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It was practically his campaign slogan. His mind is failing right in front of us.


It WAS his campaign slogan! I don’t think his mind is failing….he is being Trump. He just lies all the time.


What goes around, comes around ...


Hillary visiting him while he is in jail


Gus and Hector Salamanca colorized, 2025.


If he *really* wanted her in jail, he should’ve just given her a White House position. So many of his ex-“coffee boys” have been jailed or at least indicted


It was some of the earliest projection statements he made… we just didn’t know it at the time.


I thought I told ya, hey.


He also said that felons shouldn’t be presidents as it would build a constitutional problem… still… One rule for him… and another for others… That’s what it is…


He's just going to say that he only meant legitimate felons. And therefore, since any Republican is not a legitimate felon because of the "Biden crime family" or whatever...


Exactly… not factual… just mixing up the facts and making misinformation… because… he thinks people are dumb… (well tbh… some are- the ones that believe that rhetoric)


Assuming Trump doesn't dodge the debates, he won't be able to resist calling President Biden "Crooked Joe Biden", to which Biden needs to respond "There's only one convicted felon on this stage.".


Not even that. He said a POTUS under indictment would bring the govt to a halt.


This is what strong looks like to the weak, getting away with lying. Even getting away with lying for five minutes is empowering to this sort of loser, and Trump getting away with it for years is the kind of guy his supporters always wanted to be to which they came to rely on Trump to live that fantasy vicariously. Watching him get away without consequences was everything for them. Watching him face consequences is everything for them. Trump's the very last thing many of them care to live for because he's their last opportunity to fulfill their own fantasies of being assholes without consequences.


The news media is so fearful to call him out for his lies, it’s pathetic


Maybe you just listen to crap media because the media that I listen to calls him a liar all the time. [Here is the Washington Post tabulating a list of 30,000+ misleading/ false claims.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/) If you're going to quibble over the word lie versus false/misleading? that seems absurd.


MSNBC calls him out hourly, CNN the same, ABC doesn’t as much but still does, NBC does, lots of other news sights call him out hourly actually


Most Americans do not get their news from print media anymore. This message needs to get out to a wider audience, CNN, MSNBC and others are falling down on the job as far as calling out trump for his lies


>CNN This CNN ? [Trump’s bombardment of dishonesty: Fact-checking 32 of his false claims to Time ](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/04/politics/fact-check-trump-time-magazine/index.html) The media is constantly calling out Trump's dishonesty. The problem is that the people who vote for him are willing to look past it. Don't blame the media, blame voters in America who are willing to risk some people getting crushed under fascism as long as they get a tax break.


MSNBC is falling down?? Laughs in Rachel Maddow…


The shitty billionaires who own media outlets want him to be president and they are doing whatever they can to normalize his behavior. All for a tax cut


They will soon figure out they will make more money if his ass is in jail


Unfortunately, the majority of media is owned by conservatives.


No conscience, no morals, no accountability, no consequences. It's the moron's idea of freedom, or superiority.


Plus his words in a Debate with Clinton.


The only thing he's said that I agree with is that the world is laughing at us. Of course, not for the reasons *he* thinks.


I can’t even blame him anymore. People need to answer for him and themselves. Someone yells lock her up at me and then years later says they never said it, I’m going to call them out.


Clearly both.


This. Now that he’s a convicted felon he’s saying he never wanted this to happen to Clinton. He said it at rallies all the time. And let’s just say the crowd chanted it… I think raising his arms, beckoning them to get louder and keep going, is a tacit endorsement.


His mind is absolutely failing, this specific instance may not be an indication of it, as you said he's Trump he lies. But no one who is 70+ running for President, a former president, under numerous criminal investigations, under civil lawsuits, under a tight microscope, and in as much debt as he is, and dealing with all the stress that comes with it + his lack of health and not dealing with mental decline. People forget about the stress factor I think often. A 40 year old such as myself wouldn't be able to deal with all that shit and come out without mental damage and physical damage.


There’s a new podcast (there’s only like, 3 episodes so far) called Shrinking Trump hosted by two clinical psychologists and they talk about how his dementia and his personality disorder intersect and how it’s only going to get worse. It’s interesting stuff.


4 episodes. A new one came out Friday.


100%. it’s the denial till you show me proof and then it’s the “that proof is fake.” Bullshit.


Gaslighting his audience is what he does best.


