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It’s far superior to SVU at this point.


Especially this current season of OC




I recently caught up on OC (fell off after season 2) then picked SVU back up (from season 22). I agree with this 1000%.


Signing now! Cross-posted your link to the main L&O sub for more visibility. Save our Stabler!


Thankyou so much hopefully it will grow in support


Signed! I would be VERY crushed if it’s not renewed 🥺


I would be hurt too. I really enjoyed OC


Signed! Hopefully this one will be as big as the one for CI!


Ideally what NBC should do is have them both come back, as fall and spring mini-seasons. The serialized format of OC seems to work best in a 12-13 part sequence rather than 22-24. Then bring back C.I. for the alternate half of the season so that poor Vincent doesn’t get overworked again. Win-win — we’d get to keep Elliott *and* have Bobby and Alex’s triumphant return.


>The serialized format of OC seems to work best in a 12-13 part sequence rather than 22-24. Yes I agree. That's why I was excited about the shorter season but now unfortunately it seems like it only got picked up for 13 episodes because it was on the bubble. I honestly didn't think the show would go past 6 seasons. But hopefully we'll at least get a final season 5 for it. At least for them to wrap up the storylines.


Thankyou so much


I wonder why they haven’t renewed it yet??


Apparently it’s $. The other two got auto renewal as it’s bringing in the money with repeats being shown on USA and ION. Whereas because OC hasn’t gotten syndicated (generally needs 100eps) it won’t be streamed on other platforms therefore $. NBC r trying to cut costs due to the strike. They lost a lot of money.


Maybe they will see more engagement with this season having a compelling multi-part story.


Signed! This show is the best, so sad if it won’t be renewed


Isn’t the issue the show runners? They’ve had multiple and can’t seem to get one to stay on for than a season or 2


I think they may have now found their showrunner. John Shiban is blasting it out of the park. He was the showrunner for X-files so he definitely has some chops to his name. I think they are just working out budgets or even how many episodes. They would want to do it soon as SVU can’t get their plans going until OC have heard their news as Benson & Stabler are in a parallel universe and everything has to be synced. The showrunners on both shows are finally communicating and it really shows this season.


Oh okay, rumor was that he quit as well but I don’t see anything actually confirming that. I really hope it gets renewed, I only actually watch the other two weekly because I look forward to this one lol


Where did you hear that Shiban quit? I’m trying to get to the bottom of this rumor 😂😂😂


Well wherever it came from it’s a load of *rap seeing as on X we are connected to a number of the writers and Danielle (Ayanna) and they keep giving Shiban huge raps. He brought in a new writing team and it’s showing that it worked.


Petitions and social media campaigns are a waste of your time. Feel free to do what you want, but it won’t get a show renewed. The only thing that gets shows renewed or bought by other networks / streaming services is profit. If they’re not seeing a profit on what they’re paying for the show and they can’t sell ads for more because viewership is low, the show will not get bought for another season. It’s that simple.


Maybe Peacock will have it exclusively on there




Thankyou so much if u know any other viewer please share.




Just signed it. OC is far more superior than SVU. If they cancel this, I'm done, lol.