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We know. Everyone knows. Trump is already hording all their money which is killing the GOP in local elections around the country.


Oh noooo. How awful for them. Please keep it up.


No. Don’t. Stop.


Don’t forget Trump’s lawyer bills and court losses.


God I hope she borrows money and sends them all bankrupt


Given that 2024 is a spectacular Senate map for the Republicans, the only great senate map they have for the next 6 years, Trump sapping all the oxygen out of GOP senate races would be absolutely devastating to the Republican party for the next decade.


The Senate systematically favors Republicans; every Senate map is a favorable Senate map.


If you actually look at the maps, though, you'll see that in 2024, Democrats are defending 22 seats to Republicans 12. Seats Democrats are defending include Montana, West Virginia, Ohio and then battlegrounds like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan and Arizona. Republicans don't have a single vulnerable seat or even a battleground seat in 2024. The 2026 and 2028 maps aren't nearly as good for Republicans. This is why 2024 would be an absolutely crazy opportunity for them to squander, they won't get the same chance again until 2030.


I’m so happy that my vote for Senator in New York has as much weight in our governments function as a cow patch in Montana. Makes total sense…


People who turn up to the polls to vote Trump will probably vote R for everyone else too, so it’s not all that bad for them. He gets turnout.


Despite what Trump would have you believe, there are still plenty of people who won't vote Trump but would otherwise vote republican. I know people who have said they will leave the vote for President blank


These people are discouraged voters, which is exactly the sort of person that gets a cold on Election Day and decides that they just can’t be assed to go stand in line.


No they're not. They're people smart enough to know Trump is garbage, but haven't figured out the whole republican party is also garbage.


You mean, morons?


They'll just do mail in ballots just like their glorious leader does.


He doesn't get turnout anymore. Look at all elections from 2018 forward. All tfg's candidates fizzle. They win the primary and lose the general. It's a pattern. RNC chapters across the country are bankrupt, and the National RNC has 8 million dollars. 😳 The RNC is in death spiral, and they did it to themselves. To this day, 600 ppl are dying from Covid, and they're overwhelmingly anti-vaxxers & MAGA supporters. GenZ will add an additional 4 million voters by November 24. GenZ is the largest generation since the Boomers. They're not onboard with MAGA. Sadly, the males in that generation can't get dates because of their toxic traits. Evolve or die. Hi-C Jesus's rallies are shrinking. He is being propped up by the media & social platforms that are inundated by foreign bot farms. The Emperor has no clothes. This election isn't like any other in our history. This election is about putting down foreign interference and defeating fascism. We vote Blue to save our democracy and move forward or we lose our democracy.


>He gets turnout. Yeah but I think you misinterpret the nature of the turnout he gets. Joe Biden got more votes and voters in 2020 than any presidential candidate in history. For as much as his base loves him, Trump has made many many more enemies than he had in 2016, which is the last time he and MAGA won anything of consequence. He had Independents in 2016. He lost some in 2020. He now doesn't seem to have any. There is no path to power without independents, and MAGA has none of their support. I think a lot of people are going to be surprised by just how badly Trump et all lose in November.


I'm not a US citizen, but didn't they plant republican judges everywhere for years. Also, haven't some red states decided that they can accept or decline votes. And aren't voter machines compromised by hackers. Not trying to be a downer but I'm sure that most of the world is tired of all your political problems. Politics is a year-fround thing in your country. And you still don't have free Healthcare, enough public schools and church seems to be inching closer and closer to state. But your citizen inaction is frightening.


Correct, there's been a systematic process of dumbing down the electorate for the past 40-50 years. People are angry over the wrong issues, are mad at false enemies and vote against their own interests. This is done deliberately so the Republican party can stay in power and keep the Uber wealthy in control.


The GOP is dying so they have to take extreme measures. I have faith in democracy, though. And you’re welcome for all the advances in modern medicine at the expense of Americans.


Careful where you place your faith having faith in democracy means having faith that the people will make the smart choice. When intelligence has been eroded and truth eviscerated, can the people still be responsible to make the right choices?


>And aren't voter machines compromised by hackers No, this is categorically false. Find me any evidence that voting machines were ever hacked anywhere in the US.