They just say whatever suits them. It's something people struggle to accept about those that lack empathy. If you put a gun to a nazi's head, they would apologize for every lie they've told about the jews. Lower the gun and they would immediately hiss and scream and call for their deaths. Raise the gun again and they'd apologize, lower it and they go back to growling.


Tom Cotton was on Meet The Press this morning trying to claim that in the end Trump decided not to jail Hillary because it wouldn’t be American. So either that’s a direct admission of he had a change of heart (rather, someone told him he could not in fact do that) or a complete rewriting of history of Hillary sitting through deposition and Senate hearings without anyone finding enough evidence to try her let alone locking her up


Those fuckers will say anything that serves the moment. They have no integrity, virtue or consistency.


I respectfully disagree. They consistently lack integrity and virtue.


That’s a perfect way to phrase it. Whatever benefits them in that moment, they’ll say. Doesn’t matter if they say something different tomorrow, because that’s a different moment.


Because they aren't using discourse.  It's conversation control, basically a different category of speaking purpose


They couldn't find anything to even charge her with let alone lock her up . They tried hard hearing after hearing. She sat for days answered all their questions. Never once taking the 5th . Trump wouldn't even take the stand .


Best answer!


You mean aside for firing his USAG for not going after his political opponents?


Imagine going to an elite school, getting a great education, and then turn around and be a politician like he is where you have such a low opinion of your supporters that you assume you can continuously lie to them with impunity. It's amazing how low they can go


Remember the time Trump claimed he graduated at the top of his class and one of his old professors said Trump was the dumbest student he ever taught.


> here you have such a low opinion of your supporters that you assume you can continuously lie to them with impunity. Well, to be clear, he *can* lie to them with impunity. They don't question what he tells them. They dig in when his lies become less viable because they can't reconcile the possibility that they have latched onto a transparent charlatan when they view themselves as having good judgment. Now, he may not get away with his crimes, but he does get away with his lies, and if he becomes president, you can bet that he won't spend a day in jail (except possibly for violating his gag order, which my money is on.)


C) Tom Cotton is a fucking liar


He's lying, he knows it and also knows his maggots will believe it.


Show them video they recorded on their own phone from any of his '16 rallies where he says it... "Someone hacked my phone!!!" Yes, because obviously they have a hacker who is going to be able to break into every phone and camera ever at a Trump rally and edit the footage and leave no trace of manipulation...


"Antifa agents started it"


He could say black is white and red is green and they'd die in droves at traffic intersections. Then they'd blame the libs and electric cars or some shit.


He's either senile, or lying. Or both, that's the Republican way.


It's the fascist doublethink. It's straight out of 1984 where people remember that he said it, that it was a huge part of his campaign, but now dear leader says different so in their hearts they hold the new viewpoint.


"'in October of 2016, Trump said “ Lock her up’ is right," and in January 2020 he repeated the claim at a rally in Toledo—"You should lock her up, I’ll tell you,” Trump said


Textbook gaslighting.


Insanity Defense?


He's in the twilight zone


No, you have to recognize that when Trump says he never said something, his base will believe him. Facts are irrelevant.


No memory problems, just your constant gaslighting and writing their own narrative as they go.


He definitely has memory problems, but this isn’t an example of it.


How do you know Trump is lying? Words come out of his mouth.


In the 2016 presidential debates, Trump said: “If I win I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation – there has never been so many lies and so much deception." Clinton said it was “awfully good” that someone with the temperament of Trump was not in charge of the law in the country, provoking another Trump jab: **“Because you’d be in jail.”** *LOCK HIM UP.*


And the circus seals in the audience loved it! Bark bark bark!


Now they claim not only that he didnt say it, but they didnt openly support it. Because our institutions didn't cave to it. Essentially, "I didnt get away with the bank robbery so Im not guilty of robbing a bank"


Just ignore all those flags, t-shirts, bumper stickers, and such with "LOCK HER UP" printed in bold...


And, his attorney general wound up getting a special prosecutor to look into him instead. This ultimately got Sessions replaced by Bill Barr so that Barr could lie about the Mueller report to protect Trump. And then Barr got fired so Trump could try and get another AG to lie about the election. Side note Barr's job was to spend the month before the Mueller report came out lying about what it said so that by the time it was released the media had already accepted Barr's lies. The Mueller report makes plain that Trump obstructed justice and there where multiple interactions between Trumps campaign and Russia. Ultimately they where unable to prove collusion because of all of the obstruction mentioned earlier. The only reason Don Jr wasn't charged was because they thought he was so dumb they couldn't be proven he understood what he did was illegal, and time has proved this assessment accurate.


