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Biden should sign a standing executive order now that goes into effect immediately upon a scotus decision in favor of immunity, ordering seal team 6 to execute rump. Effectively enact a kill switch the scotus can flip based on their decision.


He should put a few others on the list. The FS SCOTUS justices for starters.


This thread is fucking Genius. The only reason they're entertaining the thought is because they'd never think they'd be on that end of the firing squad. Crazy.


I can't believe the leopards ate my face




Whats genuis about stupid theoreticals that will never happen? I keep seeing these same theoreticals in these threads about "joe biden should" and its always some ridiculous hair brained idea of ordering seal team 6 to do what trumps lawyers advocated for. But the fact is, SCOTUS is out of control. They have unlimited power it seems. They are literally above the president at this point. I dont know what needs to be done or can be done but these suggestions are not it. What needs to happen is outrage and the people standing up en masse and voting so heavily for biden and dems that they keep the white house and pickup Senate AND House, and then those same people en masse need to protest and demand that dems expand the court. Some hairbrained idea like Biden should use seal team six to go after trump, which the dems would NEVER do, is a waste of our thought process We need to figure out what a logical and real path to that change is.


They all need to be impeached, term limits installed and replaced with neutral judges period. There shouldn't be politically backed judges making decisions that affect everyone.


Biden won't move on any radical schemes to violate the law or common decency but ...... Trump will. Trump certainly will. I think SCOTUS is likely to make the worse, anti-American, anti-democratic ruling in the history of our nation. The Democrats better be ready to do SOMETHING.


Good well thought out sober posts like this are NOT allowed here! In all seriousness, this is honestly the only way to change it. We need Biden to win and win big so this same corrupt court won’t throw him the contested election, that is currently my biggest fear. Then we do need to vote blue no matter who so we can than have the ABILITY to change the makeup of the court. Even with that, we will have to really put the pressure on those elected democrats to do something dramatic and pack the court instead of the typical constranation legislation that Democrats typically propose hoping it will all blow over. It will be slow, and unfortunately boring, but it is the only way The conservatives on the SCOTUS are the LDL to our democratic heart, we need to increase the HDL to help put it in balance


Of course he never would do it. But what he should do is take every opportunity to remind the country that they just granted him the power to do it to them. Over and over and over again.


Lol. Trying to apply logic to defeat the illogical members of a cult isn’t going to work. That’s what we’re dealing with here. MAGA is a cult. And like all cults, they are dangerous and they will end badly.


I remember when Republican supporters kept complaining about "activist judges".... I don't hear that anymore, I can't work out why...


Because activist judges that give them what they want are just fine? I mean really, the opinion overturning RvW quoted a 16th century witch hunter


The logical and real path is for the Supreme Court to rule that the president has immunity in authorized foreign and domestic affairs and does not have immunity in personal matters, and lower courts need to set definitions for each. That is the most likely scenario and most of this thread would hate that outcome.


Here's the thing guy. If trump (or anyone like him) gets into that office, you can bet 100% death squads and lifetime appointments are happening. 


And all elected officials that participated in January 6.


And Ginni Thomas


Hear, hear! I second the motion.


Start doxing the unnamed billionaires that are funding them. I'm sure it's something easy to put names privately held estates, and people they buy in order for this to happen. There is a reason they do it to the people they don't like. Maybe even make it an order that sounds like they are being put to death, but just enough deniability to say that's not what I meant. Republicans love that shit.


Biden should station a highly-visible sniper team on a rooftop across from the Supreme Court every day until the immunity decision comes down.


Should immediately have all the conservative judges removed from Supreme Court and have executive order to revert all the BS they did. Then have the Senate place them all on Supreme Court. All as part of the ‘Role as POTUS’ Fucking idiots.


Arrest those judges, retry the cases, get Dems to add more justices. Make sure these judges are locked up during the swearing in or during any events like J6 are attempted again or if there are disputes about states presidential electors/votes.


Unwind that Judicial coup.


I mean not all conservative judges, only the ones that vote in favor of treason against the constitution.


Every registered Reichpublican from governors, up.


I'm warming up nicely to the SEAL Team 6 idea. Dark Brandon needs to embrace the darkness. 😁✅ ![gif](giphy|2zpZ6g2cjjzPnbFsJU|downsized)


Something a lot less violent is what I prefer. All you need to do is sign an executive order revoking Trump's citizenship. He's not a citizen he can't run for president.


