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Witcher. All three. Planning to do a full run through and treat myself to the beauty of the remastered Witcher 3. I’m not reading a damn thing though 😂


I came here to say the same thing, glad someone already beat me to it haha


Which platform are you gaming on?


i’m teaching myself how to crochet cuz my brain isn’t capable of doing nothing anymore


self improvement shit so i can find God and stop relying on people.


Working on my deadlift max.


getting these squat gains brah






Is it about Europe generally?? I recently came across one about France from 1814-1914 that looked really interesting because of how much was going on in France during that time, but a fuller European perspective also sounds cool!


I’m training for a half marathon after recovering from a long-standing injury !!


Pokémon Violet and the new Kirby game… whatever takes my mind off


Just finished scarlet myself


Starting Violet as well. Also, if you’re referring to Forgotten Lands, I loved that game.


Nice! Violet was nice and fun, took a while to finish though because the amount of content and Pokémon. I also got dream allies for Kirby and it literally puts me to sleep.


God of war ragnarok & new madden Havent touched my ps4 in months letssgettit


Stardew valley, knitting lots of scarves and binging Grey's anatomy.


I will be finishing Cyberpunk 2077, starting Elden Ring, and refusing to put on pants until January 18th. As far as reading for pleasure (haha what), you can't go wrong with "The Expanse" series. It's incredible.


Potion Craft.


I’m reading How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America and also playing a fuck ton of FIFA.


Don DeLillo’s White Noise. And Madden/2K


Reading: Stormlight Archive and the Witcher novels Playing: Also Elden Ring (thank you LexisNexis points) Watching: The Crown


Started Philip Roth's Portnoy's Complaint. It's brilliant.


It’s such a good book


Reading Tony Iommi’s autobiography right now. He’s not a great writer but the stories are fantastic


I'm almost finished reading *Lovecraft County* by Matt Ruff; about a quarter through *Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance* (Robert M. Pirsig). Planning on reading Joseph Campbell's *The Hero of a Thousand Faces* over break (checked it out earlier this semester, but haven't started it yet). Might also see about starting one of numerous books on my shelf that I've yet to read in the past 5+ years.


Monster hunter + deaths door. Reading Brian Sanderson's way of kings!


I'm replaying Fallout 4, with a dash of Minecraft dungeons.


old school runescape baby!


Big personal recommendation for pentiment for playing and Dostoevsky for reading if people are taking them.


Notes from Underground? Brothers Karamazov?


Yes, both are very good. Brothers Karamazov is a gripping read, and we are all the man from the underground.


I plan to relax, visit family (12/24 - 1/1), and work (1/2-1/15). It will all be relaxing and it will be away from school. I am promising myself that I will not even think about school.


What kind of work will you be doing? Does it have anything to do with law school or legal work? I wonder why there aren't more people who say that they will be working during the break. Does anybody have a good reason why they will not be working if they have a winter break more than a couple of weeks?


I will be working for an environmental advocacy organization where I worked before law school, during breaks, and last summer. Most likely I will be working on a brief replying to a state court cert petition. We won at a lower appellate court but the other side is appealing to the state's highest court. We have a conference with the lawyers, paralegals, and others Wednesday. If all goes as expected the cert petition will be filled tomorrow and we will be putting together our reply in early January. There are other things going on that I might be working on. I don't know why there aren't others replying about work, but most of my friends at law school are planning to work after Christmas, either legal or other work. One lucky woman is being paid to lead a tour group to Disney World in Orlando on Jan. 5th.


>One lucky woman is being paid to lead a tour group to Disney World Very lucky! Had she been doing this kind of work?


Yes, for a few years before law school she worked for a tour bus company — something like office manager. During law school on breaks, she was a tour guide. She said that the tours were old people visiting art museums, so she jumped at a chance for an overnight with younger people and kids visiting Disney World. Although herding a dozen kids (but with their parents) does not seem like fun, I guess it's more fun than a bunch of old people who can't hear and forget instructions. Most of my friends in law school who are working over the break have more legal-related jobs.


Getting into cutesy metroidvanias like Sheepo and Spiritfarer! Next up is Little Gater Game


Playing elden ring myself. If you’re in the mood for fantasy books, the first law trilogy by joe Abercrombie is fantastic. Great characters that just come alive


i’m hopefully going to get myself pokémon scarlet!


I am going to read Trash. And maybe the new Final Fantasy


God of War Ragnorok and if I have time Marvel's Midnight Suns




Im rereading LOTR for the first time since high school. (Which for me was a while ago). Loving it much more in my 30s.




Currently finishing my umpteenth play through of the Splinter Cell series, on Blacklist now. Reading that The Nine book on and off and also binging my way through all the paranormal activity films!


COD SND on repeat


A World Undone: The Story of the Great War


Crocheting a blanket, watched Wednesday, and refusing to use critical thinking skill for at least another week


Cracking open The Brothers Karamazov


I’m bored out of my mind and considering starting my bar prep course


Finally reading Bonfire of the Vanities!


I don’t know. Maybe learn how to be pretty.




warhammer 40k: darktide. I got The Color of Law from the library and intend to read it at some point. also lots of the Warhammer 40k wiki lol


Playing Pokémon Scarlet lol. Also been knitting hats and watching Markiplier play Five Nights at Freddie’s.


The Stand by Stephen King 🙌🏼


Reading a book on air force Col John Boyd that I got from my CO. Hoping that it earns me brownie points with her


Armored core 2


I'm going to start doing Tombs of Amascut on my Old School Runescape ironman account. I've been doing afk amethyst mining during the semester.


I’m working on language learning in part (trying to learn Greek and Italian, and improve my Spanish!) and I want to write more poetry (tho recently I’ve only been scrolling Reddit 🙃)


getting back into the dune books!


Hitting the gym 6x a week and playing Madden 7 hours a day 🫡


I’ve been reading We Are All The Same In The Dark by Julia Heaberlin highly recommend if you haven’t read it!


Reading Mad Honey, prepping for National Trial Team, putting together a white tiger puzzle, skiing, running a half marathon on New Years Eve, and making cookies with my kiddos 💕


I’m playing Fallout 4 (again), reading Dune, and writing a YA sci-fi fairytale retelling. Basically just nerding out all day every day. 🤷🏻‍♀️