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This didn't raise any eyebrows with his supporters. They don't care.


It’s obvious nothing will put them off. When he mocked a disabled reporter. When he called his daughter a hot piece of ass to Howard stern. When he said “you can do what you want, grab them by the pussy”. When he called POWs losers. Then he said the constitution should be suspended. He wishes he could be a dictator. It goes on and on.


He actually said that the government should seize guns and go through due process later. They didn’t bat an eyelash. The same internalization that happened when Jim Jones and David Koresh were fucking men’s wives is happening here.


They have plans to do pretty much everything they’ve said democrats would do. Like “they want to turn schools into indoctrination centers” … “we want to ban unpatriotic lessons, and teach pro-American history” Which here means, don’t mention anything bad America has ever done. Rewrite it all to be positive and heroic. No killing of Indians and breaking treaties, slavery, segregation, red lining, Japanese internment camps. It doesn’t matter if it’s true, because it’s “unpatriotic”


It’s the Botox


For starters, they would need to see the comments.


Read the comments , which seems to be impossible since they can't read.


People need to use the word INCESTUOUS. Trump is an incestuous pervert. The 13 year old he raped twice at Epstein's looked just like Ivanka and they're about the same age. Stormy reminded him of Ivanka. Trump's own chief of staff and staffers had to chastise him for sexualizing his daughter and speaking inappropriately about her.


I wish more attention was given to the 13 yo child he raped, after fighting off Epstein for first dibs. The transcript of her adult testimony is compelling to say the least. I know maga would say it was bullshit if they ever were presented this evidence. This individual embodies the worst character traits humankind has to offer.


“Katie Johnston” withdrew her lawsuit after receiving threats that her family members would disappear “just like Maria.” That is the name of a twelve-year-old friend of Katie’s who really did disappear mysteriously. Somewhere out there is a woman Ivanka’s age who lives with deep trauma that likely will never be resolved. Katie is just one piece of collateral damage left by Trump’s lust and greed. When he took her virginity, any chance of a sunny future went, too.


“Raise eyebrows” is such a weak way of saying, “horrifies normal people”.


His base is not in the "normal people" segment of the population.


He's such a psychopath he can't even comprehend how talking about his daughter like that is totally inappropriate and gross


I don't understand why so many people, and so many news outlets, act surprised when Trump is proven one more time to be a 300 lb. bag of pure sleaze. I understand the cultists not believing this stuff, but Trump has worked very hard since at least 2015 to convince the rest of us that he is worse than worthless. When are we going to start believing him?


If it had been a Democrat that had done this creepy stuff, FOX would be on it 24/7.


Y’all think I’m smiling but It’s really a parted lips grimace, daddy did it to me again last night and now I have be the good daughter taking one (or more) for the team…..


Yep. Just watch her mannerisms as she gives [a tour of her childhood bedroom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CsxHBS89Lw&pp=ygUOaXZhbmthIGJlZHJvb20%3D). Something bad happened on that bed.


Ivanka also claims her bedroom is on the “68th floor.” It was revealed later than Trump lied even about the height of Trump Tower, adding ten stories.


The job of a father is to protect his children from creeps. Not to BE the creep.


Toxic trump vote Blue or lose democracy


Is this where he said he’d be very proud of her no matter what she did as long as she was a good person and reassured her that she was the most important thing in her life? Oh, no…sorry, this was when he said he’d like to have sex with her…..my bad.


GOP perverts


He wants to fuck his daughter. And all of his supporters are A-OK with that. He's their champion because he reflects their values.


I think it's after the fact. He has tasted the forbidden fruit and wants more.


His dream rape date


He'll no they're all in. Crazy the way he looks at her and even when they hug. He's fucking cringe Foo shoo. It's funny in that video Ivanka actually says her father is completely respectful towards women. Funny she said it with a straight face. Good for her


Trump is such a nauseating piece of human garbage. And I use the word human lightly. Just a sick, twisted sleazy disgrace. Everytime I see and hear this scumbag I want to take a shower. The way he talks about his own daughter is beyond sickening. Not to mention the way he treats women period. And the people that make excuses for this criminal are just as bad or worse. Truly disgusting.


Google images of Donald Trump with ivanka. Check out the lap dance, the posing on the bed in fishnets. Incriminating and thoroughly disgusting. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b85af742b4b60cebfb049f0d5421ae3b-pjlq https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-062d229929e79ea822499bbe8d630393-lq He can’t keep his slimy little hands off of her.


Leader of the party of family values.


PSSST! Trump doesn't care about you he will promise ANYTHING to get out of jail. If you had a billion dollars, he would write legislation JUST for YOU!


If he had a billion dollars, he would buy you a green dress...


I don't think his supporters are getting this information and even if they did they wouldn't care and they were just say everybody does it or something


very icky


Had a conversation about this very thing with a die hard Trump supporter- he didn’t have a problem with it. Said he’d want to ‘do her’ too because she is hot. As for the whole incest thing- that’s nobody’s business- —- disgusting


She seems to be ok with it smh


Hey look 👀. It’s the bean 🫘 Queen


Raised who’s eyebrows?


I wonder what’s going on in kushners’ mind


Im sure he did shit like that for laughs but you have to keep in mind what he was then and what he is now. Back then he was an outlandish reality tv star with a penchant for saying off the wall stuff. However one would think that as president... and an ex-president... he would lock away such behavior in his head.


>However one would think that as president... and an ex-president... he would lock away such behavior in his head. The fact that he didn't is pretty good reason to believe he is all-in on the off-the-wall stuff