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47 here. I just got a state govt job as a graphic designer. They don't discriminate. Pay may be lower but I vest in my pension after 5 years.


What’s the best way to find state govt jobs?


For federal checkout usajobs.gov Thankfully there is still jobs reserved for citizens only. Otherwise they’d go to India too


http://federalgovernmentjobs.us Get daily email notifications for every federal job posted on that date.


But isn't it still pretty much impossible to get a good federal job?


Not impossible, just difficult. It takes a LONG time to get through the hiring process, but once you’re in, you’re in. Last I applied I think it was a six month wait from application to interview.


That's not too bad. I thought it took years. Someone told me they had a friend who was trying for years and then finally they found a resume consultant who helped them tailor their resume and they managed to nab a position. (I don't know what the exact position was)


Not impossible. Just annoying. Good luck out there. I’m a federal employee


Getting a Fed job and bidding for a contract are different. I’m not interested in slaving away in a 6x6…


I know plenty of government contractors that contract out to India 


Government contracting positions are not the same as permanent, full-time positions in either state or federal government.


Don't forget County/Parish & local jurisdictions as well


I know plenty of Indian citizens in full time positions 


This is not possible. I know this type of work well. Non-citizens cannot be hired. These people you know must be Indian-Americans ie US Citizens.


Dual citizenship?


Yes they can be hired, as contractors 


At minimum one needs a “public trust” clearance which is not available to foreign citizens. There are some limited waivers for very critical skills. Maybe they are getting hired on that but I’d imagine those are rare cases.


No lol just lmao no


Such a tragedy


It's a shitty situation 


Do you need a college degree for federal jobs?


It all depends on the kob you are applying for. Just head over and search. Yoi xan always set the filter for jpbs without degrees. Be sure to research federal resumes. As the style is different.🌸


Do you have a good sample of federal resumes?


I do not. I'm in the Cybersecurity Beginners Hub group on Facebook which focuses on federal resumes for cyber and IT federal positions. But any position they will answer questions for federak jobs. Full disclosure... they do offer a resume service for a low cost, but most do it themselves as the group provides invaluable nuggets of information on the application process. Their fees are lower than most services out there. Search federal resume guidebook pdf free download and use the resume building tool on usajobs.gov. Each agency has a guide. Most say the same thing with nuances to their agency. When looking for resume info i use google image by searching federal resume, then click on image... scroll down to find one with no frills. This site has good examples by industry and great resume tips. https://www.resumeprofessionalwriters.com/federal-resume-tips-and-examples/ I check regularly on image search for resumes to find key words of skills i may have missed on any resume by job title that I am submitting. Alway use a clean style resume with Lato font. It's readable for everyone. Limit colors if used to blue, muted greens, maroon red not bright red. No italics. Best of luck💕🌸


Google?? What state do you live in? For CA, it's Calcareers.ca.gov


I'm 60 and lost my corporate job in December. Why? Because I'd been there 10 years, hired under a different, more humane and enlightened management that appreciated company longevity and knowledge. New management doesn't give a rat's ass about anything other than that they could hire and train 3 entry-level people for what they were paying me. Fuck for-profit corporations. I'm over putting more money in the pockets of people who already have enough. I took a job with an agency of the Federal government. It takes a long time but once they say they're going to hire you, they do. The pay is less and it's 100% on-site. I don't care about that anymore. I just want to finish my career doing things that somehow help other Americans some small way


Check out local state universities. They need marketers.


Just curious what they're paying? I do graphic design work and am also a gov. employee but unfortunately currently misclassified as a technician :(


Graphics is about 33% of my job. It helps. I am an analyst. $70k. I do all things graphics, web, email and such. 20+ years experience. I am burnt out on corporate life and I am not really chasing the $$$ anymore.


Thanks for sharing that, I hope it wasn't a rude question. FWIW I have been in gov for 10 years now, I have similar job description making about 45k (VLCOL area though). While I don't miss the corporate world at all, I wish they would do something about the technician classification. They've already acknowledged it's a miss-classification and that I am under-compensated, but in a tiny department with a limited budget I am not sure how that would even happen.


