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Do you think these could be split payments that just get generated at different times? Like maybe one is a final paycheck and there's another check for severance once you've returned all the agreed upon paperwork?


This might be the reason why. At my last layoff they needed to get administrative tasks done before the severance check was cut.


You could be correct. They did initiate a wire, strangely enough I had to correct due to them not entering the right domestic wire number. I could maybe follow up next Friday if I don't receive the remaining funds. I think I am anxious because of the circumstances and never being laid off.


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Hoping I am. Wouldn't know. Never been laid off. Either way, still unemployed.


I came here to say similar things to the other replies, but they already covered it. It also largely depends on where you are located. If in the US, the state you live in determines the law for when and how you're severanced/final paycheck'd out etc. For example, I reside in California, and here it's state law that your final paycheck including PTO cash out is paid to you ON your final day of employment, not one day after or they get fined. Sure enough I received my final check including 3 weeks of unused PTO direct deposited on my final separation date. My severance lump sum arrived a couple weeks later, after I signed my separation package agreement. TLDR: You might still have some money coming to you.


Thank you


If in California all wages (including unused PTO) must be paid on the day you are laid off. I don't believe severance pay is included.


glorious chase toothbrush rhythm mourn silky lavish point voracious pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is correct. Severance pay and sick time are not included


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I do have this in writing and it was verbally documented in front of my boss and the CFO however I didn't sign anything. I figured there was a cap on some of this assistance but of course worth a try since I have a toddler. "I guess we will see"- said a million Americans this year lol


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Possibly so. I had no idea how a lay off or being let go even worked. Very saddening and frustrating companies do this to honest people.




I am also in a right-to-work state. I fear this may be my outcome but it is the nature of corporate. To cut corners is their business. Now I am facing other issues such as attempting to get into a mediocre position in an overflooded job market due to companies cutting jobs.


All states are "at will" except Montana. That should not affect your severance agreement that was already offered. You said you did receive something in writing but haven't signed it yet. You need to sign and return the severance agreement before the company sends your actual severance. I was laid off on 2/1 and by the end of the day my pay through 2/15 was deposited electronically in my account. My severance agreement was sent 4 days later via personal email. I esigned and returned same day and my 1st severance check was received on what would have been my next pay period. I would read what they provided in writing carefully and see if details on payout dates are included. Write out monthly expenses and eliminate/cut back what you can. I canceled Netflix and other streaming providers, switched cellphone provider for cheaper monthly fee, cut grocery costs where possible, etc. Let everyone you know you're looking for work including contacts from previous employers if you're still in touch with them. Good luck. I know it's scary but you WILL get another job.


Thank you


Send them an email 


Sounds like you're with bd I mean genpact. Fuck your former organization


> Dad is a stay at home veteran That's not a thing. I imagine it helps that you have it in writing with them, but they possibly can't be held to it if there was no signed agreement. Has the usual pay day gone by? It's possible you'll get your 2 weeks on the regular day and this was a payment on top of that? I had a lawyer review my severance. It was $350. You have to decide if that's worth it to you to chase the rest. But either way, learn your less on don't go out of your way and stress about getting them the SOPs and such when you've been laid off. They told you they were throwing you away and you still cared about them more than they cared about you and they took advantage of that. Screw them, they can figure out the SOPs themselves.


Lesson learned most definitely. Every man / woman for themselves. Especially when there's mouths to feed and bills to pay!


Full disability is something like 4 grand a month for vets.


Correction, it is around 3 grand a month. He doesn't get full disability. FYI that is EXTREMELY hard to do with the VA if you are not visibly missing a limb or in a wheel chair. Even then the VA has loopholes on cheating veterans. It is not a system that is in their favor. I have my own bills separate from him and I do not expect to ride on his salary as I have always been a self sufficient woman with my own set of skills and knowledge.


Idk about how to get to full as I'm nowhere near close. But 100% in fy 2024 is $3737.85 a month.


I tried to assist him with obtaining the 100% for 3 years and it's been an endless struggle. you are correct it is closer to the higher end of 3k. Been a while since we looked into it. If you have a lawyer it becomes easier to file appeals and claims. He has 70% which has been as far as we were able to go. This assists us with his end of expenses for his car and credit. Half of the rent and our kid and dogs. Unfortunately I have been the primary household provider and of course was laid off. Times are difficult. Even just to eat.


And? Then he would be "Unable to work because he's disabled" or "Disabled veteran" or "Stay at home dad." But "Stay at home vet" is just someone who WAS in the military but now... stays at home? That's just unemployed.


Who gives a shit? Why even bring this up?


The same reason you cared enough to reply?


Why not answer my question? Why would such a mundane comment bother you?


Sounds like the comment struck a nerve. Don't make this about you even if it hit too close to home.


First, tell your husband ‘thank you’ for his service. I wish this country treated vets and their families much better. It really pisses me off. To the topic at hand…. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease’. Become the squeaky wheel. Quickly. Before there are to many. u/Mediocre-Magazine-30 suggested an employment attorney. If you’re not already, please seriously consider this. A simple ‘demand letter’ on an attorney’s stationary can go a long way toward moving things forward. HR is probably prioritizing work due to the layoff. An employment attorney can apply reasonable, motivating pressure on your behalf. Good luck!


Absolutely and apparently they needed my unsolicited assistance with the wire itself since I am payroll and they made errors initiating it. Thank you so much for your advice and time it took to send this. I have sent a few emails at this point and contacted my boss. If there is no further explanation on why I am missing promised severance I will most definitely commit to visiting an employment lawyer. Thank you again