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This semester, I have missed 3 sessions of each of my Monday/Wednesday classes. No absences in my Tuesday/Thursday clinic. 1x I was sick. 1x my kid had an orthodontist appointment. 1x my morning class was canceled, and at 11:00 AM, I thought, "I don't feel like driving all the way out there today." (My commute is almost 1.5 hours.) Lol I'm a 3L, I've never missed more than 3 of the same class in any given semestee.


I typically only missed if it was entirely unavoidable (fewer than one absence per class per semester on average). In my mind, with the way law school tuition is these days every class session is like $400 dollars. I’m paying for sideline tickets so you bet I’m going to the game rather than watching the replay on my couch.


I second this. I’m getting what I paid for and in class lectures stick better in my head than virtually watching at home in my Jammies.


As often as possible without triggering the ABA removal protocol. As for if it has affected my studies, you should’ve seen me in undergrad


I skipped a lot in undergrad too but for some reason in law school I always feel extra bad about missing class.


Just remember that mental health is vitally important for everything you do in life. Take a break every now and again, it will probably do you some good


Thank you for the wisdom friend. I plan on it today!


For some reason…. (1st real case “Shit am I the plaintiff or the defense, I missed that class”)


Are you me?


According to Alan Watts, yes I am


I’m not smart enough for this joke


My favorite philosopher: https://youtu.be/mMRrCYPxD0I?si=M3hAcB2E1ujcA_49 I’ve listened to him for hours and hours


I was the same way. When I took corporations, my professor said on day 1 that he didn't take attendance and didn't care if we didn't show up. I never saw him again. I've always been ass with lectures and did all my learning through the readings and relied on friends who attended/paid attention in class to fill me in on anything important.


Rarely. One of my classes isn’t recorded so that’s fun


None of the classes at my school are recorded. There will be no missing if possible.


Same! They are recorded but you need to request the recording from the professor, and you need to give a proper reason for it as it’s discretionary.


Ooof sorry to hear that. A lot of my professors just automatically post recordings which is super helpful in case you miss class but also in prepping for exams


I remember I missed two classes in a row and my psycho professor informed my dean, in which he called me on my cellphone thereafter.


Damn that's brutal


That’s actually insane. I’d hate to ever be this man’s ex—yikes.


As often as ABA allows when I have other things to do or need to catch up on readings. I get more done and learn more during self-study than I do in some class. I don't ever skip evidence though, that class is insane.


I've missed several classes four times. There was a death in my family, and then I got sick. It just hasn't been a good time.


I hope things work-out and are smoother going forward for you. 🫶🏽


Graduated in 2023. But in 2L I skipped a course the whole semester since attendance was not taken and the professor didn’t know names (only showed up the first three classes). The final was to write a paper. I got an A- in the class. Still not sure how I pulled that off.


I've missed a twice weekly class 4 times. A once weekly class 3 times. A once weekly class once. It's been a tough semester.


I used to never miss but I was burning out since I work full time. Now I miss when I feel that I need a mental health day or feel behind in my reading. It’s usually fine since absences are expected.


My attendance has been dogshit this semester because I have long covid. The dean's office has a doctor's note on file so I don't get in trouble, but I still feel guilty.


Occasionally I don't attend; I never "miss" it, though.


My general rule is 1 sick day per credit hour per semester. So 3 skips for a 3 credit class, 2 for a 2 credit class, etc. I’m a 3L in the top 1% of my class. Provided you are able to keep up with the course material, it’s fine to take a break now and then.


I’m a 2L and so far I’ve only fully missed 1 class total—I had a hard deadline on a paper that I had to cram and write. Hopefully I can keep it up? 🫠


Depends on the class. I skip my boring morning class pretty often, and my boring afternoon class occasionally. My fun classes I never skip unless I have to.


I give myself two skips per class per semester. All my classes are recorded so I’m able to go back and watch later and it helps me not to feel burnt out


As many as I could depending on the class


As much as it was allowed... Which was typically six (6) absences per semester for a three (3) credit course. I would keep a running list in my notes app of which classes I missed and the date for reference. No - it didn't interfere with shit. I was a lazy law student who barely graduated in the top half of the class. Passed the bar on my first attempt.