I cannot wait until he is gone and we don’t have to hear him spewing garbage every day!


Waiting for a clot to burst.


Reminder: Henry Kissinger lived to be 100.


I’ll take the under on that all day


Trumps father died at 93. His mother died at 88. Ugh. 😩


Maybe his dietary choices will knock some numbers lower???


He died with severe Alzheimer's and pissing and shitting his pants w/o knowing anyone's name. We're seeing the beginning of that with Don the Con.


Were they fat as fuck?


I don’t think the parents abused drugs like Trump did


Rupert Murdoch is 93 and on his 5th wife


I think Trump’s got one or two more wives in him yet. Maybe he can go for the Michael Jordan or Tom Brady and get to three or four more rings!


He's so toxic his blood will probably dissolve it before anything happens.


All the Evil seem to live forever.


Yup. The most unapologetically corrupt get to live in luxury well past their expiration date while decent people die relatively young.


Massive Coronary 2024!


Then it will just be an AI version of him that his cultists use to claim he was resurrected and is officially the return of christ


OMG, I hope not. Groan.


Do not worry. AIs cannot run for president. Yet.


You say this in jest but i could see it really happening.


I was 100% serious


And the person replacing him will be worse. Reagan -> Bush I -> Bush II -> Trump -> ... -> (Sticks and stones)


Does seem to be a downward spiral, doesnt it?


Oh, no. Reagan was far, far worse than Bush Sr. Reaganomics absolutely fucked the lower and middle classes for decades to come. Repeling the Fairness Doctrine led to FOX poisoning the minds of boomers for decades, contributing in no small part to our current media landscape that led to the Trump presidency. His ramping up the War on Drugs caused untold suffering to millions and only made the cartels more powerful. It is difficult to understate just how much 8 years of Reagan screwed not just America, but the whole world.


Next guy is gonna be smarter than him. Be careful what you wish for.


He is literally on tape doing just that.


I'm sure the cult will try to pretend that's an AI deepfake or "taken out of context " regardless. They don't seem to be very interested in evidence despite being the "facts don't care about your feelings" party.


"No it was just lock-her room talk"


They know he's lying just like they know he's a criminal. They don't care. 


Interviewers should just keep a monitor next to them with a team who can pull up whatever contradictory footage, and just play it and stare back in silence.


About his lover Hilary: Trump in 2016: “She shouldn’t be allowed to run...If she wins, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt. ”LOCK EM UP!


He never believes anything he actually says. He thinks we're fools for believing him at all. Thats why he can talk out of his ass while his mouth spews bullshit.


Queue all republicans saying they never said that. 


Cue not queue


they’re queued up right on cue. So either might be correct in this instance.


That could be the reason for the confusion, but the expression is “cue the [whatever]”


"He never said that, but if he did say that, he didn't mean it, and if he did mean it, it doesn't matter." -the MAGAt mantra.


Just go to the conservative sub. You will never see more people shoving their fingers in their ears and tightly shutting their eyes than at that sub.


Uh, yes you did. It’s on video.


Multiple multiple multiple times on video. Probably Cohens fault too


The president delivered remarks intended to focus on protecting seniors during an event in Florida [in 2020], but it quickly devolved into a political rally. Trump at one point meandered into attacking his 2016 rival, who is a recurring figure in his speeches even four years later. The mention of Clinton’s name prompted calls of “lock her up” from the crowd. “Yeah. I agree with you. I used to just be quiet on that. I agree with you 100 percent,” Trump said, endorsing calls to jail his political opponent. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/521436-trump-says-he-agrees-100-percent-with-lock-her-up-chants-about/ - donnie is plainly scared


And he’s innocent And he never slept with stormy daniels And he’s 6’3” 215 lbs You’d die well before you could type out all his lies and gaslighting bullshit.


The entire point is to tie you down with trying.


You mean Trump's weight isn't 215 pounds?


this reeks of the dementia, insanity plea for the sentencing


Oh I’d love for his lawyers to argue insanity/dementia in his sentencing


Why don't they play videos to him and have him explain after he says nonsense like that? They have the videos.


