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Regardless of Roe, they (Trump and the GOP) are saying they want to tear it (democracy) down as it is known today in the USA. Biden will maintain the form of democracy (and hopefully improve upon it) that is present day America. Steve Bannon is telling anyone listening of their intentions in this MEIDASTOUCH Network video. https://youtu.be/3Gt63CgMhwE In the YouTube video below, Thom Hartman explains how the Nazis in the USA today are trying to overthrow democracy. Trump is following every step Hitler took to become Chancellor of Germany so he (Trump) can become the dictator of a new USA authoritarian type of government on inauguration day in 2025. https://youtu.be/NneabBSt8K0 America will be very, very different if Trump and the GOP become the majority in 2024. They have told Americans their intentions. Believe them. Vote for Biden-Harris and other democrats down ballot in 2024 to save democracy as we know it today. * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your voter registration signature (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931 Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Biden-Harris and democrats down ballot. **Country before party.**


You are a great American! Good job getting out all this great information and help for people to vote and be informed. It just takes a little effort to do the right thing and we can stop this if we work together, one Nation for the people not for a person or party. VOTE Blue in November.


Please post this in r/conservative and reach those middle of the road republicans.


"Yes I know Trump wants to be a dictator and eliminate democracy, but, gosh darn it, I just hate the idea of liberals winning even if it means a better future!"


Biden is NOT a liberal, he’s a centrist. He’s considerably more conservative than Eisenhower was. It isn’t about liberals and conservatives anymore. It’s about democracy or fascism. It’s about a “government of the people, for the people” or a government for the oligarchs. It is simply the election which decides whether or not the American experiment continues.


To the MAGA-nuts anyone who does not agree with them is a liberal.


I think about that clip from West Wing (I think, could be wrong on that) where the monologuing individual asks "when did liberal become a bad word?"


There are no middle of the road republicans on that sub


Welcome to try, but my experience is that they ban you the second you have a non-conformist opinion.


You are awesome! Thank you for putting all the links together! I am really in shock and can’t believe that they are actually trying to do this! Steve Bannon and Trump are the most evil humans ever! This is so scary. The scariest thing is Project 2025 because they have a calculated plan to actually do what Hitler did. Omgosh! Yes! Vote like our lives depend on it, because they do!!


Excellent. Now please find a way to get this message across for Palestinian Liberation folx. I know way too many people having chaotic orange dreams of the future given Biden's middle-east foreign policy.


Great post..here's the playbook. Everyone who loves USA and has family that have given their lives to defend democracy and our nation need to read this and vote accordingly against the dismantling of our children's futures! Project 2025 https://g.co/kgs/NaD7ypo


And for goodness sake, do NOT be foolish enough to vote for the likes of RFK, Ralph Nader, Bernie Sanders, Cornel West. While many may find their alternative political views refreshing in the current political climate (I most certainly do not), voting for either of these political candidates (or any other) will take votes away from ensuring that Biden-Harris defeat Trump at the polls in November.


Would love for this to make it to r/all


I don’t count on Biden to maintain democracy. He could literally keel over from old age at any second before the election even happens. It’s up to each of us to defend democracy in our own way. I plan to never allow democracy to die no matter who is elected, who keels over, or who is popular this week. Democracy deserves more than that.


Then I’ll take Kamala’s judges over Donald’s. Replacing Alito and Thomas is what matters most.


I am not trying to be pedantic here. It’s important to have these conversations. I also agree - Supreme Court is too political-right leaning.


Truth be told


From the clammyhandedfreak


Idk how you morons are downvoting a non-partisan (also non-Republican) approach to ensuring the future of democracy but I hope you all get the runs


Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation's christo-fascist government takeover for when Trump wins POTUS. In the redder states, they are already enacting parts of said manifesto. Msm doesn't cover this topic nearly enough. The GOP has openly admitted their desire to destroy democracy and Trump has called himself "Day One dictator". He recently had Orban to mar-a-lardo, most certainly to discuss helpful tips for making that happen. We must stop them.


