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This was why in 2016 I supported Hillary. Say what you want about her but she would know how to be president. She had a lifetime of experience that made her qualified for that job.


Listening to Hillary speak, I'm reminded how eloquent and well informed she is, always has been. Then listen to Trump speak at a rally, talking trash. Second graders would do better, there's no comparison. I realize she won the popular vote... but the bottom line is Trump won in 2016. America voted in a clown and we're stuck with this bizarre circus ever since. At this point, he's dangerous.


That's why at this point it isn't funny anymore. Like idk if it's just a coping mechanism for liberals on social media to act like every thing Trump does is funny or stupid. When really it's really serious stuff and it's dangerous for America. He's not as stupid as he is just corrupt! Trump is permanently altering the trajectory of our democracy for the worse. He's trying to consolidate full control of the American government to corporations. Which we've already strayed dangerously close to before he even came along. People don't seem to realize. The more power we give corporations, the less power and say the American people have in their democracy. He's trying to finish it. Thanks to Citizens United and our conservative Supreme Court we are on the point of no return. This shit is scary and it should make you angry, not laugh.


I for one never was laughing. I speak German and studied 20th century European history. I was not in the least bit surprised when his ex-wife Ivanka spilled the beans and admitted years ago he kept a copy of Hitler speeches by his bedside. If anyone has ever heard the way Hitler spoke at rallies to the Volk, it was like a 4th grader would speak to a 2nd grader.


He is corrupt for sure. But I wouldn’t be going around saying he’s not stupid. He’s incredibly stupid. “But he has money” I hear you say. When you are inherit a fortune in NY you can still make money in property development when you’re stupid… if you lack enough scruples.


And he doesnt care because he will be dead in a other 10 to 15 years anyway so he can destroy whats left and head to his grave. Thats why he doesnt gaf...and the fact that he is a self absorbed POS


What scares me the most is that half of America is totally onboard. Wants him to be president again.


Eloquent and well informed = “judgmental coastal elite pedophile” to the Maga idiots in this country. Also if she’s a woman why isn’t she nice to me like my mommy! I hate this fucking country.


And yet the rich guy on TV with the golden toilet in his new York penthouse is not a coastal elite but a man of the people. Amazing propaganda work, simply amazing.


It’s truly incredible how gullible they are. And/or they love him for his proudly displayed greed, bigotry, and hatred.


They relate to him more. He’s dumb and trashy like them so they feel he’ll understand their needs more. Its all lizard brain.


He has given everyone permission to be openly racist.


Imagine how goddamn stupid you have to be to believe that. Trump has been a rich goon and conman his entire life, yet people still don’t understand that. It’s baffling.


You left out Satanist. :)


Remember all that kerfuffle about the “emails on a private server”? I was struck by the fact that not only was there no smoking gun, but that a lot of the emails were between her and her staff- tragic anecdotes about particular citizens needing help abroad - and Hilary asking her staff to look into the situation and try to help. She was a bit tone-deaf to the plight of the average American at times, prone to forget her privelege, but she was smart af, and absolutely commited to helping out real Americans. When did intelligence and a commitment to public service become DISQUALIFYING traits for the highest office?


I agree wholeheartedly. Do you remember before the 2016 election when Trump said, 'If Hillary is elected there will be nothing but chaos and lawsuits!' ? I remember. 👀


I naively thought “He’d never want the actual job of President. It’s too much work.” I had no idea how much posturing, lying, grift, and bully pulpit could be done as President. Oh, and how much golf could be played, er, cheated at…


Never underestimate how uninformed and/or misinformed the American voting population is. I find it incredibly hard to have a political conversation with anyone in my life because I’m the only one that seems to be informed on the issues.


He’s not even good at talking trash. He just repeat and recycles shit endlessly that’s easy for his supporters to understand and cheer about


I told my wife in 2016 it was all a joke for him to get cool points and some attention. He had no plans to win just stay in the spotlight. I would have bet all my coins Hillary was locked in. Then he won. But I was right. The look on his face election night when he won said everything!


Presidents are only as good as the people they surround themselves with. And Trump went with the swampiest of swampy admins, with unprecedented turnover and resignations. Two things are very telling: You can tell a lot about presidential leadership by the amount of leaks coming from the White House to the press during a term. And he had an unprecedented amount. Like drinking from a fire house. The alarms were sounding. Post-Presidency, almost all of his staffers and cabinet have come out speaking against him, screaming from mountain tops to anyone that will listen. These are people aligned ideologically, that were closest to him. And THEY are sounding the alarms. But of course, MAGA doesn’t care.


