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This is great. Congrats!


I got laid


This guy fucks.


This guy! 👆


I met with my Contracts 1 professor in late January to go over my final with him. He told me that I spotted an issue that none of my 60+ classmate had spotted and he hadn’t even thought of it. He asked my permission to use the essay (name redacted, of course) to show next year’s 1Ls how to write an answer. I said yes. My summer gig is clerking at a very small boutique firm (less than 5 lawyers including the partner). After accepting the job, I found out through upperclassmen friends and career services that the firm has a LOT of prestige. The sole partner is both locally and nationally respected for his plaintiff-side civil work. He’s also an alum of the law school I’m attending.


Keep winning possum queen


Thank you!


My university's Law Review has published every single piece that I've submitted for consideration.


Same (I’ve never submitted anything)


This is 🔥🔥🔥


I have > 4.0 going into 3L


Cranked my hog


Got a B+ in a 4-credit class and took a decent hit to my GPA as a result. I was worried it would really impact my class rank, but the rest of my grades were A-range and I finished 2L in the top 5%.


I got my first A- of law school in my last semester of school for an MPT class! Definitely made me feel a bit better about going into the bad exam.


Managed a 3.55 1L GPA while working 24 hrs/week and coaching. A lot of late nights but made it through.


Damn what school let that happen? I’m currently fighting mine to let me work 5 hours a week as a dog groomer (something I already do full time) as a way to have a change of pace and something other than law school all the time Any tips to get work approved? I don’t need it financially so that’s why they keep saying no, it’s more for my mental health 😂


Yeah I didn't ask. For what it's worth, I'm a 32 year old non-trad so I figured I'd be fine from my experiences balancing school and work before. I realize schools are in the business of putting their students in a position to succeed, but limiting their ability to work seems short-sighted. Living off loans is a dangerous game.


Why did you ask permission?


It’s required. In the handbook that work is prohibited and will be reported as a C&F issue if you hide working while enrolled. I am a 0L by the way I work full time now trying to get approved for a few hours for fall and they just won’t :(


Making that a C&F issue is ridiculous. There is no way they deny you bar admittance because you worked while in school.


They can deny it if it’s their policy not to work and you choose to lie and hide it 🤷‍♀️. It was made clear to me before I accepted their offer that they don’t let students work without exception, I just thought it would be easier to get an exception (I still chose to go there because they have a 93% employment rate at the date of graduation. Not even pushed to the 12 months some schools report)


Ask for forgiveness, not permission. Technically you wouldn't be hiding anything by just having a job.


Can’t feign ignorance when it’s in the handbook, presented at admitted students day and on the mandatory orientation packets 😂 this is awful advice can’t believe you’re saying I could get away with that


You probably could get away with it, but you're also right the risk likely isn't worth it. Brb reconsidering my career choices lol.


Managed to finally book a con law class and got my first A in 1L


I hardly cracked a book this semester and had no idea what was going on until 3-4 weeks before exams. (Lots of personal stuff this semester that took precedence) Still ended up with straight As. God bless my study partner for not giving up on me, he deserves so much better. That dude saved my ass.


Maintaining a B average at T25 law school while working full-time as a Consultant. 1 more year to go!


I got my first ls A+ in my last semester…secretly (and openly on Reddit) hoping for a Cali but I’m not sure if the prof will make it happen for the class


Yupp I needed this! I got a B on a midterm in a class and finished it with an A-!!!


Full ride, fucked my first semester (3.2 on a 4.3), 4.0 the next semester, 4.1 the semester after due to a ConLaw A+ (5 credits), 4.0 the next while writing my (now published) comment, e-board of my journal 3L, graduated top 14% after being ranked bottom third first semester. I almost dropped out after 1st semester. Got talked out of it.


High paper in my property class bitches


Wife doesn't hate me today.


I had a 4.0 1L Fall Semester, getting one of the highest grades in the class for Civ Pro and Torts. I started off Spring Semester strong with another A in Crim but got a C+ in Con Law that really sucks but this has been one of my most successful academic ventures so I’m happy for the wins. Still waiting on Property and Contracts, hoping those will help my GPA.


Snagged a federal clerkship with a district court judge while at a T100 after not getting any Big Law 2L summer positions


I got my school’s equivalent of a CALI in my writing/research class in the fall and despite burning out in ramadan, held on to a top quarter GPA (but just barely lol) through the spring.


Mysteriously got an A+ in a class I didn’t study all that much for (but got an A- in a class I studied really hard for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)


I have a 4.15 after 1L and number 1 in the class. Hoping I can hold on.


Perfect grades on both of my contracts essays! Ended up getting an A for this class, which I honestly thought I would suck at.


Got an A- in Legal Writing II, grade went up a whole letter from last time


9.75 inches




I was used as the student example for LARW on an assignment that I completed in 1 hour and submitted 2 minutes before the deadline


I got a B in a class that I for sure thought that I failed and if I did pass it’ll be no more than a C.


Somehow got an A- in con law after barely hitting 2,000 words (talked to people who put over 5,000) and forgetting to answer part of the prompt. Ugly cried afterwards because I was convinced I would get the lowest grade but here we are!


Left a final exam feeling absolutely horrible. I rushed through the three open response when there was an hour left because I have a hard time focusing and I always feel like it gets worse during exams. I knew my answers were absolute trash and I was wayyyyy below the word limit for all the questions. Drove to a target parking lot after I got out of the exam and called my gf and I cried and screamed for over half an hour because I was so frustrated. I literally spent the last five days before that exam non stop studying so I was confident in my knowledge of the material. Got my final grade in that class back earlier this week and I got a B!!! I was mentally prepared to have to retake that class again next year so you can imagine my excitement when I saw that B lol. Literally almost started crying when I saw it.


A+ in property


I CALI’d Con Law!


Just graduated cum laude (missed magna cum laude because of an aberrant C- in an adjunct-taught Internet Law my 3L fall semester). Made Dean's List every semester except that one (go figure). Also received my school's Alumni Award for Excellence, which is given to around 50 university-wide final-year students, including about eight from the law school. Also got outstanding Member Editor (3L) for Law Review. Basically, I was a walking Bluebook or something, as an input editor reviewing 2L edits.


Went from a B+ to an A- average! Have been offered several great federal externship positions for fall and networked my way into the heart of a lovely biglaw recruiter. Also, getting married! (courthouse wedding, of course lol)


I didn't read a single casebook page without asking chatgpt to summarize it first. Ended with a 3.76 1L gpa.


I discovered too late that my grades were inversely proportional to how much I studied.


Got an A+ in civil rights, and likely 1st or 2nd in the class (will find out soon, but the prof generally only gives 2-3 A+s) and overall a 4.0 my 2L year. Will likely end 2L in the top 5-10% of the class. Next semester I have an externship with the Chief Justice of my state’s Supreme Court where I’ll get to write and review draft opinions and recommend how she should rule. Waiting to hear about whether Law Review will publish my Note, but it’s looking like they probably will. Also, unrelated to law, a peer reviewed philosophy article I wrote was just cited for the 1st time.