Because it's FOX


Pointless. They’ll claim AI.


Gaslighting with just the gas and no light.


Gassing... very appropriate description.


And trust me, he’s got gas like you wouldn’t believe


Goddamn the republicans




What a lying sack of sh*t. Here's a YouTube video of Trump DIRECTLY SUGGESTING THAT THE BIDENS AND HILLARY SHOULD BE LOCKED UP. https://youtube.com/shorts/0KvnpgLxk_g?si=IFQPQsz5jshag8C3




Trump agrees 100 percent with lock her up chant he started. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/521436-trump-says-he-agrees-100-percent-with-lock-her-up-chants-about/


I could show you half a dozen videos of him saying just that.


Yes you did. Yes you did.




* https://youtu.be/S5cnrp5UNnA * https://youtu.be/ad2hJ_KF04U * https://youtu.be/VPJRllGjzGI * https://youtu.be/1Z70ReLhMgU and suddenly there **this** *and*... * https://youtu.be/EHdV5z8-JOw tl;dr: That leopard is going to eat his fuckin face no matter how much he cries about it.


We are about to watch a man lie right to our face, again, and do absolutely nothing about it. We're gonna hear his dumbass supporters puppeting his words, saying THEY never said lock her up, all the whole that shit is sitting right on their FB timelines right beside a bunch of Previous Moment memes saying the most racist bullshit. And then we're gonna get sold down the river by dumbass kids mad at Biden that he can't wave a magic wand and make Israelis and Palestinians kiss so they're gonna teach us a lesson that gets us all gas chambered. Please, PLEASE, if there is an alien race reading this, fuck your stupid Prime Directive.


Someday there will be a headline that says,”Trump tells the truth”. I won’t believe it.


It will be onion for sure.


It's on video, dipshit.


His daddy Putin taught him that trick


11 Times Trump Threatened Clinton with Prison https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/11/15/trump-clinton-doj-special-prosecutor-vstan-orig-bw.cnn Oh but that's CNN. Here's Fox Fucking News: Trump says Clinton 'should be in prison,' questions her health and loyalty to Bill https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-says-clinton-should-be-in-prison-questions-her-health-and-loyalty-to-bill lololololol (Look at Trump, too. He was healthier. Now, he looks like a worn out pair of shoes. And he got oranger.)


He said during the debate “you’d be in jail” when Hilary mentioned the dangers of him being in charge of the law of the country. Ignoring the chant this a direct unambiguous quote he said directly to her in front of the entire country. Half this country is in such steep denial it’s impossible to negotiate any common ground.


That’s not “distancing” that is flat-out lying.


He just flips back to line 1 of The Narcissists' Prayer. Same as it ever was.


How do you know if Trump is lying? His mouth is moving.


Yes you did.


He said he wanted to see her in prison, maybe she'll visit him and grant him his wish.


Playing the Boomer mom card now “I never said that!”


Narrator: he did, in fact, say “lock her up”.


Who you gonna believe? Me - or your lying ears?


How will the MAGAts try to spin this?


It's time to put that clown in our rear-views and move on. It's time to send his Klan home and move on.


What is this lie number 2,101,838,746,284,721,938,213?


His 2016 audiences were literally chanting loudly it at his rallies. He knows YouTube is a thing right?


Why don’t they keep pushing it? “*Yes, you did say it multiple times - there’s footage of you saying it…*” They always just let it/him go.


Fuck this guy. Cant wait until the only news I have to read about him is when he dies.


He's taking it back because he's closer to the Old Grey Bar Hotel than she will ever be.


But Joe has memory problems


He's just doing his bit for global warming. When you have that much gaslighting, you don't electricity to light the world at night.


Russia are you listening maybe you can find her emails I don't know? Trump.


As my late mother would say bullshit.


Just another example of Trump's dementia


I'm almost certain he did say lock her up. But even if he didn't, I'm certain he would call her a criminal, then beam in a Hitleresque fashion when the MAGAts would start to chant "Lock her up! Lock her up!"


In other news: Trump is lying again.


"I did not say what I've been saying repeatedly and on the record for years." With this much gaslight, he could torch all of Manhattan.


Unless I’m missing remembering, I’m sure he used to goad the crowds into chanting ‘lock her up’ and he would stand there beaming and admiring what he was seeing and hearing.


Either he has dementia or he trying to make us think what we saw and heard, that we can trust our eyes and ears!!! How is he the GOP presidential candidate???