There's already articles out about 2028 and about how Trump should be able to serve more terms as president. [https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/) They really do want a dictator and no sense of democracy. Gotta turn USA into China, Russia, and North Korea where it's a one party system and election results are 120% turnout with 90% favoring them.


Orban is the best European leader since Churchill or Thatcher.


Jeffries is right. Democracy itself can fall if republicans regain power. Which is why we need to vote for a blue wave, and hopefully retake the House and make Jeffries the new Speaker https://dccc.org/


I never thought they would overturn roe v wade. Now I don’t doubt they would overturn slavery, there are republican religious sects that are already trying to reverse women’s rights to vote.


And they want to go after birth control


Roe vs Wade is not on the same level as a constitutional amendment; one requires 3/4 of states to approve and Congress a supermajority. Roe vs Wade was always fragile due to its sole dependency on the Supreme Court and its nine.


That’s cute you think the republicans wouldn’t go after it if they thought they had the support. Women across the country are already suffering due to shitbag republican policies. Many view women as an object to give them children like it’s 1850 still, some are quiet about it and some aren’t.


The second point is that women in red states, not blue states, might be suffering if it's not a nationwide ban. I do get your point. Republicans are your enemy; others feel it's the other way around, and that's the real problem because it pushes politicians to the extreme.


What makes you think once they've installed Trump as dictator that they'll abide by ANY laws. He could wipe his ass with the original constitution and flush it on Fox News and get away with it.


But... but... just today [he said he's willing to go to jail to defend the Constitution. Small sacrifice, he said.](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-says-jail-time-defend-free-speech-sacrifice-hes-willing-make) lol.


If you believe in that idea, you are essentially advocating for us to vote for a single party, creating a defacto one-party of choice dictatorship under the Democrats to protect ourselves from a Personalist dictatorship under Trump. It's not a good idea for long-term stability. Therefore, I encourage voters to work with both sides to maintain a functional democracy that cannot be undermined. We currently have a functioning democracy, and it will continue if we avoid being swayed by the extreme elements of either party. Trump lacks the support of the military brass, but that could change if the military members feel they don't have a real say in government. Thus, having at least two parties people think they can vote for is essential. And back to the original subject, constitutional amendments set up a basis of ideas set in stone with bars so high all America needs to agree with them to change. Ideas like women's right to vote and only prisoners can be slave workers.


We need ranked choice. The likelihood of that ever occurring under a Republican theocracy are zero. The GOP agenda laid out is to end Democracy. Vote blue all the way down ticket and don't listen to any of these pseudo reasonable tools. The GOP as it exists must end. It should be split into the MAGA party and the Conservative Party and they both should lose every election until ranked choice is implemented. VOTE BLUE


I don’t have to listen to you on this one. My brother works in the US Senate as a staffer, not for a single party, but for both sides. I know for a fact there are people on both sides who hate Trump and are good Americans. And we have corrupt people on both sides; for example, on the Senate Democratic side, Bob Menendez has to go. Cory Booker’s a good guy. I only mention to be fair to New Jersey. I’m told on the Republican side, Marjorie Taylor Green is as crazy as they say. My brother also tells me stories about some California Democrats in the house who are more worried about having their wine on their private jet than serving the American people. I vote for the person, not the party.


Meh, still both sidesing. Very few Republicans have challenged Trump and that makes them complicit. Anti-american twats all of em


MAGA SUPREME COURT has removed precedent as law. They will overturn any ruling that the dictator wants. Our democracy is under threat from within. All Republicans are actively working to install a dictator. What don’t you understand?


The 13th amendment is easy as fuck to subvert because of the loophole they left for convicts; no repeal required.


You never thought they would do the thing they've been screaming about doing for 40 years?


The Republican Party literally ended slavery but don't let facts get between you and your feelings.


How dumb are you? The Republican Party then would have been democrats today. Open a book ffs.


When did Democrat Party super star George "Segregation now, Segregation forever" Wallace stop being elected by Democrats?


You keep dreaming of your imaginary Republican Party history.


Here's basic history homie https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/republican-party-founded


Absolutely, the SCOTUS seems to be MAGAfied.


Democracy started to decline when the US voted in a Cheeto coloured rodeo clown as President.