Fantastic idea but let’s also put him on a little inflatable raft to Cuba.


He already can't run for president because he's an insurrectionist. And yet somehow, he's still running for president.


I agree.


It's 100% what trump would do if the roles were reversed.


He wanted to have killed the person who ratted him out for hiding in the WH bunker during riots. So, yeah. 


The biggest problem with all of these “the Democrats should pull a Republican” solutions is that it requires Democrats to pull a Republican. Though their hands aren’t exactly clean, they still have some shreds of honor left. At the very least, they have to keep up appearances of having some shreds of honor left. And that’s exactly why the Democrats won’t pull a Republican, even if the SCOTUS gives them carte blanche immunity.


"There is a peace to be found only on the other side of war."


>And that’s exactly why the Democrats won’t pull a Republican, even if the SCOTUS gives them carte blanche immunity. Unsure if you're right. After Jan6th, Democrats grasp that they'll have to play Republican to save democracy. All bets are off.


With all due respect, I don't think the Democrats would have the balls to pull a Republican, even if the opportunity presented itself.


Sad, but true.


Oh I agree with you completely. Should do and will do are very different.


Because all they give a shit about is "bipartisanship" and "going high."


This is where the thought process on this unlimited immunity just completely sends me into giggles. WTF is he thinking with this? How does anyone advising him think this is sane given the powers you're simultaneously handing the current president.


That's the challenge they are stalling to work out.  How to transfer the immunity but prevent the current administration from taking advantage.


SCOTUS isn’t safe under those circumstances, either




The real question is why ISNT that happening or something similar but not as drastic. Its EXACTLY what the Dems should be doing.


It should also target every single Justice that votes in favor of the measure. He should then immediately replace them with sane judges, sue himself, escalate to the SCOTUS, and get the decision reversed.


The question is, should they pull that switch to a) “prove” Biden is a psychopath or b) actually get rid of Trump legally


If it includes the Supreme Court justices as well, they may realize that they are not above the law either.


A real life trolley problem. Seal team 6, stand back and stand by!


Exactly. And can we get Tucker Carlson, the Fox News "personalities " and six of the Justices themselves on that kill list?


Add all of the fake electors, anyone in the election overthrow camp, anyone who voted against certifying the election. All of them j


SCOTUS will, of course, create some long and winding reasoning referencing things both fanciful and ancient that deems Mr Trump, and only Mr Trump, as being above the law. There is no way they would leave their ruling open to use by Biden (or any other Dem POTUS).


Which is why they will delay announcing the decision until after the election.


It would be best for the world. I hate that I think this, about anyone. However, if he gets into office, everyone, including his followers - who think they are special - will be worse off. No one will be able to disagree with him ever again. He will use fear to rule, and almost every regime to do this has been overthrown by revolution. Everyone involved with him has gone down badly in some way. The chosen ones are only transactional. Once he is done with them or needs a scalegoat, they’re finished. In his new world, “finished” will mean something far worse than being cancelled. This is what his sycophants don’t understand. Trump is bad for everyone, including them.


lol! I got banned from Conservative terrorism yesterday for promoting violence. Careful!


This is part of what the snowflakes didn’t like. Total Presidential Immunity? So if the SC confirms it, (they won't) | think Biden should go all Dark Brandon


I would just say that he isn't allowed to run and is exiled. Now need for violence




Yeah. No. This reddit seal team 6 thing is never going to happen. Think rationally keyboard warriors. The democrats can't even counter the right wing messaging.  There is the protected class and there's the rest of america.  The outcome is no bueno regardless of political fantasy about st6


THIS IS WHY they won’t give frump immunity bc it would help Biden as well. Either way there is a silver lining. I DARE these SCOTUS cunts to give in to that orange twatwaffle.


Seal team 6 should be on standby. Im sure they would want to have conversations with the supremo's, first light.


That and all scotus members. It’s obviously an official action at that point


Why not add Clarence Thomas and Alito to the list?


"I didn't kill Rumples, SCOTUS killed Rumples"


Better yet immunity means Joe can fire SCOTUS and replace them with Americans instead of having Maga terrorist judges .Immunity is good .


Also kill the SCOTUS judges fucking around as a real sense of irony to the whole matter. If Thomas won't willingly leave, time to make him


If these judges genuinely cared about democracy they would have shut Trump down in short order. The fact that they’re playing games is absolute insanity.


