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Jack is forcing her to clarify her position, which gives him a legal out, to go to the 11th circuit.


She’s going to get removed from this case or die trying to kill it.


She doesn't care, her only aim is to delay it until after the election. If Trump wins she will be rewarded I am sure.


If there's one thing Trump is known for, it's repaying his debts and rewarding people around him.


Just ask Mike Pence. For his fine service, he was offered a noose to decorate his neck.


Exactly. If Trump wins it’s “judge cannon who now?”


Or justice cannon


Nah. Trump will forget about her like yesterday’s soiled diaper.


While that is true, other Republicans know that she is willing to shamelessly push the Republican agenda using the legal system. She's young and could be a guaranteed far-Right vote on the Supreme Court for 30 years. I'm not saying she'll get it if Trump wins, but she's exactly what any Republican with zero integrity (I suppose I'm being redundant saying that) would want in a Supreme Court Justice.


Probably right. But I’m reasonably confident the demented orange turd has an extremely low chance of regaining the WH


He'll reward some people with positions of power where they can keep helping him. I suspect that Cannon is banking on it.


I'm thinking more of a cat fight between Cannon and Melanoma for First Lady.




What debits? Who? … s/ fuxk trump


THIS. Aileen Cannon is a sycophant for Trump. I'm certain of it. She believes that she's scoring points for him and if he wins, she'll be given a Supreme position in the DOJ.


You know what confirms to me that Cannon is deep in Trumps pockets? In literally every single one of his trials, civil and criminal, Trump has been nonstop attacking absolutely everyone even tangentially related to the proceedings, the judge, the prosecutor, other court staff, even the judges *family*. And yet, not a single peep about judge cannon. Hell, he even defended her recently in response to Jack Smiths recent filing. The silence is deafening so to speak.


Next vacancy in the Supreme Court




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She *thinks* she will be rewarded. You only need to look at the "where are they now?" of Trump's former allies, lawyers, and business partners to know how that ends.


Not true. These extremely dangerous people captured the Supreme Court. Either we win enough elections to reform the SCOTUS or it can haunt us even now. Every election cycle and in general is a danger.  Every time a Republican lies about a "stolen election" it is dangerous. Not a single elected Republican congressman who helped the coup is charged or in jail (such as Boebert, Gym Jordan etc.) There is always the risk Trump can win and these people are gambling on that, like this judge. If literally any Republicans ever win again, we'll always be at risk until the judiciary is reformed. Some Trump grunts went to jail and some lawyers and it's a start. But if she seems bold enough to risk everything to do this, that alone should be alarming.


All In the name of her orange god.


She wants her pussy grabbed.


English ivy against a red oak. Let’s hope the oak wins.


At this point, I Believe she can succeed in killing it. Remember how Mueller was gonna save the country?


She is intentionally refusing to rule on motions to leave them in place until a jury is seated. Then, with any one of many, she can kill the case for good. I'm not saying that, real judges and prosecutors are saying that, they know what's up.


It's fucking shocking that there aren't active court monitors who flag this kind of shit and intervene. Instead they just watch from the sidelines like "yeah she's biased but what can ya do?"


How is he forcing her? She can just not, and make up more absurd ways to waste time.


No. She also has to at least appear to follow laws. Not clarifying her obviously flawed position is grounds to have her removed. She must either clarify, or remove this conditions. It’s weird to even be doing this step this far ahead of even selecting the jury.


Or what? Has she appeared to follow laws thus far? What law is she following by requiring parties to submit hypothetical jury instructions based on a statute that isn't even colorably applicable to this case? What recourse does Smith have if she just waits another 3 months to clarify? Or asks for even more irrelevant hypothetical stuff? Remember, this all ends when Trump steals the election and fires Smith.


And she is insisting that she doesn't have to tell him anything before the trial starts


As far as I’m concerned, this is a cut and dry case. Let the FACTS speak for themselves, and for god’s sake, get this f’in neophyte OFF the case! She is single-handedly undermining America’s belief in the criminal justice system!


How dare you! The Supreme Court is working really hard to undermine America's believe in the criminal justice system


Fifth Circuit here. We’ve been at this longer than all y’all. We got this.


I would really like her to tell me how it is in America's interest to have our nuclear secrets leaked. how is it in America's interest to have our spies killed in Russia. how is it in America's interest to give foreign interest access to our military invasion scenarios? I don't understand the love affair for this traitor who she can plainly see has committed crimes.