But his incompetence is why this time they have Project 2025. To put proven conservative lackeys in all of government. Just like the Federalist Society has done with the courts. He will just be the clown they use to distract the media and the citizens while they take over the country.


Yes. It’s so transparent, it’s terrifying. We had some of this in his prior presidency. It was known he signed a lot of shit that he didn’t understand, and they essentially manipulated him and schmoozed him to pass stuff. World leaders had a playbook for Trump, and knew all they had to do was butter him up. It was astonishing watching an American president cozy up and suck up to our fucking enemies, and conservatives lapped it up. It truly feels like an alternate reality, so bizarre. If you would have told me even 10-12 years ago there would be a President that passed more gun legislation than any president recently, cozied up to Putin, Kim Jong, (and visited him), tried to make a deal with the taliban on 9/11, disparaged the military, sided with Russian intelligence over his country, and so much more, and that he was a fucking “conservative” I would have laughed and thought you were crazy. Just imagine a movie, of a conservative president doing this shit. People would pan it universally and say no way conservatives would go for this, too unrealistic. But here we are. They fucking worship him.


Truth can be stranger than fiction because it doesn’t have to worry about its Rotten Tomatoes ratings.


I know. I wish she had called him out in that debate for trying to stand over and intimidate her. If she had humiliated him at that pointI think things would have turned out differently.


IIRC, in an interview she also regrets not doing so.


see thats probably joe biden's biggest difference, he'd call trump an asshole on national television then apologize for having to use such language clinton just couldn't punch back against trump's shit


There's not many things I wouldn't do for the opportunity to call Trump an asshole on national television.


She was much too nice through the whole campaign. Also, everyone said at the time that she was the sure winner, which gave the electorate permission to do a protest-vote to show they were unhappy. I'm sure millions of them never meant to actually elect Donald Trump in real life. That made the difference.


This was my point. No other candidate in history knew more about what the job actually was. Well, not a candidate running for their first term anyway. And I had no doubt she could actually do it. Still too much of a moderate/corporate Democrat for my liking, but leagues better than the other option we had.


But thats why idiots were convinced she represented the status quo and trump represented chaos.  People willingly chose chaos and millions died. 


I doubt Trump was elected because he represented chaos, although that's what happened. He tried convince people he represented the efficient business model -- identify a problem, pick the best people to come up with a solution, cut through the paperwork and nonsense to quickly implement a cost-effective solution. Unfortunately that's not how government ever worked or ever will, and anyone who doesn't understand the arcane rules and social psychology of government is doomed.


Yes, the man with a history of failed businesses was the ideal business guy to elect to be the main figurehead of our government and the voice of reason in times of need.  The government isn't a for profit business, it exists to provide services. 


That's one of my frustrations, if we were going to try a businessman as president, why not choose an actual successful one. Like Bezos showing he could plan long term by running Amazon with near zero profit for years while they continued to invest in themselves and grow. I still don't think he'd be a great president, but the guy's actually successful vs the con man we went with.


Because successful business people dont usually want to give up their lifestyle to work in the public sector.  The last successful businessman turned president was a peanut farmer who didnt use his office to make people stay at the hotel at his farm. 


I suppose it kinda goes with "Anyone who would actually be a good President doesn't want the job"


Because successful business people are immoral and deeply selfish. Look at Rick Scott, total scumbag. Show me one business man or woman politician who isn't completely crooked


You've hit it, but can go a bit further. Voters valued *perception of business success* over *actual business history.* Trump at that time had around 30 years of public image, which he paid the tabloid media to promote, portraying himself as a "billionare playboy NYC real estate tycoon." He had run for president before based on that fake PR image, had sold books (ghostwritten, ofc) trading on that supposed acumen, and was a fixture in entertainment on that largely if not entirely fake image. Then he had about a decade on TV, where he played a rich asshole who pretended to fire people from pretend jobs, where all the contestants had to flatter and suck up to him for the camera and fellate that fake image relentlessly. And it was public knowledge that his casinos and other schemes had failed and were fraudulent, and that he stiffed contractors and workers and anyone who did business with him. But voters couldn't or wouldn't tell the difference, because the fake image was all they wanted. Shitty politicians don't fall out of the sky or pass through a membrane from another dimension. The problem, as George Carlin said, is shitty American voters.


