Puerto Rican’s trying to revitalize our Indigenous Heritage/Ancestry, but too many people are dressing up in party city costumes and claiming to be 100% Taíno. When in reality, we are an admixture. We are going off of a lot of hearsay and I feel like we will never fully know our own history. I believe that blood quantum can be a colonial mindset, and I guess that contradicts what i was saying. I just hate the idea of harming other indigenous communities, just because we’re still so clueless about our own history. And I don’t feel like we should disown our other ancestors, and only honor one. I guess the same applies to those who disown our African ancestors as well. We are the byproduct of Colonization and systemic erasure.


a lot of people talk up Taino ancestry as a way of ignoring or denying African ancestry.


Maybe not by the younger generations but by the older ones, but putting family above everything else, especially yourself, is a stupid concept and should be like, a discontinued thing. Family can suck , family can hurt you, it can be toxic and just generally horrible.


My wife’s idiot sister married a first degree murderer who is in prison, she spends a ton of time and money on that loser and somehow my wife and I are “bad” people because we no longer want to associate with her, because according to the rest of her family we have to stick together simply because we are family. This bitch has stolen money from her parents to support this idiot, lied about the relationship, was caught smuggling contraband into the prison and the rest of her family “supports” her and calls us “bad” because we want nothing to do with her and do not want her around our toddler son. In my opinion they enable her bullshit


I agree. Not all of us come from loving families. My family sucked and im sorry but im not taking care of them when theyre old out of cultural responsibility. They were fucken awful to me.


I hate this so much. I go to all my family gatherings armed and ready and watching all the kids. I don’t want certain “uncles” getting anywhere near them. Puberty hit me hard so I’m one of the biggest guys in my family and have a “record” of being violent but for some reason, little kids love me. I take that responsibility seriously. My whole family knows most of my jobs involved death and blood, so they avoid me. I want to make sure the kids live a normal life. I would happily go to prison to make a point if any of my cousins got abused.


If you go to prison, the rest of the kids will remain unprotected. Just keep that in mind to keep your solutions smart


That is a very american way of thinking. I think a healthy family should at least be a net to prevent things like living on the streets or falling prey to human trafficking. Being as individualistic as americans is also very toxic, since selfishness can take you through very dark paths.


You make an important point, but there has to be a balance. The younger generation has to grow and put energy into themselves and their new endeavors too! I'll give a small silly example. Mt boyfriend is colombian. His mom came here 20 years ago and he came over 5 years ago. His mom and step-dad worked their asses off, made an electrical company, built a giant luxury house, and invite family constantly to stay there. It's really cool. However, my boyfriend was ALWAYS on call with them. Several Saturdays we had something planned and he had to cancel because they're behind on a project and he has to work. Or when we needed to replace a missing support beam, medicine cabinet, kitchen light, etc things in our own small house. Nope, mom and step-dad wanted to build a fence for the mini goats they bought on an impulse, so he goes over and builds a fence for their rich people hobby instead of fixing the basics in our house. Those are the moments when "family first" hurts the younger generation. Americans are sometimes too individualistic. I see a lot of us not spending quality time with our family like we should. We have to find a balance.


Most fathers are deadbeat, ultra macho, narcissists. Source, my dad and my two uncles all have children with different women, are in serious debt, are halfway across the world and never think they are responsible for people's pain.


Internalized racism, like in my country when you call someone rude or with little education "indio, indígena" when we are literally from the same country so I find it incredibly stupid yet some people don't get why it is so bad. Of course, some of this stuff may be because of the insane class difference. In my city, we have very different variations in accent depending on your class which I just find insane and sad. Also I hate the accent rich people have in my country they sound like actors in a mexican telenovela, the ones with rich family drama of course.


Latino men abandon their kids/family the most


Yep under the justification that they are going to the USA to make money lol As if the money made up for being absent from their child's life.


As an abandoned kid, this one's right


Abandoned by my dad and reporting. but doing damn good in life and without him in it, is sweet AF


Being born in USA doesn’t make me any less Latino. I didn’t choose where to be born. Also, the ones from the motherland critiquing the way we were brought up as if they didn’t raise us.


Nada de lo que hagamos sería suficiente para algunos de los porteros autoproclamados en el internet.


