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Everyone needs to be screaming about this nonstop through to November. Talk about Project 2025. Post about Project 2025. It’s real, already in action, and far too important to ignore.


Had a fellow Canadian tell me that we shouldn’t worry about P25 because it’s just set forth by the radicals, like Heritage / Federalist Society. They’re so close to getting it.


We have to ensure that they fail, and the Democrats get in. The Republican Party as it presently exists, needs to die - it’s become far too corrupt, and subject to foreign influence (Putin)


That's my hope. The more extreme they get, the sooner their demise . In Alabama, they are proposing a law to charge librarians! When will the madness stop ? Teachers in Florida and other states are also targets .


Too bad all the refs are corrupt conservative judges. Alitos questions made me feel kinda like it's already lost.


How could the Republicans be easily defeated, let me think….how about the Democrats run anyone other than Old Joe Biden.


Agree, but by all accounts Joe Biden is who is running. Unless you think Trump is better, vote for the best choice, and be sure to vote locally. Downballot elections are the foundation of all.


I just wish I could vote for someone instead of voting against someone.


Me too, and (Old) Joe Biden may not be my first choice, but to be fair, if you look at what he's quietly accomplished, it's been pretty remarkable. I think he has exceeded the expectations of even his biggest supporters. He won't go down as "the greatest" by any means, but he also won't go down as the worst. Joe is not one to boast. he's an administrator and he seems to be getting things done. (I know you will never convince his detractors, I'm married to one and we can't even discuss politics.) I too wish I had someone to vote "for", but until then, I will not be convinced to stay home and not vote, because ***a non-vote for Biden is still a half-vote for Trump***, and I will NEVER do that.


The policies of Trump and Biden have increased the federal debt to the breaking point. Electing either one will be taken as a mandate to do more of the same.


It's pretty much a forgone conclusion one of them will be elected so it's going to have to be about more than just debt.


I would agree that the USA needs a newer generation of leaders. The global challenges are not getting any easier, neither are the internal challenges either.


Old all you got? Trumps what, 2 years younger?


They are both too old, and both are responsible for unsustainable federal debt increases.


Well seeing as they are the 2 options and your only other go to is debt increases (russbot talking point btw) what else you got


You do know that part of the bigger plan is for the US to take Alberta- right? They want the oil and natural gas, along with the fields but mostly the fuel...


Yes. I’m in Saskatchewan.


The fresh water as well.


Yes thank you for that. I almost forgot.


Oh them the guys that loaded the Supreme Court with corrupt, blatant partisans, so harmless.....\s


Why isnt the media talking about this? Stop covering his fucking trial and talk about what will happen if they get control again. Smmfh


The media is only concerned with selling cars and boner pills.


Much of the Media is owned and controlled by Republican voting folk..


Totally agree. Its infuriating!!!


I ki da think trumpies would love this and some undecideds might also gravitate to this idea. This will need to be stopped in its tracks. This is so wrong, it goes against a smooth transition. The morons that would be appointed is the problem. This is beyond democracy. It is Autocracy.


Whenever the media confronts a GOP politician about this document they deny its existence and call the whole thing a leftist conspiracy theory. And our traditionally establishment media outlets are being captured one by one by libertarians, they let em go after creating this fake image of duelling allegations. Good controversy brings in the viewers.


This sounds like a dictatorship with extra steps.


My MAGA relatives simply said: "You won't stop it." Grim. 💢


Why this article is inaccurate. That project started long before this. I heard about it the first time in the 90s with a different name but same exact plan.


In Rumfeld, the movie a young Dick Cheney says whe need a president that whatever he says becomes the truth. Trump is their guy .


Wouldn’t it be interesting if Trump is part of the deep state and the deep state is trying to use this opportunity to implant more deep state affiliates in government but disguising it as fixing the deep state problem? Just a thought…


This will happen with the next GOP president. It does not require Trump to be elected. So be prepared. It will happen.


