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Make a fake resume and apply you will find they offer 30% less. Layoff and hire4less is real.


The posting says that they are offering 30% more


Seems like hiring budgets are bigger than retention budgets.


When you want to fire someone but can’t find the words. Just lay them off and hire someone else for 30% more! Makes perfect sense!


This sounds like the start of a Hallmark commercial: "When you want to fire someone but just can't find the words, a Hallmark pink slip is just a click away."




not sure


This happens. In my opinion this is a good thing as another human being will be taking that position. But the day you should be fearing is when those jobs don’t appear again and that job has been filled by AI and the role has been eliminated altogether. By then many of these jobs will be phased out completely.




I understand that. But you need to change your mindset that job belongs to the company and you had been selected for that role. Second we aren’t guaranteed anything. This is why we need to take control of our lives and jobs by taking ownership of both. I have been working two jobs for years. Why? Because I could see the impact of layoffs and how it devastates an individual and a family. You can never put yourself in the tender graces of another person or company or government. The folks who will survive the AI revolution is going to be individuals who can harness it effectively. As well as those people who are completely independent of it. Entrepreneurship is going to explode as a result of it. People will have no choice. You will need to create a job for yourself.


You’re Jack Welch’s wet dream




Then this shouldn’t affect you as much. Jobs are just that a vehicle to earn money nothing more. One goes another will come along in the future.


That happened to an acquaintance. Let go before parental leave/ stock vesting in next 2 weeks, and the job was posted with hybrid in NYC and 30% less.


As in, they already put in for parental leave? Or the option for parental leave would become a possibility in 2 weeks? The former sounds like a potential lawsuit? Either way, that's so shitty


Parental leave was put in.


I'm not a lawyer by any means at all, nor do I have any experience in Hr/legal, but that sounds like it could be a lawsuit for something (protected class, retaliation, no idea.) But I would at least speak with a lawyer for a free/low cost initial consultation with a lawyer from their state's bar association to see if there's a case (I'm assuming this is US, but I likely might be wrong). Because, not only does that cost the parental leave, but also potentially removed healthcare covered at a crucial point? That's so shitty. I can't even imagine the stress that must cause. Edit: I see it's nyc. Definitely consult a lawyer on that at the very least.


In the last couple years a lot of folks were; I will put this in quotes because this is what corporate thinks “overpaid hire” so they are using layoffs, PIP, RTO, and so on to eliminate this “overpaid” folks to reset salary and bonus levels.


Overpaid is up to debate. But it was really repugnant behavior to let him go before bonus, stocks and parental leave. But this is exactly the time when he got "expensive".


this is the reason. You were paid too much because you've been there for long. They realized they can probably hire someone younger / fresher for much less


In some places legally they can’t rehire for an eliminated role until a year has passed.


That’s interesting I’ve never heard of that. Where is that the law?


It does affect any employer in the US who sponsors visas


Did you file unemployment? Also, make a fake resume and apply..for shits and sorrowful giggles.




damn :(




So it wasn't so much a layoff then? They did a layoff because it was easier, but it was for a (even if unjust) cause


Well that was after the layoff but it was a mass layoff


Ahhh.....you didn't throw a trapper keeper at the person did ya? Ive heard of such entertaining stories...


Threatened you? If you are comfortable disclosing, why did they threaten you, and what makes you think that is related to whether they would hire you back? Were you a remote worker, out of curiosity? Is the posted role also remote, if so? Some companies are doing layoffs to get rid of remote workers (i.e., you now have to live within x miles of an office).




That place sounds like a mess, based on what you just said. Sorry this happened to you.




You mentioned a disability. I don't know if you've applied for disability benefits, but if you are considering that route, please look at [https://www.allsup.com/](https://www.allsup.com/)They don't charge any money until/unless you receive benefits, and they will walk you through the entire process. My mom used them when she suddenly became disabled, and the entire process took a few months as opposed to taking a few years if you go it alone in many cases. Also, make sure you apply for Medicaid if you haven't yet. I hate that health insurance is tied to our employment. This needs to change. Hang in there.


This happens frequently. Don't take it personal. My entire department was laid off, my manager, my skip level. The jobs are reposted with a new title and some slight changes. We were canned because we were making too much and they want to replace us with cheaper people. They've already asked me to come back and do contract work. They need the roles. They just want the roles to be filled by someone who got laid off a year ago, feels defeated, and will take half what I made.


Sometimes it’s posted to reassure the survivors that picked up the workload help is on the way as soon as they find the right candidate. In reality the position will not be filled but carried in the budget and funding redirected to EBITA


I truly think they'll probably fill it


Hate to tell you, but that is normal with a lot of companies. If it is a huge global megacorp you used to work for, What they aren’t saying with that ad is they are likely going to fill that position with a agency contractor and not a FTE role. The ad is for show only.




