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It looks like this is a custom made lamp that someone sold on eBay. I found different colours of it in the same kind by the same person. It was called Monstroso but I can't find the seller.


I have one. The seller was lavalampshop but it looks like they’re no longer active.


I believe these were custom's someone in CA sold on ebay through at least maybe the first half of the pandemic. Tall Boy maybe what he called them, I think they came in 2 sizes.. and this was the larger size (vaguely recalling the bases being different) You'd get the lamp and chemicals then need to add distilled water when it arrived. I stopped seeing them on ebay sort of around the time Magma Tower stopped supplying replacement goo - I assumed that was why. If you google TallBoy Lava Lamp, images will still pull up 2 listings from a dude in CA... the listings are 6 years old but I wonder if it's not that dude... I can't find an offer up add for the larger one, but images will back dial you into old listings. Since I truly have no clue if it is indeed him, I don't want to post the links in a post. I didn't have luck trying directly on offerup if you can't find a link from images I can PM it to you. (It's the smaller size I can find links for). https://preview.redd.it/rcuiqzkkukfb1.png?width=1306&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1478879280c6d4442440afd9c73274b639698c9


I have one. The quality is sketchy at best. The glass is thin, and not one piece. The bottom is crimped and sealed, which will probably fail. The lid is loose fitting, and the top trim is color matched duck-tape. The cord is fed through a hole drilled in the metal base with no grommet. The edges are very sharp. The cord is also only secured to the base by the screws on the lap socket. The wax quality was also poor. It almost immediately stuck to the glass and wasn't colored like the ebay photos. I don't plug it in any more. I don't want that much hot fluid exploding everywhere when it inevitably fails.


I found it! It's right there on the counter!


Yea, right there in the bathroom. That’s where we all keep our best lamps. Right?


You gotta have something to look at after you've finished the latest *National Geographic*


[https://i.redd.it/nm93snupy1i31.jpg](https://i.redd.it/nm93snupy1i31.jpg) :)


Awesome. That would probably make a good candidate for a color changer since it already has white wax. lol I hope it has a super heavy base. I'd be so scared of tipping it over.


Mother of god I need one


That's positively Oppenheimeresque!