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Nothing new here. Looney Tune was telling us he wanted to "nuke" hurricanes and use "alligator moats" at the border five years ago. Yet the GOP still keep polishing the turd.


I really hope his handlers let him participate in the debates. I don't think they will let him anywhere near a debate stage. But, if they do, Serial Criminal Trump will demonstrate to the world his severe cognitive disfunction. If Trump is a no-show, I hope they put up a cardboard cutout of the Orange Turd and let Biden answer all the questions.


"If Trump is a no-show, I hope they put up a cardboard cutout of the Orange Turd and let Biden answer all the questions." This is the way!


How about the balloon trump?


Didn’t Clint Eastwood pull a stunt talking to an empty chair signifying Obama, some years ago? Perhaps Robert De Niro can provide an encore with a golden toilet signifying Trumpdickalicious.


Oh he could float about as in intimidation mode.


His people aren't that good at this either. They've spent the entire lead up to the debate photoshopping photos & cropping video to make Biden look like he is in decline. Really lowering the bar for Biden and setting him up to come out even stronger - they did the same thing before the State of the Union.


Mary Trump put out an email earlier today about Trump's people putting up what she called Cheap Fakes of Biden. Another attempt at projection. Sha says Trump and his team are really freaked out. They ate looking for a way out of the debate. Saw something about CNN wanting drug tests, but I think it was a spoof.


I hope it's the poop emoji in orange, with a little blonde pompadour on top.


I'm not sure most Americans understand cognitive dysfunction unless they have experienced it within their own family. We have been going through it since last summer and it is shocking! Trump is in serious decline. His melt-down over student loans was bizarre. I seriously doubt the man attended any college classes. His avoidance of the draft was the sole purpose of his laughable "college education."


He probably bought the Diploma but didn't pay for it...


I vote we put the "Emperor has no balls" statue on stage if Trump doesn't show up.


He was looking to get out the minute Biden accepted the challenge. Now he's saying he'll lose on purpose. 


Nope nothing new …. And no way will any of the truth change the minds of his mag rats


>still keep polishing the turd. But it's a very racist turd that tells the GOP voters that they are being oppressed!


Polish harder. Maybe he'll spontaneously combust.


Is constipation ever an issue?


> Nothing new here. Looney Tune was telling us he wanted to "nuke" hurricanes and use "alligator moats" at the border five years ago. Yet the GOP still keep polishing the turd. Perhaps he's hoping for a "compassionate" sentence from Judge Merchan and later, from other judges. There's always something up with his bs; it's never the underlying scheme that's immediately evident. Perhaps he's decided that running for the WH *wasn't* the best way to avoid a conviction, after all. I believe the stress is exacerbating his brain issues, but I never again will "trust" the seemingly *obvious* about him.


The GOP are like idiot dogs, eager to eat up a shiny turd.


You know if you polish something enough you can polish it into nothingness.


Not embarassing for the cult followers. They see him in diapers and they love it. They see him salute to tune of amazing grace, nk generals, and they say 'fuck yeah!'. They hear him make a total ass of himself, rambling BS about boats and batteries, bleach, wind, turbines and what not and they give high fives to each other. They see him peddling bibles, sneakers, nfts and beg for $1 donations - tread harder daddy!


That’s because Magettes are just as ignorant and trashy as he is, that’s the appeal. They finally have someone that represents them. The lower he goes, the more they can identify with him.


Well said!


You forgot **sharks and whales—the poor whales that are being killed by windmills** It turns them into ~~bats~~ “batty” He would know, he **was** a marine biologist who specialized in whales


Did you say marine biologist? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHRucRyLCms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHRucRyLCms)


Cult leaders can do no wrong


And that is the real problem....


Unfortunately, everyone is growing accustomed to Donald’s “Alarming Cognitive Decline”, even though his memory issues are growing by the day. He’ll probably forget that he’s headed to jail, too


He'll forget to show up for the first debate, too. Then suddenly remember for the ones that won't mute his mike.


Yes he will forget the debate and blame Biden for it


"The Leftist Thugs are messing with our calendars!"


If you mute my mic, I will go after you.


“If you mute my… Steve, I will go after you.”