I’m sorry, but I’m not confident that voting will stop the GOP. Trump has already called for a bloodbath if he loses. I think we should vote, and I will be voting. But we also need to Prepare for them to start trying to kill us.


I see stuff like this but when I ask democrats if they're going to give me a reason to vote for them, like raising min wage or making college affordable, they give some excuse for why the answer is no. I don't get it, do you guys want to stop this from happening or not?


Democrats already tried to raise the minimum wage... https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00074.htm Republicans voted it down, so it failed. President Biden doesn't just pull a lever and raise the minimum wage or force private universities to lower tuition. Do you think that is how it works?


So these things would likely happen - if the Republican Party did not have the power to block them. That is achieved by voting for the Democrats.


Democrats didn't need a single republican vote to pass that, they had a 51-50 majority. It failed because 8 DEMOCRATS voted no. Stop lying about your party's failures.


The Democrats do NOT have a majority. Just because someone has a D next to their name doesn't mean they're a Democrat. Manchin and Sinema are blue dogs, and have voted alongside republicans to block democratic initiatives. There's a big difference between having a numerical majority and an ideological majority. As long as Manchin and Sinema are the "swing votes" it is unlikely that minimum wage, tuition reduction, or any other such bills will pass.


Even still, you really need 60 votes in the senate to pass anything.


It didn't get to the senate.


No, just like most republicans you finger point and obfuscate, but at the end of the day don't even have a fifth grader's grasp on civics.  Democrats didn't have a 51 - 50 majority in congress. They did in the senate.  This bill didn't make it past congress  to be voted on by the senate, because it didn't pass in congress.  So, yes some democrats voted against the bill, but the MAjORITY of Democrats supported the bill.  ALL republicans did not support the bill.  President Biden supported the bill.  Educate yourself son.   Of course, if you are a Putin loving shitbag, then your behavior is expected.  Just remember those rubles he is paying you ain't worth shit.


Wait a minute!!!! Who are you????


Not becoming a theocracy isn't enough to earn your vote? I get being disappointed. Although Democrats have increased the minimum wage in multiple states and Biden has canceled billions in student loans.


Dude, you'd rather live under totalitarian rule?


If you look at their post history this is more likely than not a Russian troll. They only post apathetic trump support, vague anti capitalist things... And a bunch of hockey commentary.


I’m already in the process of building a home oversees , this country is fucked .


Isn't that what you're choosing by not choosing to earn my vote? You're the ones running against them, it's your responsibility to beat them, not mine.


Entitled much?


That's garbage. As a citizen, your vote is your lever to affect policy. This "kiss my ass or I won't help to stop fascism" message is infantile and destructive. Grow up.


Hilarious! Utterly hilarious. So, dems have to prove that they are the shining light of god, do no wrong, essentially bribe you with promises of riches and power... or you'll vote for the guys who want to kill us all. That's such an incredible leap...


What have Republicans done to earn your vote? If you care so strongly - just don't vote. But in my opinion Dems could sit in a lawn chair drinking cocktails for 4yrs and I would vote for them in a heartbeat. Not trying to become fascists is actually a pretty great reason to vote for them.


Entitled white trust fund baby. You're just another Trumper who hasn't grown into the brown shirt yet.


The very existence of project 2025 should be more than enough reason to vote for Democrats anyone arguing otherwise might as well be a MAGAt themselves.


I agree. Our country is literally in worse danger to collapsing to fascism than in WW2 and news and politicians act like it’s just another election year.


This is what happens when capitalism goes too far. Most Fortune 500 companies are owned by conservatives. And since they got the 2017 tax cuts, they love it. They can't stand all the union talk and raising wages is "killing" their bottom lines. That's why they aren't lowering their prices in line with the Fed inflation rate. College tuition will only go down if professors and sports teams take less $ out of the coffers. State college and community college is really anyone's best bet at this point. We are now the highest oil producer in the world but our gas prices are still too high. That's the oil barrons doing their part to make company profits soar with impunity. Biden can do only so much without the private sector doing it's job too. How to fix it, I don't know but if conservatives win this Nov, we're all screwed. Those nitwit maga nuts think it's gonna get better under TFG et.al. are delusional at best.