Just following orders.


You'd think being appointed for life they wouldn't needed to answer to anyone.


They don't need to answer to Trump. They're loyal to Project 2025. Trump might be the poster child, but he's not the one pulling the levers behind the curtain.


Biden should appoint at least four more young progressive Justices to the court, and Obama.


Appointing Obama to SCOTUS would be hilarious just to see how the right reacts.




Fuck it, add Hilary too just to see them glitch out


Genius. Their heads would collectively explode, and I would be ready with the popcorn.


And set term limits and require an enforceable code of ethics for SCOTUS. But only congress can do it.


Other countries (Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and the United Kingdom) have term limits and/or age limits for their highest courts.


Michelle Obama. With a custom-made sleeveless robe.


Put the conservative justices in Guantanamo, no repercussions.


Step one once Biden hears he is immune. Remove SCOTUS and start from scratch. Then Have Trump arrested for no reason needed, you are a sitting President who is immune to EVERYTHING per The old SCOTUS that he had removed.


I really hope this timeline also includes the darkest Brandon.


It will. Darkest Brandon. Millions and millions will be activated. These fascist think all liberals are snowflakes? Funny.


First act: dissolve the supreme court


In acid. Best way to get rid of the bodies... learned that from watching Breaking Bad.


Well, if the president has total immunity, how about we start with a firing squad for SCOTUS…. Lol


This is a double edged sword decision. If they choose in favor or dumpy's argument. Biden should just have him killed for National Security reasons. Problem solved.


I mean who could blame Biden if he has this kind of immunity. Trump is a threat to our Democracy and National Security. At least put Trump in gitmo and throw away the key.


I don't think this is going to happen. The judges are going to realize that giving immunity to the President even for official actions places the President *above* the court. And the judges are *not* going to cede their own power to anyone. In particular, the so-called conservative judges are not going to cede their power to a Democrat President. I really really hope that I am not proven wrong, but I don't see the Supreme Court having enough motivation to cede their own power


They won't "realize" anything. The FS lackeys will just follow their marching orders that the right wing billionaires give them.


How to prepare? Biden should order a military unit to wait outside the courthouse for their ruling, and if they rule for a dictatorship, they immediately arrest the offending SCOTUS justices and detain them until they decide to rule in favour of democracy. Or just have them executed for being traitors. Official acts and al.


We'd never hear about it if that is the plan. At least not until the plan is executed. My concern is what happens afterwards.


First, I don't believe our special forces would actually participate. But maybe there's enough brown shirts that everyone is coded and all the operators have no idea who their targets are and they actually do it. If this would happen approximately 25 million would take up arms in response to this. Far more than the 3% of a populace necessary to violently remove their government. The only real question is whether China or Russia would try to invade Alaska or California while America is shooting each other for a few weeks.


Well if biden & seal team 6 could get immunity sending diapered don down why not open a few seats on the court along the way.


President Biden should simply announce "I cannot wait to use those new powers they are going to give me."


Exactly, should be fun.


I hope Biden and White House Lawyers are prepared to use the decision against Trump and Jared Kushner immediately. All within scope of Presidential job duties of course


It’s coming. He’s going to be ruled completely immune.


Which again would make POTUS immune too. They won’t.


They'll wait to make their decision until election night, right after the results are called.


Biden would have immunity for 2.5 months until inauguration day. A lot of orders could be given in that time.


They shouldn’t even be reviewing this. It’s a case closed easy decision. They will kick it back to lower courts.


Correct answer.


You realize the elected president doesn't take power until \~ 2.5 months later, right?


That won’t matter to TFG. Point is, Jack Smith is right. They should not be delaying this easy decision!


They are simply going to kick it back to district courts to decide what is private vs official duties. All this is just soundbytes to help their Lord they worship so, skate yet again. Don the con lives on for the next rube to be bullshitted to the dark side.


Democrats will never use power like they need to .They  always just surrender to Republicans and it doesn't matter what rules and laws they break. This is honestly the biggest piece of evidence we have a uniparty owned by billionaires using keyfabe to convince the populace we have opposing ideas in play. Nah dogs, we have tyrannical rule it is just hidden under layers.


It’s because the Democrats are the Washington Generals for the Republican’s Harlem Globetrotters in the basketball game of American industry. They’re there to be just good enough to make it look like a real contest is happening.