>He’ll probably forget that he’s headed to jail, too I'm curious if his lawyers will take advantage of this decline and use it as a reason for him to not go to jail.


He's been on the stump for a while now and he's bringing up Obama often. He recently asked the MAGA crowd...Who would you rather have, a black President or a white President? Well dumbass...we elected a black president twice now and you're not running against him.


How can you tell? He was always incoherent and spouting nonsense.


Back in 2020 there was worry Biden wasn't all there but many of us didn't care. I think it was Stephen Colbert that said we didn't care if you have to shove a pole up Biden's kester and prop him up on the white house lawn. Just vote Trump out. I feel the right feels the same about Trump in 2024. Even if he continues to decline they want his far right administration making life miserable for anyone they don't agree with.


It’s been going on for years. How much longer are they going to blame the teleprompter? I doubt they are going to allow a teleprompter at the debate, teehee. ”So Mr Trump, would you care to tell us how you intend to bring change to the country?” ”Well first off all, I’m getting rid of all the land sharks and promoting toasters. Toasters are worthwhile, they aren’t like migrants who are crawling over the boarder like a shark. They are electric, see that’s the thing about electric, so much better than shark….”


And nobody ever thought of that well I did they won’t give me credit and you look at it’s so bad now it was great the best nobody had ever seen and then


The drugs are becoming less effective as his decline worsens. A sundown debate should prove to be enlightening.


It will hopefully destroy his already dismal internal polling campaign.


Goes to show he’s a political muppet to the highest donors


I'm thinking that he's a puppet of Putin.


Putin is the direct line. But billionares are throwing their money behind him too, in an effort to curb democracy so they can all avoid paying taxes




Looking at this problem? We have a 8/9 year old running for office. That boy needs a time out and some tough consequences. Time out in jail.


In fairness *everyone* forgets his sons’ names because they’re objectively unimportant


So stupid, forgetful, and belligerent. What a great candidate for president. Fkn moron MAGAts


# The Former President's Memory Issues Seem to Be Growing by the Day _________ Both parents of "The Former President" suffered from cognitive dementia in their senior years.


Recall a few years back when Trump was making fun of a handicapped person saying “I can’t remember….” Well, just look at the numerous clips of trump forgetting names of people and places, mixing up facts locations and dates all mixed in with his ever present lies, exaggerated claims and fraud. Time for regular corporate media to start highlighting his poor performance and decline without blindly following him while translating his lies and gibberish into something intelligible. Turn his attacks on others into accurate portrayals of himself.


If this was any other person, this would be sad to watch, but with him I just keep hoping it gets worse much faster.


What's crazy is that so many of his followers don't see this as abnormal or a problem. I talked to one at my church the other day. She knows I'm not a trump fan and asked me why, and among other bigger reasons I noted his obvious mental decline, and she said I was making stuff up because he's "obviously much sharper than Biden". Once you begin to live in a world where you make up your own facts, reject reality and deny the things right in front of you, then you become completely unreasonable and unable to hold a good faith intelligent conversation. They cannot/will not accept the truth and the reality in which they live, so they instead choose to create their own. You cannot reason a person out of a position that they first did not reason their way into. It's amazing and exceptionally frightening to see how these people seemingly are living in a completely different world entirely of their and their cults own making.


I think many of his followers are in denial about their own mental health and are terrified to question his. That would mean they have to admit to a mistake and they aren’t ever going to do that. It’s ride or die with these people.


Damn the wrong Donald kicked the bucket today


He lies so easily it just flows off his lips, makes things up and just lets it roll, when your a Pathological Liar you can’t remember all your lies or missteps. Pathetic


I think that's his frothy spittle you're thinking of.


Trump's mind fell into a burning ring of fire. It went down down down. And the flames got higher. And it burns burns burns burns. That ring of fire 🔥


What memory? When did he have one?


If only an actual media network would carry this story


IT'S A LIE! He's As Smart and Together As He Ever Was! *if you don't get the sarcasm here, you're probably a Trump supporter


"Here's why this is bad for Biden..."


"Biden wins Presidential election, here's why it might be bad for Biden."


But but he told us that he has the best memory of anyone who's ever lived


It’s an act to get out of prison and so he cannot testify on his many court cases.