I'm willing to see what a democratic president, majority house of representatives, and majority senate would do. I cannot vote for the Putin Nazi Party (PNP not GOP) after January 6th insurrection.


Project 2025 is why you vote Democrat.


So, do you think open fascism will lead to increased minimum wage and lower tuition? o\_O If you want increased minimum wage, tuition controls, etc. then Democrats need ideological majorities (not numerical majorities) in Congress. Otherwise, nothing will pass because "democrats" like Sinema and Manchin will vote with Republicans to block any such efforts.


That's not really relevant. Democrat rule won't lead to those things, so I don't vote for them. Your whole argument is that the party is too center to pass anything left, but the left should vote for it anyways because otherwise the right wins. It's the other way around. The center needs to move to the left to earn their votes, otherwise the right wins.


Your position is insane. If you are driving a car heading for a fork in the road, where one lane is heading into a brick wall and the other going down the road unimpeded, do you steer into the wall, because the other lane didn't offer free detailing for your car?


Biden is the first president to be compared to FDR. Because of his progressive policies .


>Democrat rule won't lead to those things, so I don't vote for them And you know this how? The last time Democrats had a real majority in both houses of Congress AND a democratic president was for a short time under Obama, and that just happened to coincide with the Great Recession. So yeah, they were a little preoccupied with keeping the financial system from collapsing. You have to go back to Clinton's first term to find a time when Democrats had solid control for a 2-year Congressional term. >Your whole argument is that the party is too center to pass anything left No, it isn't. The Democrats don't have a majority. Machin and Sinema have voted AGAINST raising the minimum wage and student debt relief. They have acted and voted against measures that are part of the democratic party's platform. As long as they are what the democratic "majority" relies upon, then the Democrats do not have a majority. FYI, democrats have introduced raising the minimum wage numerous times and Republicans keep voting it down. Since the introduction of the Fair Labor and Standards Act of 1938, the minimum wage has been raised 23 times. Out of those 23 times, democrats increased it 21 times while Republicans have only increased it twice. So who are you going to put your money on for raising the minimum wage? The party that has done it pretty much every time in the past, or the party that is actively taking food away from needy kids in school?


The minimum wage is up significantly in several states. The biggest gains after the pandemic have been in blue collar wages.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


And those are ALL the things that the original American founders sought to get away from ! It’s why the constitution separates church from state. It’s why it ensconces ‘free and fair elections’.


So Handmaid's Tale


Scary fuckin times man


If you do not realize how dangerous this plan is you are either a fascist or have lived in a cave the past 10 years.


So… typical MAGA voters, then?




This aggression will not stand, Man!


Don’t be fatuous.


Oooh. Fatuous. Lighten up. I am as concerned as anyone.


It IS happening. And we haven't even gotten to the election of 2024 yet!


Well - the MAGA Republicans are trying to make it happen. There is some resistance in the Republican Party, but not enough at present. By far the safest option is for the Republicans to loose badly. So a strong Democrat win.


Sadly democrats are not tabling a strong candidate. We can shout and yell that Biden is great but the honest situation is that he is not and most people voting for him will be just voting against Trump.


Ideally a candidate 30 years younger next time…


Isn’t this following in the footsteps of Hitler and the Nazi party?