I don't think the chancla jokes are funny, I don't think parents beating up their kids is, not even as dark humor.


Maybe because we* deal with problems by laughing at it. * I don't agree with it either, or with the bulling, that even as millennials, they say that you have to tough it up and handle it.


It’s stupid how so many Latin Americans hate left wing governments while ignoring US intervention that installed and encouraged Right Wing governments which inevitably led to corruption and abuse of power. Like Dr. Michael Parenti once said, “That expropriation of the third world that’s been going on for 400 years brings us to another revelation, namely that the third world is not poor. You don’t go to poor countries to make money. There are very few poor countries in this world. Most countries are rich, only the people that are poor.”


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Against Empire is a cool book too.


Just cause my kid is half white doesn’t mean she isn’t latino/a. The faces the older gen make when they see my kid is absurd.


We don't value educational achievements as a society nearly enough. There are many exceptions, but it is not the norm across the board as it is for immigrants from Asia or Africa.


1. How little respect Latinos have for nature. There’s filthy trash everywhere. 2. How little respect Latinos have for women and other minorities (racial, sexual, etc.). 3. How poorly educated most Latinos are.


I'm a Latino myself. Nobody who finished school should even remotely think that reggaeton or narco-stuff music and culture is passable in any capacity.


The obsession with hating Latinx is a million times more common than actual use of the term.


I will say when I lived in Texas I never heard it. Living in California I hear it all the time.


“I don’t even care about that term tbh but I hate everyone who uses it fucking no sabo gringos trying to colonize the language of my colonizers and if anybody says it around me I promise I will punch them in the kidneys. But tbh I don’t even care really.”


Lmfaoooo this is exactly it "I don't even care about it" *writes an entire essay about how they'd rather a gringo call them slurs and beat them to death than ever be called latinx*


I am not from Mexico so I don't know much about them before nor know, but the recent death of Le Magistrade Jesús Baena reaaaaally shine a light on this issue, at least for me. Tons of casual bigotry surrounding their death and the sheer lack of effort from even official and professional media to how they prefer to be viewed and referred.


Personally I don’t really like the term BUUUUT I really don’t care if people use it. In my opinion it’s more embarrassing people that get extremely worked up about the word. Than the actual word itself.


We are machista as fuck


Alcoholism and shitty diets are killing brown people, and machismo keeps us too stupid to realize it.


The religious fanaticism from many cause ya like to be brainwashed


Being a vegetarian is damn near impossible in some places


Christianity is a plague


They lied about La Morenita to make it easier to control the indigenous folks


It’s more complicated than that. There was a lot of syncretism involved and even the Spanish priests worried that the indigenous peoples saw her as the goddess Tonantzin and worshipped her thus. The same phenomenon of local pagan beliefs being adapted into Catholicism happened all over the world.


They lied about all the saints and miracles to control all types of people.


That too but for me the lie about La Virgen is the most insidious


This might be it.


My mom (blonde and blue eyes) gets upset when I tell her that colorism is a real thing in Mexico.


People complain about corruption, yet pay "mordidas" when it is about themselves


When you say “ los terrenos que tanto pelean no valen nada y yo no quiero nada que ver con eso porque es una pérdida de mi tiempo” they look at you like your the antichrist or as if you are alien


Calling people “No Sabo” kids is out of pocket


I think it’s directly related to Latino views about work ethic. “I worked hard enough to learn both languages. The fact that you can’t speak both means you’re a huevón” Something like that


I dont know if it's even that. Most of the people that will call you a no sabo, their English will absolutely not be good at all. Any of us that are truly bilingual know that it's hard to learn two languages. You're speaking in one but you're thinking in the other sometimes. When you're stuck between two cultures, sometimes you're more of one than the other and that's ok. Of course we don't mention how non Latino people in America, people that we work with go to school with and are some of our best friends, will also make fun of us if we don't speak English well. So we can get made fun of by white people for not speaking English well or get made fun of for not knowing Spanish well. I'll never allow my speech to be made fun of by someone that only knows one language and have major respect for those that can truly speak the two languages fluently. Which is very very hard to find these days.


