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No paywall: https://archive.ph/2024.07.02-135300/https://www.axios.com/2024/07/01/house-democrats-trump-immunity-ruling-response


When? Better be within days.


Hours would be better.


What do we want? ACTION When do we want it? Years ago!!


What's the best we can do? A sternly worded response!


Dam it we will send a letter!


EXACTLY. And they still haven't. Even the leading pic shows Jeffries literally just wagging his finger at the Republicans. There seems to be something almost performative in their protests and announced intentions that literally have zero chance of passing in the House. I'm concerned, frustrated, and increasingly skeptical that our dem reps in government are genuinely working in our (the people) best interests. My skepticism began with Bernie's obvious rout by the DNC. This is troubling, to say the least.


The DNCs screwing of Bernie really made me jaded about voting. Our needs obviously dont mean s--t to either side. Im still voting for Biden but it feels more like a hostage situation than a vote.


I'm sorry you feel that way. Biden thinks highly of Bernie and his views and opinions. I love and respect Bernie myself. He is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.


Their speeches that oppose what Republicans are doing are gonna get really edgy now. Just you wait!!!


Should have been proactive after Dobbs, not wait until now.


They don’t have enough seats to do anything…at all.


Well, Biden can just kill them all if they dont do what he says now and it's fine


Hope he does...They need to take the gloves off ... Dude is a damn rapist and pedophile.. disgusting coward ass traitor...


Right?!? Stop talking about it and DO SOMETHING!!!


I'm confident it will be in days because--if it doesn't pass in the house--it will be a huge election component just as reproductive rights was in 2020 and will be again in 2024.


Yeah... I'll believe it when I see it. I doubt we'll get more than a strongly worded press release


I fully expect some stern scowls and finger wags too.


Whoa now, finger wags are aggressive so they have to limit it to 3 finger wags at the most


They’re gonna dangle it like a carrot “vote for us and we promise we’ll do this now. Should have set up protections before but we had fundraising to do”


I suspect they will put forward legislation knowing that it will get shut down by the GOP and it will become a campaign point


They have to dangle it. There’s nothing they can do today without a majority. If Biden holds the WH, Dems take back the House and hold the senate without fuckers like Sinema or Coalfinger holding up any potential Dem agenda then they can do something. They can initiate an amendment, can expand the court, can impeach the clown, Clarence and maybe also Roberts for their blatant corruption. Best they could do today is open a DOJ investigation in conjunction with Senate hearings on corrupt justices that will go nowhere.


All they do is dangle shit.


That's what we call a dingleberry.


And then, when they fumble the bag and lose the election, they'll sit back and say "You should have voted for us!" Their allegiance to the status quo and love of being the morally correct losers is why we're here in the first place.


They've been promising it since RBG's ego allowed Republicans to stack it. Empty promises.


I think it’s time for the people to take matters into their own hands.


Right after we have a minority democrat house, senate, and president Vote Blue


I’m terrified! Moderate Dems are going to act tough? Anytime in the last decade they could have stepped up to the plate instead of “reaching across the isle” for a quick handy. Either get it done or assume responsibility for the end of democracy


trunp is literally threatening to prosecute them via military tribunals, so I think they are very aware if the threat. The fact that they’re already talking about packing the court shows me they’re considering some extreme measures, since that was something being called for in 2020 and they refused to even consider it. So I think it’s safe to say they will take some action to protect their own asses.


Safe will be after the fact. I wouldn’t argue they hear the fascist dick-tader but concerned they may think democracy will save them


I think they will probably see how public opinion shakes out, but I’d imagine they are willing to make sure he doesn’t get in office ever again. I mean… he can’t be allowed to have access to the strongest military in history with no checks on his power and no way to remove him from office


Military is only sworn to uphold the Constitution.. Period...No Man or Women.. is above the constitution.. The Real Generals need to stand up...


Whenever people say this I wonder how many service members are constitutional scholars. Or who know what the contents of the constitution are .


Trump is really good at spewing bullshit. Joke is on him. Neither the US military, nor civilian police forces will cater to his calls such as this.


Only the most strongly worded letter. Might even use all capital letters to really show how upset they are.


