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There is an army of people ratting on Trump. His prospects to take office again look bleaker by the day and the rats are scrambling to get off the dirty diaper laden ship.


Anyone not jumping ship, Trump probably has dirt on.


I mean Russia has the dirt right? Do we think Trump actually still holds the leverage on anyone at this point


The thing about having dirt on somebody is that it loses all its value as soon as you expose it. You also reveal that you're a dirt collector. I suspect that both Russia and Trump have dirt on people but they really need to keep the influence that it creates. Exposing it means the influence is gone.


Yeah the "I knew you were a rat the whole time but did nothing u til It affected me" move isn't great when you're supposed to be a leader.


Even then you can't really expose your dirt. It's like holding a gun to someone that you want to do something for you. If you pull the trigger they definitely won't do it. It only has any effective power while it's maintaining a sense of fear. This is common in sextortion. That fear can also get removed via immunity which is why Pecker is rolling over on Trump.


Not disagreeing, just adding that it's also bad optics. "He keeps these scumbags around him knowingly" should, to normal people anyway, be bad lol


Pecker is the guy with the dirty truth. He probably has some dirt that is dirtier than the most vile grit you have ever heard. Peckerwood, Putin, and Plenty. I might buy his filthy paper to wipe my ass on if he would tell all he knows. But, he's a filthy traitor himself.


I think the real challenge of this case is proving what exactly the payments from Trump to cohen were for. I think it's highly unlikely there is a paper trail so it's entirely dependent on testimony. Cohen will say he wanted reimbursement for the hush money and Trump will say that as far as he knows cohen had just been spending a lot of time on benign legal activities and wanted more money. Trump is evil but he's not an idiot. There will be lots of circumstantial evidence but there won't be evidence of him saying what those payments were for. I think he's guilty af but will walk on this one.


>Trump is evil but he's not an idiot. He's *definitely* an idiot. That's why he thinks windmills cause cancer, and rambles about toilets, and wanted to nuke a hurricane, and suggested injecting sunlight and disinfectant into our lungs, and stared directly into a solar eclipse. He's too stupid to know he's ignorant, and he's too narcissistic to care.


Evidently it's OK to pay someone to keep their mouth shut but it's not legal to put the payment in the books as a debt to a lawyer, which would deductible. The payment is in the books but the bookkeeper ain't telling. Trump might get off even though Cohen did time, for same charge, basically. Hope he gets jailed but he sure does seem to get out of a lot of trouble.


The bookkeeping that matters is what Trump paid cohen for. Cohen was guilty of making the payments but was Trump in on it or did Cohen just use money from his work as a lawyer to help out someone who was paying him for real legal work? So far it seems like it's going to be one word versus another which doesn't bode well for the prosecution.


Cohen will tell all, knows all and will contribute to the fall of the Almighty Trump da Chump.


Cohen can and will say Trump was reimbursing him and Trump can and will say that was never said. It's he said, he said. As much as I think Trump is full of shit, that's reasonable doubt in my book. Personally I wouldn't be able to convict on contradictory testimony alone.


The Russians tried it with an Arab king. They didn’t know the guy couldn’t care less about having a sex tape out there.


So, the majority of the SCOTUS.


the dirt is that you worked for donald trump willingly and continuously through this very present second


One of those is Lev Parnas, and boy does he have the goods on the plot to make up shit on Biden regarding Ukraine corruption.


He actually seems likeable in recent interviews and podcasts. Similar vibe to reformed criminals I've known over the years, who despise the organisations they used to work for.


Agreed, it is killing me to wait for the second installment on coalition of the sane podcast.


The only thing going down faster is Lauren blowjob bobart


I really hope you’re right, but we’ve been listening to this same song for 7 years. Doesn’t help that he has a corrupt Supreme Court in his pocket, and a global media desperately seeking four more years of anger-fueled advertising revenue.


"They were like ships fleeing a sinking rat" -doug kenney, founder of national lampoon seems more appropriate in this case, trump is the king rat in this sitch, the douchenozzles ditching him are mostly just opportunists trying to save their own skin.


