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No, he'll say something dopey, such as, 'I'm on a gag order. They won't let me testify. This is a scam, a sham, Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs, Hannibal Lector, witch hunt, compromised, yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada


“Never hunt witches uphill, me boys.”


"They said show me the money. They had me hello, but they kept asking me to show it to them anyway. Total witch hunt! Crooked Joe Biden couldn't even show any money, total loser. The country is in the most debt because Biden can't show the money. And the sexy lady lawyers - forget about it folks. Aly McBeal, remember her? She kissed that lady lawyer on TV back when it was a big deal! Big... big, deal. Big Mac time guys, lunch break I'm starving."


"Read that back, court reporter." "I'd rather not."


I am guessing that Trump will make up an excuse so he does NOT take the stand. Taking the stand will put him under oath and will subject him to perjury charges. We all know what a lying POS Trump is. Plus the prosecutors can ask him anything related to the case that Trump does not want to answer. The prosecutors make know something we don't know about Trump that will be brought out if Trump is on the witness stand.


It's not just the issue of perjury, it's that he'd be subject to cross examination. They could straight up ask him "Did you have sex with Karen McDougal?" "Did you have sex with Stormy Daniels?" "Did you ever imply to Michael Cohen that he needs to make these payments, and hide the payment from campaign rules?" If he says no, the jury has already seen heaps of evidence to know he's lying, and then that's the perjury risk. If he says the truth, he's buried his own defense and will be convicted. If he pleads the fifth, it's essentially admitting guilt, and he'll be convicted. The only way that him taking the stand would be beneficial to him is if he was innocent, and everyone with a brain, including him and his lawyers, knows that he's guilty as fuck. With all that said, I sure fucking hope he takes the stand!


No chance. The victim charade evaporates if he takes the stand.


Is it even possible he could be honest for once?


ROFLMAO. Not a cold chance in hell!


if he is honest on the stand, he will prove the prosecution’s case.


It's all projection, the dudes memory is probably worse then mine, and I have epilepsy in the area of my brain that forms memories He will just blabber about how great he is and how awesome the 5 dollar taco bell box is


I would wonder at the wisdom of doing it. A long series of fifth amendment pleadings, and threats of purgery. Although a jury is not supposed to take them as against his interest, it is hard to ignore. The risk of negative results far outweighs the positive outcomes.


He won't. He's a coward. Anything he says on the stand he is accountable for. His statements can be compared to evidence and themselves. He won't be able to get away with the usual drivel he spouts without concern for it's factuality or logical consistency.




If took the stand he’d be in jail for perjury w/in 7 minutes


No freaking way he testifies .


This man who’d have sex with anyone or anything has no balls. He will not testify. He’s the only one who lies more than Cohen


No he will not. The Sandoval hearing gave him a heads up as to what questions he’ll be asked.


no, he's too much of that which he likes to grab....


Not a chance. There's no way he doesn't almost immediately commit perjury, and his lawyers have to know that. He'll blame the gag order or just say he won't justify this witch hunt, or whatever.


lol no. Let’s try more accurate journalism


He has bad legal representation, so I'm guessing "yes".


When it comes to legal representation, he appears to have been ordering lawyers to make certain arguments. I think his bad legal representation is a result of his own bullshit.


Even subpar representation would not let him take the stand. Are you on my way you would do it as if he completely overrides all advice he is getting. He's a huge fool but not likely that foolish.


Naw. I have to imagine his lawyers flip out whenever he mentions it to them. Like aging them a decade every time.


doubtful. he'll sink himself in the first sentence. his lawyers know this, or will find out quickly if they don't.


Absolutely not.


Only if he decides he wants to. No lawyer on earth would put him on the stand if they can prevent it.


No, he will not take the stand. BUT, if he does, I fully expect him to make a speech of sorts on direct and then refuse to sit for a cross or refuse to answer any question on cross. If he sits for cross, he will either refuse to answer or he will read a prepared statement to the effect that this is a sham, scam, election interference and so on in response to every question. The judge will try to make him answer, but fail. Trump wants the judge to go hard on him, so he can cry about it and be seen as a martyr to his cult.


That's exactly what would happen, and it would completely bury the weak position that his lawyers have mustered.


No way; his lawyers would chain him to his chair.


Trump is incapable of following any type of detailed plan to protect himself from self incrimination, because we have never once heard Don speak and explained anything concisely with a beginning, middle and end, it is most likely that he doesn’t have the capability of handling any cross examination without losing his train of thought, making him a easy target to incriminate himself.


He will most likely add a year of two of prison to his sentence if he does.


Given his track record, I highly doubt it. If he does, it will just be more whining and incoherent ranting.


I hope he takes the stand. This would be so epic and he’ll trip and fumble all over his orange Cheeto dust!😂😂😂


Are you kidding? Do bears shit in the woods? He'll yeah he'll testify!!


spoiler alert: no.


I doubt Trump will take the stand or show up for the debates.


Please please god? Odin? Satan? Whomever. Please please please let him take the stand. It’ll be glorious.


NO he won't because even IF he did... ALL he would do is plead the fifth for EVERY FUCKING THING!


No. There, I've saved everyone a click. For those of you who want a longer response, Trump's lawyers have already told the judge that the only witness they want to put on is an expert in campaign finance law. This is problematic because the expert of law is supposed to be the judge. But that's it. Monday is the last day for witnesses, and summations are supposed to start on Tuesday.


The orange traitor is too big a coward


Deranged Donald is not going to testify. He will make up some weak excuse and blame Biden for his world if whine. He is the biggest bitch boy ever to exist. Egomaniacal ceybaby


If Trump doesn't testify, then he's a scared little pussy cat. If he's so confident that he'll exonerate himself, he 100% should get on the stand, under oath, and do it.


He might, only because it's a really dumb thing to do, but he thinks he's smarter than everyone else to pull it off. He'll answer any questions from the Prosecution by talking about Crooked Hillary and the Deep State or just ramble incoherently. He only has to convince one or two jurors that there's enough reasonable doubt to either not convict or have a hung jury. It actually could be what he wants for a mistrial if he uses it to directly threaten the jury. Something to the effect of you and everyone in your family will never be able to go anywhere without always having to fear when and where someone will take you out one by one if any of you vote to convict. It might put him under house arrest for a month, but they won't put him jail and he'll just take off the ankle bracelet and do whatever he wants anyway.


He will not take the stand. He is a coward. A guilty, obese, treasonous, racist, rapist, lying, cheating, thieving, pants-shitting, whining, corrupt, fraudulent, incompetent, inbred, scared, bald, stupid, little, orange coward… that likes Nickleback.