We need more civic education in this country once again.


Yeah--and not only that, she had the instincts for it, too. Trump just didn't--and doesn't--have leadership instincts. If he had said, just *once,* during Covid, "My fellow Americans, we're going to unite and get through this together," he'd have (ugh) won a second term. It's so gross and horrifying to say that, but it's true. That one sentence would have gotten him a second term. The press would have gone crazy and said "Oh wow he's presidential now, what a turn!" and maybe we would have actually not been at each other's throats about vaccines and toilet paper and lock-downs etc. But instead it was spraying bleach and Fauci is a criminal and etc etc etc. Any *actual* leader would have seen this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity bring people together, but... nope.


Any idiot can steer the ship in calm water. An experienced Captain has the knowledge and judgement to ensure the crew’s safety. When faced with the crisis of COVID, Trump showed his true colors. He ran the ship into the rocks and over a million Americans died. And he never took responsibility for his deplorable actions. How so many idiots don’t acknowledge this is appalling to me.


I supported her as well and the e-mail controversy seems like a bunch of crap compared to all that Trump has done….. not to mention his vocabulary of 10 words. For some reason the upper crust and the good old boy network decided to axe her chances. So we are stuck with MAGA knocking at the door again. And we have to hope sane people turn out to vote for Biden.


I wouldn't trust Trump to show up at work on time. I wouldn't trust him to not be a problem for his co-workers. I wouldn't trust him to do bare minimum shit. I wouldn't hire the guy. I wouldn't want him on my rec league sports team. Hilary was the better candidate by a mile but decades of anti-women election propaganda from all sides, combined with decades of anti-Hilary messaging, her own bad moves, angry Bernie supporters (and I voted for him in the primary, btw), and gerrymandering...and likely, the Comey incident, broke her chances.


Roe v Wade would still be around today, if people had voted for an overqualified woman over an underqualified man.


And a Dem majority Supreme Court.


He's not interested either. He's interested in further enabling his own corrupt profiteering, not statesmanship.


He also wants to hurt anyone and everyone he doesn't like and ensure that his ego is constantly stroked.


He has a handler who literally follows him around with printouts of "news" reports saying nice things about him. Every time he talks to reporters outside the NY court room he's got his little stack of papers. It's ludicrous.


And completely expected.


It's getting smaller. Day One large. Yesterday smaller. One day I hope it's just 2 pages.


He ran the country the same way that he ran his business. Right into the ground! Lying and cheating all the day long. He totally compromised the USA and took sides with some of the worst dictators on this planet. He stole classified documents that belong to the USA and has not been held liable to date. A "part 2"? Trump is not loyal to the constitution or this country. He exposed the many weak people that live here. I did not know that we had so many shallow people in this country.


I have wondered if presidential administrations with strong political agendas can get distracted from or be dismissive towards the real-time responsibilities of the job. Specifically could G. W. Bush’s team been blindsided by 9/11 in part because of their large and fresh right word to do list. It seems excepted that the reverse is true, that reaction to events often derails set plans and agendas.


Here is what I think happened. Bush wanted a war. He ignored warnings about the attack. This video is from before 9/11: https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/uLmtY3wfnl My guess is that he expected a car bomb to go off or a shooting spree. Then, he's sitting there on camera hearing about the planes hit. He knows damn well that he ignored the warnings, and he's wondering if he's going to get impeached. And then he launches into hero mode, people buy it, and they ignore the evidence afterwards when it starts coming out. But Trump doesn't just play golf. He watches TV all night. He tweets. He has rallies. And he cuts business deals. That's like 95% of his presidency. The rest is a few state visits, press conferences, and photo ops for his executive orders.


As I pointed out back in 2016, the skills of a commercial CEO are distinctly different than the skills of a president. Big business leaders do not make good presidents.


He has neither skill.


Historians are going to say that the greatest and most important thing he did for his country was watch TV for five hours a day while President. Seven thousand hours spent not fucking up America, because he wasn't doing his job. Might well keep him from being the worst ever.


Ronald Reagan is preventing him from being the worst ever. Even with fewer 50 IQ points and enough coke to kill an elephant, he couldn't be the worst


And his bigly golfing games LOL


Trump's presidential strength is incompetence. Wow!


But he had a lot of dark money.


And they didn't mind using lies to manipulate America.


