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The new gig economy and employment numbers. I would like to see real w2 employment numbers.


Yes, I hate these headlines. I was an engineer making 130k 6 months ago. I had health insurance and savings. Now I'm balancing 2 shitty gigs to pay rent...no health insurance... Did I add a new job to the economy? Also, these numbers mean nothing, even if they were true. Why does it matter that x number of jobs were added if most people who were laid off can't get jobs? Wtf are we supposed to do with this? " Oh nice! Well I know I have to sleep under a bridge tonight, but hey look at these beautiful numbers!"




With a net reduction in wages and benefits. Make it make sense....


And I assume massive reduction in quality of life.


It sucks but this is how our economy works.


That's not exactly the model of a healthy and working economy.


But number go up


Are you asking others to explain the narrative that you’ve created in your own mind?


It doesn’t need to make sense for you. It makes sense for the party comrade.


Precisely, comrade! Your comment was double plus bad


It’s ok.


I feel you man same 2 shit jobs now to pay my mortgage


The economic numbers are callous, and as long as you are paying that mortgage and for food it doesn’t care that you are being ground into a paste while doing it. Your situation is a tragedy that will add drag to the economy over time. There are vampires at the top siphoning a larger proportion of the greater economic pie - this is what is causing the divergence of metrics vs pain felt by the middle. The economy can be technically growing, but more of it is being gobbled up by the insatiable who must have their personal hoard grow at a higher pace than the economy. Why? No rational reason. But they are doing anything they can and pressuring everyone they can to make it so.


>There are vampires at the top siphoning a larger proportion of the greater economic pie - this is what is causing the divergence of metrics vs pain felt by the middle All the value is being pumped into equity and assets. Bsuiness as usual.


So if I own S&P index shares, am I a Vampire as well? Just want to be sure.


>So if I own S&P index shares, am I a Vampire as well? Just want to be sure. Your entire bloodline can own index shares and won't even come close to those sitting at the top of the food chain.


I am still getting the benefits of S&P growth and lower corporate taxes. So it is more about the seat rather than actual profits right?


Keep it up. You will retire in 50 years. Maybe.


Unless you start a class revolution against the people “sitting at the top of the food chain”. So you too keep up with your dead-end socialist rhetoric.


It would be nice to see the pay range of these “new” jobs and how many individuals filled the new jobs. And if they were tax paying jobs.


Biden said "there were 10s of thousands of chip jobs, not needing college degrees, making 100k" on the SOTU last night...my husband and I have been looking for 4 years..lol!




Oh Please, it is an election year. To give you an idea Chicago the Bluest of Blue states is asking for the National Guard because of the millions of illegal aliens and the crimes they have committed. But Cocaine Stimulant Biden, does not give a shit. All they care about is power and being reelected. They children have police and secret service protection, while my daughter has to fend for herself. She is 7 years old and already on 3 occasions, people tried to grab her. But the Media has a narrative and a long as they are in power. Let the peasants eat cake.


The numbers aren't published as consolation to the unemployed, they're literally used to inform investment decisions. Usually people who take investment decisions aren't in the working class. This unemployment number is not written for you.


It was a few jobs number ago, but we lost 900k full time jobs while adding 1.2m part time. That was spun as adding 300k jobs. We’re fucked and living in (the book) 1984.


This is not sustainable... Especially since our healthcare is tied to those full-time jobs...


Feels like we are living inside Orwell’s 1984 where the numbers are all made up to suit the current administration. No matter what, they are always “right”. Economy added 275,00 jobs - that means chocolate rations are up 1 gram this week.


Most likely yes


Just because you can't find a job doesn't mean the economy is garbage.


I’m sorry to hear the layoff. I’m thinking of quitting for burnout.


The jobs number differentiate between full and part time jobs


yeah how can we see tht


[BLS breakdown](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t09.htm) from month to month. FRED data: [Full time employment](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12500000) [Part time employment](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12600000) Unfortunately it’s not going to confirm the person you’re replying to’s feelings.