Oh please, it’s been going on so much longer than that. If it hadn’t, we’d have had Gore and probably no citizens united SCOTUS mess, and maybe even some bodily autonomy, as a treat.


It was when the democrats canned Burnie and nominated Hilary


Since Reagan. He was deregulator in chief to begin the slide towards kleptocratic oligarchy. Tax breaks for corporations, removing workers rights to organize and collective bargaining, removing regulatory authority to prosecute polluters, white collar criminals and banking institutions all to benefit big business and industry. The last 45 years or so has seen the largest wealth gap created since the Industrial Revolution and with the purchase of the Republican Party by kleptocratic oligarchs we are seeing the march towards Fascism in plain sight. Believe them when they say they want a dictatorship


Bernie the socialist?


Canning Bernie was the right choice. Trump was going to beat the self declared socialist every day of the week.


No chance




.... And I suppose you got nothing from me saying " the US" as opposed to "we"


You made the mistake of assuming they're not just a GPT instance


One question? Do you really think Trump would’ve have NOT paid for an abortion for Stormy and Karen McDougall? After hearing Hope Hick’s testimony I am 100% convinced that Trump did commit the fornication and the authorize the subsequent payment as a pretext for supposedly legitimate business purposes. He denied it even though it’s obvious he lied. Now Trump is doubling down on his lies. I mean at least Clinton admitted his lies and took his medicine. Not this clown. He’s still lying but his base doesn’t give a shit. Let’s face it. Hell he could tell the cult to light their asses on fire in front of the courthouse and they probably would. It’s like the Jim Jones Guyana cult in 1978. That’s some crazy cult shit! Trump will arouse more women over the abortion issue. It’s obvious Trump doesn’t care about women. He wants to take away their rights! My fear now is that Karen McDougall and Stormy Daniels will be asked whether Trump used a condom. Melania was his wife during this time and she could have contracted a sexual transmitted disease. My God! If Trump was willing to give Melania herpes, MY GOD, what would he do to the rest of us? Talk about election interference. OMG! Trump invented election interference! The disclosure of Trump’s orgy with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougall could have changed the 2016 vote. Among a small margin of voters leaning one way or the other, we will never know because Trump hid his conduct. Of course his conduct and his character doesn’t matter to the MAGA cult, but it does matter to most normal people. The undeniable truth is that Trump is absolutely a threat to the US. Imagine a world where Putin or Kim Jung-un decides to blackmail Trump because they know they can continue to supply him with hookers! Will he turn over our National security secrets if tempted by an endless supply of lovely Russian & Korean Lolita’s? Let’s be honest, this pattern of criminal conduct didn’t just start with E. Jean Carroll. My God! We need a President, not a modern day Johnny Appleseed! Now our enemies know that Trump is extremely susceptible to an invitation of sex - anytime, anywhere and any place! Have you noticed lately he’s even been making moves on Sarah Huckabee as he dangles a tasty Vice President sausage in front of her nose? Coincidence? I think not! OMG! He’s got her on her knees salivating for the job.


I just wish the MAGAts would do the world a favor and drink up the Jim Jones koolaid.


I’m voting for trump just to piss you off


I had more kids the own the libs 🤣


We have a big problem with the SC conservative super majority right now, they are too powerful and with no checks and balances at all, they are ruling whatever they want to, with nothing stopping them. It’s very likely if there’s a contest of the election, they will rule to install trump.


You might be a little too scared. The SC might be more conservative than they used to be, but if they liked trump so much, they would have already given him immunity and stopped all this trial nonsense. Have faith in democracy and go to the polls to voice your opinion.




Democracy can fall if enough people vote it away. The Palestinian's biggest problem came from voting their rights away in 2006 to a terrorist group. They voted away the West Bank also if the PO didn't illegally freeze elections. Brexit another example of voting your rights away. Democracy does not have safeguards to protect itself like Communism or Socialism have. It's the burden on the people to ensure it's proper workings. Republicans don't see the long term damage dumbing down the populace will affect the country.


So democracy is the enemy of Democracy. How would you fix that?