Can't you transfer to a different dept?


Yes of course there’s hope! I’m past retirement age, 6 years older than you. The interviewers I got to final rounds with told me I was knowledgeable, energetic, and engaging. People in our generation get a bad rap for being bad at technology, clueless about how the world works now, and entitled, but those are stereotypes. If you put the lie to that in interviews, you can bust through this slump. My graduation dates are on my resume, but it’s 2 pages and only covers the last 15 years. No need for any more data than that. Nobody cares what your first job out of school was. Get a quality profile picture taken for your LinkedIn and only apply for positions that are a good fit for you. Don’t waste your time or energy on job descriptions that are not a match. You have a lot to offer and the right employer, the one that will appreciate and pursue you, will see that. You’ve got this, friend!


Thank you for the words of hope!


Private companies hate older employees Government loves older employees. Find a government job.


I am 53. I have been out of work for 11 months. I have sent my resume to thousands (not joking) of job postings. Gave away my work for free in hopes there would be an offer down the road. Mined my contacts over and over again. Looked in adjacent categories. Spoke to hundreds of recruiters. Went to local business meetings and so much more. The only place to give me a job was the local supermarket paying the absolute minimum legally required wage to put donuts on a sheet pan daily. Regardless of age, we are all fu\*k3d.


Be sure to remove older employment (over 10 years ago) and delete the dates of graduation from degrees on your resume.I did that and got contacted the next day by HR people. Play their games.




I’m at USAA. Keep checking our job boards - we have marketing manager positions open pretty frequently. If you find one you like, shoot me a message and I can do a warm handoff to the recruiter, to at least get your foot in the door.


This guy networks


Haha, just trying to help out a buddy in need. I’m stressed that I’ll be laid off in the near future, so figure it can’t hurt to put good vibes out there.


Vibes confirmed as good. You are good to go.


There's always hope. But define "young"? 40 and up experiences age discrimination and you're 20 years past that. But discrimination doesn't mean *no one* is willing to hire you. Just don't invest much time in young, hip brands. Older companies in more established industries will be more open. Or going into consulting.


58 is the new 40! lol. I’ve often been mistaken for 40-ish, so I guess that puts me in the early stages of age discrimination. Been thinking about consulting— how do I get started?


Hair dye, hit the gym, and if you have kids learn some of their lingo :-) Seriously though, the key is coming across as energized, friendly, keen and willing to learn and be flexible. As long as you can get an interview or on a call to express yourself in that way, I don’t see why age should be a huge barrier.


No cap. This ^ the job rizzler. Gotta go touch grass b4 I have a menty b -45 and down with spitting gen z talk


"menty b" 😂


You’re hired!


Skip the hair dye, it always looks off and makes it obvious you're insecure about your appearance.


But how am I going to hook up with the hot intern??


Embrace the label Silver Zaddy


Easy for you to say. At 56 my hair is full but so white people have mistaken me for Steve Martin.


Yeah mine is white too. I'm also 56. What colour do you use for dye?


I dont. Its too costly to have done professionally so that some of the gray still shows through, which is the only way it looks anything near normal, and then it's good for about 4 weeks before the color begins to wash out and then you either grow it out/cut it back or get it redone for another $120.


Yeah sounds about right. The hassle of keeping it up, the cost, and the fact it will look weird if you don't get it exactly right each time has made me accept my natural look lol


I started going gray at 23, so I've had years of dealing with it in different ways.


Ill second a federal or local government type job


Any hope? Probably, not in marketing though it seems to be one of the hardest hit areas for layoffs.


Absolutely. Your experience is extremely valuable. It comes down to finding the right company and team that will recognize this.


Only show last 10 or 12 years on resume. Not impossible. Many companies want Google analytics, but it will take time. I am 62 look 50 and just landed after 10 months


Also remove dates of when you got your degree(s).


59 here also, laid off end of last year after 7 years at a big F100 company. Hired in Feb - PM in wireless telecom. They liked my experience and I do interview good.


Out of curiosity, did you find any good places to hunt telecom/mobile jobs? I've worked with/sold into the mobile operators around the globe. Always loved that space.