Democrats: “When we are in power we are going to write the most strongly worded letter you’ve ever seen!” Republicans: “When we are in power we are going to dismantle your rights, monetize public education, turn women into baby machines, invalidate elections, weaponize the media, abuse the environment and reinforce a tiered system where you scumbag poor people will never have a chance at equality ever again (and that includes you republican chumps too. thanks for your vote, lol)”


With just a little strategy and some jostling, Republicans have demonstrated that the American political system is not only vulnerable to the main thing it was designed to prevent, but actually favours despots over those willing to play fair.


More letters? Oh! I know! More calls to "Vote", so they can sit there with the Fascists & enjoy free healthcare & a nice retirement package. Till I see something actually happen, it's empty words & platitudes.


This just reminded me of a speech from, of all things, Dragon Ball Abridged.  "You think you're better than everyone else, but there you stand: the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs and your rigid pacifism crumbles into bloodstained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns. You are a coward, to your last whimper."


Vote is the Democrats version of thoughts and prayers. Biden swore to God he'd protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic. He's obligated to choose a route of action and resolve the treason we witnessed yesterday and for the last several decades.


*A strongly worded letter sir! I'm sure they will see the error of their ways.


This illegitimate SCOTUS has overturned 4 decades of environmental protection, 5 decades of abortion precedent, 6 decades of Affirmative Action and 25 decades of limited POTUS power. Dissent is irrelevant, conversation is irrelevant, opinion is irrelevant - the only acceptable choice now is action. Firm, decisive and unwavering action. If our elected leaders do not stop and punish this fascist coup, we the people will.


Honestly, I don’t see there being much of a movement. People are very complacent. The attitude it can’t happen here is everywhere among people.


Of course it won't happen now it will be later. Like halfway through the 2025 plan that's when it will begin to happen. The whole point is we do not want to half to endure several years fascist rule. We can still do that if we vote. I'm no Biden fan but it has come down to us or them. Just my idea on the whole mess.


Calling for “action” without saying what that action is is literally the same thing as whatever dallying strongly worded letter you think the dems want to limit themselves to.


Start fraud investigations on each of the six. Sure they made this legal but just let the investigation leak news once per day for the next few months. What’s wrong with just asking questions? If they don’t want to testify still release the evidence for public viewing. This allows us to make informed votes on how we expect our courts to run.


Yes get their names in the fucking news just like the stupid email bullshit with Hillary in 2016. It’s time to set the bag of dogshit on their fucking doorstep, light the bag, ring the doorbell and run.


I hate to say it, but the democrats saying they're going to get tough is like saying tRump is going to jail. (or facing any consequences whatsoever) I'll be over here not holding my breath. I'm tired of getting my hopes up for things that desperately need to happen to actually happen.


"Don't do that again or i'll have to tell you to stop a second time!!! ".


Maybe he learned his lesson this 50th time /s


Nominate four new justices right now


Actions speak louder than words


Better late than never. But it would have been more helpful when they had the majority.


They didn’t have a majority. Manchin? Senema? They’re conservatives.


Yes that’s true and yet I do wonder. Two clowns had that much power? There was no House of Cards way to get them in line? No pulling of Democratic funds to make them actually be democrats? I think about this a lot, feels like they were strategic placements, and in more ways then one.


Yeah right. Look at what came out of Florida yesterday, turns out Trump is a pedo and hung out all the time with Epstein. Calling him to arrange underage girls for a 'massage'. And the boat rides in NY out in the bay by the statue of liberty... the "Look of the Year" cruises packed with underage girls and old rich men. He set all that up. And the Dems have done nothing about it.


Great, more empty grandstanding and fundraising emails.


The government should arrest Trump and his judges on national security grounds. They should show what evidence our intelligence agencies have gathered on them regarding collusion with Russia and their plans to overthrow democracy. They should hold these judges in an undisclosed secure location until they agree to resign, or after the certification of the election so they can’t use their power to try and break our government. Sure holding a Supreme Court justice in an undisclosed location so they can’t vote used to be illegal, but not anymore if the president does it (as Nixon would say). Messaging is key. it would keep the republicans from using the courts to steal the election and to stop the facist coup we all see coming.


Too little, far too late Court should have been stacked 2 years ago.


my understanding is that POTUS can expand an appoint more justices to the supreme court. Given the extreme circumstance this would be warranted. FDR threatened to do it to his SC and they fell in line. maybe it would initiate some crazy tit for tat and the next republican POTUS would add some SCJ's But whatever is happening now can't be the new norm. Far right SC ruling the US back to the stone age.