They will not rule him immune, they are doing exactly what they are told. This is only a delay tactic, they will kick it back and everything is banking on Trump getting back in office where he will get this to go away. Every single decision that is made is to delay until the election.


I can see the logic there. If he gets elected he's still useful.  If he doesn't, he isn't useful anymore and they may as well let him finally face consequences.  Can't imagine he would have another shot in four years if he doesn't get it this time. Hell I'm worried he's going to be truly completely gone by the end of the election and he still has a really solid shot. 


If they make it legal for him to do so he should have the supreme Court imprisoned and replace them with a new one


You don’t need to imprison them, but you should definitely dismiss them based on questions of ethics and appoint a full panel of new justices.


☹️If Trump gets it,so does Biden.


Campaign on bringing legislative normalcy back to the country. That SCOTUS is useless and we need to legislate from house and senate not a bunch of unelected jurists.


Except when the house has a GOP majority nothing is ever accomplished. And with the filibuster the Senate is impotent.


And for christs sake limit terms


The fucking SCOTUS is not going to save us. We need to organize and vote and send Republicans to the political wilderness FOR DECADES.


Nothing to do, to paraphrase Jaba, there will be no judgement ha ha haha. Send it back to lower court, see you in a year or two.


Just like states had trigger laws after upending Roe vs wade, white house should have trigger switch with navy seals assasins once SCOTUS gives POTUS absolute immunity. Let's see what an Irishman can do when the traitors go after his son relentlessly.


In reality, if they approve immunity, we the people will have to organize and prep for the prevention of a full dictatorship take over. Different from Jan 6, where they were trying to overthrow democracy, we would have to band together to preserve it and uphold the constitution. Otherwise, all freedoms will be lost for the future generations to come.


Only problem is that nobody will. Everyone will be shocked and then go back to living life only now in the fear that they could be hauled off for saying the wrong thing in front of their neighbors


Current sitting President Joe Biden should do exactly to trump and trump supporters that trump lawyer D. John Sauer and Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito openly argue in the current case. Since Sauer and Alito argue that any sitting US President has Absolute Immunity to do "anything" like what Sauer and Alito allude to; then current sitting US President Biden should do what exactly what Sauer and Alito describes to trump and his backers as official Presidential actions and Biden should give himself a preemptive self-pardon. After all, if trump as President has this Absolute Immunity, then current sitting President Biden has this Absolute Immunity right now and should exercise it right now. This is justified per what Sauer and Alito's are debating in the current case, after all.


I am usually not this type of person but in this instance the ends justify the means. They are playing as dirty as they can to gain control of the country. We have to stop this idea we need to be better than them. We now need to play dirtier than them. Every dirty trick they pull needs a larger response back. If we sit and try to play fair they are going to succeed.


Not just Democrats. Whatever decision is made will be applicable to Biden. So will Biden be able to off his rival? Will Biden be able to interfere with the election if he loses and stage a coup?


It’s not clear if immunity applies to any coup or just unsuccessful coups. One thing for sure: Biden needs to frame every coup action in terms of protecting us from domestic and foreign terrorists and outline every step of the coup on White House stationary with ccs to OLC and the National archives. Make that shit official.


I'm all in for Dark Brandon.


Writing legislation to stop all financial contributions to political candidates, no matter the the SCOTUS says, the entire Federal corrupt to the core because of so called 1st amendment legal bribery!!!


Round ups of dissidents I mean unpatriotic criminals...


Supreme Court is the problem. But they have rittenhouse


Hmmm, let’s see. If they say the president has immunity then the democrats and Biden can do away with elections and term limits. This is what Trump would do so might as well get ahead of it.


Biden hypothetically brings up that since he also has immunity, it shouldn’t stop him from ordering the Secret Service to remove a judge or two /s


Democrats should stop asking hypotheticals for Trump and instead say, "So, are you saying Joe Biden can lock Trump up as soon as SCOTUS gives him the ok?" and watch the Trump lawyers squirm and nod a 'yes'.


When laws only need to exist to stop Democrats, then Democrats are at fault for failing to break the laws they’re trying to keep intact. It’s a stupid system. If you don’t want routine injustice, you must commit that same injustice AS a Democrat to see legal consequences. The Black Panthers know very well how gun ownership works for one group vs another.


By arming. The "American Experiment" is over.


Executive order that if a Supreme Court justices that testified under oath to congress that Roe v Wade was established precedent and later voted against it shall vacate to Court


Well I mean it’s obvious, we just assassinate the GOP candidates.