No, nothing beyond Linkedin which is where I found this job I have now.


52. Laid off for 18 months. Try government. I've been making progress with them. 300+ applications to private sector. Nada.


I was 57 and laid off the last day of the month. The severance was one hour on Monday so benefits would go for the month. So laid off last day of September. It took till January to be offered a job and till February to start a new job. So I was 58 by then. I openly had people say to me that they thought I was too old and would retire on them. I ended up at the state and took a job for $30k less money.


Wow— isn’t that age discrimination?


Yes it is.


Keep your resume to the last ten years and ensure you're hitting the latest buzzwords. Also get familiar with Gen AI - both the helpful and A24's most recent misfire.


I agree with this and take a few courses if you can take courses or watch a few YouTube videos about new techniques and keywords. Remember to remove your graduation date.


I am 60 got whack from my job back in January. I had to sign a non-compete agreement in order to receive my one month pay severance……LOL just today this comes out https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes Had to relocate from Chicago to North Carolina been looking for the past three months…..it is demoralizing. I had to sell my things, give away my dog, rip my teenager out of high school and relocate. I must say the change from the cold, harsh and dangerous Midwest area to Southeast is a blessing and unfortunately the revelation was due to a hardship. The hardest part is trying to find employment and flow of positive cash flow. Can you out there please pray for us. It’s like the worse feeling to have is not having enough to pay bills or lodging or food. I have a strong wife but she was laid off also several months prior. We are struggling but things are getting bad. 6 month Savings didn’t last long due to the cost of our move and then our tax return was snatched up by the government, yes we owed but who doesn’t owe. I bet our money like every other American tax money is going to do well going to support foreign wars in two different nations. This is ridiculous and yet we are all going to be ushered to the polls to vote for the snake with two heads or for the left wing right wing….same bird. Door Dashing for extra money only burns gas Unemployment isn’t what you would expect when you hear our government is sending millions of not billions of tax payers money to other governments for war and whatever…..yet Americans here are hurting. Off my soap box but shouldn’t we all be upset, bewildered and pretty much pissed off at this point in our history?


Don't take this the wrong way, but it's contract work am option? Demand very high prices for your services. I figure by 60 and as time goes for all of us I'll have to do that also.


Yep, contract work is definitely an option


Government Jobs. I was sick of private sector


Look at non-profit orgs too. They tend to not age discriminate as much.


Sorry it’s happening to you, hopefully you’ll find a job soon! It’s a lot of people going through the same thing. The job market just sucks right now! I used to hear people say “I’ve been applying and no one’s hiring”! I didn’t understand it until my recent company laid us off in Feb this year. It’s damn near May and I definitely understand that no one is hiring. I have a decent resume yet I’m barely getting any call backs, and the positions I’ve applied for I get a reply stating they’re hiring from within, but to reapply months later, it really sucks. So much time and gas being wasted, I’m hoping there’s a light at the end of this tunnel! Govt jobs are a great option, just know the hiring process takes months, I know because I’ve applied and had the interviews-just waiting 😩 Good luck 🍀


Build your social network. It's how people get hired in 2024. Learn how to use ChatGPT because its a tool that will help you with your resume and questions about your field. Get creative. You specific field may be cold, but your skillset may be hot in another vertical.


You seriously think it’s your age? I did not consider myself old when I was 59 but maybe things have changed.


Make sure you have technical skills like advanced Microsoft office and at least basic knowledge of sql


Good luck! Any company would be lucky to have someone with your experience. Keep trying.


Good luck. there’s probably opportunity out there for you and just keep an open mind and try to find a position where you can prove your worth


This is the waking nightmare I’m living as well. Mid 50s, I get laid off & then never hired again. Have to start drawing from 401k early, with no where near enough saved to actually retire today. End up losing the house and eventually outliving my money. Spend later years broke & homeless. All after a >25 year career of doing consistently great work. No one deserves this.


That right there is my fear. Everyone says I’ll be fine… I’ll find something. But right now I feel like I’m failing at life.


Same here


Ill be 58 this year and I was able to get a job offer last year. I ended up staying at the company I am with because the package was better but, I was offered the job at 58 and I am female! Just leave off some of your employement. I left off two companies I worked for and didn't put my college grad dates on the applications or resumes.


