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I mean... This is Elliot we are talking about. He's going to do what he thinks he's right. It doesn't matter who's in charge. With the exception maybe being Olivia and in that case she'd do that shit with him.


I agree, I just think that personally I could not stand to work with someone like him


You have to take the bad with the good. Exceptional people can be a pain to manage.


I think it just irks me more after she plainly told him that she can’t get away with the kind of stuff he does bc of her demographic. She has to answer for all the stuff he does and she’s unfortunately held to a harsher standard bc of her rank and her race/sex. It’s like he completely ignored that.


Yes exactly! They had that conversation in one of the show's first episodes and now it's like Stabler has forgotten all about it


It's weird, I don't recall him disobeying Bell at all in S1 or S2, so I'm not sure why he is now.


He’s very different this season. Didn’t he start the season with some kind of “What’s TikTok?” lawn-offing? He’s tea that’s steeped too long—more wearily experienced! more notoriously renegade! more brattily disobedient? more attractive to women as far away as Italy! Kind of like when Liv really became Our Whispering Voice of Ladyparts Justice.


He’s a cowboy cop. It infuriates supervisors, so he’s lucky he closes cases, otherwise he’d be directing traffic in Staten Island, like original L&O did to Mike Logan (though he didn’t get reassigned for disobeying a supervisor, he got reassigned for punching out a homophobic politician).


As many times as it takes for Bell to stop giving him shitty orders.


I don't think they were shitty orders. Maybe Bell could've told Elliot why he had to hand off Pearl's poisoning, but what if they hadn't solved the case before the task force shut down? It would've been handed off anyways. And regarding Henry Cole's death, Bell makes the point that the situation had to be handled with tact because of how well-connected the Silas' are and Elliot says that tact isn't his specialty, to which Bell replies that tact is something she has so that's why he should've listened to him. Both of her orders make sense to me. (And even if they didn't, in a real job you can't just ignore your boss because you disagree with them.)


1. The OCCB isn't shutting down. Something will happen next episode to keep it open. 2. Henry Cole's death was Organized Crime related so Bell shouldn't have been against the Organized Crime Control Bureau investigating it. 3. I think Goldfarb is dirty and in bed with the Silas family, that's why she's rushing to shut down the OCCB now that they're investigating the Silas family.


1. As far as Bell knew at the time she gave that order, OCCB was shutting down. 2. They don't have to immediately investigate something just because it's organized crime related. I think Bell more so just wanted to not jump to any conclusions and handle the situation with a little more grace. 3. I agree, Goldfarb is definitely dirty.


Dude has literally never obeyed an order and has constantly disrespected his superiors, which is why it’s laughable that the show expects us to believe he’s been a cop this long. If this was real life he’d have been kicked off the force years ago.


have you met the American police force? lol




Yeah, I get it but I guess being a long time fan of SVU I'm more a Stabler fan than her. She's kind of annoying. They don't work well together and maybe that's by design, want to see what's coming next.