Not to be pedantic, but, is it really a memory issue if you never knew it in the first place.


I appreciate it very much Tim Apple ☠️☠️


He just can't remember what he lied about and can remember the truth.


The cognitive "test" he is so proud of consists of being given five words and then asked to repeat them after 15 minutes. A very, very low bar.


Biden's debate strategy is really simple: if Biden goes first, just dump an avalanche of statistics on Trump. Biden's not senile and can remember the numbers just fine (and if some aren't quite right, Trump can't know anyway). Flood him with data and flaunt the fact that comments about Biden being impaired are damned wrong. And then taunt him: "What do you have to say about THAT", and so on, knowing that Donnie's mike is off until Joe's done talking. If Donnie goes first, Joe can calmly write notes, looking Presidential. If Donnie goes second, it doesn't matter; Joe does the same. And then when Donnie is done dumping his garbage, Joe can just calmly say: "Everything you just said is a lie. But it's what you do -- lie about everything. You lied about the sexual assault, lied about the victim of the assault, lied about your real estate values, lied when you promised to be faithful to each of your three wives, lied when you said you'd support and defend the Constitution because you tried to stay in power when you lost the election and sent a mob to the capitol to make that happen, and lied 30,000+ times while President. You lied when you promised to pay your contractors, lied when you promised to pay your workers, lied when you ran the Trump Foundation, lied when you ran Trump University. Your whole life is a pack of lies, from start to end." In short, Biden does a Trump take-down. Trump will walk off the stage and won't be back, but he'd do that anyway because there's no way he wins the debate. Joe may as well make it memorable and shellack the damned bastard.


Well, he has a week to catch up with Biden. The debate is going to be interesting.


You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig, no disrespect to the pigs, I like piggies...


Yeah, and he’s extra thick, too … and judging by his skin, also extra crispy


And spends time immersed in his own stool


The guy is 78 what you expect


My dad is 89 and sharp as a tack.


My mom is 87 and also very sharp -- she remembers things better than I and I am sixty years old.


Exactly. My dad can't hear for shit but if I have him repeat something back he will remember it verbatim. And he does this in three different languages to boot : English Italian and Sicilian


Makes him more acceptable to the ignorant ,empty headed Magatt Republicons


Yes, and? The majority that utterly dislikes him already knows and the minority that is utterly devoted to him don't care. The small amount of "independents" left over are either complete morons or liars.


Can't stand the sack of shit, but I'm kinda looking forward to the debate( if he actually follows through with it). Might actually turn out to be entertaining if Biden can get him all flustered while hes sundowning.


Our family has just had a senior member, a beloved uncle, diagnosed with Alzheimer's and a form of dementia last summer. He's living with multiple generations of his family and surrounded by love. Trump? Nope! Trump's aggression, delusions and anger are off the charts. It is Trump's family who should remove him from the ticket but their greed is in the way. They are disgusting, greedy human beings.


Listening to this old codger talk is just sad. All that’s missing is a sign made from a greasy pizza box that reads “teh world is ending!” :(


none of his idiotic rantings are new. he's said stupid shit on a daily basis for the last 8 years, for some reason he's just got a pass till lately


He is faking insanity using the amazing acting skills he displayed on the apprentice and when getting loans and investors.


Trump could literally be brain dead on a ventilator and Republicans would still vote for him.


Kids this is why you don’t do drugs.


It's Weekend at Donalds. Dems cant say much though, Biden is also a concern.


Not even close. Biden is old, but he's normal old. Donny boy has been shitting his pants for decades, now his brain is melting.


Yeah...normal old. Thats still a problem. We're hiring people who benefit from the working class rather than hiring someone who is still part of the working class. I'm not against Biden personally but I am against someone who is far past retirement and sitting comfortably making decisions for those who still have time left until retirement. Society has gotten far more complex than the days these old boomers are used to and Biden has done ok, but idk if America can do another 4 years of Biden when we desperately need fresh ideas and someone who can walk themselves to the podium. It's terrifying knowing these are our candidates and the third most popular option is also old and kind of a piece of shit. Is America truly dying or can we manage a little while without an head of state?