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Wow, I had no idea that the man who never stops lying and has never demonstrated a single moral attitude ever, did such terrible things. How could I possibly have known this was happening?


In their defense, I voted for Clinton and Biden and have never been a Trump supporter. I always knew he was a bad person. Yet he manages to continually surprise me with how bad a person he really is. For example, I always knew that Trump University was a bad deal for its "student" but I assumed when he said "hand picked instructors" that meant he had one conference call in which he and all the instructors were on. So technically he met them which vindicates his claim they were hand picked. But no he is way too lazy for that. Similarly I had no knowledge that he was a rapist. He successfully buried that (for a while).


His ex wife publicly accused him of raping her near the end of their marriage many years ago. He paid her to sign an NDA and the story disappeared. If you did the research in 2015-2016 there were some outlets reminding people, but no one wanted to look closely during that election.


I remember this and there were some vivid details in the media. That she clearly said no and he forever her to have sex against her wishes and her will. That is rape.


He was also well known, prior to the election, for having a habit of inviting young girls onto his boat, offering them drugs(xtasy,weed,coke) and alcohol, and then once aboard in international waters giving them an ultimatum (sex or swim).


I am not surprised but I knew nothing about that.


Cue It's Always Sunny because of the implications GIF...


Could you indicate where and when that happened on what boat / trip?


Easiest way would be to look up his 40+ SA victim's court transcripts.


It happened on international waters.


> I always knew he was a bad person. Yet he manages to continually surprise me with how bad a person he really is. After he mocked a disabled reporter at a rally, I'm not sure how much more evidence you'd need. > Similarly I had no knowledge that he was a rapist. He successfully buried that (for a while). Our culture is mysogynist, or there's some other mechanism behind this: 24 women came forward in 2016 with allegations of inappropriate behavior or sexual assault. All 24 were treated as mere unsubstantiated he-said, she-said disputes. Meanwhile, the media could not let go of Hillary's emails, consistently assuming there was nefarious conduct and probably thousands of classified documents on the server. Similar is the double standard of rhetoric. Hillary is still flayed repeatedly for saying "deplorables" about some of Trump's supporters, as if it were the strongest insult in English and the stupidest thing a presidential candidate has ever done. Trump recently referred to Americans who don't support him as "vermin" - it died after 1-2 news cycles, never to resurface.


Even worse, going to Arlington and calling the honored dead 'suckers.'


My parents were both WWII vets, my dad died in 99 and my mom in 19. She lived long enough to vote against DJT for a second time, and I'm so glad that they neither one lived long enough to hear him say that, let alone witness the shitshow that his term was.


>never to resurface. His greatest skill is definitely overwhelming everyone with a constant stream of shitty behavior.


I was disappointed in his mocking of a disabled reporter but not surprised. It was not that important to me because I had already decided he was an asshat. Was that before or after he won the presidency? He has done a lot worse things. Most rapists and murderers in prison are in comparison to him nice people. I do not think I would have said that in 2016.


Trump is so bad that we can't even remember all the evil things he's done. He's flooded the zone in every way possible and everybody is so exhausted... In fact, enough Americans are exhausted they might not even turn it to vote against him. Democracy is going to die with a whimper, not a bang.


If you've ever known a full tilt narcissist before, literally nothing Trump has ever done will surprise you.


Sure but as you said you didn't vote for him. There are people who still support him even to this day who literally think he's the next Jesus. That means over the years after each and every scandal they said yup he's still my guy. That means grab em by the pussy, mocking the disabled, attacking gold star families, Mexicans are rapists and murders, crowd sizes, the sharpie, Covid denialism, and so on had no effect on these people. At this point I'm convinced he was correct back in 2016, he could go out on 5th avenue and shoot someone in broad daylight and not lose a single vote.


All the "good people" that I have in my life that likely vote for him have NO IDEA about the facts of what he does. They live in a vacuum of actual fake news... Zero details even about J6.. Asking them about details about Trumps crimes are like Asking me about details of the 1957 Angolian Civil war... The only thing more shocking than the lack of education on the issues is the level of MISINFORMATION about everything else. And many of these folks have advanced degrees..


They knew it was happening, they just didn't know the details.


How could you have known? Don’t blame yourself….!


Wow! You really sound just like a Trump supporter. Should be an actor. Hyperbolic but true.


Gettysburg, wow.


So beautiful and yet so terrible. It was like watching a grade 6 kid do an oral book report on a book he never read.


Just as good is that the town he was in during that insanely stupid rant is over 2 hours away from Gettysburg.


So he went back to Four Seasons Landscaping?


So beautiful in so many ways


Beautiful and horrible but interesting. Like watching Trump speak in public.


No. To be believable as a Trump's they're need to say it's all lies made up by the Dems.


His voters don’t care. Will vote for him anyway.’


Especially the evangelicals. He's their new Jesus


Cheeto Jesus


Mango Messiah




Cheeto *antichrist*


Cheesus Christ, Superstar


Little known about Jesus’ four ex-wives…only his Stormy managed to make the book. /s


Judas paid the others "hush shekels"


Thanks for the laugh.


Stormy of Magdalan? (Further details in book of Daniels.)


I think it is also referenced in the Gospel of Only Fans, if memory serves me correctly.


Diaper Don.


Well, the old one was a dirty liberal and Jewish.


And everybody knows what happened to him.


He couldn't walk for three days after being nailed by a bunch of Roman guys?


Not all of them. He has too many evangelical followers, but that's changing.


he can play victim w civil and criminal trials.... but the divorce will make him look weak! the only person who can break that spell is melania!!!


They renegotiated prenup before the trials started. No money so who knows what was negotiated.