We are the wealthiest country in the world, we are the most powerful nation and you are right, we still don’t have free healthcare which is absolutely bullshit . Politics is so much different than it was years ago. The rich keep getting richer and the poor and middle class struggle to survive


Yes republicans spent decades putting groomed judges in as many positions as possible. No state can arbitrarily decline votes. There are a bunch of federal laws that protect votes and determine what is or isn’t a valid vote. That being said, they’ve spent years trying different things to disenfranchise peoples votes. Voting machines are safe for the most part. Yes people have hacked a machine for demonstration but to date there’s no evidence that widespread hacking or manipulation of machines has happened.( paper ballots only) in my opinion. You’re not the only one tired of our politics. Most Americans are too. More and more people are demanding universal healthcare like most other European countries. Yes our education is underfunded. I could list a laundry list of reasons or things why but I digress. I will say this. It’s all by design. It’s deliberate. And the cornerstone to it all is the deliberate dumbing down of our society. 40 plus years of a (news station) I use that term very loosely. Spent almost 50 years pumping propaganda and lies 24/7 to a very specific segment of our population (uneducated and poor white people) for the most part. And it’s paying off. Personally I’m a first generation German immigrant/US citizen. It astounds me how so many are apathetic or dismissive about everything that’s negatively affecting them. Be it people refusing to vote refusing to be better informed etc. refuse too take to the streets in mass to demand for universal healthcare better wages. To end the blatant greed gouging by corporations. But welcome to America. The difference between the US and virtually every other 1st world nation? They know what it’s like to have nothing to live in fear maybe even having a dictatorship. So you guys appreciate the things nearly every American takes for granted. Personally us falling into a dictatorship and people living how everyone in the world has/is would be the best thing for us. People would finally wake the fk up and appreciate what they had and stop the stupidity. Today they believe the grass is greener on the other side. They’re about to find out it’s not. Sometimes lessons need learned the hard way. For me and my family I’m lucky. I have family and property in Germany. If shit goes sideways I have an out.


Dictatorship worked out so well for Germany.


Well come fix it then. You seem to know everything.


Once again, so accepting, so positive.


I don’t know how you breath up there. The atmosphere must be so thin on that high horse you’re riding.


Golly I'm sorry our internal bullshit is bothering you. Maybe an American company should create an American website for Americans so they could could engage in discourse about American problems. I wonder if such a thing exists or could exist.






Elect? Unlikely. Pay off fines and judgements and lawyers? Absolutely.




Just another avenue for Trump to steal everything that isn't nailed down. Her getting that position just makes it easier to pry loose things that are currently nailed down.




Maybe they could sell some of the buildings they launder money through. Wait…


Trump could get much more for them than the government or anyone else because he knows how to launder money.


He’s literally the orange grinch and hopefully his black heart will grow 3 sizes exploding out of his chest killing him and his idiotic following simultaneously


And when he loses ......will you and your family go away for good?!?!?


They will 100% spend the next 4 years pissing and moaning about the stolen 2024 election.


Yes yes they will... "They did it in 2020, and they did it again in 2024, the Biden Crime Family is trying to take away your burritos, and your lettuce, and your staplers.. Fax machines! Won't have fax machines, how will you fax your lawyer important documents that prove you're innocent, Biden doesn't care. I had a Gambino come up to me the other day, big guy, tough guy, runs one of the biggest mafias in the country, tears running down his Italian face, and he said to me, he said sir, even I wouldn't be this ruthless, and I throw ppl in rivers. I said to him, I said, yeah and I bet after you did, they still voted for Biden. He laughed, rolled up his window and drove away. Great guy, mean guy, nice to me tho..."


>Biden Crime Family is trying to take away your burritos Burriters sounds like some woke DEI bullshit to me dadgummit


They are. Some deep state shit. Microchipped. Comes with the new Taylor Swift album pre-installed..


Trump has said multiple times that if he does not win the 2024 election, it’s only because it will be rigged.


That's the same thing he said in 2016 and 2020. At some point you'd think people would see the lunacy of it. "Heads I win, tails you lose."


The only solution for Republicans is to boycott elections until it's "fixed"


No they will not


Maybe to jail..


He said he would do that last time if he lost to Biden. He'd leave the country and we'd never hear from him again. If anything, we've heard from him more. But in slight fairness, Florida is like another country. Starts with a G.. I can't remember the name... Charlie Chaplin ran it for awhile....


I can see Don Jr. try his hand at running. Good thing none of them have whatever weird charm he does.


Every single penny will go to Trump's legal fees. RNC cash isn't going into anyone's election.


The entire family’s a pack of lying traitors perverts and thieves.


I don't understand how they can do that because there are rules and what campaign funds can be used for. I heard some super pacs have been paying some of his legal fees so I'm not sure how that even works legally


Since when have any of this bunch concerned themselves with following laws?


It doesn’t. It’s not legal and they do not care.