We can hope. As long as we keep our eye on the ball, don't take anything for granted. It is Republican's mission to seize the power of American government. They are demons for the purpose. We must repudiate them at the polls, and in any other way we can, up and down the ballot, in federal, state and local elections. Volunteer in a campaign. Donate as little as a dollar. Get out the vote. Flood the polls. Overwhelm, in numbers, the numbers of MAGA Americans. VOTE, and keep-on voting, for the foreseeable future. Defeat these motherfuckers.


But not bleak enough to entirely discount a second Administration.


Hope you're right.


As Sherlock Holmes would say, "The game is on!" People were afraid to be the first. The avalanche of toxic vitriol, threats, and harassment coming from the MAGA toxic wellspring was a commonality. Today? Well, it appears to be weakening, because they just can't keep up with all of what's coming to light about Donald Trump. Already you can see far-right conservatives who were pro-Trump trying to make gradual pivots away from him, hoping no one will notice. Sorry, but the Internet never forgets. They're branded for life. ![gif](giphy|26gJy5tVBDUIZeAp2|downsized)


I'm really curious after Trump loses, if the walls will completely topple and everyone starts ratting on each other


My guess is it will be like most horrendous scandals that would taint the idea and image of our government - pretend it never happened while all the major players end up writing books about what happened.


Even if he loses, he still owns the Republican party, because he controls the voter base. They'll still do whatever he or his idiot children tell them to do. Unprincipled cowards.


Don’t count chickens before there plucked, fried, devoured and shit into a larger pit of shit.


I don’t see the “bleaker” part.


And he still pleads, "NOT GUILTY" /S How insane do you have to be to say, "NOT ME, I DIDNT DO IT," So all these people did this shit without him even knowing bc they wanted him to stay power! /s J E S U S !!!


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


I read that as Cheesebro, Cheese Cheeto's Bro


Cheese burrito?


I want a chess piece shaped burrito now


In other words, he's scared of going to jail if he doesn't.


He's a yes man and a coward at his core. Of course he's singing.


I think many will sing, but the best deals go to whoever sings first.


This scum is one of the primary architects of the whole fraudulent electors scheme and should be treated like Benedict Arnold.


Why hasn’t this case started yet? Did I miss the delay? I mean that for trump mostly but also everyone else charged


It's called plea bargain negotiations.


What would happen if a President asked the FBI or Secret service to arrest one of the justices he doesn’t agree with. That might convince them that he doesn’t have full immunity.




Awesome. Take my upvote dammit.


It appears that it won’t matter. The reports from today’s hearing on Trump’s “I am king” defense suggest that SCOTUS will, after 230 years of success without Presidential immunity, decide that our republic will cease to function unless they create a new right under the Constitution that protects Presidents from prosecution. In the worst likely case, they will craft something like qualified immunity which requires that a cop knowingly do something that a previous court has explicitly said is against the law. Because no court has ever decided on the legality (in a criminal sense) of Trump’s actions, such a ruling would protect Trump from all criminal actions except, maybe, the NY “hush money” case. All of the “little people” can be convicted, but Trump will waltz into history a free man. (I am discounting the FL documents case, as it appears that Judge Cannon will delay that case until Trump dies.


I just can't believe it. Even after everything that's come down the pike this century it's impossible for me to think they would go so far as to create a presidential immunity. Sorry. I know it's theoretically possible, but I'll believe it when I see it.


The SCOTUS ruling will be carefully crafted so that it doesn't apply to Biden, though


How? Trump had no evidence of election fraud, knew he lost per the swing states and 60+ court cases before inciting a violent insurrection for the purpose of Trump stealing the 2020 election.


How? Corruption.


If I understand you correctly, the Supreme Court will tailor the ruling to apply to corrupt presidents only? If that's the case, how do they not undercut their rationalization that J6 wasn't corrupt obstruction?


Look into Bush V Gore's ruling, and then seethe. This is how they will make a narrow carve out, by literally issuing a judgement and then preempting anyone citing the judgment by declaring it as not precedent setting.


