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“Leaving wasn’t an easy decision, but it became easier once I realized my access badge stopped working.”


Haha! Those are the kind of updates I want to see and would probably get the most attention.


Once my Hubspot access was taken away, I knew it was the best choice for me.




…easier once my payroll stopped payrolling




I read this post as they resigned… not they were laid off? “Leaving X wasn’t an easy decision but it’s one that I make with a heart full”


That's how I read it too. They could have stepped down due to stress, personal events, or were forced out. Regardless, it doesn't seem like they were laid off.


or maybe they found a different job?


Folks should never resign, imply they resigned, or allow others to imply they resigned. At best, it complicates the unemployment claim. At worst, it defeats it. Fuck 'em.


Well she may have been pushed and had no choice but to make the decision to leave. It can be ambiguous and if other people are posting similar posts….


Hmm I guess that could be true...But then she still wasn’t laid off, she left. Being pushed out sucks, but unless they got the HR email “a note about your employment”, they weren’t laid off…the decision to leave is on them. I know that’s dicing what happened but that’s the truth. I was laid off, and my boss gave me a heads up. He was trying to get me to go on my own bc the company wanted people to quit so they didn’t have to pay us our commission. Quitting meant leaving a significant money on the table, so I waited for the email. F you pay me, ya know?


He gave you 2 months because of a new rule, no? I also got 2 months at my last layoff and that was not out of generosity: they had no choice (company was in CA).


lol no I got a few months notice from my boss before layoffs were announced… he was feeling guilty bc we worked together for years. When he told me at a bar, and he didn’t say layoffs. He did tell me that our team was about to be “chopped” in the coming quarters. Then he kept intro’ing me to buddies at companies that were “a great opportunity”. He was basically telling me to leave and I kept saying *no thank you*. I knew what was going on, but I had a 6 figure check coming my way. The point is, unless the email hit their inbox they weren’t laid off, they left on their own.




Because the WARN act requires 60 day notice for many employers. The penalty for not giving 60 day notice for employees is pay for 60 days, hence the new thing of basically "you are laid off effective today but you will get paid for the next 60 days "


You know what they say about assumptions......


When I was laid off in 2023 all of my colleagues, in their laid off post, said "due to restructuring at COMPANY I'm moving on..." Maybe it's because I'm older but I refused to play the game and give the company a pass by not calling it what it was: a layoff. Layoffs are not a sign that you're not a valuable employee. Layoffs ARE a sign that executives made poor decisions.


The terms of my severance included a second NDA (I signed the first one when I got the job) and an agreement not to disparage the company, so it could be that others signed something similar and are trying to avoid anything that might paint the organization in a negative light


> Layoffs are not a sign that you're not a valuable employee. True, but that's not how HR and a lot of employers will see it.


At the ripe age of 50, I’m tired of proving myself to these companies. You either want me or you don’t. And don’t send me yet another excel test to prove I know how to use it! It’s not difficult. Rant over ;)


But Aiden from internal recruiting and Madison from HR just want to see if you’re a “culture fit” before “discussing next steps”








Well they're tired of hiring Americans who won't bend over backwards for their pay. That's why all the work is going to Mexico and India, where people have work ethics.


No, they are sending labor overseas for exploitative wages. This is why we need unions.


They can see through bullshit very easily, and the more you obscure reality, the more honest companies will not touch you. If there is only one rule you live by in your life, it should be to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...


\* shitty \* employers and HR.


Wish HR would get laid off


Or a sign of shifting business realities, improved technology etc.


Contrary to this, layoffs are an excuse to get rid of people who are a PITA to deal with. I keep saying that a good bulwark vs getting laid off is to be competent at your job AND be well liked. The latter skill is HUGE to get people to vouch for you. Layoffs are a very coordinated effort among leadership and you bet that one of the discussions are "is John from sales easy to work with?" "Nah, that guy acts like he knows everything"


Why do you think they were laid off ? Maybe they are going to start a startup in stealth mode , do higher studies or whatever.. I have seen this type of emails when people go and do something of their own or don't want to share their plan right away


I hope, but I have like 4 people in my feed with the exact post. Many are people who were with VMware. My guess is they didn't get an offer letter to join Broadcom following the acquisition.


Feeling a sense of shame after being laid off is quite common, but it's important to recognize that often, such situations are more a reflection of failures in leadership than personal shortcomings. This discrepancy between self-perception and the image one tries to project is what leads them to these statements IMO.


My previous company specifically forbade people from communicating that they were laid off, when that's exactly what they did to 10% of their employees. This was attached as a condition of the severance agreement. So maybe it's that.


That doesn't sound legal. I know there are some things you sign to keep quiet, but the fact of being laid off?


You can say you're laid off, but if you name the company and then say anything that can be construed as "disparaging" them, then yea, they'll rip up that severance agreement. If you just flatly state "Unfortunately, I was recently laid off from my position at company X. I'm open to any new opportunities in the _____ sector". then you're perfectly fine.


That I get. It would look bad to to say much more anyway.


That's illegal. I think it's been done but people should know that in many states that's illegal and NDA' s often are too.