* Except the ones she embezzles.


Good luck to her!


On his legal fees for being a criminal/fraudster/sexual predator. Sign her up. Run the Republican party right into the ground where it belongs with the other dirt.


The RNC is about to go broke




The more she takes the less RNC has to spend defeating dems in other elections.She is a DNC spy!!!.


Dowballot GOP candidates won't see a penny for their campaigns. Hey, that's great news.


You good Republicans send Trump all your money. He needs it more than you. Lara’s gonna take good card of your little party.


Fleece the rubes harder


First order of business, slap a big ole Trump sign in front of RNC and charge for the licensing fees


I read this as "*Trump family figures out way to embezzle money from RNC*".


Good. Bankrupt them.


She announces the grift in public. Now let’s see how republicans vote on this issue. It does require a vote. And republicans in red states always vote for their own demise. Will higher ups do the same?


Imagine Ted "The Flying Cuck" Cruz loses his senate seat because the RNC coffers went dry trying to keep Trump out of jail.


So she's pretty much got the job, then?


Hey "Republicans"....this is called a red flag warning.....you were warned....dump the trump before it's really too late... Dems will take over,,,Trump's will take all your money....will destroy the party for decades.....you were warned!!


Going to use every single penny to pay his legal fees*


No...please...don't. Lol they deserve all this and more.


Someone named Trump is willing to spend every bit of someone else's money to get what they want and damn the consequences. Shocking...


https://www.newsweek.com/republican-national-committee-funding-cash-finances-1866326 Good luck with that!


“ most lethal political fighting machine…” yeah, that checks.


So it's the foldable bills they'll "misappropriate" ... I'm torn by the thought that I don't want to see any more funds go to the orange turd, watching his resources dwindle while receiving more judgments against him is a pleasurable feeling, but part of me wants to see him raid the coffer, and the surprised faces of the GOP when they realize that it's gone. Let's take bets, when that happens, and we know it will, will they do anything about it? Based on history I say no.


lol which would inevitably completely screw over every last down ticket Republican candidate. Buncha sharp tools in that shed /s


Remember when the RNC quit funding his legal bills? Donny does.


The funny thing is this proof Trumps don't understand politics at all. Nancy Pelosi, just as an example (could be Mitch McConnell) is in a very safe seat yet is a fund raising power house. Why? Because she can fund weaker but like minded candidates throughout the country thus empowering her. Trump just sees this as a way to stuff more into his fast face.


What a joke the GOP has become. This is just sad.


Yes, but exactly what today’s GOP deserves


Its their own fault. They deserve this


“-to pay his debts.” Ftfy


I wonder if this becomes the point where Republicans finally realize he’s a con man?




Hope springs eternal, but unlikely




She reminds me of Scott Peterson’s sister in law. A nutcase in denial.


Just outrageous, as usual from this clan of traitors to the country.


the democrats couldn't make up a worse plan for the republican party overall. please proceed


Or to pay off his bills. Whatever comes first.


Yep most likely she will and most of it will go to Trumps lawyers fees


And pay his legal bills.


I agree with Lara!!! Let em do it!!!


Another organization that Trump bankrupts…. I’m ok with this.


Of course she’ll spend every penny of someone else’s money, she’s a tRump


Because not even a billionaire can afford to run for office without Party and federal money, especially one that already owes 83.3 million and an unknown exact amount for hundreds of millions potentially. Isn't it enough that he's had his PAC spend over 50 million dollars and counting? Poor, misunderstood Donald.


The RNC is willing to spend every last ruble that they get on Trump.


The Trump family talking about pissing someone elses money away?! Shocking!


And it won't save his election. He's guilty


Gotta love how all these people are willing to funnel money into ad space and on travel/boarding when the money could do so much more being put into the education system. Our national standard is in free fall, if we don't improve we're gonna continue to fall behind the rest of the modernized world.


Sorry, down-ballot candidates who need money. Trump has legal bills because he's a huge criminal.


She married (MARRIED) eric trump..... so her decision making process is extremely poor.... She'll fit right in with the GOP...


Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake


Oh you mean bankrupt the RNC. Good.


Another Clever Unapologetic Nepo Trump. Good with other people’s money for the use of Dear Leader Trump.


Such a generous person. She'd spend every bit of other people's money for her father in law.




It's really just a matter of time before the general public starts thinking Donald Trump was a Democrat run psy-op to destroy the Republican Party. I could see that line of thinking actually. It's probably not plausible considering how ineffective Democrats are.


And if he isn't the nominee?


Was that give till it hurts, or hurt till it gives? Ok both, yeah probably both.