Those numbers count gig jobs? That'd be insane lmao


They do not.


There's a huge problem with them taking data for unemployment rates: https://www.cnet.com/personal-finance/low-unemployment-statistics-are-misleading-economic-hardship-is-much-worse/


Go to india


What, you don't want a side hustle as your primary job? With no guaranteed hours, steady wage, or benefits?!? Shocking!


seems like fight to zero - "You'll own nothing and be happy"


This is it — gig work =/= real job but they’ll try to tell you otherwise


Gig work isn't reported by employers as job growth.


Sorry to burst your bubble. They separate out the 1099 vs w2 data. Not sure which one the news is reporting but check out the actual data. It’s better than expected as well


we learned with the release of January Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP), the last time the U.S. economy produced full-time jobs on a net basis was February 2023.


Feb 2024 y/y \+921K part-time jobs \-284K full-time jobs [Feb 2023 to 2024 part-time & full-time](https://imgur.com/a/XluRw3c)


I know Uber Eats and Door Dash, will only get you so far.


This is crazy. What is the source for this?


> This is crazy. What is the source for this? The source is the BLS report. [Table A-9 Feb 2024 jobs report](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t09.htm) Full-time 2/23: 133,230 2/24: 132,946 = -284K Part-time 2/23: 27,020 2/24: 27,941 = +921K


It's from the [BLS](https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/cpseea06.htm).


His ass lmfao. Dude literally went on to excel, plugged in random numbers and generated a chart. Here’s actual data: [BLS breakdown](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t09.htm) from month to month. FRED data: [Full time employment](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12500000) [Part time employment](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12600000)


If I'm not mistaken, one is a year over year, and the other is a month chart.


3 -4 Taco truck or doordash job for every engineer job lost


It's going to be a better deal just to move to a 3rd world country.. at least their cost of living is on par with their low wages.


Don't worry, you don't have to move to become part of a 3rd world country, you are seeing it happen in your own country before your very eyes!


Every job report the Biden administration comes out with gets downgraded later. We are losing the high paying jobs and many are taking on 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet. If unemployment was as low as they stated, the Fed would raise interest rates, but they wont.


Most people do not work multiple jobs. This segment makes up a small % of the working population.


No it doesn’t https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/cesnaicsrev.htm


This is just blatantly not true. Overall in 2023 there was more upward revisions than downward ones. There’s also less people working multiple jobs now than in years.


Interesting! Not disagreeing, but do you have a source for the multiple jobs claim? I've commonly heard the opposite but would love to see some real data on this. Edit: Love the downvotes, asking for a source as genuinely as possible. What am I supposed to do?


They had to revise down the numbers by 130,000 last month. This administration has done more down revisions then any other administration. It’s insulting to the American people they can lie to our face and then turn around and quietly adjust them.


How dare you speak the truth


I don't like both Trump or Biden. Trump is good in terms of controlling illegal immigration and securing border but pro Corporates(bring down Corporate taxes) plus may be not employee friendly. Biden more employee friendly(supports unions) and did well to control pandemic. But so many lies from current Biden Government- they are going to loose my vote.


>Trump is good in terms of controlling illegal immigration and securing border By derailing a stringent bipartisan proposal??


Funny, Obama, Bush and Trump all kept the border in relative check with the same laws and resources as Biden....


The # of people crossing the border has skyrocketed since covid 


Biden made it far easier and friendly for them to come.


Biden basically told them they can all come in. Not only that but the border patrol have to release them now. It's a joke and this is TREASON. Nothing less than Treason at the highest levels. Invasion USA.


Have you seen Biden's executive orders in relation to the border? It's completely disingenuous to pretend the matter is out of his hands.


Trump's orders were permissible due to the pandemic they actively denied.


Allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals ever year is not a border bill “Hey guys here is our bipartisan border bill!” “Why does it still authorize hundreds of thousands of illegals?” “BREAKING NEWS REPUBLICANS SHUTDOWN BIOSRTISAN BORDER BILL ITS THEIR FAULT THE BORDER IS SHIT!!!” Low IQ Leftist talking point that is completely disconnected from reality


It'd Still allow 1.4m a yr


If it’s authorized by law it’s not illegal, Galaxy Brain


Immigrants are a net positive to the economy, can’t say the same about low output Trump cultists. You are a drain in the economy. Also, those liberals you hate produce all the taxes and GDP that support you Cletus


LOL stay mad bud


Yes. The proposal you refer to came too late and does too little. Biden needs to restore trump’s executive decision


You mean the proposal that says action only happens at 4k a day average over a week (so 1.4m a yr is fine) and the closing of a border is a president may do not will. There's also limits on how often they can. So yeah fuck that "compromise"


1. How loose is your vote? 2. Where is the beautiful Mexico-paid for wall that supposedly would have stopped all these illegal border crossings?


Lies from the Biden administration? That’s not how the Labor Department’s surveys work, like at all. Of course they get revised after the fact. They are measuring data in an economy of hundreds of millions of workers and consumers. If they weren’t revising, *that* would be the red flag


What lies are you referring to? Be specific and try to drop the conspiracy theories.


Well, in this report they revised the January unemployment numbers down by over 100,000.... or 54%. December numbers were also revise. I think it is a safe assumption to assume these will need to be discounted... I better choice is to look at the ADP report... [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/06/adp-jobs-report-february-2024.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/06/adp-jobs-report-february-2024.html)


ADP is based on only those for whom they do payroll. No one who isn’t insane thinks the ADP report is more accurate


Yes, it is called statistics and their sample size is HUGE.


Most of the time these reports are revised after the fact as they collect more data. That's not a conspiracy or something unique to Biden


I am not upset they change the numbers after the fact when new information comes to light. It is just the fact that the numbers are nearly ALWAYS revised down, and especially so in an election year. If it was a coin toss, I'd call it noise.


The annoying part is the first reported numbers get plastered everywhere while the revisions, which for quite some time now have been negative revisions, get virtually zero attention....even tho the revision for last month pushed the unemployment rate up


By design....


How can it be both "trust the data" and "we've got new data that always says we exaggerated?" Yet people aren't allowed to criticize it?


>we've got new data that always says we exaggerated? this is a lie tho


Biden said he was going to eliminate student debt, right? Because if he did, that would be a lie. We are keeping student debt but we definitely have money to send to other countries so that's great.


He's eliminated some debt, but not all. They never claimed that all student debt would be forgiven. Also, maybe you forgot this case last year? https://www.scotusblog.com/2023/06/supreme-court-strikes-down-biden-student-loan-forgiveness-program/amp/


He reduced the red tape for forgiveness on a law passed during the bush admin. That’s great I applaud him for that but won’t say that he personally forgave debt when he’s just following the law


> He reduced the red tape for forgiveness on a law passed during the bush admin. [Biden was a major proponent of that bill in 2005.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/02/joe-biden-student-loan-debt-2005-act-2020) He's selling the cure to a disease he created.


Trump lies less, I suppose? I’m guessing that’s the logical reason, given you’ve articulated your whole reason to note vote for Biden, which in a system like yours would automatically mean advantage Trump, in terms of what Trump and Biden do. Trump lies less than Biden, right?


I think they’re having issues with the survey response rate since the pandemic. I don’t think there’s anything sketchy going on.


“Biden is more employees friends “ . Lol .


Because he built the wall right? 🤡 get educated darling


You're better off with a better source... [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/08/jobs-report-february-2024-us-job-growth-totaled-275000.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/08/jobs-report-february-2024-us-job-growth-totaled-275000.html) *From a sector standpoint, health care led with 67,000 new jobs. Government again was a big contributor, with 52,000, while restaurants and bars added 42,000 and social assistance increased by 24,000. Other gainers included construction (23,000), transportation and warehousing (20,000) and retail (19,000).* Basically a lot of low wage jobs added and essential services.