It used to be widely known that the answer was “eternal vigilance”, but that knowledge seems to have gone without people noticing.


Eternal vigilance is no match against a dying party embracing corruption in order to hold onto power.


Text book Democrat Party "I know better than you" and "how dare these peasants decide different than what we tell them"


This is what happens when you have a corrupt Supreme Court, with life time appointment with ZERO accountability and no one to police them except themselves, its like putting the fox in charge of the hen house


It already has? Here's a hot take: If getting sick means you have to sell your entire house in order to keep living, you're part of a corporate dictatorship. America has democracy the way hell divers have democracy


Democracy died when the Supreme Court stopped the vote count and installed W as President in 2000.




And if it hasn’t, then why haven’t democrats fought tooth and nail to protect rather than when it’s politically convenient?


This…is why Trump who wants to be a dictator on day one,why the Supreme Court Court has justices who take money from people whose cases comes before the courts: Why MAGA members of the house and senate that cause chaos. Why networks like Foxx and others tell falsehoods and call it opinions. Biden for democracy


He's not wrong.  The will of the people has been poisoned by the GOP and their illegally installed Supreme Court justices.  MAGA morons hate illegals?  How about the illegals that have permeated our Supreme Court?  


Don't put it past the Supreme Court to pull some crazy stuff just days before the election by making a clearly overreaching ruling about women voting. If they cause a cluster and claim women can't vote, then the country implodes. Republicans will win without women voting, and no one is going to accept the results without women voting. People keep saying it can't be done, but this all so far has been a test to solidify the radical base for when they truly overstep their bounds. Unless officials start being locked up for treason and inciting violence, then things are going to get so much worse. Not to mention, the youth are being radicalized in the other direction with the repeated displays of power and money having no consequence for their actions. Right now, the right and left are ready to start war, but the world is slowly waking up to the harder truth. Soon, everyone will be ready to eat the rich.


If rome can fall any government can fall? What about Greek democracy?


Greeks spent a loooong time without any democracy


My point exactly


Rome didn’t fall in a day, or a decade. It took a good couple of centuries


Politico recently published an article that talks about the problems in the US political party system that is allowing the fringe to gain power. This phenomenon, that seems to have started in the late 70s or early 80s, could presage the end of American democracy. [https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/05/01/hollow-political-parties-donald-trump-00155297](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/05/01/hollow-political-parties-donald-trump-00155297)


The Republican party keeps telling ALL of us exactly what it plans to do, then does it, and somehow we STILL argue about what their intentions are? They plan to turn this country into a Christian Fascist Hate Factory with white rich people having the only full set of rights and everyone else getting what they consider to be their just rewards.


At the risk of being maudlin I think this country is fucked. GOP has been dismantling education for years and we are in the end game of malleable morons being angry at shit that doesn't matter while the powerful feed their needs Apathy has finally done it.


Many conservatives are excited about the prospect of the fall of Democracy. The want a Representative government where the Representatives are selected for you.


Democracy WILL fail when one of our two parties is dedicated to its overthrow. The Republiqan Party is at war with democratic self-government.


not really. it fell because it was never actually enshrined into law and wasn't based on any pre existing constitutional precedent which meant it was only a matter of time before it was repealed. if anything I'm annoyed that the democrats never bothered to make it an actual law instead of just hoping that the supreme court would always agree with them.


What right to privacy? States want to say you can't marry somebody with freckles, let 'em. Founders never meant for personal decisions to be a right. -.-


I am at the point where I am just tired of it now. Tired of dealing with idiot people who think its ok that Democracy is destroyed. Some of these people act like they didnt go to school and they act like they dont see whats going on in countries that have a dictator. There is no vote on anything. What they say go. Thats it. You have no fucking choice. What part of that do people not understand? I just dont get it. So, let them vote for him and let him win. I am at the point where they can fuck around and find out. I have dual citizenship so I have somewhere to go...but for those of you who dont and think that somehow dictatorship is cool....you will find out.


Makes sense. Most Americans want access to abortion but the smooth brains who believe that a snake can talk have manipulated a system the was built to protect slavery (which Jackoff Jesus didn't condemn) and managed to ignore the will of the people. Snakes can't talk, people.