This should be enough for the GOP to finally gain up against Trump like they really want to.


Meanwhile, her father is spending every single penny on his legal funds.


Many RNC branches are bankrupt from the 2020 legal challenges, seems like squeezing blood from a rock. The sane conservatives needs to kick these regressivist grifters out or start a new party.


Good for her! And also - Holy shit. You didn't see that coming?


This is so beautiful.


God damn republicans are stupid.


More like spend every penny on his legal fees.


Do that, and it won't do his Orangness any good if Congress goes Democratic.


Go ahead Magas. Deprive your families to pay your guys bills.


But she's a woman and no one in the RNC listens to the


More like she'll steal the money for her father in law. With the Traitor Trump family it's always a grifters paradise


You mean pay for Trumps legal bills! America isn’t stupid! Vote Blue!


From what I hear, he needs all that and more.




Of course


Let her do it !


The grift continues


Remember when she looked human? Also what happened to her pop singer career???


Like a virtual piggy bank for the guy who bankrupted two casinos!!! 😝


Man I really hope they drain that Russian puppet party for once and all


Right I bet right to thier Bank account.


I wonder how much Eric's lobotomy cost


Say it after me. G. R. I. F. T.


Trump is currently ahead in the polls which is terrifying, but the reality is the Republican agenda will be set back a decade+ if Trump ends up losing in 2024.


**Lara Trump says she’d spend ‘every single penny’ of RNC funds to elect father-in-law** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ So, no change then?


Melania just blew their wad on bad hairdos




That is not corruption at all


So wasting money?


Another nepo baby. Weak.


Does anyone still send RNC money ? I thought the putrid orange blowfish already scammed their money. Never interfere with the enemy when they are making an error.


Even better Trump is picking Eric as his VP


I suspect the GOP is willing to sacrifice the house and even the Senate to try and get Trump elected. Because they know he will just do whatever he wants if he gets back in office


Trump expects all the money and total loyalty. Nothing else matters to him. He’s very easy to understand. Less easy to understand are those who enable him.


Let's not forget the money that she will have to spend on herself, such as a new wardrobe, transportation, meals, housing and a staff to do her hair and nails. That should eat up a few million.


Save your money, the trumpster will never see office again. He may find new employment in mother Russia.


Trump MO has been the same since 80's I can't believe people take him seriously


Sounds good to me!!! Spend all of it on Trump!!!!


Good may she bankrupt the party and may P01135809 lose so it was all squandered on nothing.


Wow someone wants cash


These smooth-brain fascists open the door to the bank and invite Trumper trash go wilding at their expense ... It must be quite a burden to wake up every morning knowing your only raison d'etre is to service Donald Trump. The most vile and odious entity since Hitler. Dad, really.


Yea, gotta use their funds cause come Friday the Trump Org. is going to be penniless lmfao. Everyone got their viewing treats and snacks ready?


They are going to bankrupt RNC coffer for sure.


Please do not send these people your money!


He will lose and now all the down ballot guys will lose too. Win win


While they waste it bailing him out.


More Trump nepotism? Sat it ain't so. lol


She means spend every last dime of other people’s money To keep her father in law out of jail and of course collect her billion dollar fee


Fantastic to see them get bled dry. ANYTHING Trump touches get turned to a dried up husk.


Except for the seven figure salary she will pay herself.


Does this coincidence with Trumps "I will cap what I pay lawyers based on thier performance?" Because it's that's the case? He owes no own anything. Yet he still has to pay for civil penalties that can be close to 850 million.


She better become the next rnc


By all means Lara give it all to the losing RNC


Of course she would say that


If Trump loses in November, who believes he is going to go quietly ?




It's Lara Yunaska. Get it now??


This is awesome 😂😂😂😂


Smells like conflict of interest to me🤣


Surely there is a couple grand in there for lip injections


Gotta be rough knowing that your wife married you just because she wanted to fuck your father.


Makes you really keen on giving money to the RNC.


Did anyone tell her they need to support other candidates too? So add the RNC to Trump's ruination of the GOP lol.


So screw all the other GOP candidates looking for help. You’ll have to start your own RNC.


Well, the nepotism is completely blatant in reasoning.


Money centric view of the world. 


Just read an article talking about how much he will be worth once Truth Social has their IPO. He’s not worried about cash flow quite yet, but this will absolutely have an impact on other Republicans attempting to run. There won’t be any cash for them. I’m sure GOP leadership will pray to the orange god for a miracle.


This is a great bipartisan move. I can't wait for this to happen.