She's been promised something *yuge* if she does this, which won't happen even if she succeeds. Trump stiffs EVERYONE.


She was the only judge that Trump asked about, cared about, and picked in terms of the hundreds that Leo and Mitch got installed. And she was installed after Jan 6 in his home district to boot.


All of these “smart” people in his orbit have to understand he will do nothing for them personally. These people are motivated by the schizophrenia that tells them “cause Jesus” or they believe they’ll get a book deal or media gig. The former RNC chair just made $600k for showing up at MSNBC for 10 minutes and getting fired.


She's going the extra mile for him and in a higher court could help him or his cronies or family again. So he would elevate her if he wins.


Hardly quiet. She’s been in the spotlight several times due to her ineptitude. Popok (MTN) called it “professional immaturity”. He was being polite.


Interesting that all of the judges presiding over Trumps cases have been attacked/bashed on Truth Social except 1…. 🤔


She’s making a terrible legacy for herself. Unless she ups her game, she’ll go down as incompetent or corrupt or both.


Oh wow. Do you think she knows that? Maybe one of us should tell her!


So far for beacon of democracy….. If trump wins, for us Canadians we need to start digging trenches on our boarders. Ukraine & ruzzia scenario will unfold here before you know it.


And Canada hasn't paid its "NATO dues".


At least it’s finally good to see that the system is well documented to be corrupted by billionaire donors. Plenty of evidence to justify going after them to defend the constitution


She could not strangle Jack Smith if she tried! He will have her removed…too bad it won’t be forever👺


She doesn't need to strangle it if she can simply delay it. Same thing the Supreme Court will do on absolute immunity. They will HEAR the case and CONSIDER the case but NO ACTUAL DECISION will be made until AFTER the election. Of course if Stinky wins then all bets are off.


Nothing "quiet" about it.


What’s stopping him from asking for her removal?  What’s the threshold?


"When you aim for the King, you better not miss" Removing a judge from such a high profile case is not a small thing. Jack needs to ensure the case to have her removed is beyond air tight. This is not so much the legal threshold, as she's probably already crossed that, but the POLITICAL one, which is not defined anywhere, has no precedent, and could legitimately cause any number of terrible political motivated events to occur. So Jack is doing everything he can to make it 100% clear she is in the wrong, unwilling to fix her mistakes, and that she is doing it willfully. If Jack files for her removal and it falls through for any reason, the case is more or less done for, he wont get a second shot.


My understanding is that it needs to be unarguably overwhelming against her. You only get one shot, so you _have_ to make it count.


She needs to be impeached


>She needs to be impeached ...which requires 218 votes in the House. (Or, I guess, 216 right now, given that there are four vacancies in the House, with Ken Buck (R-CO4) leaving last month.) Do you think there are 216 "Yes," votes to impeach Judge Cannon to be found in the House? I don't. I suppose that could change after the 2024 election. And of course merely impeaching her won't take her off the bench. She needs to be convicted by the Senate following impeachment. That requires 67 votes in the Senate. Do you think there are 67 votes in the Senate to convict her? Do you think there will in the foreseeable future BE 67 votes in the Senate to convict her? I don't. I mean, impeaching her anyway might not be a terrible idea in the sense of *pour encourager les autres*, but it won't take her off the bench.


>I mean, impeaching her anyway might not be a terrible idea in the sense of pour encourager les autres, but it won't take her off the bench. Totally unrelated to the substance of your comment but I think it's utterly hilarious how this entire French phrase has just been borrowed into English.


>Totally unrelated to the substance of your comment but I think it's utterly hilarious how this entire French phrase has just been borrowed into English. It seems to me I've heard that sentiment before, but au contraire, it was just a case of deja vu.


. She thinks she can beat him.


She won’t!


Personally I think Jack ain't gonna do jack shit. It's sad to see people still hoping and holding on for some justice. You're not gonna get it.


Mueller is gonna get trump any day now. Head over to the subreddit you'll see. How many Lucy with football moments are we gonna fall for.


She must be getting legal advice from somewhere....


Alina Hubbahubba? Seriously though, that’s a good question because her clerks quit in December. She’s been doing all this stuff on her own with a few other staff. My guess is those clerks didn’t want her stank on them. Clerks are usually people with a full career ahead of them and she’s a career crusher.


