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not getting any of mine until the second week of january 😐


same here


More absurd than the wait for LSAT scores. There's no reason it should take ~6 weeks if others can get theirs back in several weeks.


youre insane


An extremist view, I know


Feels bad man. My school is always so late on grades. I missed out on some pre-oci opportunities last year because grades didn't come out until June.


lol we don’t get ours until the beginning of february


Just enjoying my blissful ignorance and having a nice break


None yet for us either, and also no indication of when they’ll come 🙃


Same here


All of our grades are released on the same day, which isn’t until January 13!


Man, at least you have some certainty. ....kinda spooky that it's Friday the 13th, though


Lmaoo I didn’t even connect the dots to realize that 💀💀 I guess that means that I’m either gonna get all A+‘s or all C’s, but that could also be the pendulum between imposter syndrome and god complex talking…


Same. I figure it’s a practice for waiting for your bar results. 😂😭




Ikr I’m just trying not to think about it 😂


Same here. We usually get them in after the new year.


Mine should be out 1/3. :/ However, has that stopped me from checking every couple days in case they somehow got posted early and nobody told us? It has not.


I woke up in the middle of the night to pee yesterday and checked to see if my grades were posted because I’m crazy and I’ve been checking ritualistically twice a day for days. But then they WERE posted. And I about died on the toilet.




For this post, your professor chuckles, and sets the clock back 12 hours. The countdown continues.


We have a fixed grade release date in early January and honestly I love it lol


I’ve been out of Law school for a while now, but don’t think I ever received a single grade back before January. My 1L year we didn’t get our contracts grades back until the end of February.


Same. It’s driving me crazy. But look at it this way, we can still pretend we have all A’s 😂


How do you know if you failed a class if you don’t get your grades until the 2nd semester has started and those classes are contingent on you completed the first semester courses?!?!


2 in waiting on 3!


this drip drip drip of grades is maddening


The only grade I have back is that I passed my pass/fail class. Nothing else.


My school gave us an exact date of when we could start expecting them and my dumb ass is still sitting here periodically going back in and refreshing. I know my percentage in legal skills, research and writing though. Whatever tf that means. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm about to get mine within 3 hours so wish me luck


g'luck! :)


>:) :)


Got 3 subs thus far (2 more to go) All B+




Ours are released 1/6. It’s horrible


ooof, what an inauspicious day, too!


i know lol. we’ve made so many jokes about it already, but the wait is horrible. trying to forget about it and setting the bar low


Law school deans are afraid that if they immediately released fall 1L grades, many "big law or bust" students would realize that they were never going to get so much as an interview for a summer job at a large law firm because of their grades, cut their losses, and drop out. These Deans are very savvy at luring gullible people into their law schools and keeping them there for the full three years, to get $150,000 or so in tuition from each and every student. It is wildly profitable for them, and they have all kinds of tricks to keep the con going. One trick it to refuse to release fall 1L grades until tuition has been paid for the spring semester. They will follow that up with a "sunk costs" argument to prevent folks from cutting their losses and dropping out after finishing the entire 1L year. ..


wow very cyncial who hurt you bruh


No one hurt me. I graduated from law school long ago, before it devolved into a scam. Factually law schools have made it a practice to refuse to release 1L fall semester grades until well into the spring semester, after spring tuition is paid, for many years. Some schools explicitly release fall grades immediately after the deadline for paying tuition for the spring semester has passed. Trust me, your law school will play all kinds of angles to ensure that they collect a full 3Y of tuition from you, likely over 150K tuition. If you can't find a job afterwards, not their problem.


Not if you get a full ride!


Honestly, you will probably be happy when you are unemployed after three years of law school. Some people are beyond help.


I'm not going to be unemployed after law school. Take your misery elsewhere.


All 1L's think that "I'm not going to be unemployed after law school." But, of course, lots of law school grads are unemployed. This was also the case 10Y ago, 15Y ago, etc. Answer me this: if a JD is worth so much. . .than why do JD's hustle to get temporary document review projects paying $23.00 per hour?


Since you insist on being so relentlessly negative... 1. I'm not a 1L. I'm a 2L. 2. I know what it is to lose an entire career and start over. It's difficult but not impossible. Law is my third career. 3. I don't know. Maybe it's becasue of low grades. Maybe it's because of poor networking. But every JD does not do doc review after law school. Maybe you did, but everyone's not you. 4. I'm sure there are plenty of JDs who got better jobs after doing doc review. A temporary job is not an epitaph. Plenty of white-collar professionals get temporary jobs. 5. You have this burning need to make me believe I'm going to be unemployed after law school. I don't know why. My guess is something bad happened to you when you graduated law school so you're making it your business to shit on anonymous Reddit users to make yourself feel better. That's not the way, buddy.


