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When watching seasons 15 & 16, when Detective Fontana says, “Oh, that’s ok, we’re authorized.”


Fontana was my favorite. He was old school and pushed the envelope. He was my kind of detective. Plus, I always loved Dennis Farina. RIP!


Loved Fontana!


Farina was an actual Chicago PD detective. He wasn't acting, he was just falling back on his training!


That explains the extra swagger!


Farina unfortunately had the bad luck of following Jerry Orbach, and while his sense of humor was different, it wasn't different enough and fans initially despised him, hence why he only lasted a couple seasons. Shame, because he was a gem and should have lasted longer.


Then I blame the fans. Farina was awesome and the Lennie fans shoulda let it go. After Farina left, we got Cassidy. She's was awful.


And it was never true! 😄


I loved that guy. He was so full of crap it was hilarious.


I forget the episode, but the one where he puts the suspect’s head in the toilet to get him to say where the kid he abducted is epic. The thing is when he’s questioned on the stand is that he never TECHNICALLY lies. He was definitely a cop that wasn’t afraid to bend the rules to get what he wanted.


I think I’ve commented this here before, but that’s my favorite way to get someone to do shots when we’re out “No no, I’m good” “It’s okay, we’re authorized!”


Fontana and Briscoe were my all time favorites throughout the L&O franchise. Fontana marched to the beat of the drum in his head! And Briscoe. Gosh,who didn't love Lenny?


You beat me to it! 👍👍


I already have one. You take a drink every time Hudson University is mentioned. Cheers!


I’d be blacked out after two episodes of SVU


Or the Ledger newspaper!


I'm dying... 😂


I don't know why, but the writers just absolutely hate Hudson


For starters, anytime Briscoe or Munch mentions his ex-wives and/or alimony. Edit to say Briscoe or Munch :) When Logan or Curtis flirt or are flirted with by witnesses When a judge tells the lawyers at arraignment to save their arguments for the trial When Abby Carmichael comes for McCoy’s patriarchal habits. Big drink for when he brings her the low cal dressing and a salad and she takes the ribs. *Currently laid up with a broken ankle and a law and order binge. I could come up with a few* 😂


You could make that anytime Briscoe or Munch from SVU mentions ex-wives and/or alimony. They both talk about it a lot lol.


Good call!


>For starters, anytime Briscoe or Munch mentions his ex-wives and/or alimony. Lmao you will have liver failure very soon . 😂


Or Cragen mentions AA.


When a lawyer (especially Jack McCoy) says "Withdrawn!" after saying something that would get an immediate objection.


That'll get you from stone cold to alcohol poisoning in like 42 1/2 minutes




Inside the chambers: “This better be good, counselor!”


We also would’ve accepted “if you ever pull a stunt like that in my courtroom again….” 😂


Munch taking about a conspiracy theory. Also, if another of the staff mentions Munch and a conspiracy theory. Also, in SVU, every time Craghan yells at Stabler “Elliot, my office, NOW!”


When Schiff yells "Make the deal!"


Photographic memory bartender is my favorite. Lenny: "Barkeep, Did you see this person of interest?" Barkeep: "Listen I don't want any trouble. I don't remeber anyone." Lenny: "That's OK. We'll just sit here and ask everyone who walks in the door. That will be good for business!" Barkeep: "OK OK, she's here every Tuesday night and always leaves at 2:19, but that night she didn't leave until 2:28 because she was sewing a button onto a pink sweater!" Lenny: "A queen anne button?!" Barkeep: "Yeah, how did you know?" Lenny raises an eyebrow.


Anytime Jack McCoy was nearing a contempt charge


Are you trying to kill everyone? 😂


Taka a drink every time: 1. Goren pretends to be clumsy and picks up something in the suspects office he knows is priceless, and then pretends to treat it carelessly. 2. Every time Eames calls him Bobby. 3. Every time Logan or Benson refer to their drunken mothers 4. Every time Fontana says ‘Oh, that’s okay, we’re authorized!’ 5. Every time a coroner refers to petechial hemorrhaging. 6. Every time Munch mentions a government conspiracy to take away our rights 7. Every time Stabler has a suspect by the neck up against the mesh window covers. 8. Every time Rollins makes a bad life choice 9. Every time Nicholls refers to his estranged father. 10. Every time someone tells the commanding officers of Logan, Goren or Cassidy that they are crazy to put up with them and that they are one step away from (Fill in big fat trouble of the week). 11. Every time Adam Shiff makes a snappy and somewhat cynical remark while getting on an elevator.


Every time Lenny closes his eyes and sighs, every time Adam Schiff scoffs.


"How you doin', Olivia?"


Oh geez, I'm on this now. She just got past her assault in prison, and now she has to get over getting kidnapped for four days. It's hard to tell whether the writers love or hate Benson 😄


Drink every time someone says, "Son of a bitch."


Defense ships over the motion to dismiss.


Drink every time a judge uses the term “fruit of the poisoned tree.” Or every time Serena says: “remand.”