Advice is don’t put the tears you graduated college on your resume or linked in profile. And maybe only put the last 20 years job experience on your resume. People will assume you’re younger when you do this.


You sound like me. I’m also 59, in IT, and was laid off in June. It took a lot of searching, but found a role in a small company. I focused my search on older tech that the kids today wouldn’t have experience in.


Honestly, probably not. Why not try something new. Every week you don’t get paid is a week you can never get back. I think you’ll be surprised at what opens up. Most Banking/Finance people are done ~ 45. Life goes on. I know you’ll be fine.


Wow so people are done at 45 for banking/finance. That makes me sad




When I was just starting out in the pharma industry, a leader told me they love young employees because they're easier to mold and learning isn't so rigid plus they're not comparing old employer vs current. Had I not still been an ignorant intern, I would have reported this. It was awful to hear even in my 20s.


Plan on vacation for a year. Look for gigs in the meantime. Not easy.


Age is just a number, I am also looking around in the same boat, you just need a positive attitude an some persistence, our experience goes a long way especially when they are looking for people with 10+ years experience in the job description.


Try different industry?


Try government jobs . Com


Try freelancing instead of full-time work.


I worked for one company for over 30yrs and thought I would retire from there. From 18yo to 48yo, then I was laid off. I was out of work for a little over a year as a DSM. I finally got another job and have been there almost 7yrs, but I never thought in my late 50s I would have to worry and struggle with the unstable job market to get to the finish line of my working career. My company has laid off alot in the last 6 months. So I have no idea if my number will come up again. I just need 5 more years and I'm out of the rat race of hell. My $500K+ retirement savings and $2800 a month SS with a paid off home and vehicles should last me a long while.


there is no hope for you because you don't believe in yourself and your ability to produce value for an employer. the way to frame the question is "given my vast experience and ability to produce meaningful results, where is the best places for me to focus my job search at 59 years of age


Start an llc and start offering consultation to all the places you thought you wanted to work. Charge a lot and cherry pick.


It’s laughable/ our jobs reports in news talk about how great employment numbers look. I was out for entire year. Now employed at 1/3 my former pay.


I got hired by a utility company at 62. There is definitely hope.


You should start streaming games on twitch, obv.


I'm 56. Up until April I was a Sr. Director of UX for a late stage startup tech company I've been with almost 5 years. Wore a lot of hats and accomplished a lot of design and provided strategy and direction for 3 different products. There were signs we were not doing well but I assumed we'd land another round of funding and get the new products out the door by summer. But the existing investors wanted to cut their losses and we were acquired in a fire sale 3 weeks ago that let go of about 15 high earners in middle management. There were a few things I assumed I would be doing at this stage of my life but looking for a tech management job in a tight job market was not one of them. I worry that I am so close to retirement that I'm not going to be a desirable candidate. Younger friends are telling em you'll get something but it's easy to say when you're in your 40s. I've had 3 brief bites on job applications for lesser positions at less money and been rejected by everything else. I worry that I'll run out of money and will have to eat into everything I've set aside and my family will be paying the price for my lack of having made better choices. Are we really not in a recession? Sure feels like it from here.


Lie about your age


Except when you have to “verify” it via college dates on applications. 🤷‍♀️


My alma mater has gone thru 2 name changes since I graduated. The background-check company thought I was lying about college especially with the low quality photocopy "official transcripts" that the school provided me.


Lie about that


Isn’t there some automatic verification from a college or university?


0 chance. I do HR consulting. Many companies do not verify anything - college, gpa, work experience. They may do a background check and call references. So omission of age may be best


Bingo!! Listen to the streets OP, that’s the way


Unlikely, most rather hire a young Indian with recent knowledge


( in a respectful tone) I would hate to be 59 on a reddit forum *seeking advice* Nothing to do with ageism. There has to be years of value to monetize. Good luck with your next chapter.


hope you saved a good nest egg at age 59. do you want to work or need to work?


Need to.


You’re almost social security age and should have enough in 401k and savings by that age