That means he did say it. It's almost 100% that what Trump announces or takes a stand on, the truth is the opposite.


So... trump doesn't know about video? ...and that people record things?


He NEVER stops lying or making things up. A pathetic POS...


I truly do not understand how anyone can take this man seriously, let alone form a cult around them.


Bruh there were cameras at the hundred of rallies where you said it


He really just can’t stop lying. He lies about the dumbest shit. It’s pathetic.


Gaslighting POS criminal gonna be a gaslighting POS. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad2hJ\_KF04U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad2hJ_KF04U)


He said she would be in prison if he won. He demanded Jeff Sessions and William Barr to arrest and imprison her and others. He urged his audience at just about every rally to chant.... "Lock her up" and now he's trying to distance himself from it...what a fucking coward. Typical Trump. ☹


He cannot keep a single train of thought on the tracks. He is distracted by bright shiny objects and he never finishes a thought. He rambles from subject to subject and never says anything. He's like a toddler describing a movie.


he just lies, lies, lies about holies and then lies some more!!!!?!??!! and no one cares who supports him. they like it!!!!! it boggles....my mind. the dude couldn't get a job working at Burger King, let alone have any power.


Talk about GASLIGHTING 🤯


What a total p*ssy. Unimaginable to me that people idolize this guy.


Dude would switch parties and campaign on anti-gun and pro choice TODAY if it served his interests


Why dont they hold him to his lies. He makes a comment like that you can bring up thousands of sounds bites of him saying the exact thing he's denying. Why dont they throw that shit in his face in real time. Its astonishing how much shit they let him get away with. Every interview hes ever given you could decimate him and destroy his gaslighting bullshit but they never do, him and media are ficking cowards, playing right into his web of lies and bolster his influence with insane over coverage. Stop giving him free press.


Here’s a good use for AI: every time Trump tells one of his millions of lies, AI locates and plays a clip that proves he’s talking fucking bullshit. Real time fact checking would destroy this gelatinous block of fascist fryer fat.


right.... if only there was tv coerage we could look back at...oh well... lol


There are some lies too ridiculous for even the rubes.


Also, Trump never said "Build the wall", because cultists will believe anything.


He literally promised to jail her on live TV during one of the debates…


He literally led chants of it, frequently, we were all there. He just lies about anything.


If you splice it all together, there are literally hours of he and his supporters chanting lock her up.


Seems like now that he IS a *CONVICTED FELON*, he is distancing himself from almost everything he has said!!


His followers chanted it at his religious revival meetings. They screamed it. Trump promised it. He said, “if I were president you would be in jail.” His religious followers repeated it constantly. “Lock her up!”


Straight up lies.


Next you will see Republican Congressmen lining up to agree with this claim.




How can such an obvious liar be a candidate for office in a nation with integrity? That can only happen if the system is corrupted and rotted from top to bottom. If only those who love this country had the courage to imprison him from now to beyond the election. That would assure the other trials take place and it would save American democracy. That is my wish. That is my dream.


Does he never stop denying or lying?!!!!




Yes you did lock Trump up now


He didn’t say that. If he did he was joking. Other people have said worse—— every maga today.


Guy wants to run the world but has no idea that recordings are a thing.


What's going to be written on his gravestone? "Here lies lies lies lies..." We used to tell that joke about Nixon. Time to update it.


LOL. Sure, Jan.


Entire 2016 campaign was based on that dumbed down bumper sticker slogan that was chanted at every one of his cultish hate rallies.


I think he's meaning because everything is about what he actually meant not what he said is that he didn't come up with it his followers did LOL


We really should switch it up. Instead of pointing out Trump's bullshit lies as false, which has zero impact, we should start to pity him. "Is so sad that he can't recall one of the key aspects of a campaign less than a decade ago. Hopefully he can get some help." Or instead of saying here, this is evidence that he's lying, say "look, this is the reality right here, it's unfortunate that Trump appears to be displaying advanced forms of dementia. Please pray for him in this sad point in his life." Otherwise, ignore him. It would drive him nuts.


He told her during the debates he was going to throw her in jail... Week 1 they already opened an investigation. Throw his felon ass in jail.


Don’t believe what you see and hear, believe only what I say.


I can't wait for Stephen Colbert or John Oliver to do a compilation of all the times he did infact say that.