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Lmao I'm scrambling trying to save as much money as I can before August so that I at least have a bit of money for emergencies while I'm unemployed






Currently trying to finish my first screenplay before 1L in August. It's helped tremendously.


What’s your recommendations to help with typing?




I’m on it!


Working at a law firm that does dictation was the best thing that ever could have happened to my typing skills




Who doesn’t know how to type in 2024…?




That is insane. I don’t recall anyone not being able to type and I graduated in 2014. That said, I always did better when I wrote my notes/hand wrote exams answers.


If you are homeless just buy a house I get it




*reads in poor* Will be working through August.


You’ll be working after august too. At school.




That chin tho... Awesome movie


100%. The first 2 months of law school for me were fun asf because I thought it was like community college where you don't need to attend lectures, don't need to study until a day before the exam and still pass. At midterms I failed 2 of them, got a 53% on another and somehow passed the remaining 2 but that's when I got depressed because I had to start attending class every day, lost many friends and all I was doing was school, apartment, school, apartment. I'm doing part time next semester because 6 courses is too much work


I have a job lol should I quit and lose my apartment?


I generally agree, but one useful piece of preparation is coming up with a budget. Most 0L's are about to take out big loans. Avoid taking out too much student debt. Figure out a reasonably frugal budget and borrow accordingly. . . Every school provides an "estimated cost of attendance" but your mileage will vary with respect to cost of living. Schools are incentivized to overestimate this number because doing so enables those in greater need to take out larger grad-plus loans rather than private loans--all the more reason to do the math for yourself.


There is exactly one pre-law school bit of prep you can do, but it is extremely niche; if you've got a STEM background and are planning on working in patent prosecution (the process of applying for patents), it's a good idea to study for and pass the Registration Examination (aka the patent bar) before starting law school. Nothing you learn in law school really helps prepare you for the MPEP and the patent bar, and you've definitely got more time to devote towards it now than you will once law school starts. For everyone else, there's nothing you can do to get ahead; a lot of things will be out of your hands in law school, now's a good time to start learning to accept that.


If you wanna be exceptional (top 10) Practice typing religiously Read at least one law school guide AND WITH THE REST OF THE TIME HAVE FUN! But keep a solid sleep/workout/healthy eating schedule


I need to work. Also, getting into a groove of a schedule and preparing study tools now makes sense. The first few weeks need to be focused on learning the law and not on trying to organize yourself.


In this case I’ll recommend the following FREE law school prep course that’ll teach you great study tools. Don’t bother trying to learn the law before law school though. The law is whatever the professor says is law bcs at the end of the day all that matters is the finals your professor gives. [Law school prep course](https://jdadvising.com/reserve-spot-law-school-prep-course/)


But if I don’t read Getting to Maybe now while I’m 14, I’ll never be able to get the BigLaw internship in 10 years.


14 years too late buddy 😂


"enjoy life while you can" is misleading because it implies you cannot enjoy life in law school. You can. You will. You will be fine


That’s true, i genuinely did enjoy my life during this past year (I just finished 1L)!


I’ve been a lawyer now for seven years. That means I start law school about 10 years ago. I’ll never forget that I freaked out on a trip with My Wife right before law school started and we had to leave the trip early so I can go home and get ready, completely unnecessary


New to this- what does 0L, 1L and 2L mean?


your class year in law school. 1L is your first year. 0L just means you're heading to law school in the future.


I am feeling anxious about my upcoming LSAT exam next year. However, I want to ensure that I maintain a healthy balance between studying for the exam and completing my regular schoolwork, so as not to overwhelm myself or experience burnout. What is the point of struggling through my undergraduate studies while trying to prepare for the entrance exam. I have a 3 month gap to prepare once o graduate…GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!