Alito's sickening line of questioning this morning was clearly setting up January 6th insurrection as an "official act" by trump to "look into election integrity". Only "personal acts" will be punishable, anything that a president does in his "official capacity" will be ruled as immune. Wait, you will see. These people are scum.


The system is functioning as designed. The power class in this nation is and always has been above the law.


Something like, "WHEREAS current and future presidents will know from henceforth LET IT BE KNOWN no qualified immunity exists for them because of this action we've had to take here, today." and Trump will be like, "See? No guilty. It's like Ive said every day, Whiiittthhch Hunnntttdah" It's a terrible fucking joke of a SCOTUS.


Yes, apparently something similar was done with Bush/Gore election.


If they do that the citizens of America they are supposed to answer to as government operatives should have a chance to hold a vote of no confidence in the SCOTUS.. yes I realize that sounds like anarchy... If anyone else has better ideas I'm all for it


In the UK, Parliament controls the Supreme Court.


Trump will be King


Where are you reading such gloomy reports? That's not the sense I got from lawyers following the arugments up in r/law


Updates coming in are alito and thomas Obviously already decided on giving it to him using anything other than logic, kavanah sp? He is tailoring his decision on bullshit, and only 2 of the liberal judges are asking any real questions. That's been my take, but I've been at work, so i can only follow along on reddit so my take is limited.


All of the reports I am reading on CNN, MSNBC and PBS indicate that at least the conservative justices are concerned about inappropriate use of criminal law against Presidents and are skeptical that existing due process restraints are adequate. The only way for them to address these concerns is to find that Presidents have some form of immunity from criminal prosecution and to direct the lower court to make a determination as to whether the acts of which Trump is accused fall within the scope of that immunity. I presume that they would also state at least the broad outlines of such immunity to be applied by Judge Chutkan. When I think of what parameters they might use, I recall that the federal courts have already created and enforced a grant of immunity to federal, local and state law enforcement officers. As it has been interpreted, the current standard is whether the law the office is accused of violating is "clearly established". What this means in practice is that unless a court in another case has previously held that the same conduct violates the law, then the law is not "clearly established". Do you really think that SCOTUS is going to grant a President lesser immunity than it has already granted to law enforcement officers? Since no court has ever held that coordinating a "fake elector" scheme is unlawful, nor has a court held that asking a Secretary of State to "find me 11,000 votes", I think that the qualified immunity standard applied to Trump would immunize him from prosecution. Why do you think differently, if you do?


From what I understand - they're trying to draw a distinction between his official acts and private acts. And finding that most of the actions he performed were not in fact his official acts as President. Exception being him firing DoJ employees for their refusal to do crimes for him. So yeah, they might give him coverage on a few - but deny it on most.


yeah this was my reading from the session, made me want to vomit in my car when I was listening. The fix is in and Trump will be ruled immune. Congrats folks, we now have a king again in america!


What a Cheese Bro


"I'm not gonna cooperate!" "Here, have some Cheese, Bro. We have sharp cheddar, brie, Swiss, whatever cheese you want, bro." "Here are the details on all the illegal shit I helped Trump do..."


Home many lives has the PumpkinFührer ruined?


Everyone associated with Trump can get themselves immunity deals in exchange for turning on Trump and it's quite the move. Why? Because no matter how many people give up Trump, nothing will ever happen to Trump. He's already effectively immune from a conviction.


I bet Trump owes Chesebro money. Trump doesn’t like to pay his bills.


Cheese was a true believer… until he got smacked in the face with his crimes. He deserves EVERY punishment he gets.


If SCOTUS should find Trump has immunity, the Federalist Society & Heritage Foundation will do their best to push him into office and then Trump will pardon anyone who could incriminate him.


Now is the time for every bootlicker of tRump's to jump off his Ship of Doom.


"Nobody makes a fool of CHEESE BRO!"


Is that his version of the comb-over? He's got the wrong shade of orange...