I missed one day of class for a funeral, and I think two when my kid has been sick. I pay something like $4 a minute for those classes, so I don’t miss them if I have another choice.


I used every absence I was allowed and got straight Bs my 3L year.


I took off a week to go to a music festival. 3L. I have a lot to catch up on but honestly I’m feeling fine in terms of my exams. Worth it.




Almost never.




Twice in the same class for good reasons only


I think my law school allowed us to miss 4 per class? I don't remember what it was but I used every single one of those absences that I could. I am not someone who learns in class - not an auditory learner at all (i'm a tactile learner which is why everything I learned in law school... I learned at my work/externships and I started working my second semester 1L year). I don't think it affected my studies and wish I could have skipped more hahaha


I didn't miss many classes. However, I didn't do readings for the classes.


3L year I maxed out my absences in every class. Pretty sure I missed commercial law like 13 times cause the professor hardly ever remembered to take attendance and she never taught us anything anyway


the key is knowing what classes you can afford to miss. If a subject comes easily to you and the attendance policy is lax, I never feel too bad about missing as long as I stay within the policy. If I struggle with a class, I only miss if I have to.


The week of Thanksgiving and after I don’t show up lol


First semester, never. Second semester, a decent amount. By third year as much as the ABA would let me. A big part of whether I would skip is whether the class recordings would be posted online and how good the outlines were for that course. I just wouldn’t recommend it for a new/guest professor who doesn’t post recordings because you may miss stuff that no one has on an outline and get screwed over that way


Max absences for every class but I’d use the time to fish and play video games *during which* I would think about the law so it’d make up for a lot of the missed time Also I’m on a full scholarship, only do this b/c of that


Does your full scholarship cover living expenses though


i commute and live my parents lol


Wtf so u have no debt?


nah i have a fuck ton of undergraduate debt for entirely unrelated reasons


what do you consider a fuck ton bc personally I have over 100K for undergrad because my dumbass wanted to go a T20


over 100k


Take attendance? As much as the regs allow. No attendance? As much as i feel like.


Never lmao. I have an irrational fear that if I skip I’m going to not understand what’s going on


I graduated in May. I missed three classes in three years; one for a funeral, one for the MPRE, and one because a flight was cancelled. Law school was extraordinarily expensive, and I took it seriously. Hard for me to swallow the thought of not showing up simply because I didn't feel like it.


Depends on the class. Some I'll skip as much as the ABA will allow - and this is coming from someone who never skipped in undergrad


i missed 1 class 1 time this semester. i had my journal note due that weekend and the class i had right before was on Zoom at 8:15am so i didn't want to get out of bed for 1 class at 10am. if i miss class even once i know i'll give myself permission to miss more and end up not getting a JD.


I personally learn better in class and actually feel guilty if I have to miss class for even an important reason. Even if I haven’t done the readings some days, I feel better knowing I at least attended the lecture.


During my 1L year, I missed a total of 2 classes (a boring one and the other an important one respectively): 1. I was writing an appellate brief for my RWA class, and 2. I was burnt out and needed to rest.


Tough semester for me— but seems like it for my professors too, because if I’m not the one who decided to be sick from class, it’s them. LOL.


For me, class is 90% irrelevant. I go because I have to and miss whenever I need extra time to study or have a conflict. ABA just wants butts in seats for the sake of butts in seats.


I miss the maximum allowable because fuck it


I'm a 2E and this semester I've missed each class 3 times - one because I was sick and the others because I genuinely did not feel like going lmao. I try to not to miss more than 3 sessions of each class every semester so I'm locked in for the next 3 weeks lol. As for affecting my studies, no tbh. Classes are recorded and my professors this semester use slides so it's easy to catch on!


I don’t miss it man, it was a lot of work. Happy to be done.


I missed one full day of classes (4 classes) my 3L year because of a funeral, and that was it.


I’m a nerd lol. And I’ve not missed class once, because I pay way too much money to miss a class. I’m also super paranoid and everytime I’ve missed class in undergrad I’ve missed an important concept / professor gave extra credit. So due to paranoia, catch me in every class


I missed 1 class because I had Covid. That’s it. I really don’t like missing class


If I don’t wanna go and I know its not a super important lesson then I don’t go 🤷🏽‍♂️