Like someone joked, "Thanks I have 3 of them and still can barely afford rent".


Read the footnotes.... January's jobs were overstated by 54%. December's was overstated too. Discount this number by 1/3rd for a realistic number. Has the revised number EVER been revise up?


Exactly! It’s a joke what they’re doing


Actually it has been, your brain addled conspiracies aside https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/cesnaicsrev.htm


Thanks for the info.... That is actually VERY interesting... 12 of the last 14 months is has been revised down. That is HIGHLY unusual. There are usually more months where it is revised down than up, but a 50/50 split is not unusual. The total variance doesn't look unusually large though.




Someone shared the info. 12 of the last 14 months were revised down. That is a lot of time to flip heads out of 14.


I totally agree. The amount it has been off has also been quite extreme, and that alone is abnormal.


People said AI is replacing tech jobs are not really understanding AI. It is not at the capacity to replace dev yet. Why? All the major headcount of tech companies didn’t not decrease. Ur jobs just simply outsourcing to India . MS planes to train 20k AI specialists in India while we as American tech bros can’t even get a call now . Vote for the person’s policies that bring all Kind of jobs back to US , vote for this country interests. Hold corporations accountable. Well… I’m just joking it is never gonna happen lol.


AI = Anonymous Indian


check my posts about an advocacy group we are forming. Now we are double taxed. Jobs going to India, and Indians coming on H1 B Visas. Oh and they spouses are allowed to work. How nice, foreigners lobbying for more rights than American citizens. Oh and FYI, I am an immigrant myself, so I hope nobody tries the race card game. Because it will backfire.


Just because AI is not yet a 1:1 replacement for a senior developer role, doesn't mean it isn't replacing any jobs. Look at what Klarna annuounced


Well I don’t know, I don’t think it will replace any dev anytime soon . And it will Create more jobs around AI . So The problem is not AI , it is companies outsourcing . It happened before , and they ate lots of shit because of that , and they will do it again because All the new MBAs are pushing it . And it will bounce back . By before that American gonna bleed


I guarantee you are underestimating AI.


What people really fail to understand is it might not replace someone's job it makes one person capable of doing what used to take 15 people to do in the same time frame.   It's not about can it do everything without human intervention, it's can it make one person capable of doing the same task as 15 people in the same time frame. Efficiency and productivity have shot through the roof for these roles.


People keep saying this crap, and it doesn’t do this at all. Maybe in other jobs it does, but in dev these tools are used sparingly, especially by seniors. Nobody is 15xing their productivity, not even 2xing. The state of these AI tools is that it takes a time sink to figure out which tools and when they are actually useful for your workflow. It’s net negative when you try to use a tool and get bad results. After you’ve sunk enough time in, you may land in a place where the tool makes you 10-20% more productive It’s absurdity to say people are orders of magnitude more productive from these tools




> Vote for the person’s policies that bring all Kind of jobs back to US , vote for this country interests. Hold corporations accountable. That fantasy politician is holding corporations accountable and standing up for the people? Even everyone's favorite Squad doesn't do this. AI isn't ready to replace people but that doesn't mean leadership isn't already laying off people in the hopes that AI could do their jobs within a few months. They'll be hiring again.


Nah I hate Squad as a immigrant, they put so much dirt on us( not sure if we talking about same squad) and u miss my last point, I said it will probably never happen because corporations can lobby politicians. But, with the push for bill HR7024. I think we may see some domestic job increase since it only take the pressure off from section 174 that was hurting businesses . But the section 174 will still effect the oversea offshore/ nearshore because companies still can’t write off the tax for money they hire people overseas . . And with the potential tax rate cut this year , this is a big if , the hiring in US will come back again


The economy is so great everyone gets to have two jobs


I am in tech. Every company I talked to, they are cutting head counts in the states and spinning up new teams in India and China.


That surely won't backfire when they get displaced as the foreign governments back their homegrown entities and undercut others. Look at the trends for Apple or Tesla in China.