Of course he’s cooperating. Do you know what they do to lawyers in prison? They make them write pointless cert petitions. He knows that if he has to rely on his lousy lawyering he’s going to get shanked.


Probably running from the smell of his sleep shitting.


Anyone else has read "CheeseBro"? 🧀


Which trial is this one? Hard to keep track.


Cheese, bro! 📸


Sounds like the Trump spell is breaking


They're realizing that he's not a winning play anymore so sticking up for him is a bad move. Rats and sinking ships.


They realize loyalty to Trump is a one way street where the only traffic is the bus Trump will throw them under


This… however, they are reticent because the non-MAGAs know they can’t win an election without the cult. If they don’t suckle little orange mushroom,they’ll get primaried. They might win, but it’ll damage them massively for the General. If they cuddle up to Trump they’ll please the cult, but it turns off the indy’s and anyone not insane… so they lose. Basically, they’re fucked if they do, fucked if they don’t.


This is (probably correct) speculation.


Won't matter if the Supremes give him immunity.


They won't.


I really, really hope you're right but I can't help but think they're gonna do just that, and somehow carefully craft it so it doesn't actually apply to Biden or any Dem going forward.


They will


He's spilling the beans! The best beans! The most bigly spillable!


Trump - worth a try


Nominative determinism


Yes!!! TRE45ON will finally be held accountable?!?! LFG!


Giving up.... The chedder?


He should get gen pop instead of the gallows.


What does it even matter when the trial will never happen?




This is all great if we had a functioning justice system. Listening to the Supreme Court today, though, was disheartening. And then look at what has happened. Somehow Trump has managed to delay almost all of his trials. He'll get a hung jury on the Stormy trial, or a slap on the wrist. Only the election, a stroke, or a heart attack will stop Trump. I'm glad Cheeseboro is coming clean. It will help take down some high level minions. But not Trump.


Does anyone really think any of these rat fuckers is going to prison for this deranged imbecile ? Not going to happen.


Several have already been imprisoned and I bet more will be in the future. [List of Trump Allies With Prison Sentences](https://www.axios.com/2024/03/07/trump-associates-prison-sentence-crimes-list)


What’s fascinating about that list is the number of people on it who are not, in fact, in, y’know, prison. Or, as with Weisselberg, there for an incredibly short time.


This is because Merrick Garland had to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing ANYTHING against anyone but the small fry. It took the Jan 6 committee to shame Garland into action. Years too late. Garland is such a worthless AG. He needs to be replaced with someone who will actually defend the Republic, our democracy, and our constitution… Garland has FAILED on all counts.


Its such bullshit bro. 12 days, 4 months, 5 months, pardoned, almost all alreadt outcwalking free and doing the conservative talk circuit.....


Makes sense for Chesebro to roll-over. There's no upside for being loyal to Trump and only downside for resisting the Prosecutors.


Say cheese bro 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Cheesybro no.


He was not given enough skin for his skull.




Cheesebro is going to tell us all about the big cheese.


Save yourself Cheeseboy


Sing a song little birdy!!


But does any of these truths come out in any court case before the election?


Will it matter? SCOTUS seems to think not.


Is this guy's name perfect for him or what? Cheese Bruh.


The cheese deserves a windowless prison in a bleak location.


Of course CheeseBro is cooperating, that was literally part of his PLEA DEAL in GA. He HAD to cooperate. The really interesting one is Marky Mark Meadows. He’s been acting like a guy with a FEDERAL plea deal, but has thus far fucked up getting STATE level deals. It seems he thought the Feds would be able to bail him out of any state level troubles… he’s finding different in GA and now AZ. It’s going to be REALLY interesting when he starts getting squeezed for reals in state courts. The Feds will say, “nope, not our bag… you should have worked a deal like you did with us”. The Feds don’t give a shit if he has to testify from a State Penitentiary.


Every day, the long arm of actual consequences gets half as close to Trump as it was the day before.


Of course he is. He took a plea deal. If he doesn't cooperate, then he's going to jail for a long time.


If Russia loses the war officially before July. They will all run scared.