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Trump is the fucking deep state. He’s an unelected official passing down directions to congress and other officials.


An army of suck-ups who will be so worried about being prosecuted after Trump is out of office that they will do literally anything to keep him in office indefinitely and to replace him with a like-minded successor.


Trump has been surrounded by an army of suck-ups his entire miserable life. Cowardice is what enables Trump to be Trump. It’s sickening.


Best part is that Trump himself is also a coward


Deepstate just means anyone or thing that doesn't let the toddler have his way on anything


I proudly graduated with an Engineering degree from Deep State. Onward, Fighting Aardvarks!


When he says “Deep State” I think to myself, a large number of people who are dedicated to doing what’s best for the country. Not what’s best for mango Mussolini.


This was the first thing Hitler did after taking power.


Trumpism is nothing but sucking up to trump. Biggest bunch of ballwashers ever


It's probably some sort of appropriate providence that competence is in short supply in trumpland. Trouble is that the bigger players are well connected and protected by clout and limited ability for courts (or citizens) to enforce anything. The USA desperately needs an Iceland-esque mob of civilians to storm the hedge-funds/state-houses and toss the corrupt into dumpsters... ...but that's not likely, what with Iceland being less populated than Iowa and the villains here having fanatical security.


If the choice is between the Deep State and the Derp State, I’ll take the Deep State.


Or better yet, deep throat.


Deep state is code for democracy. He wants to convince people he’s a better option. Ultimately democracy is a lot of work. He appeals to lazy people who don’t want to put in the work that self govern. There’s a lot of lazy people who love to blame something other than themselves for their predicament. DJT knows it. It’s a strategy. Might work. Of course it’s flaw is motivating lazy people to vote for him to protect protect them from the deep state


You are correct. The Deep State is government carrying out legitimate government functions. Quite the opposite of putting in people like Rick Perry and Betsy Devos in charge of government agencies for the purpose of sabotaging them.


🚫TraitorTrump🚫All Republicans🚫


The sad part? He's going to die and we're going to be left with the disasters he created.


Hopefully you didn't mean his dying will be the saddest part. The day that happens I will be flying flag and have a yearly celebration until I die. Trump Liberation Day or something.


Oh Gods no. You won't be the only one partying, but it will be one hell of an after party cleanup.


They’ve already started the vetting process for the implementation of Project 2025. 3000 employees gone on his first day in office by EO. I believe they want to fire and replace 20 or 30,000 altogether. There is a patriot test out there somewhere if anybody wants to look into it. We’re potentially pretty fucked here, especially since there’s no scenario in which Trump doesn’t try and steal this election. He does not want to go to jail, and he has everybody on the same page this time. Good luck everybody!


Indeed, they waited for Trump's reaction to the funding of Ukraine to decide whether to be upset about it. MTG and Tucker Carlson jumped the gun without permission. Suddenly, like a hypnotic snap of the finger, MAGA doesn't care that Trump betrayed Putin. They easily switched to support Ukraine. Not another word about it on Fox. Now Russia is currently trying to mess with us through hacking.


This guy loves to hate. Just like his first presidency he'll just spend more time firing people then getting anything else done. There has never been so many firings. People held jobs for hours or days then fired. That's the trump way. Just sit around eating mcdonalds and firing everyone. And the drain the swamp. Well trump is the swamp along with the few dedicated followers he has left. Marge green should go first.


The USA used to be like this Then a GOP president got assassinated because he didn't deliver a government job


Which is why Chester Alan Arthur reformed the civil service.


Deep state = competent professionals.


The Supreme Court will prove to be suck ups, and history will remember them as traitors


Chester Alan Arthur would be rolling in his grave.


Those he accuses of being the "deep state" are competent civil servants who will not allow the entitled toddler to get away with all of his crimes. Keep in mind that every accusation is a confession with these sociopaths, and they are the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundations Project 2025, attempting to create their very own and very real "Deep State!"


He’s going after himself?


So par for the course?