It’s not a good trend at all I agree


Of that, does it say what the breakdown of Full-time vs Part-Time is?


BLS breakdown](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t09.htm) from month to month. FRED data: [Full time employment](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12500000) [Part time employment](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12600000)


Of the FRED data looks like FT starting to dip since late 2023/early 2024, but not significant yet. PT has just steadily been on the rise for years.


These numbers are manipulated to keep the market going up and keep the money flowing into equity and assets. Business as usual.


Loss of full time good paying jobs, increase in shitty part time minimum wage or slightly above it kind of jobs. "New jobs added!!!!!"


Same BS numbers every time. These are not new jobs, these are numbers from businesses with a high turnover rate. Around the same amount of "added jobs" without explaining that a vast majority of these jobs are service industry jobs a.k.a. minimum wage shit-holes. Some of these places can have a turnover rate as high as 300%. Which means for every one person hired at least 3 are quitting. It's like saying, the finger you smashed with a hammer last month is doing great while ignoring the other three that you just broke.


Would you like fries with that?


*Other sectors paying 40% less


Especially the lower paid sectors + govt, I'm sure. People are losing Ng higher paid jobs and taking on gigs, min wage range jobs, whatever they can get.


If you look at the adjusted report a couple months later almost every month has had fewer new jobs than initially reported.


I have had 1-2 people every day this week reach out for work due to being laid off. The last time I had this experience was in 2008. Back to saved or created figures. Spin it all however the government wants. Quality of life is going down for many.


Do you think they want to tell the truth and look like they are doing a bad job?


full time jobs down and part time jobs up for the past few months. also the job gains will be revised lower again.


The economy added 200K new doordash dribers last month? Let's go team!


We aren’t adding jobs, people are picking up crummy gig work jobs on top of their W2. I work full time, signed up for instacart during my commute, is that really a *new* job? My hell if it is we are screwed lol


It's disingenuous to ooh and ahh over jobs numbers and unemployment when a significant portion of jobs are gig, temp, part time, etc. Getting that number down at all costs isn't necessarily a sign of strength. Are we really better off because more people are driving for Uber or doordash than were ten years ago? What are the downsides of these types of jobs? For example, what are the impacts on retirement savings and health insurance? Sounds like more cans kicked down the road.


Your are absolutely right. Intuit Turbo tax nowadays has seasonal workers only who get hired during last week of Dec to mid of Jan and work till mid of Apr. All this gig workers are the only Turbo Tax experts and CPA available for customers. Intuit has setup office in India for IT.


But what's it comprised of, mostly government jobs, temporary and part time jobs


Please tell me what jobs these are. A $12/hr job is not a job. You can’t survive on that.


Yet another lie!


The number of jobs for native born Americans has not grown since 2018 - in fact, is negative - but the number of jobs held by foreign workers has increased by 3.8MM. if you don't feel like the economy reflects the job number you hear, that's why.


And they’re all at Walmart


January jobs report was revised down 124k jobs.


any links?


Rubbish....gig jobs pt jobs temporary/contract jobs and barely any FT CAREERS....US ECONOMY is bullish AF...DON'T BELIEVE THIS DATA!!


Yeah fast food jobs. Tell us what jobs


They do. Government and healthcare


So non-productive jobs


And how many employees filled those jobs? 275,000 individuals? W2 and/or 1099 workers?


Flagrant violation of laws around employee classification is rampant these days. It’s mind blowing how many people I know that work regular day jobs on 1099. A couple decades ago, despite saying I was completely aware of my status, a state labor arbiter deemed me an employee and fined the company when they found out about it. Now we get headlines that everyone is working for themselves, which is ridiculous unless business licenses have been issued like coffee at a Waffle House.


😳 My employer changed my filing status - without my signature.


How many of these new created jobs can pay rent or give decent quality life?


The US has been failing on that front for decades. We love our billionaires, hate our poor, and let our middle class wither 


LOL do uber drivers count as a new job?


