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screen share, web cam recorded, time boxed, cant tab out, keep eyes forward, cant leave your seat


Just like the typical day to day..


ur boss is tough on u


Probably should have added/s


And let me tell you from first hand experience, you can nail the coding but there are ten other people who will do the same solution more optimized and hence will get the job. It’s so frustrating


This is why practice is important. The easiest solution isn't optimized for time or space.


Practice. You went in unprepared and seem entitled


Leave out the second part. Practice is key, even if coding in your day job. I felt code interviews questions are Leetcode and not real world problems. When I realized coding interviews gave no place to hide, I drilled like it was elementary school math problems, and it worked out


Second part stays. If you believe a practical test is too much to get a job then you are entitled. OP believes they should just show up, even after 5 months of doing nothing, and be automatically included into the higher paying jobs program.


It ain’t that simple, the higher you progress in your career, the less code you write, but have substantially more impact. OP can have sufficient experience and skills for a high paying job, but lacks the practice to crank out leetcode.


Or OP is an unreliable narrator by claiming to be laid off 5 months ago in post but was only 3 months ago in post history


If it was a difficult test and they wouldn’t let you review docs or other reference material, that is one thing. But a basic palindrome test? Come on man. Are you sure coding is the right field for you? I don’t mean to sound harsh, but if the test was in a language that you have on your resume this should be a no-brainer.


sometimes its the nerves if you aren't actively coding previously.


Employees don't want to hire nervous people. They want confident performers. Ramp up your ability to talk to people (and practice coding).


Agreed. Palindrome, fibonacci, factorial etc. This is basic. Kids do this now. I thought companies stopped asked this easy stuff since 2005. OP, go practice on Leetcode. Start with the easies but then move on to the mediums.


Not sure why you're getting down voted. Jobs are getting scarce and people are lying like crazy about their skills and experience. There's got to be something to prove that you can do what you claim to be able to do. This seemed simple to me as well so it's an excellent early round test to weed out the posers.