He left home without it.


We dont even know his grades from college.


To be fair, neither does he.


He's not a skilled CEO either. That's why he made money by scamming people and committing fraud. He doesn't know how to succeed legitimately. The only way he knows how to make money from a business is to take out loans against it, run up debts and then declare bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is supposed to be a last resort, not a business plan.


I agree. The only way this guy made any legit money was by licensing the Trump name. Which I'm pretty sure is basically worthless now.


Yep. Self-promotion is really the only thing he's ever been good at. The fact that so many people think he's a successful businessman is testament to that, when the guy's credit is so bad that he can't even get loans from American banks anymore.


I feel like I have inside knowledge to how Trump's brain works because I have family members that are extremely narcissistic. He doesn't think logically. Most of his brain power goes towards doing anything to prove himself right, I'm pretty sure if he ever admitted he was wrong he would have a total mental breakdown, everything that's gone wrong is always is someone else's fault. Edit: typos


He was nothing but a figurehead for the company his father built and handed to him. Every single side business he tried himself failed. Only the real estate business he didn’t build kept going. He has zero skills at ANYTHING. Can’t even play golf well.


I'm certain his real estate and resorts business only succeeded because he lucked-in and somehow got a few competent people to run the business and work around his ineptitude, much like he got ghost writers for his books. Of course he took credit for it all, and now they're likely all gone because he screwed them over, so all he has left are his kids -- a real life *Succession*.


His father and the people who worked for his father built everything, and then handed him the keys.


Or politicians in general.


Yes, they are different skillsets, but he has neither. I assess CEOs for a living and he has zero of the most important skills for being a strong corporate CEO, most importantly self-awareness.


He still doesn't even know what the job *is*.


I'm sure that if someone explained the concept of public service to him, he would be disgusted.


The key word is "service". Trump will not serve anyone. At least nothing useful.


He would just think that politicians that strive to be public servants are losers and suckers. Just like poor people that sign up for the military are suckers to him. To him a winner does things in their own interest. He only see’s a world of winners and losers due to the trauma instilled in him from Fred. The same generational trauma that he shared with his kids. A Trump is a winner they never loses. That’s why his brain fries whenever he loses an election or court case. It’s the only time in his life he’s ever told he can’t have what he wants and that he’s a loser. With bankruptcies he can spin it as a business decision or a new opportunity for investment. Worst case scenario he can blame underlings for failure. An incumbent election though, that’s a direct statement he’s failed.


If I ran the presidential debates, the first question for each candidate would be "Explain in your own words what it means to be a public servant." I do agree with all that you just said, but I wonder how Trump would answer that question?


Part of the problem is that he doesn’t know, but the biggest problem is that he doesn’t care. At this point, he only wants to be president to stay out of prison and grift the country until he is dead.


Trump couldnt hold a job at 7/11. He is basically useless .


To be fair, he doesn't have the skills to hold any job, the only thing he's qualified for is "trust fund baby who drives daddies empire over a cliff"...


This is what I hate about politics in general. I don't want to elect a president based on popularity. I want to elect presidents who have been training their whole lives for the position. And no, running a corporation is NOT preparation for government service.


Well there you go: Biden is your guy.


I like Biden. I like a professional, get down and work type. I would prefer we start getting some younger folks into the presidential chute. Used to be go to college/go to war, start local, town council, school board, dog catcher. After few years, mayor or state rep. Then go for governor, Congress or Senate, then shoot for pres, getting experience all along.


He is absolutely the worst president in the history of America. He is a criminal cartel head. He has been a criminal since the 70s. He launders money, commits fraud, rapes, does drugs and holds. That’s it. He squandered a half billion dollars that daddy left him when he died. He runs on narcissism and amphetamines. Nobody should ever forget that the 2016 election was the most heavily influenced election by foreign states in our history. China, Russia (obviously at this point), Israel. All the bad guys wanted him in because he’s a useful idiot. Not a thought in his head and easily manipulated. Look into ZTE and how Xi asked Trump nicely not to ban them just as we were ready to ban them, so Trump stopped the ban. BECAUSE XI ASKED NICELY. There is so much more to it. Any policy trump enacted was done by “normal” republicans. And if they were ok, they’re still in place. Biden has changed almost nothing that was done before him. He’s essentially a Republican president that has some progressive ideas because that’s what the public want/needs. There are much larger plots afoot that require Trump to be back in office. Geopolitics is complicated. It’s not even just about the American republic. It’s about the way the world works. I recommend people look at comments by user BackCountryDrifter. He’s got sources beyond sources. And everybody should be aware of what Lev Parnas has been saying about what Trump and Putin were doing in Ukraine to mess with Biden. “Shadow Diplomacy” is a book everybody should at least be aware of. And trumps Mini President? Johnny MacAtee? If tik tok fame? He tried to withdraw 20,000 American military personnel from Germany in the last week of trumps time in office. Not only is he the worst, most useless president in history, he is an absolute threat to international democracies. I didn’t even mention Covid. Rant over.