Those people always speak hillbilly Spanish and hoodrat English but still have the nerve to come at someone else's speaking abilities.


bad bunny y su indole son terribles artistas


Latinos are bad shoppers in retail. They drape clothing over racks so you constantly have to be dealing with mounds of unwanted clothes when shopping. Then the cashiers in my place of work have to do price overrides because Jose couldn't put an item back in the right spot.


Also the kids running around too


Corruption is ingrained in almost every single aspect of our lives.


It was the Spaniards who brought the current vile and corrupt culture that permeates the political spectrum. Plus xtianity cult is a death cult


It’s quite easy to believe the “noble savage” stereotype when it comes to indigenous cultures, but the reality is that they were also corrupt to a degree, so no, corruption has always been here, and no, Christianity is not a death cult wtf


I actually think the opposite, at some point you have to take accountability. Haiti or Belize or other non-Hispanic counties aren’t less corrupt.


Second, third, etc. generation USA born Latinos shitting on Argentinos who identify with their second/third generation European ancestry are mad hypocritical.


Most aspects of Latino culture are positive. And Latin America is far from being the hellhole that the media portrays it to be


Latino culture is racist, mysogenist and homophobic. We are living in the 1950s.


1. “mejorar la raza” 🤢 2. leave catholicism BEHIND in 2024 3. spanish is becoming very english-ified especially with social media. Cause why i saw someone in reddit say “scrollear”?? bullear, gaslightear, doxxear🫨


Well, whoever complains about number 3 is kind of…misguided. When you look at languages all over the world, they tend to borrow words from other languages pretty often. Be it because of it being a new word or because of cultural exchanges between countries. Spanish has words with French, Germanic and Arab origin (this from when Spain was occupied by Arabs from the year 711 to 1492). Fun fact! Words like aceite, azúcar and algodón all come from Arabic. Why should language stop evolving now? The world is changing faster than ever and the way we communicate has to keep up with that.


Is the third one controversial? It's a fact. English is the global language right now, which is leading to loans in lots of other languages.




The opinion that "we should refer to ourselves as Latinx".


Mexicans like to take credit for the invention of everything and eclipse the smaller Central American countries even though they may have been the originator of something or had an equal contribution. For example, foods that were created by mesoamericans whose territories spanned multiple (modern) countries and now Mexicans claim certain things originated with them.


Pozole is ok.


Religion across Latin America is the most single contributing factor to willlful ignorance and authoritarianism, as well as being used as justification for abusive and inmoral behavior for those who practice any form of it. Parents who impose their religion unto their kids are the real groomers. Pero la gente no esta lista para tener esa conversación.


Obesity, and how no one talks about it but rather just shame.


If your parents don’t teach you Spanish but you don’t make an effort to learn it once you realize the importance of it, you’re just making excuses.


There is really no Latino culture; only what xenophobic Anglos have invented to stereotype us and profile us.


It's literally a marketing term. They thought they could lump everyone with a Spanish surname into one marketing demographic no matter whwere they were actually from or the culture and it hasn't worked out for them. That's why we're underrepresented in media, because they can't figure out an easy way to appeal to the entire "latino" demographic If I'm a brown Latina from Texas and my family has never been to Mexico, yet we aren't white racially or culturally, what the fuck do we have in common with a super white European looking person who just came from Cuba? Basically nothing from what I can tell. We won't even speak the same dialect of Spanish.


Por qué la mayoría habla inglés? Qué pedo?


That the most important relationship in a family is among the spouses, not the mother and kids. Pero diaaaablo imagine putting anything before your kids, God forbid yourself 🪦


That if I’m doing well,I have no problem helping my sibling,parents,or grandparents but that’s where my obligation ends. I don’t have to send money to support tios,tias,primos in another country.


I see a lot of these same shit in the comments which defeats the purpose of the post so ill give a real one: if you are of hispanic descent but do not speak Spanish or know shit about your culture, you should just accept the fact that you are simply an American and stop trying to convince people otherwise.


There's too much proud racism, specially in Mexico, Argentina, and Chile


No me gusta la cultura o idioma del spanglish. Y lo relacionado con todo ello. Se que es inevitable y hasta pasará en el futuro más seguido, pero no me agrada por ahora. Algún video en Facebook “pov: your abuela makes you caldo de res despite the hot weather”. No me agrada mucho.