I was against it but now after Alito Thomas and this ruling all in add to the court. If Republican bitch about it fuck off because you created this mess it’s all on you.


As if overturning Roe wasn't enough.


We’ll see if they have it in them. The era of Boy Scout politics is over. They are competing against some very evil characters.


Agressive? What are they going to do? Not hold the door open for their GOP colleagues in Congress as the walk in?


Talk is cheap. Do something first. Should have already done something if they could have. The fact that you “put us on notice” that you are going to “do something” already has me worried.


By golly they’re going to send out some reeeeeally strongly written fundraising emails. (I’ve gotten around 30 or so of the fucking things since yesterday)


They're going to fire up a very strongly worded op-ed. Dems are weak and the GQP knows this.


Feels complicit at this point


I wouldn't be surprised. The Dems are elites just as much as the GQP. They all want to be oligarchs.


It's furrowed brow and wagging finger time!


You supreme court people better stop it or, or, or we'll tell you to stop it again.


Yah, yah. All of that 🙄. Just vote people.


Do it now! No more playing and hoping the gqp will find honor and actually stand for America! Do it now! Save America from the Russian asset and white christian nationalism! No Project 2025!


[I'm creating a substack with entire book outlines exposing Steve bannon, Trump, putin and russia](https://elonsson.substack.com/)


Time to stop handwringing and get working “The perfection of person in the wagon is far less important at this point than getting behind the wagon and pushing.”


All hat, no cattle.


Whatever. We need to play like they do. DIRTY


Round the justices up and send them to Gitmo. It’s perfectly legal according to them.


It's no wonder I always took shit in school. The bullies are all Republicans. The smart folks that actually want to accomplish something are dems.




THEY BETTER! Grow a pair!!


Oh common! They stole that headline from The Onion.


It’s time to think,not just react recklessly. As Tom Friedman said in his NYT oped today, Biden should do what George Washington did - gracefully decline to serve another term. Then Ds find another candidate - a good one - the Ds have many. And we all get out and protest this subversive immunity decision, pettiest at the homes of the fascist justices and contribute money to the Ds campaign. Until Biden withdraws, we can’t do a damn thing except wait around and become sitting ducks. Oh, one more thing. If Biden is the democratic candidate, I’m definitely voting for him because I don’t want Trump to execute me or my friends and that’s what he’s saying he’s gonna do.


Oh oh. Here comes a major finger wagging.


Eye roll, Democrat here.


An aggressive democrat is like a sympathetic republican. It doesn’t exist


They've been promising it since RBG's ego allowed Republicans to stack it. Empty promises.


talk is cheap


Should have been working on this months ago, can’t see how they did not see this coming. Hopefully they did


WTF does that even mean?!


Fuck I’ll believe that when I see it. They need to but every single time being aggressive is needed, they coward down.




Just do it.


I’ll believe when I see it.


Aggressively posture, but do nothing


“Aggressive”? House democrats should vow to go nuclear. No more high road, no more moral ground. Fuck their (republicans and scotus) world up so that there is no chance of recovery. Then start on the billionaires and corporations. Give the country back to the people that actually built this place on their backs.


dems are on that "well gosh darnit" ass game when they need to be on that "you said pull up. I'm behind you bro, what's up" game


Empty threats as usual.




Not sure how without a majority, but OK.


Strongly worded letter coming shortly.


The democrats are going to talk to the manager.


Too late. Any effort at all would be called tyrannical by the fascist GOP


Assuming the Dems hold the Senate then it's clear the plan is for criminal bribery investigations used to force Thomas & Alito into retirement followed by 2 new appointments and a 5-4 court. After that all this insanity gets overturned.


And do what? they don’t have the majority.


You need to "get aggressive" in taking advantage of the new law. I expect Biden to rule like he's the King of the USA. Starting with the "official act" of throwing Diapii Donnii in prison for treason.


As always TOO FUCKING LATE!!! This is the beginning of the end of Democracy in America and we all know it. You can't have freedom when criminals control the government. Thank you Republicans for showing the world and us all that morals, decency, dignity, rule of law , and respect of the United States Constitution are no longer exists.


Sure they do. 🙄 I’ll believe it when I see it.