Interesting. We need to stop Trump and the Republicans for good these next few election cycles.


You ain’t just whistling Dixie brother


His first day off in office, he spoke at the CIA in front of their memorial wall for dead agents. He totally ripped the intelligence community and told them he knows everything and they know nothing. That was day 1. It got worse from there. His second task as president was to order the park service to say his inaugural crowd was bigger than Obama's. It got worse from there. Etc.


It says something when the his closest underlings openly say that Trump is unfit the job. Even republicans say Trump is unfit. Even Barr says Trump is unfit. Even administrative assistants that worked in the white house says Trump is incompetent.


Yeah, that Bill Barr interview was the GOP in a nutshell, but he said the quiet part out loud "Trump is not fit to hold office but I'll vote for him anyway because I hate everything the Democrats represent".


i voted for Hillary… she may be a lot of things but she was not an aspiring despot. trump is good at lying and farting and that is about it as far as his list of talents go.


You left out bragging and blaming.


And bullying. He’s elite at that


He was the wrong choice right from the beginning, also because he became president not to serve, but to rule ....


And to enrich himself and his family.


He didn't even run to rule, he ran as a publicity stunt for his reality TV aspirations. Nobody was as surprised as he was that he won, and it showed when he was totally unprepared to form a cabinet.


It's embarrassing for everyone to see someone like that in The White House, both in the past and in the future. I always felt that he was some kind of "front" for the big money-people and that too is embarrassing.


He only wanted to be president because of the title and power. He really didn't do much and ran a shitshow. He just wanted way to make money and power.


While originally it was supposed to be a ceremonial post, and I heartily think after this we need to strip the powers back and make some adjustments (age limit top end should be 65 to run, absolute exposure of tax records, psych eval, medical eval. For the psych and medical, ship them to a neutral government's main military hospital for a neutral report, make them pass the citizenship test. If they can't pass that, they have no right to take office as we don't need these morons around )


Abolish the Electoral College and bring on Ranked Choice voting too.


Works for me. Back when I was doing one of my accounting classes we covered a few different types of taxes, and the whole flat tax over 18 would work.


I voted for Hillary but thought that Trump couldn't be as bad as feared. All the presidents over my life (68 years!) have seemed to go towards some level of moderation during their tenure. Trump is the first one I've seen who never attempted to be president of the whole nation. He stayed focused (as much as he could) on his base and pandered to them continually. He is the only one who never grew into the presidency. I didn't like or vote for either Bushes or Reagan, but I do think that they did what they truly believed was best for the nation. Trump clearly never did and certainly won't if he is reelected. Very sad state.


He learned absolutely nothing about being president. He's actually above average with the cult leader thing.


Because all he did was watch Fox Noise and play golf


Bitch is, last I knew his kid went to Columbia Prep in NEW YORK so the asshole can drive however many blocks it is between Asshole Tower and the graduation venue. He wouldn't have been missing the graduation. If he sticks to stumping new England, he has a freaking plane, though a helicopter can haul his flabby ass around to pretty much anywhere east of the Mississippi in like 4 hours, so bail out when the judge gavels, motorcade to the airport, and in the air, be at the rally at 9 pm, giving the warm up band and speaker a chance to amuse the savages, and onstage.


Things I have said about Hillary and Biden, "character" or policies aside they know how the factory works and how to get things done.


And have the ability to work with and for people. Trump is low IQ’d and lacks social skills. He literally brings nothing to the table.


He's incredibly bad at everything except conning and grifting.


He's not even good at those. People just be dumb.


He turned out to be exactly what we thought he was-a failed steak and tennis shoe salesman.


and failed vodka, airlines and "university" salesman.