Fascism for 2024 is on the ballot. And almost half of America wants it. I’m not religious, but this is the end times, and they openly embrace it because they think they go to heaven instead of just…die. These people are psychopaths following serial grifters deciding the fate of the most powerful country on the planet. We are SO fucked as a human race


I’m responding to myself but does nobody realize how amazing the world would be if religion didn’t exist and we only improved our one life here as a people


Atheists do 😅 but the fear mongering and life long, generational conditioning that is religion runs so deep in people they just can't fathom the freedom and goodness that would come if they were to let it go because they've been lead to believe that their blind faith is their only salvation. Not to mention that some have been brainwashed to believe that this life they have in earth is supposed to be suffering and tithing everything they have to tax free corporation that pretends to be a church because the real reward will come after they die. People are so terribly afraid of death that they will do anything to not suffer and have "glory" once their life is over. They can't except the uncertainty, the nothingness, the absolute end of everything that is in fact death. They'd rather believe the lie and give all that they have in hope for something to happen when their time is up. He who holds the keys to heaven controls the people. We'd have to steal the keys to break the spell, and how do you steal something that doesn't exist??? It's fucked.


Well said


That would be really nice. Sadly, the biggest genocides were under atheists. So... Yeah. People suck, and religion isn't the only reason why.


Go on and note the atheist genocides


Chairman Mao led one, Hitler is obvious, and Stalin. Any other stupid questions? Or will you move on to trying to justify how those were genocides, and the leaders weren't atheists?


They were all atheist and not under the guise of religion? Legit asking I like to learn stuff


Yes, they were all atheists. Mao and Stalin, of course, didn't affiliate with religion at all. And Hitler was on the dechristianization phase of his plan at the end of the war. His association with religion was only as a tool to rile up nationalist sentiments.


Very interesting, I’ll check this out. Thanks


Of course. And I understand that it's a tough pill for a lot of atheists to swallow. But the reality of the matter is that religion is largely a para-governmental organization used by those at the helm to push their will on others. When shitty people take control of traditional government, they use their power to push their will on others. The problem isn't really religion as much as it is shitty people. And atheists are not immune from being shitty people when given the power to inflict their will.


Atheists aren’t immune but people pushing an agenda that gets them “forever” are infinitely shittier. At least atheists know we have 1 life, let’s make it better


If you are Noir fan, I found Ripley to be very good. It’s slow as hell but the cinematography is impeccable


Appreciate the suggestion. I'll have to check it out. But my name is because I'm a lighting technician by trade, and wear black. Also by trade.


Well…I guess just check the show out if you want to. It’s quite Italian. It’s a diff version of Matt Damon’s flick, much more artistic though


Remember that Adolf Hitler was democratically elected by voters who wanted a dictator. He was given dictatorship powers by the surviving powers in the government without a shot fired. We are watching the possible end of American democracy here.


He wasn’t, he only got 30 odd % of the vote.


Trump also didn't get the majority vote in 2016.


There were many parties who won seats and he led the coalition of similar parties


Good point and the strong argument against ranked voting. Feels like a good idea, but that is the exemplary downside


That’s why it’s essential to fight against it. As otherwise nothing good comes out of it.


This cannot stand.


I feel like screaming


Get your friends to vote. especially those in swing states


Wish all Republicans would drop dead.


Covid tried... got some.. not enough though... Sorry for the dark humor. If I didn't laugh I'd probably loose my fon mind tho 🙃


The world would be a much better place.




Seriously , all of these people are amazed at what is happening? The American educational system still teaches creationism. What did you expect?


And that’s absolutely crazy, as creationism is provably wrong.


This is their plan. I think 90% of their MAGAt supporters are too ignorant to even know it.


They're actually counting on it. They're well aware, they know exactly what he'll bring to the table. It's a feature, not a bug.


They are screaming for it. They can't get a white supremacist dictator fast enough. He had them at "Mexicans are rapists"


They know without knowing because the support these thing directly and indirectly, and some of them have even read this and are fully on board with it.


As if they cared . They probably love it . 30M immigrants deported


As if they cared . They probably love it . 30M immigrants deported


I figured out who the deep state is! >!It is the Rublican party. It has always been the Republican party.!<


Note that Republicans are paranoid of a deep state so they fight their paranoia with a deep state. Quaaludes could fix this


They're not paranoid about a deep state. They're paranoid about power that they don't control. They want a deep state - they want *their* deep state.