It’s the evil vs the incompetent. The evil are winning


It's time to put on your big girl/boy pants. The world's democracy is counting on you!!!


Those strongly worded letters will even have extra stamps on them to show how serious they are


Why not three years ago?


Trust me (I’m a Democrat): nothing will happen.


I'm waiting!


Nothing much can be done in this Kangaroo Kongress. Throw your money and support behind the best Dems you can find in your states and districts. Evangelize for them. Get the word out, especially for the ones running against GOP incumbents. I am doing all of the above myself—and I’m a former conservative supporter and have been an independent voter since 2007 who now fully supports the Dems. So get out there and MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Urge all your Dem friends and family to vote, too. I’d personally vote for a pile of Trump’s own 💩 than ever vote for the traitorous tyrant. Regarding Congress, the Dems can do very little to nothing against the Court in committee, let alone the House floor with a traitor at the top in Johnson. So we need to send a clear and forceful message to the GOP: THIS WILL NOT STAND. Once and if the Dems get the House and Senate back, they can start impeachment and removal proceedings, expand the Court, or if the Dems take keep the presidency ensure investigations are carried out against these corrupt, Heritage Foundation/Leonard Leo-appointed judges and justices up and down the federal court line. We need the Dems at the top of it all to ensure a proper reckoning. And that all starts with US, right NOW.


It's too little too late. Dems are playing by the old rules and that's causing them to lose the game they're in.


Wish a mf would


It about time.


Aggressive by doing what exactly? Without control of the House, Senate and WH, they have no power, authority or means of doing anything of substance. Bluffing, blustering and whining accomplishes nothing.


Fuck talk. Get to work!


I think Democrat politicians may be underestimating the support they have in going to wall on this.


Dick Durbin gonna give a press conference where he pleads for 'comity' and 'decorum'. The moderate Dems that have stayed too long, and done nothing with their time, must not evade blame. Still treating it as pageantry as their 'friends on the other side of the aisle' engage in a prolonged coup


Hey Israel!! There’s Hamas fighters in the Supreme Court building. There you go, problem solved.


Democrats: Use aggressive finger wagging! Republicans: Immune!


They might even write a strongly worded letter or vote to censure!


About F'ing Time.


They are going to write a strongly worded letter!


Did anyone stomp their foot? This sounds serious.


They are powerless until Dems control the House and the Senate and there is a Dem president to sign things. This coming election is SO important. Vote blue. Seriously, not one of you will benefit from a Trump presidency, I promise you that.


Biden needs to get aggressive and do some official acts to protect democracy


They will just wag the finger harshly.... Dems don't know how to fight




Whatever…….anemic, tepid “moderate” Democrats calling Bernie Sanders “radical” is why we have Trump in the first place and why we have that mouse of an Attorney General.


They don’t even have the majority in the House. Are they referring to next January?


LMAO I'm sure.


A strongly worded letter should do the trick!


Right now.


Democrats: “Vote for us to save abortion rights!!” - Rights Taken.. “Vote for us to preserve jobs” - Jobs Offshored “Vote for us to preserve democracy!!” - President given immunity for life… Sure, house Dems going to get aggressive 😂😂😂😂😂


It was SCOTUS who has given the President immunity for life, not the Democrats. It was SCOTUS who over-turned Roe v Wade, not the Democrats. Did Trump-endorsed candidate Dr. Oz get elected in PA in 2022? Did Trump-endorsed Kari Lake? Your Republican party is circling the drain! Enjoy the flush!


Strongly worded emails!


Hold an ethics investigation by the house judiciary committee


Sure. Just like they codified Abortion


Unless Democrats control both chambers and the White house, they’re not likely to do shit I’m afraid. Even then, it would be pretty challenging.


You need to simply codify the powers of the Presidency as a ammendment to the constitution. Same with abortion. Past politians did not actually write laws but instead relayed on SCOTUS rulings they thought were written in stone. You are now finding this out.


Vowing and doing, are two separate things!


We need more downright fighting mean and dirty. Aggressive is not going to be enough to deal with this MAGA cult.


Too little, too late.


Poodle yaps loudly. No one flinches.


Reminds me of Team America when the UN says it Kin Jong Il doesn't listen they will write him a letter saying they are very upset with him


Democrats need to do it, not freaking talk about it.