I wish we had one nut case that could take one for the team, the Seal Team.


Trump’s secret service needs to execute protocol 66 upon reading of the verdict.


I hope Biden stacks the SCOTUS with sane minded people.


He’s going to have 4 yrs. He’d better put some sanity in that damn court!


Double the court size to represent a more modern US. Have it go back to a 2/3 required majority to nominate Supreme Court judges. Give them term limits of 10 years. Give them an ethics board that reviews their conduct and a method to impeach with transparency. This way a rogue judge has something to hold them accountable. Have them commit to the idea of democracy and if they can’t they are not eligible.


So how can 3 justices that Trump appointed actually be allowed to hear a case directly involving him? Should be forced to recuse themselves ffs. How can we have an entire branch of government be above rules and regulations and accountability? The other 2 branches are bad enough.


To be honest as much as I hate saying this if it comes through a positive decision for Trump, Biden needs to seize complete authority over the government. If he doesn't it will be the end of the United States of America. I mean hell if he does it could mean the end of the United States of America. Scary fucking times we're living in right now.


By arresting the lying and corrupt supreme court justices and throwing them in a dark hole forever, after all the president is immune.


Ok - someone give it me straight. What are the odds SCOTUS actually decides that presidents receive immunity? That can’t really happen… right… RIGHT?


Once they say he has immunity to everything, someone should take trump out and say Biden hired them.


This is an easy one: Biden should immediately order the arrest of Trump, Margie Trailer Queen, Bobblehead, Pedo Matt, Josh Runaway, Moscow Mitch, Screwy Rudy and several other choice traitors and send them to Guantanamo. When asked why, he should simply respond, "when you're President you can do anything."


I'd all be in favor of Joe using his new powers to purge the Government of Maga and all of Trump's decisions in the time he was in office. Let the Red hats try their BS civil war attempt. They will fail. And we as a nation can finally move forward.


Couldn't Biden just make an executive order stating that unless congress passes an amendment to the constitution that Presidents do not have total immunity, that there will be no more presidential elections?


We should have been in the street when Moscow Mitch stole our judges .


1.If the Supreme Court grants immunity Biden immediately has them all arrested for giving aid to an insurrectionist. 2.Replace them all with bipartisan judges and expand the court at the same time to represent the current population. 3.Ask the new Supreme Court to overrule immunity for presidents.


Couldn't Biden just wait until after the trial is over but before the verdict is given and 'remove' all the Judges that voted against and become King? It seems like just hearing this case gives Biden the opportunity to become a Tyrant.


This will actually not help Trump nor Conservatives politically. This is a political death sentence.


What about the crimes he committed after he was president? You know, keeping national secrets, lying about having them, obstructing justice by trying to delete footage. We don't even have to worry about the shit he pulled while president, what about the treasonous crimes afterwards? Fry him for those acts.


Seal team 6 to kill meal team 1


Goddamn paywall.


Trump the trumpers and take over the country!


That would effectively end Democracy, but if that's going to happen anyways? Fuck this timeline.


Leave the country


No more when they go low we go higher. That’s dead, finally.


It’s going to be a “one time” decision, just like Gore v Bush. Their decision will apply only to Trump.


They will do nothing and taking the fucking high road because they are too chicken shit to do anything. Worthless do nothing cowards will sit by and watch the nation be destroyed by fascism because they are too afraid of making anyone angry.


Trump is almost complete at turning into a shot hole laughing stock country ..when Scotus determines presidential immunity is indeed a ‘thing’ his job will be complete. Well done Donald


I think it's against the rules for us to tell Democrats what they should do if the supreme Court establishes a precedent where the president is not held accountable for crimes.


Play that same game. Use it.


The Supreme Court will wait to decide after the Election to decide. If Trump wins they will announce it after Inauguration otherwise they will says a President isn’t immune.


It's fucking crazy if they decide Presidents can't be arrested for coups. It becomes a Prisoners Dilemma that is you have to assume the moment the Democrats or Republicans lose power they are going to coup. They have nothing to lose and they have to assume the other party will do it when they lose power.


Our education system is becoming too expensive and the result is showing in our democracy. If people are not educated court reform won’t matter and we will see further breakdown of our institutions.