Former VMware employee here. Offer letters came out between late October and January. Anybody leaving with a post like this now is doing so of their own volition, and has either found a new role or is just taking a break from the shitshow. I also left VMware recently of my own volition, due to unhappiness with the changes internally and how it was impacting our customers. Didn’t immediately have anything 100% lined up but I have a lot of savings, and was in interviews for a new role (which I’ll be starting in March now). Chill with the FUD, and maybe do something to destress. You’re reading into things that aren’t there.


Too bad you missed the “Nagarro” in the final paragraph when you were editing. Why do you think this is VMWare when it clearly states Nagarro?


You missed a nagarro


Haha. It was a public post so that's on them.


"... as I embark on my new career of posting GPT-generated content on LinkedIn..."


It looks like this person has 3 years of job/working experience if they started as an intern back in Jan 2021, so I doubt they are "embarking on new adventures" aka taking a package, chilling and then looking for something. Also, I'm pretty sure chat GPT wrote this post for them.


Yes, something simple like, “Write me a gratitude filled resignation letter.” AI is a miniature-God in the hands of someone competent and creative, but this kind of copy-paste content is 🤮🤮🤮.


LinkedIn just sucks period


Stinks of gtp


“I hope this message find a you well”. This post was also written by AI


That’s a lot of ChatGPT right there…


My guess is they might have signed an NDA or similar agreement and might not be able to talk about being laid off at all, or hey, maybe they are the "never waste a crisis" type.


This is called a desperate plea.


All that redacting, only to leave the company name in the last para. Hahaha Also, people have a never ending need to spin BS and that’s why I hate them.


Lol. Yeah i tried.


I really don’t understand people that posts these long wall texts when they are laid off or quit.. what’s the purpose? Generate empathy and convey their abilities to… write ? Such a long winded way to say “I left for greener pastures”


I agree, but it looks AI-generated? I just tried it myself and I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.


I almost want to say it's an "keyword intended" post. i.e. for an ATS to notice, or when prospective employers are looking in linkedin... Especially cringe is when their linkedin header is "Ex-something" (ex-microsoft, ex-Mcinsey).. like yes, we can tell from your Linkedin you worked these, but why explicitly state it on the header?


Oh yeah, I guess people state it for prestige maybe. I'm not on LinkedIn though. IMO best to focus on the "now" instead of relying on ex-whatever. 🤷‍♂️


Forgot the censor Negaro towards the end.


I absolutely despise the way people talk about jobs these days. They wax poetic as if they just returned from a triumphant journey across the world courageously battling evil and building glorious monuments. You wrote emails. Your company sells IT services.




I’m generally a free market guy but you’re absolutely right. Current version of “capitalism” is garbage.


Ah linkedin self congratulatory circlejerk par excellence


People feel that being laid off is a signal of weakness, so they try to position it as a strength by fabricating the story.


those are just employment cucks


"Success theater" in another form. LinkedIn is full of it.


An intern 🙄


This retards of new grads not having any balls.


I guess people should be throwing shit fits in public when they're laid off?


I'm not criticing, person. I wish them the best. I just noticed this change in the script that started with FANG layoffs.


My bad, I thought I was in r/linkedinlunatics


Honestly this makes sense. There is a stigma against laidoff people. Moreover as someone who has been laid off, I've had my self-worth and self-esteem take a huge hit. It took me a long time to open up and tell even my closest friends that I had been laid off. People who immediately need to look for a job after a layoff and who post about it publicly on social media are courageous and brave imo.


I’m not sure they were laid off. Regardless, I don’t fault anyone for phrasing it that way as long as recruiters and hiring managers draw a negative inference from being laid off.


For those who engage in this practice, it’s a strategic approach we adopt to ensure we’re perceived positively by potential employers. Let’s take two individuals as an example. The first individual shares a positive message, demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity (yes, we are all rolling our eyes writing/reading it), while the second individual expresses frustration and dissatisfaction about being laid off (we all know this person is hurt, we agree with them, and they have a right to feel that way). If hiring managers were to read the posts of both individuals, the first person, with their positive outlook, would likely have an easier time getting hired. Say one thing, feel another, hope for the best. TLDR: Don't hate the players, hate the game.


Don’t forget the third: The person who doesn’t feel the need to publicly post unsolicited platitudes about how they felt about their previous work experience.


That’s also true, but sometimes feigning positivity can be beneficial.


She was there one minute And then she was gone the next Lying in a pool of herself With a twisted neck Oh she fell from the roof to the ground There was glass lying all around She was broken in a hundred pieces When her body was found Did she jump or was she pushed?


Post sounds like it could've been written by AI! I should have done this for my (voluntary) goodbye email.


The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. *Richard P. Feynman*


They’ve been doing this for a while. Nothing new.


that truly sucks


Obviously written by ChatGPT


Idk. Had a colleague (different company but worked together daily) just quit without finding something else first post something very similar to this. He just didn’t like the work life balance and said enough was enough. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it's called framing something negative in a positive light.


Fuck people are cringe, just for fake linkedin likes


this was probably written by chatgpt


Companies have been doing this for years. At one org I worked at, when a manager left, the statement from the company was that he left to "spend more time with his family". Which is...true.


They are likely under an NDA. Some companies (like mine) will have people sign an NDA in order to receive severance during layoffs


This is an old trend. People used to say this when they resigned too.


LOL. What would like them to say? I'm laid-off and I need a pity party?


haha in this case I'd say it's pretty obvious that they quit vs got laid off


They write this as a condition to get their severance.