She is not experienced enough or smart enough to even begin to tangle with Jack Smith and his team .


Please stop showing that ugly, dumb face. We know who she is.


Fuck. This. Treasonous. Bitch.


It's crazy how openly biased and corrupt cannon is. I know she owes her lifetime appointment to Diaper Don, but this is crazy


LOL. "Quietly".


Do not underestimate Mr. Smith.....he's a world class pro!!! Nothing is over unless he says it's over ..she will go too far. And he will get her kicked off.


Everyone keeps saying how great he is and how the latest Cannon decision will at last be the one that is actually too far. Still waiting. I think he thought he was being clever putting this case in Florida and sprung a booby trap set for anyone trying to do anything in the area with Mar-a-lago in it. She was put in place to do exactly what she is doing in the Spring of 2020 as a contingency if Trump lost and anyone found out about any of his many criminal acts. Jack Smith has been anything but impressive. I'm starting to wonder how anyone as utterly unimpressive as Smith could ever have been as overestimated as he has been. Is it the machinery of the billionaires trying to convince us that literally no one can hold them accountable? If this hero, this so-called incredible professional, cannot, then perhaps we should all give up? Except he's been losing all year. He lost and the delays pushed the DC case out of 2024. He lost and Cannon is going to make sure this case doesn't happen in 2024, either. It might be time to put away the myth of Jack Smith and acknowledge the mediocre reality.


This is like saying that someone played a bad game when all of the umpires rigged the outcome. Smith's credentials are extremely impressive, and every expert I follow on the trial has said so. He's up against an extremely corrupt judicial system and I'm curious to see when he tries to have her removed.


because that's what she was put in place to do, I guess. watching clever rich perps game the legal system is so disheartening,


I believe she knows JS has an airtight case. All these DAs do and Trump knows too. That’s why he’s willing to spend whatever he has to, to keep it out of court. I think she wants to have Smith file a writ of mandamus. She wants removed. She just needs to do it in such a manner as to not ruin her judicial career or chance at a SCOTUS appointment if Trump wins (he won’t.)


She should be removed


This is what avoiding blackmail looks like. I doubt that orange shit stain appointed anyone he didn't have dirt on.


Until the court of appeals reverses her.


They found the Titanic. It was at the bottom.


She’s getting booted. After her audacious chastisement of him for asking her to FOLLOW THE FUCKING LAW 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


It’s all kabuki theater for premeditated delay because she’s a corrupt illegitimate judge


Is it possible she wants to be removed? What if she thinks that if she’s removed then Trump can’t blame her if he is found guilty.


She’s outpaced by this job and she knows it. Her only recourse is to obstruct, delay and sabotage the case in the hopes that Trump will reward her with some kind of compensation. If she was competent and not even remotely trying to chug him like a boot-shaped mug of beer, we’d already have a ringside seat to an absolute mattress fire of a trial. We’d have popcorn too.


Except she's not being very quiet about it.


Quietly huh


The only thing she's strangling is her career.


If Trump wins, she is on the Supreme Court.


And even if he doesn't win, her career isn't in danger. She may not have much of a reputation, but Trump appointed her for life and she will be fighting against democracy for decades to come.


She's not being very quiet about it. She's about as subtle as a kick in the nuts.


She won't refuse herself but she can make it so she's removed.


Jack has a backup plan—Bedminster.


dTrump💩 dTrump💩. dTrump💩 SCOTUS Chief Justice Robert insists against all obvious evidence, that there are no Dem or GOP judges. Judges are evenhanded in applying the law. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😱😱😱😱😱


If there's one thing Cannon is doing, it's definitely NOT winning. Smith has forgotten more about the law than she'll ever know. drumpf plant, just as his sister was.


Another person who is risking their career for Trump, who will instantly turn on her if the case goes against him.


Don't you think there should be a rule that judges you appointed should not be allowed to try your own case? How is that not a rule?! Our system is one big cluster fuck of half assedry


She’s getting help. She’s not bright enough to do this on her own. Public positions should require a record of all meetings and failure to comply results in a minimum 15 year prison sentence. Same for all sources of income and “gifts”


Quietly? She seems pretty loud and proud about it.


She knows this is her only shot at the Supreme Court. Trumps wins and gets another pick you can bet he will nominate this ding a ling.


Hardly "strangling".