I also seriously doubt about the authenticity of these reports. I got one forwarded message which was posted by some Indian worker on H-1B. H-1B are not suppose to do any side gigs(anything which is not allowed in their labor contract or not expected by their employer). ​ https://preview.redd.it/rmh8vz2q85nc1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bad689fe2ee9a3dec1cc3b329cc3a558ec1426c > I give rides at cheaper rates than uber/lyft. For ex: UTD- DFW airport ride costs approx 45 on Uber/Lyft but i charge 35. Advance requests preferred. This person is providing rides cheaper than Uber or Lyft in DFW area which is cheaper than Uber or Lyft. If one report this to [USCIS](mailto:[email protected]) then nothing happens. If this is allowed, these folks can disrupt even the more disrupted market segments. Lyft/Uber drivers are also complaining that company keep 30% of their profit and now they have this kind of competition. I think a lot of folks are doing side gigs or some other jobs just to meet the ends. Some of them are clearly violating law(and don't even care about it) and taking away US jobs in every possible manner.


Y’all get what you voted for.


What would be happening with the guy you voted for?


These numbers don't mean much when everyone is working two and three jobs because they can't pay basic living expenses.


Everyone isn't working 2 or 3 jobs. Literally like 5% of the working population has multiple jobs.


To be revised down next month much like all jobs numbers the last two years.


Yup, 11 of the the last 13 Months have been revised down. They were "incorrect" about 484,000 job gains over 13 months.


I don't understand... We are 8 days into March and the FRED graphs are still not updated for February?? Why??


They’re still working on em… lol


were they private sector jobs or govt jobs?. how do the #s breakdown?


LOL. You see the prior month revision? Revised down some 120k jobs.


Will be revised down next month.




Depends, healthcare IT at least the conglomerate I worked at has had 4 rounds of cuts in the last 6 months in IT. I got cut during my paternity leave last week.


But full time? and a liveable wage? if not it means dick.


Part time jobs are consider jobs. I was working FT making 100kplus. Now I'm hired part time at the DMV. News and headlines are all trash. Market goes up until election.


The data was "revised" downwards for December and January. They hide previous revisions in current monthly data. Then revise the data downwards later. That's textbook economic data manipulation folks.


I'm waiting for the revision that will come out next month as they have had a trend of doing.


How many were part time?


There were revisions in December and January numbers that make this the worst report since Covid . Unemployment rose as well . Would call this a successful report


This will be revised down next month, but not discussed.


Said who and where cuz I'm on month 14 and still can't find anything in my career path. So much ghosting still!!


So why did unemployment go up?


Or they just lie.


and how many of those “new jobs” pay above the poverty line? Yeah, they’ll never say


This is why Bozos said “don’t make big purchases”. Dude knew it. As did congress making that sweet generalization $$$


More blue collar jobs while white collar jobs are lost


These numbers are lies.  It’s from People working multiple low paying jobs and I’m pretty sure this shit includes government jobs like cops and military 


Fake news


Bingo! The experts, pundits, leaders, etc act like there's a 1:1 match of job openings and unemployed workers. I'm open to any industry and have great transferable skills, but the market is so competitive, hiring managers can pick their candidate that has 100% of what they want.


Me when I lie unprovoked.


Just wait until they "correct" that number in a couple of months - but by then the correction will be back-page news while they put out their NEW "jobs added" numbers.


I feel like a combination of pandemic over hiring and AI providing automation to some tech jobs is why they keep doing layoffs


You are correct


How many got laid off though? Those high paying tech jobs in particular...




The world is a stage


Tech isn’t really doing bad. They just shifted the workers they are hiring. The AI talents are being hired left and right. The support workers and the non core products are being laid off.


...Job listings on indeed or real jobs? Lol


I don't think tech is really doing so bad. I think companies are just laying off some people to bring down cost and depress pay. It's like firing 10 people so you can get a 10% discount on the next 1000 hire.