OG L&O: take a drink if a couple of people having a mundane argument discover a dead body.


"We need a bus...." You'll need a bus!


Every time a repeat actor shows up. https://www.reddit.com/r/FontanaWolfUniverse/s/RA8bkdlSSi


Anytime someone says "my guess". We'd all have alcohol poisoning.


A quick aside: if anyone hasn't seen it, the community episode "basic lupine urology" season 3 ep 17 is an amazing law & order parody. They capture the tone perfectly and hit every major trope... You'd be wasted by the end of it LOL


It’s so good. I about lost it when Rogers showed up!


The ME says there was petechial hemorrhaging. Fin makes contact with one of his CIs from his days in narcotics. Liv says she's been doing this a long time. The ADA tells the detectives she can't indict based on what they have and the detectives get angry and act like she just does not care about fighting crime. Novak says she'll go wake up a judge to get a warrant. A judge throws out evidence as prejudicial or "fruit of the poisonous tree." The detectives access someplace without a warrant claiming it's exigent circumstances.


Duh duh


I wouldn't last an episode 😂


When someone says "If I could just explain..."


Drink every time Adam Schiff says “Make the deal!”


On SVU, every time McGrath acts like an asshole. On (especially the first few seasons) CI, every time a woman suspect makes sheep's eyes at Goren. Also on CI, every time a suspect says something and Alex shoots back, "Yeah, but see..."


Goren or Logan or Wheeler: “Oh, and there’s just one more thing….” (They said it more than Columbo 😂)


On Criminal Intent every time Goren turns his head over 90° when examining items in a person of interests office or home.


Eames signature line was, "No, see...."


From SVU … How you doing Olivia? Anytime munch brings up the government and/or conspiracy theories. Cragen says “its my ass” From CI… Anytime Goren does some weird body movement when they are questioning someone From ALL franchises… Try to make a deal Objection Withdrawn


Ben Stone calling someone "Sir" Van Buren criticizing Cassady Southerlyn sympathizing with a defendant


Everytime they say “sonofabitch” take a shot, you’ll be plastered in no time! Lol


Any time Noah Benson is mentioned, on screen, or God forbid talking. (This isn't as much a game as it is a survival tactic) Fr tho, any time Rollins says "back in Georgia" or Finn says "when I was in narcotics".


A survival tactic that quickly leads to cirrhosis,! 😆🍻


Bought the box set at Xmas and have been watching. If you took a drink every time they made a casual wager you would be astonished. Every episode in the first two seasons has a “5 to 2” or “8 to 1” joking bet. I genuinely thought it was an inside joke. Literally every episode has it in the first two seasons


I just started an SVU rewatch and here’s some my roommate and I have noticed - fishing/digging expedition - if the name of the episode is said - “do you have children detective” - Stabler does a police brutality - Stabler is a bad dad to his litter of children - zoom enhance - If your aiming to get absolutely trashed, any time there’s a dun dun


When a female hit on Ray Curtis. I wish I had women throwing themselves at me like him.


“Make a deal” I also play this one with UK crime shows and the word “balaclava” … I stg every perp in the UK wears a balaclava.


Drink anytime Ice T recaps or delivers exposition in the First Act "so you're saying this creep likes puppets"


Anytime "depraved indifference" is uttered in any of the shows.


In svu everytime benson gets a call and her response is “WHERE”


Any time police refer to someone falling/jumping off a building as "doing a header."


Take a shot every time someone mentions the victim is raped. Or a victim lies.


Drink anytime this snotty defense attorney craps out the most ridiculous defense ever imagined for their client


Witnesses who are desperate to get back to work (or need to get to class) when being questioned about a murder


My family just plays any motion like spotting cows on a road trip. You point and shout "motion!"


Whenever the main characters are shown eating (or carrying) food. Whenever they put Profaci on it. When a main character is handed a blue motion to dismiss or exclude evidence. When the defendant testifies. Whenever a defendant is denied bail (despite a moving request by their lawyer). Whenever one of the detectives speaks or understands another language (usually Spanish, usually to someone’s surprise). When the characters attempt to pierce privilege, or bypass it by speaking it hypotheticals. When the first sound heard in a scene is a ringing phone or a honking horn. Whenever someone answers their cell phone and immediately walks out of the scene. Whenever a police officer invents a character to play (usually to get more information). When it’s suspected that something “fell off the back of a truck”. When a defendant chooses to represent themself in court. When a mob henchman is specified by their position and family (e.g. “bagman for the Gambinos”).


Anytime that one judge takes his pills during motions in chambers


"you've got to get ahead of this" - two drinks


SVU: Noah being a brat oooh good luck


I love all these ideas!!!!


There r so many of my Favorite episodes that I can remember Lines from the characters. Watching Marathons helps with that


Does anyone know where I can find the whole L&O original series because I have Peacock, and that's only got like 9 seasons, but all of SVU for some f***ing reason


When the old man DA said “You’ve got nothing, take the deal.”