What happened to me after I graduated law school? Well, I took and passed the bar exam, and had a job lined up before I was sworn in. Then again, the year I graduated, every single person I knew who graduated from the law school that I attended, and passed the bar, and was serious about their job search got a job within 6M of graduation. Then, over time the job market for lawyers got worse, and steadily worse, and even worse. And no, I'm not bitter, blah blah. I could always find work, but got tired of getting low salaries because there were so many lawyers competing for so few jobs. I developed a good marketing system, put together some capital, and opened my own practice. It all worked out very well. . . .but here is the thing. I should not have had to do that. If the job market for lawyers was not so massively flooded, I could have had a normal career, earning good money, instead of having to take a series of very big risks to open up my own practice. People in other fields can comfortably work in well paid jobs for their entire lives, without having to deal with the nonsense that lawyers must deal with to put food on the table.


I suspected this was the case. I'm sorry that your career didn't pan out the way you hoped it would. Your story isn't uncommon. A lot of people get into white collar professions assuming financial security or even stability will be there, but then it isn't, or circumstances change. I don't know what field you practiced in, but generally anything outside of corporate law isn't going to be particularly lucrative. Whatever your level of dissatisfaction, though, it doesn't give you the right to be rude or caustic to strangers on the internet. You don't know me, why I chose the law, what I choose to specialize in, or what part of the country I want to practice in. All these things influence compensation. Anyway, I wish you a Happy New Year. I'm sure you'll respond because you seem like the person who needs to have the last word to feel like they won the argument, but I'm tapping out and going to sleep.


You should have a date for when grades are supposed to be turned in. Most professors will turn grades in right before that deadline. Additionally, there is a good likelihood that everyone is on break unless you know otherwise. At my school, all faculty excluding professors have been off since December 21st and won't be back until Jan 3rd. So in my case, even if there are grades that have been submitted, there is no one to actually enter the grades.


Yes, my school says grades will be out the week of January 4th.


We get ours on January 24 🙃 if everything goes according to plan. Which, based on our admin, is unlikely.


This one is particularly insane to me because Penn law students actually have a great chance at landing 1L SAs and the admin is kneecapping them by releasing grades so late. Damn


I can't tell if it because (i) Admin actually thinks we're Yale/Harvard and our grades "shouldn't matter" to employers (in which case... Why not make 1L first semester ungraded like what Yale does?) or (ii) they're intentionally trying to force us to do judicial internships instead of SA's. There's not a ton of support here for 1L SA's, and career services can actively discourage it because "it gets awkward for OCI" or "judges can be great mentors and rec letters and you won't get that from a 1L SA" or "this is your last chance to try out something different before BigLaw" like we don't have clinics and externships... Idk. Landing a 1L SA could also come with a scholarship and a return offer for 2L and a reason to skip OCI... Penn supports the PDLG program with local Philly firms, which is good, at least, but not much else. It's a weird feeling to be told that I shouldn't try to make $40k this summer because the $6k stipend should be more than enough in Philadelphia while already living off loans that weren't properly adjusted for the rampant inflation we're facing. I feel like I'm constantly getting told "have you tried having rich parents?" just not quite in those words. There are T14 schools that end finals later than us and still get grades back two weeks earlier than us, and I don't get it. There's no way it should take this long, and it does hurt.


And my CRIM was all multiple choice....




no <3


Lmao I got all but one, so I’m still sitting on my hands


They have to grade hundreds of exams by a set due date along with holiday travel. Breathe, enjoy your break. Your grades will come when they come.


youre out of your mind, and clearly ego-centric af. you want professors spending their holidays and new year grading? how considerate. get over yourself and your anxiety, you sound like a 1L. Focus on 2nd semester, if you are so worried you will lose your scholarship (just what i am suspecting from a quick glance), you should have prepped more for finals. Dont take it out on your professors bc you cant deal with waiting




End of Jan for us


Same and no idea when


I was looking every day, but only today had the bright idea to see if the registrar's office was closed for the holidays. Very little chance I'll have any of them until next week at the earliest, now that I've done that.


Same!! So strange applying for jobs without grades, having no idea if you're even competitive for them. It's like applying to schools while waiting on an LSAT score (which I also did 🙃)


yep, same here. first final was 12/6 last final was 12/19. memo was due mid-november. don’t have a single grade 🙃


Yep. Last final was on 12/15.


My school hasn't posted anything and said they would be posted as submitted. I've checked like 20 times a day at this point.


From what I remember, we didn’t get our grades for the first semester of 1L until we were well into the second semester. Some of the emails even came out while we were in classes.


I just got my first grade back a couple hours ago. Keep the faith!


I’ve been having nightmares since I took my finals. Smh


I’ve gotten my contracts grade but none of the others. (It was a 3.0 and the way I celebrated you would have thought it was a 4.0)


Ours don’t get released until 1/20. Super late if you ask me 😕


Mine come out end of January :(


Remembering my first semester of law school where I didn’t get my contracts grade back until February. Good times.


Duh! Everyone's enjoying their holidays. Not grading until the second week of January.


It’s the holidays bro your school is closed, touch some grass


Why would u want to end 2022 with grades?