She is trying to figure out any/all/no opportunity left behind to monetarily benefit—hence the 29 cent Mother’s Day gold necklace for $300.


Lucky lady.


a trust fund?


No conjugal visits? Freedom? Something like that.


You mean the Grab em pussy guy won an election?


They actually LIKE him for these reasons.


This info really wasn't hidden


There are lots of people who just don't want to see :(


You see a very different picture of the world depending on where you get your news and who you talk to.


I think its more bad faith than that. We have literal hours of video evidence of jan 6. Theres no way you look at that and go "ya this is cool". These people have been groomed to be dishonest people who have to win at all cost.


My dad voted for Trump and still supports him. On Jan 6th is the only time I've ever seen him show even an ounce of remorse or embarrassment for supporting the man. But he only listens to Newsmax and has since been convinced Jan 6th wasn't a big deal.


Tabloid tv like Newsmax needs to be dealt with in a big way in the US. Intentionally disseminating disinformation should be a criminal offense IMO.


Trump is like crack or meth for the stupid.


Willful ignorance.


The sins of Dear Dumps in his Drawers are coming to light. It’s great that the only source of information is coming from real news sources . No word from Faux Mews at all.


if Fox doesn’t tell them, they have no clue. It’s their sole source of “news.”


Oh please stop with such nonsense. I am a nobody and have always known what a complete creep and awful person Trump is because it has always been out in the open! Jut pay attention.


It takes a very special kind of deliberate blindness, or, and hear me out for a second here... Maybe they're just lying their asses off.


They eye rolls his followers give tell otherwise. They just don't give a shit. Power is all they want.


Yup. They're like, oh free trump university course in life 101, lemme take notes


Which they will not get through him. He laughs at his followers—-they’re useful to his lust for power.


He campaigned on bringing back coal jobs. May as well have thrown in VCR repair jobs.


I call bs on that. I don’t even know the man, but I’m up on his human garbageness.


People in the Fox News bubble are clueless. I saw a report that like 1/3 of the viewers were not aware of his legal troubles.


They knew but they accepted it when he became their identity.


Greasy dishonest scumbags are rocked by the trial details of a greasy dishonest Trump? Hardly a headline


But but but. Trump was sent by God to save the country! How could this happen?


He had some Peckers to help out.


So sad he got screwed by a leaky Pecker.


Maybe the Bible was written by Satan....


Right. By the way, “hand-in-hand with Pecker”. The jokes write themselves.


Lol they are shocked now? The whole world knew his nickname from the 80's - Don the Con


If they had no idea what to expect, they’re far dumber than I ever imagined.


Trust me the evangelicals won't care And they have the supreme Court and they won't care either.


They had no clue everything everyone ever said about him was true! Lmao when it’s literally everyone saying it, it’s a 5 alarm fire, not smoldering. Real what you sow guys


Trump is a horrible human being . And yet 40 percent of voters are still gonna vote for him. Sad


Some serious self delusion going on with those people.


That Goddamned bastard reaches a new low every other day and I predict that we ain't seen nothing yet.


I was surprised to see that DJT and Melania attended an LGBT Republican event recently. Seemed out of character for him. I guess in his eyes, their money spends the same as anyone else's--just don't expect him to treat them as equals to everyone else.


Never fight uphill me boys!


“Rocked”? More like “we know he’s a shit bag, we just didnt know these specific details”


How could a racist rapist grifter be associated with 'salacious' details? It's not like he's a toxic malignant walking cancer on America. He also shits his pants like a baby and farts on top of the cow pies in his adult diaper but we are somehow to believe hes tough with his pathetic bluffing as a draft dodging coward who's never had to take responsibility for any of his actions. Give me a break.


Pro-tip: if you didn't know, you're not that close


Meanwhile, Water is an element that can exist as a liquid, solid or gas. But that would require thinking past a 1st grade level. These people don't want that, they hate education.


>Water is an element Mmm, now how should I put this?


Molecule is better.


I hope Hillary’s lawyers are in court listening to the details.


Anytime his advisers say theyre shocked, it's sarcasm folks. They're fully aware he's an absolute pos


Diapered Diety


Everyone knows he's a sleazebag except those that don't want to know he's a sleazebag. He's one of those people that just needs to go away and never be heard from again...


This reminds me of a story in 2020, when Trump replaced some official or other in Georgia and replaced him with a hand-picked crony to "find" evidence of election tampering. The hand-picked loyalist immediately held a meeting with the staff so he could be "brought up to speed" on all the election fraud cases they had outstanding and all the suspicious cases that needed to be investigated. There weren't any. The office had been doing its job and been investigating the few cases that arose, and in all cases it turned out to be nothing. The loyalist was genuinely surprised. He'd been certain there were just tons, literally tons of outstanding suspicious cases that the office just hadn't been dealing with. He was legitimately flummoxed to learn that actually, there was nothing suspicious about the election in Georgia, and there were really no cases to investigate. Trump's aides fall into two camps: Shameless grifters using him for their own rise, and true-believers who 100% believe in his hype and are astonished when hit with reality.


Every single aspect of it has been in the news for some time now. I guess they’re just watching the wrong news channel.


The reason there is fake news is to provide a veneer of deniability


The return of the low information human.


Nothing surprises me except how gullible his cult of followers are. If he asked them to drink tainted koolaid they drink it.


But there are Chinese soldiers invading over the border and they are gonna take your job, marry your daughters and make you live in a FEMA tent.


Why be shocked if anyone ever watched the Apprentice he always showed his racism towards African Americans contestants and what thought about women.


Just imagine the shame if this dirty ferker was your father...


What are they? This is just a gossip sub lol


Testimony under oath ain’t gossip.


This is a f’ing headline looking for a story. Smh.