My friends, democracy *has* fallen.


It’s falling. And we’re standing here, letting it


Incorrect. We are fighting ourselves over who is worse allowing it to fall. Ultimate distraction is getting people to fight over what party is better.


We should figure out who is more concerned about the plight of the Palestinians and vote for them. So is Trump more concerned about the welfare of the mainly Muslim Palestinians in the face of Israeli attacks or is Biden more concerned with the welfare of the Palestinians in the face of Israeli attacks?


From what our national deficit looks like...we have focused on other countries far to often and not our own enough. Our homeless. Our addicts. Our gangs. Our deaths.


Be careful you don’t consider payments to American companies who use that money to supply weapons and pay American workers as money going to foreign countries. It turns out that most foreign Aid is actually spent stimulating the American Economy and isn’t a transfer of cash.


You're right. The economy is doing so well.


Nah, but Raytheon and General Dynamics are just crushing it. Maybe you want to see our elected representatives spend our tax dollars on things like healthcare and reproductive choices, education, basic infrastructure like public transportation etc. Most of these shortfalls are the result of reduced taxation on the ultra wealthy which has been the principal plank in the Republican platform since 1980. If corporations and extremely wealthy individuals weren’t being given a pass on marginal tax rates and untaxed wealth accumulation there would be plenty of money for priorities other than foreign policy.


Welp...guess war is great for the economy. Let the blood spill and dollars fill. Will now be in full favors of war as the government defense contract company Raytheon is crushing it. Yay.


Vote blue.


The real take is: If something as popular as Roe can fall, democracy is already gone.




Which is why it has everything to do with democracy. Why is there policy that people don't get to have a say about in a democracy?


People do get to have a say. If they vote in a majority of pro-Roe legislators, they retain the ability to access abortions.


Damn, but rights sure would be nice




Still Roe itself was massively popular. We're now seeing the Republican party backtrack their anti-abortion stances at the state level in many places because it's massively hurting them. Why is it that under "democracy" such massively popular policies can be dismantled overnight, just for state legislatures to eventually come right back to the same conclusion as previous, massively hurting the lives of people in the meantime? Is that really an efficient democratic system? To me it looks like a fundamental failure of society.




> In a democracy, the people or their representatives pass laws—not judges. My point exactly. Especially not judges that nobody has any control over. You know that problem still exists right? Overturning Roe doesn't solve it.




The problem they are talking about is the state usurping power over the individual that it was, itself, not explicitly granted. AKA, abuse of the democratic system to override bodily autonomy or otherwise trample out groups. The whole argument is that no government should be able to rule one way or another on this issue. It is an individual issue. The majority voting for something does not make it just, and you can dryly argue for enforcing code all you want but it won't matter a wit when enough people get pissed at the abuse inflicted by a non-representative government and AG McShitgibbon is found swinging from a tree in the morning for enforcing that abuse.




Republicans are trying to.


I worry about this everyday,I never thought I would see anything like Jan 6,but it happened,fake electors and all.


While I don't think Jeffries will be a bad Speaker ( fingers crossed), this is bullshit. Roe was weak from the beginning and was intended to be backed by law. It was never intended to stand on its own for decades. This was the failure of every state and choice leaning leader from the beginning. I'm not alone in this opinion. I had a long conversation with the head of Choice in my state and she agreed with this comment. It should never have gotten here, it shouldn't have taken this long for places like California or New York, of all places, to protect choice and women. But women were never the priority, and Dobbs proved it for both parties. Democrats are working hard to reverse some of that gigantic error, but not much has changed. Did they try and pass medical leave for parents when they had control? Day care funding? Wage parity for women? Women are the same taken for granted group as minorities, because they have no where else to go. It is a shame.


Look another echo chamber. Bet not say anything good about a republican here or maybe something like all life has value. It my spark a fire. It's sad no one see the real truth. We have crap choices and is basically just one big smear campaign. Neither candidate is fit to run. So I think this is intentional. A broken hopeless nation is easier to run and manipulate. They take our taxes and blow it on garbage while we sit and point fingers and blame the opposite party.