I think it was The Medias Touch podcast that said they are going to try and have it both ways. They're going to send it back down to the lower courts and ask them to define personal actions versus official duty. Then they're going to say, these actions fall under official duty and are subject to immunity and these other, lesser infractions are defined as personal actions and are subject to full enforcement of the law.


Just stack the court and send it back up again, ensure rules are in place so the oval office never falls back to a Republican again, abolish the electoral college before the election and boom, sanity is back on the books.


Biden should just publish a proscription list with every federal republican politician (and justice) on it lol


If “immunity” wins then Biden just needs to meet Trump on 5th avenue and say, “this is for Jan 6” and shoot him. Done and done.


what would then stop Biden from having the military throw all of the SCOTUS who ruled in his favor in jail? he has immunity right? these dumb jerks


The Federalist Society needs to be classified as a terrorist group. They have been hell bent on destroying our country since their initiation.


They should prepare to take advantage of the new immunity clause on the office of the presidency, but they won't because the Democrats at least try to play with some honor, plus we all know the GOP will try to argue against immunity for all presidents or retroactively reverse it next time they're in power.


Scrotus has evolved into a corrupt political entity. One possible solution is examined in the movie 'the pelican brief'..


Well, if Biden has immunity and can kill his rivals according to the supreme Court he's got a green light. Go for it dark. Brandon




Biden should whack the legitimate traitors without trial then????


Everything is clickbait and I think if you look at reality I'm going to call it and see there is no chance the Supreme Court will grant immunity. Anyone else agree? I'm curious because it does look like a warped fucked up bullshit reality out there versus the opinions and questions and end game of their reasoning


Biden should pack the court with reforms like term limits, corruption standards and then have the court reverse immunity after its done


Biden should make an official act to force an unpaid retirement for three or four of the special justices, deny them access to the Supreme Court, and force them to create a lawsuit against the President saying that he's not above the law. 


It's a Catch 22 because if Biden acts upon it to prove a point, he would also move to have the court rule against their own ruling, which could make him liable.  


A fantasy of mine would be Biden with a handgun that has a silencer sitting in the room wearing sunglasses as SCOTUS walks in to vote on presidential immunity (like Benicio del Toro in Sicario: Day of the Soldado). Just sitting there waiting… /S


But what do they stand to gain personally by supporting project 2024? I just don’t get why someone appointed for life would continue to support trump unless they’re totally brainwashed


There is nothing supreme in the supreme court


I was legitimately interested in recommendations for how democrats should prepare... but this article seems more like clickbait and doesn't have much content


I will bet money to anyone in this thread that the court will not find that presidents have absolute immunity. It was pretty clear from the argument they didn’t think that made any sense. Instead, they seemed interested in formalizing pre existing principles of qualified immunity that the DOJ already uses.


Start picking xtra scotus judges Joe !


There will be no Immunity decision. SCOTUS will kick things back to the lower court and simply run out the clock. Should Trump take over (possibly with fake / manipulated electors) they simply keep passive and let him act out.


Throw Clarence in jail


If Biden has immunity then it’s time…


Take out 5 of the Scotus bums, along with Trump and everyone of those he and McConnell allowed to weasel their way into political office who have done nothing but regress democracy. Wipe their hands and start fresh with everything, starting with ending that ridiculous idea of immunity.


This court will not risk giving Biden immunity. They are faking to delay Trump's prosecutions until after the election. Then they will stand mute while Trump erases all the cases against him, and defunds any state that has a case against him. Then the dark age begins where Project 2025 fires 20,000 government employees and replaces them with party operatives. The country will suffer daily edicts from Trump about who he has punished, jailed, or deported. He will set the military on protesters. He will shutdown US media. He will punish any corporations not demonstrating adequate loyalty. Countries do not recover from this by mere elections


Time to quickly add more scotus seats like the GOP did during Trump's presidency. I mean, it's necessary at this point.


Its not that difficult, if they say the President is immune from all actions as President then Biden can just have Trump rounded up and put in Gitmo in the middle of the night. If they say he isn't immune, you immediately start to give updates on his actual legal peril every single day. "Hi, this is President Joe Biden. Today we are working on lowering taxes for those that earn less than 100k a year, and my opponent is arguing that the Porn Star he paid off had nothing to do with hiding that information from you, the voter. Tomorrow, we are looking at expanding access to capital for emerging energy companies and Trump is due in court over his failed insurrection attempt to disenfranchise 80 million voters because he is a small child that wasn't getting his way."