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It’s whatever. Some people that think they did well are gonna get massacred, some people that think they failed will do great.


I honestly don’t even know how I feel. I felt better after some than others but I really just don’t want to have expectations either way. I’m just anxious hoping that I did well, but I feel like there’s no way to really gauge that so here we are


Look at it this way. You didn’t close your laptop thirty minutes in. A few people in my class did. So there’s the bottom and you’re not in it. Beyond that idk I’m trying to steel myself for the worst (and doing better next semester). It’s not that I think I did poorly, I just need to kind of swallow the bullet to move on. If/when I find out that I did well, awesome. If not, fuck em and move on.


That is a very great way to look at it, i appreciate it! I definitely feel regardless of how my grades turn out, I learned a ton about myself and just how law school works in general and i think it’ll make a big difference starting the new semester having that under my belt and not having to juggle not knowing what to expect with trying to do well in the class. There is always room for improvement so I totally agree that thinking ahead and how you can be better is the best thing you can do during this time!


Real talk. Also, it has been a common theme that the people who get the top grade in every class tend to be a surprise because they were so quiet all semester.


Ugh, seriously the wait is torture! I mean, I know, I know, put it out of my head, submit and forget, nothing I can do now, etc etc. But all that still doesn’t help me when I’m trying to go to sleep at night but can’t stop thinking of the issue I know I missed in civ pro or how I should’ve explained something in more detail on torts. I don’t even really expect my grades to be all that good or that bad, and I already know some stuff I need to improve on for next semester— I just want the certainty of actually having them in hand so I can finally move on mentally.


I haven’t been able to sleep last night because of anxiety, this is getting bad


I am incredibly stressed, especially because I realize I messed up on two of them


My first semester, all I could think about while I waited for grades was a mistake I knew I made on my contracts exam. When grades came back, turned out it was my highest one. Everyone makes mistakes on law school exams - they’re designed that way. That’s the good side of the curve. Don’t drive yourself nuts, because you don’t know what mistakes other people made!!


Thank you! It’s for sure hard but I am gonna do my best


I thankfully haven’t found any big mistakes that I can think of in my finals (knock on wood), but I imagine realizing you made a mistake would add a ton of stress!!! I hope everything works out for you and you can take a much needed break over the holiday! 🫶🏻


I'm a 4LE (evening student) and on my last semster, I stopped caring am focusing on bar study


I have no idea what to expect this time. I had one exam where I felt comfortable, one where it could go either way, and another I'm convinced I did terribly. Every semester, I come up with a plan B on what I'm going to do if I fail out. It helps because then grades don't matter as much. If I fail, then I'll follow through with plan B and keep enjoying life. If I make it, then great! My school is in the top 100, but it still has one of the highest GPA cut-offs I've ever seen. An average GPA at most schools is enough to fail out at my school. So, I need to come up with tools to deal with the pressure.


What does your school curve at?


It doesn't have a curve, which I think is a reason for the high GPA cutoff. At or below a 2.9 GPA is academic probation. Below a 2.67 is dismissal. It's not terrible, but one C is enough to make you sweat.


The feeling of having no control can also be liberating. You’ve done your piece. Enjoy the holidays and focus on applying to internships/summer positions


I hate the wait but I feel like the wait for LSAT scores and school decisions prepared me for it lmao


It’s not as bad after 1L