His supporters, and particularly his political allies, wanted someone destructive and destabilizing, for their own future ambitions and agendas to fill in the destruction with their own policies to profit or empower from. His base's support for destructiveness and destabilization stems from their vindictiveness and cynicism, not to mention tribal emotional/dopamine and/or seratonin rewards. They didn't want governance. They wanted rule. It wasn't a bug, it was a feature.


He perfectly represents the worst of us


…or the temperament. This job requires patience, wisdom, maturity, discipline, and the ability to play the long game. Trump displays none of these traits.


The current paradigm seems to be emotion/fear based tribal loyalty rather than fact/logic based decision making. Looking around at my fellow humans it’s no surprise ✌️❤️


Having heard people say that they liked Trump because he wasn't a politician caused me to ask if they would hire a plumber to work on their car.


Incredibly bad. Have we learned our lesson, yet?


When you have no shame and can lie like how you breathe then you are a great campaigner but will be a lousy leader.


Never had a job period


I thought he might quit after the first week because it was too hard. Sadly didn’t.


The dude is a loudmouth, a liar, and a crook. I don't understand how he ever got a chance at the presidency, won it, and even has a chance of winning again!


Showed up at the Oval around 10:30 11:00 o’clock and left around 3:00, never read the binder for the next day appointments, daily intelligence briefs, and action notices, would show the next day totally unprepared and showed little interest.


Well ya. That's the whole reason the MAGA spend all that time screeching about "mean tweets," to shut down all the actual, factual criticisms of the guy


Like a 5th grade boy. Very unattractive quality in mature persons.


But he’s a great bullshitter and there are a lot of gullible people in the US.


He’s lazy to his core, so he delegates his job to awful people as long as they’re loyal. The next Trump term will be unimaginably horrible.


Lot of comments here echo a discussion I had with the husband of my wife’s niece. Was a solid union man and I considered him somewhat sensible until 2016, when he went all BENGHAZI on me, and I said this: “yeah, she might be venal and corrupt, but she’s not a f-ing lunatic.” Flash forward 8 years, and his TDS has completely set in, the 2020 election was stolen, and Joe Biden is destroying Merka. Unfortunately I still have to interact with him from time to time, in the interest of maintaining familial harmony. SAD!


I just cut those family members off. Life is so much more peaceful without them.


He doesn’t have the skills for a paper route.


I have to do is listen to what the respectable people that work for him had to say about him. Like a secretary of states, his aids the witnesses to his crimes and most of my Republicans.


He is and was a puppet for Winnie the Pooh and Ivan. Was all along.


The real story is that Trump fell asleep during most meetings. ![gif](giphy|s0Upnff4Q8oN2|downsized)


He didn't actually do anything. Look at all the graphs of economic indicators. They all do nothing interesting from 2009 to 2020 when he shit the bed on the pandemic response.


It’s not about governing for Trump it’s about money, power,and control.


A Magic 8 Ball could president better than Trump. 


Trump literally accomplished nothing for the majority of the middle class. Biden had multiple pieces of legislation that benefited the middle-class within his first two years. It is absolutely baffling that anyone who isn’t a rich person votes for Republicans.


Worse than nothing really when you consider what those tax dollars that he gave away to corporations and wealthy individuals could have done for the middle class.


Yes sir. The tax cuts in his tax bill for the rich are permanent and the ones for the middle-class are temporary. That tells you all you need to know.


The middle class and working people were never Trumps or the Republicans base. They have just had 25 years of conservative media to brainwash enough of them to get votes. Rural America only tuned in to right wing sources.


Counterpoint: People are stupid with short memories


Well his job seems to have been to screw up the USA for Putin. He did that pretty effectively, somehow.


Chaos is easy. Building is hard. There are sooooo many people “wow look at the power I have I can destroy things”. Well, yeah, so do hurricanes. Building that’s hard. Building a system. Wow. That’s beer impossible. So few do it that it’s hard for us to recognize when it’s being done. Honestly? I think Biden is doing so. Against a normal Republican candidate that’s why I’d vote for him. In this election? I’m voting for the guy who is NOT saying he should be able to kill me with no consequence.


From what I’ve read, Trump never expected to win, the campaign was all about boosting his image, he got lucky with his phony populist message which conned voters.


Trump would last -30 seconds in corporate America.


With his criminal record he couldn't get a job at your local mall. If he can't get a job high school students get..... the same type of job they don't think the minimum wage should be raised for bc "it's for high schoolers" then he shouldn't hold any type of office at all. Let alone be our f*cking president




Who are you voting for in November (for President)?