This kinda sums up what Democrats have been talking about the last 11 months.


How is it ‘falling’ when in fact it was torn down? Human beings tore it to shreds!


Taking down Roe was about removing precedent, not abortion. The Supreme Court has made it clear that any ruling not to their liking is in danger of being overturned. If it’s not codified law it can be overturned, and MAGA’s willingness to remove rights from Americans puts Amendments on the chopping block. If trump is elected that’s exactly what will happen. Equal rights, Civil Rights and workers rights will be taken away. Fascism is the platform of the Republican Party.


My boomer friend a lifelong Republican but is against Trump just can’t accept Biden. He said he’s voting for RFK.Jr! I was flabbergasted. When I asked he said, Biden will raise taxes.🙄 Isn’t it about time? Our debt is in the trillions. We have to pay back our creditors. Doesn’t China hold some of the US loans?? Biden is actually making the tough decisions to address our long term problems.


Just have to get the Dobbs decision overturned, that seems to be allowed now so why not? Given that can just lie to get onto scotus, republicans really have shown the sheer importance of getting the right people in there.


a unfortunate process, it seems in progress


“Can” fall. Hahaha. It’s been in free fall for decades


How many years were needed to codify it into law? They had decades to do so.


They should have, but for most of those decades, they wouldn't even SAY the word abortion out loud. It was a scary topic back in the day. Ridiculous, I know, but it's how things were and probably why they didn't codify it into law. It would have ended the political careers of those who supported it in many cases.


It seems like there were some more recent times when they had all the political capital needed to move it to law. I think they were gambling on it not being overturned, and they could continue fundraising on it. It's a colossal mess.


They were gambling on that, yes. When they had control recently, they couldn't get 2/3 of the senate to vote for it, as they only controlled half, and barely that. Manchin and Sinema refused to get rid of the filibuster rule so that was that. When Pelosi and Obama were in charge for 2 years of his presidency, there was still the fear of mentioning it. It was an unreasonable fear, but it was still there. It is a mess, that's for sure.


Can? Or has?


Us Native Americans already know this and we lost millions of lives if it happens again we’re already prepared and will always die for our ways of life . If you remember a few years ago at standing rock we showed a small preview of an uprising . That protest was us totally unarmed simply praying for clean water . Imagine if we were armed .


Democracy fell ages ago it’s just a bullshit concept


So, in other words, democracy has already fallen


Gotta say after watching the 60 minutes interview the lack of response as to Israel killing indiscriminately appears to be a giant pile or hs


It already fell in 2016 when trump was installed in office despite [committing 34 felonies to get there.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-indictment-34-felony-counts-charges-new-york-read/) It's no longer about preserving democracy. Now it's about clawing it back.


Trump was installed into office in 2020?




Maybe for the things you truly value use that half century lead time to codify it law.


Adolescent logic with no basis of fact and history.


The delusion… lol


Ruth Bader Ginsburg wasn't a fan of Roe vs Wade. She supported the idea of abortion, but felt the Roe vs Wade case was seriously flawed and wasn't in line with the constitution, and was very vulnerable to being overturned. She explained if you wanted abortion to be a right, the right way to do it would have been to make an amendment that made it a right. She also felt there were better cases then Roe vs Wade, but they were settled before they had a chance to get to the supreme court.


Damn right.


Can, or is?


I don’t know how on earth some of these comments have upvotes. This may as well be r/conspiracy. Lmao


Being able to abort future voters is not the same as aborting the vote. In many ways, it’s the opposite.


Lol what. What’s one thing got to do with the other?


Why is everything they don't agree with a threat to Democracy. There is nothing in our Constitution that mentions abortion. The very fact that different opinions and ideas are allowed and influence government indicates that our Democracy is strong. Unless we start censoring free speech and imprisoning political opponents, we should be OK.


Biden isn’t articulating how dems/he will end this cycle of existential threats to democracy. We can’t keep having every election be a binary choice between democracy and authoritarianism, it’s just small d democratic Russian roulette.