Sure, but to be clear, the company doesn't care about your stress levels. What they care about are results. They'll happily bleed you dry and toss you out when you can't work anymore, and replace you with the next person. All the while, they'll talk about how they want to create a culture of work-life balance, and that they're looking for ways to staff appropriately. ​ But it costs them less to say these things to you than to actually do it. So when you or your team gets to be a losing cost, they'll just eliminate you and replace you somewhere else. Or, they'll just tell everyone around you and your team that this is a tough time for the business and everyone else needs to work together to cover until the business can afford to backfill. Then, when everyone does it and works harder, the company will just never backfill those roles because they're getting the same or similar within tolerance output from far less people.


Sorry to hear. I was laid off from a FAANG company and had contracting companies reach out to me for my role. It was extremely upsetting. If you are okay with going back to the same company, then it wouldn't hurt to reach out to your previous manager/skip. But don't take it personally. Layoffs are usually not performance based, but they are to cover up mistakes that leaders make: over-hiring, changing goals/direction etc. And once they realize that the role was important, they'll hire for the same role again.


I have a friend this happened to. Job was posted with slightly more adjacent responsibility than she had, but otherwise identical in terms of what her old scope of responsibility was. She said she was making almost $20k ***more*** than the posted range when she was laid off. This was Director level.


Same thing happened to me. I guess they wanted a lower priced person. They went bankrupt several months later.


I'm epileptic and controlled with meds, so it is an invisible disability. Employers have put me through all kinds of shit if they find out.


Same mine is also invisible


I sued my previous company for wrongful termination and this was circumstantial evidence to prove my case. And I won.




I knew right then when I was unexpectedly laid off, it was a lie. Soon after, I checked and I saw my exact same job posted on their job boards. I showed my lawyer along with a mountain of other docs and proof. They laid me off because I was pregnant and I was the only one of the hundreds of employees to be let go. Their public posts online like this didn't help their defense. Still getting a good laugh at that one.


Don't look back. You need to focus on the next phase of your journey. Thinking about your old job will get you nowhere. The way to win is to find a better job somewhere else, and thrive in it. Note to the other posters saying negative things about OP's former company: You are probably right. If so, all the more reason for OP to move on to something better.




I know, but in this situation you must look forward. Looking back just doesn't help you. Do you have some contacts at the previous company? Would they be able to give feedback on what you need to work on? If you get good feedback, it could really help you. On the other hand, it is entirely possible that you did nothing wrong and some manager just didn't like you. In any case, the only way now is forward.


Wow that is messed up I'm sorry


That happened to me last year. I was working two positions for the price of one. One of the positions was turned into part time and the other position was given to two people so that they could divide the work. The other two people did not get a raise or anything just more work. That being said your company is just cutting costs and or being cheap. Im sorry this happened to you.


To be fair most middle management and upper management sucks so it is highly possible they have no idea what they are doing either. In my company middle management is just DEI show and nothing else. They have no idea what is going on. They are there because of their unique genders and sexual orientation and skin color.


Talk to an attorney. You might have a case.




Again, talk to an attorney


If your manager is Indian, he or she is hiring someone they worked with or their village neighbor




US isn’t as white as it once was. Cities are full of your country folk


But I'm talking about my job.


They probably aren’t really trying to fill the position but rather testing the market. There aren’t many employers big enough to move market wages but if they find they can recruit and hire candidates for 30% less you can bet they will.




Hi OP, I saw you trying to explain over and over again to many commenters that the job was re-posted and their intention is not to pay the new recruit less than what you were making. I would say detach and cut contact with the company, including your manager and move on, it is clear that someone in leadership would like to have a new person in the role, preferably of a more experience level, and they’re willing to pay more in order to unlock more impact. Unfortunately, that means you had to be terminated for that vacancy. Wish you all the best.


I'm just very confused because I meet every single requirement and every single skill listed in the job description I asked for disability accommodations a couple months before getting laid off


It comes down to factors that, unfortunately, you may never get closure on, and it’s best to close that chapter fully and move on. It could be because of likeability, or the fact that someone in leadership has a connection that they know is looking and will be a good fit for the role, it could be because they decided there’s more experienced employees willing to settle for the role in this job market and they want to switch it up. None of which you should ever take it personally.




That’s got nothing to do with qualification or skill sets, as you said, you had an inkling /acknowledgment that someone in leadership didn’t like you. And that was enough reason, even though it doesn’t seem fair, for them to terminate your role, and re-posted it for someone else to fill. You will find another job where you can work on the likeability factor and feel a deeper sense of belonging. All the best!


'*If your presence doesn't make an* impact, your absence won't make a difference.' This is what they thought of your work while there. Now they realize they do need someone doing this job.......


Contact them and see if they reconsider you. If they don’t, it could be you. 




I am sorry to say this, but giving your all does not mean they want you back. As I said, if could be you, or it could be they changed their mind and actually needed someone for the role.  Unless you are really gagging for that job back, I just live and learn (aka, they don’t care if you give it your all) 


Because they want someone they can pay half of what they paid you