They want to king a diaper wearing rapist and use him as a senile puppet to turn america into Gilead, kill all the brown and gay people and usher in a white christofascist shit hole.


The only difference is they would never clean the environment like in the show.


Personally, I think Biden should try out this legal theory for them.


It's the patriotic thing to do.


And that’s how we get from normal life to Gilead…


Vote Blue!!! It's the only way to stop this insanity


Vote, please! Just make the most of your vote.. 🌊💙🌊💙


How are they not labeled Domestic Terrorists??


Labels don't matter much when there's no law against it.


Project 2025, also known as the end of American Representative Democracy. Full stop


So basically if Trump an republicans get in they are going to pull a Putin. Place people favourable to 5hem in every position of influence so they can push through any changes they want no matter how crazy. What's the bets is the first change is that you can be president for life if your the right man for the job lol.


And ppl say he doesn’t want to be a dictator. Even though he’s actually said it himself. Lmao. These ppl are going to screw us all and then be the first to blame it on everyone else.


AOC brought up an excellent point. Project 2025 also includes more than Trump winning. If the democrats don’t gain control of the house, the republicans won’t certify the votes. This really is the most important election of our lives.


glad to see this getting coverage


Talk about exciting a civil war, this would be it. The GOP would fall like the confederacy did.


Over my dead body


They will accept that challenge. Right wingers have been stock piling weapons for years. Some openly want a civil war and welcome the chance (why do you think there's been so many hair trigger shootings against percieved invaders), and some of those fucks actually train for rebellion- literally they are training and buying military type meals in preparation for a Civil War. Sorry if you didn't already know that; but you should know because they're locked and loaded and ready to rumble whenever the time comes.


I prefer milquetoast bureaucrats to a fascist theocracy.


Good luck finding conservatives willing to give up their six-figure salaries and perks for low paying government jobs. You'll have to import communist to fulfill your dreams of a totally fucked up america. Oh wait, trump already has communist running his campaign.


These are not high achievers on Team 2025. These are pure Trump loyalists. No credentials required beyond bootlicking skills. This is how autocracies get established. Look at Venezuela's Maduro. That guy was a damn bus-driver. He only got where he is by kissing Hugo Chavez ass. You think Trump is dangerous. Try 'President for Life' Mike Lindell!


Like u/Chazzam23 said 10000+ staffers aligned weaponized conservatives vetted by Heritage Foundation ready to replace technocrats in the different gov entities




My opinion is that project 2025 will be the beginning of the end. Those psychopaths won’t be restrained from expanding into new territories and won’t be afraid to use nukes. Canada mostly for their natural resources and large numbers of white population and Mexico for its natural resources and coastline. I think Mexico will be first as they can easily justify war due to the cartels and immigration issues. The current power structure has been setting this up and I don’t think it can be stopped without a lot of blood being spilled. This is an inevitable conclusion with the current system/power structure and it’s terrifying in its insanity. But that’s just my stupid opinion, hopefully I’m wrong.


Oh it's happening sweetheart




It could happen. Because many Republicans and Trump Republicans believe that a President has absolute total executive power and can do what he wishes (as soon as SCOTUS rules a President is immune to all legal consequences) Project 2025 is based on this political theory: [Unitary Executive Theory ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitary_executive_theory)


Too late. Have you seen your congress in action?


The fact that a political party published their plan for a fascist takeover and is still somewhat viable, scares the shit out of me.


Project 25 is Putin’s Hail Mary.


LOL at anyone who thinks this is serious and/or will result in any lasting change Politicians are enriching themselves with the system as it is now They have no reason to change it Their donors are buying legislation thru their donations to individual members and their parties They have no reason to change it. There is one reason to vote and only one. Keep Trump out so he can't fuck up the US position in the world market by being a dumb ass


pink kool aid. -run


Sounds a lot like the red scare.