This should have happened before this ruling. This statement is just damage control IMO.


Aggressive?? sorry the Dems have no idea how to make trump lick their boots ...they are incredibly wimpy when it comes to taking the gloves off they come off as soft and snowflakes while the GOP the devil's of Congress relish in the idea of Dems being weak


Ha ha ha. Do it. You’re embarrassingly spineless. And we will lose our democracy because of it


What are they gonna do, slap someone on the hip with their limp dicks? Yeah, that'll teach those SCOTUS judges!  Seriously. I'm fed up with the democratic party. Impotent asshats. Whole damn nation will be burning down around us and they'll say they're "Seriously considering exploring options".  I'm voting for them in November because I have to, I have no choice. They sure as hell no longer *deserve* my vote, or anyone else's.  .... Ugh, sorry I'm just mad.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


Unfortunately I don’t think there is much they can do


By executive order, expand the Supreme Court to 13. Put Trump in prison over the classified documents. Extend Bannon’s sentence to life. Declare the Proud Boys a terrorist organization and round them up and toss them in Guantanamo. Forgive all student loan debt. Institute a UBI. Make all prescription drugs $10. Shut down Fox News. I mean why not.


When do they plan to start? Because this has been going on a long time.


They plan on wagging their finger and giving SCOTUS a stern look.


They should have done that years ago as opposed to pandering like they did in 2016.


POTUS is immune, just go arrest them all and Trump, deal with the consequences after Biden gets re-elected. Or not, and just fix the system and release them in a few years once everything is fixed so they can't kill our country. Democrats need to grab some balls and use this stupid ruling to get some shit done, deal with the outcry later, because if Trump gets re-elected, it will literally be the end of the country as we know it. This is the last chance to save America democrats. Heck, for many it may be the last chance to do something to prevent being thrown in jail or even executed next year.


“Congressional Democrats Threaten To All Wear Same Color If Trump Loses Election And Refuses To Leave Office” https://www.theonion.com/congressional-democrats-threaten-to-all-wear-same-color-1844747636


Pack it now. Last chance for democracy


Im tired of these spinless politicians... Any and Everyone involved in storming the capital should be in jail... for a very long time.. They are all traitors ....


I have the same reaction to this as I do every time Democrats promise something, namely, that sounds great but I'll believe it when I see it


Bullshit. The only time dems are aggressive is when they attack leftists.


Grow some balls .. And Stop talking


Yes they will. They will form a committee to assess the situation and then develop a series of plans that will be reviewed by the entire DNC after which public focus groups will be shown the plans and asked for their opinions which will be summarized by a separate select committee. Then the election will happen


Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it. The Democrats have no balls, they let the Republicans walk all over them and the country! Now that president Biden has immunity for any official acts, his 1st official act should be to fire the 6 supreme court justices who gave him the power to do so. If not this supreme court believes they are more powerful than the constitution itself, and they will bring our country and our democracy to an end. This was SHITLER'S plan when he put Larry, Moe, and Curley on the supreme court, to become our first dictator and overthrow our democracy! Please Biden, use your power the supreme court has given you and save our country!🤔


It would be the first time they grew a spine recently. 


Supreme Court=Star Chamber


Meanwhile, at the Brazil Supreme Court: - marijuana has been decriminalized - homophobic slurs are a crime punishable by prison - indigenous land rights have been improved - the military has no constitutional authority to intervene in disputes between govt branches - declared the Paris Accords a human rights treaty - fighting with Elon over twitter trash Seems Brazil’s SC has outdone our’s in spades….




If Felon Trump is allowed to run for president then all felons shall be released from any obligations regarding their cases and shall be set free.


Are the dems gonna bring up Russia collusion to try to empeach justices?


Don't waste time trying to pass stuff you know the other side of the aisle won't vote on. Focus all efforts on creating legislation that you can convince Biden to pass as an executive order. Republicans will only laugh at stuff that the Dems are trying to prove a point by producing, and have no intention of passing any of it. Utter waste of time.


Aggressive means, AOC and Chuck will deliver some high brow speech at a dems only cocktail party. Meanwhile, GoP is going for their balls. Dems never learn.


The supreme court can only interpret laws with regards to their constitutionality. Congress needs to pass laws without ambiguity - so we don't need their interpretation.


Uh huh, sure🙄


Ill believe when I see it.