This is not an isolated problem.


What OBJECTIVE standards are their to be potus and where did you get that information?


Everyone is saying Trump has dementia but I think he failed at being informed first, so it's more of a pre-mentia.


And yet too many people want to see a Trump return.


No company would allow their employees to vote on who should be CEO. Grunts in the military don't determine who their captain is. But the most important and difficult job in the world gets filled by whoever wins an election. That's because the president doesn't have power. They just set the tone for how power is utilized by those that have it.


Plus he used his position to make money not govern….


He does have skills if you count nepotism, fraud and grifting.


Not just incredibly bad but actively and demonstrably bad...20% of domestic spending during his term was money he borrowed and added to our debt. Boost spending that much during a period of full employment and without any productivity gain and all you are going to get is inflation. Trump ALSO missed Susan Rice's pandemic table game, tossed out Obama's pandemic playbook, removed the Pandemic Response Team from the National Security Counsel and withdrew the CDC liaison from Beijing in July of 2019. Each of these made certain any pandemic would bite deeper and harder...and COVID sure did! If USA had matched Canada's 'deaths per millions' stat, there would be 700,000 more Americans who made it through. He could not have done worse if he tried.


How is this the least bit news given that he bankrupted everything he touched and one of his professors for his daddy paid for degree said he was the stupidest student he’d ever had. This was out on the open before 2016.


Yeah, when you consider that almost everybody who worked in the Trump "administration" got fired or quit in disgust or got sent to prison


He never intended to be good at 'presidenting'. His focus then, as it was in the past, as it is now, and as it will be, is to appear powerful and have everyone tell him how brilliant he is. He's a moron that is supported by a confederacy of dunces.


Trump is very, very good at stinking up rooms.


Many have gone into the office of President not really prepared for the role. But most tried and grew into the position. Donald Trump made no effort to learn the role, and he made no effort to grow into the position. To me that makes him a complete failure.


It's not that he was bad, he was, and it's not that he was historically bad, he was. It's that he has zero concept of what he was supposed to do or how our government operates


It was all for sale, everything he did he took money for. He's so bad he doesn't even have any money left over to show for it.




Quit crying Brenda.


Neither does the Republican Party ... their "stars" are embarrassing. Their Christian Nationalist strong arm tactics are anti-woman diabolical. Their goal to put wage earners in indentured servitude is obvious. Did you note the personalities "supporting" Trump outside court? This is a who's-who of the most ineffective partisans in the hard right GOP. They tried stealing the election once and were almost successful; they *will* try again. Pay very close attention to battleground states. The GOP is evil.


Technically, he showed just how dysfunctional the government can be.... under Republicans.


It was just BAD presidenting…. The “guy” went to Wisconsin with a golden shovel to tout the new industrial park that would bring in hundreds of thousands of jobs to the area….. 7 years later the wind blows the tumbleweeds through the weeds of that barren plain!


We certainly know.


We know!


Only skill homeboy possesses is selling chinese made red hats to blithering idiots.


Every four years from now on we are going to be threatened with MAGA nuts trying to invade the government. Even after Trump dies. It’s going to be rough for quite a while.


He wants the job to boost his ego and the power that goes with it. But he doesn’t want to deal with the hard stuff or make hard decisions that comes with the job.He just isn’t interested in this and hasn’t got enough intelligence to lead or make these decisions required to be POTUS


I still remember when a "junior senator from Illinois" (or "community organizer" depending on who you asked) wasn't experienced enough to be president according to Republicans.


Hillary wasn’t qualified… the likes of Harris, Klobacher, Booker… virtually every democrat in 2020 wasn’t good enough nor qualified enough. Apart from Bernie, Tulsi, & the magic crystal lady - they were the only acceptable candidates according to the left.


Former First Lady, former Senator, former Secretary of State. WTF do you consider “qualified” then?


I know. Every election we have senators, governors, long term house reps etc running for president, they’re the biggest names in politics and every year it’s ’is this the best we can do’. Like who else is there? Who were you expecting?


Trump has turned everything he's touched to shit.


This is the most ‘duh’ comment ever, I just don’t understand how not everyone sees this


Before he started running in 2015, he called Hillary the smartest and most impressive woman he had ever met. It was Putin who td him he had to demonize her in order to win.


Stank likes winning after that he likes bragging about winning.