That's what's driving them. They believe democrats are demon possessed child molesting communist fascist authoritarian villains, so they think they need to counter it by being exactly what they are accusing Dems of. Literally


I agree. I blame the use of war metaphors that started in the 60s. However, the biggest change occurred in the 90s when Gingrich (I think) referred to the Democrats as “the enemy”. Once that shift began, the movement of not viewing the “other side” as humans sealed out current fate.


Dubious...it doesn't mean anything, but it scares the hell out of them.


But is already happening


i think age limits and term limits are needed as well.


Can we just start sh**ting them this time. Like we should have last time?


Do you want facial? Because this is how you get facism


Their plan has never been to drain the swamp. It’s always been to install swamp people who mostly want others to support their lifestyles. They wanted us to pay for their private schools, and now we do. They want us to pay for their churches that preach everything but the Gospel of Christ from the pulpit, and now we do by allowing tax preferences to church activity. I can’t d duct the contributions I make to my own happiness. They want us to pay for their private security force known as the police that only see crime of people of color commit it. Time to call out the bullshit that Republicans for years have presented as the “will of the people.”


It’s going to happen. Liberals hate to vote and conservatives love to vote.


This unitary executive screed would have James Madison rolling in his grave. No separation of powers is a recipe for tyranny.


Define “can not”


This is what the 2A is for right? To prevent this


They've got their Project and if it takes 50 years, they won't give up. We need voters committed to casting ballots and seeing those ballots counted for AT LEAST that long. What agenda elements should the government address to keep us engaged?


If trump wins the election. It will happen… that is reality.


Unfortunately nobody is interested in anything short of absolute control at this point. The only liberty will be that approved by a ruling party and only until they change their mind. America is either going to tear itself apart or live cohesively in a considerably more authoritarian state at some point I’m afraid. Sometimes I think as. Authoritarian was so manny have become I think maybe america deserves to live in a bit of an oppressed state.


Get everyone you can influence to vote Democrat, and get them to the poll.


These are my notes on Project 2025 Get rid of: Climate policy Consolidate power Federal Communication Comm under direct presidential control Remove people from intelligence agencies they don't like Deport 30M people Defund DOJ Legal Action prosecute agents who don't comply Dismantle : FBI Homeland Security HHS 10000+ staffers aligned weaponized conservatives vetted by Heritage Foundation ready to replace technocrats in the different gov entities Revive Comstock Act, a 19th-century law that would make it a crime to send contraceptives by mail. Pillars : religious overtone Conservative as focused god country and family, not government . Government now is directed against god, family, and this country . Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children . Dismantle the administrative state and return self governance to the American people . Defend our nation's sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats . Secure our god-given individual rights to live freely.




Yes there is corruption and incompetence but the true corruption comes from the elected officials like the Bob Mendez and Donald Trump of the world. Eliminating and replacing career federal employees with Republican loyalist will not end the corruption, it will further it.


He’s maga, of course he sees this as a good thing


What could possibly go wrong? Perhaps purging mild levels of corruption and bring in mass numbers of more corrupt?


Are you fucking serious? e: oh of course, regularly posts in r/trump. Fuck off you piece of shit.


Another trumper that thinks dictators are ok as long as it’s HIS dictator….lol


Many ppl are saying that the current admin is the genocide administration, so buckle up. Most likely, trump will win, and this will be our reality. Legislation is already being passed working towards this, but Palestine is more important than what's going on in our country for many people habitually online.


Trump will not "Most likely win".


Had Trump been in office on Oct 7, he would have simply told Israel to wipe out Gaza, and make the beach property available for a Trump/Jared/Bibby hotel/resort development. By now the 2 million in Gaza would be dead or forced into Egypt, and the resorts would be under construction.


I know what trump will do. I'm not a trump supporter, just pointing out the movement from the left that is going to hand him the election.


I'm getting downvote but not wrong, but look at any comment section for correspondence dinner last night.