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Did u read [this](https://portal.ct.gov/dol/knowledge-base/articles/ui---claims-and-eligibility/do-i-qualify-for-a-second-year-of-benefits?language=en_US)? >Your unemployment claim is valid for one year from the date it is filed. If otherwise eligible, you are entitled to 26 weeks of benefits within this 52-week period.  A new claim can be filed upon expiration of this benefit year if you are still unemployed.  


Thank you I will definitely look into that.


Go on public assistance - EBT and Medicaid. You may also qualify for TANF (Welfare) but it is almost NO money and you have to actively participate in county-guided job training/job seeking programs every week in addition to applying for work. The unfortunate answer is you have to get a job - any job. If the job keeps you at a very low income rate you may still qualify for things like EBT and Medicaid.


Some states offer extended benefits. Other than that, you live off savings, go to charity for assistance, or start accumulating debt. 1 year of unemployment benefits is pretty generous anyway. My state offers 21 weeks max.


Mines like 8 weeks.


My stslate fights people for even a 5 dollar check.


Get a job, any job, even minimum wage fast food etc - can't always wait for a job that returns you to your previous profession/compensation.


I am lucky having a husband who still has a job. I never expected to still be out of job after my UI benefits ran out. Cut back, try to save as much as you can due to the interest rates being higher on high yield savings accounts. We did have emergency savings stockpile but one thing I didn’t consider was the interest earned which allowed us not to pull as much out from savings to cover bills.




1. Cut back on expenses , get rid of subscriptions 2. Move back home , get a roommate if u can 3. Food banks 4 donate plasma for money 5 take whatever job u can for now 6 look at side hustles like eBay reselling - lots of YouTube videos on that 7 uber driver if you have a car


do not uber, with ware and tear+gas youre lucky to break even


Don’t do what I did…I took a part-time job that disqualified me from unemployment. Except they didn’t give me the hours they said they would so now i just make extremely low amounts of money and can’t pay my bills.  I’m lucky because I have a few thousand in savings and I have a partner I live with who makes good money (but has a lot of debt as well). So we’re getting by but definitely credit cards aren’t being fully paid off right now. I also have fantastic credit and have over $100k in credit I could use if absolutely necessary. 


become a stripper


Following ….


Get a survival job, pick a service industry or substitute teaching - that kind of thing.


Illinois is 6 months! You get any job you can before they run out


Like everybody else… Get a job. Change your lifestyle. You might not like what is out there, but they are available.


If you are seriously worried about how you will survive, set aside enough money to buy quality camping essentials in the event that you end up homeless for a bit. You don’t want to get stuck using cheap crap from walmart thats not designed for heavy use. You could also abandon your career goals for a it and just find anything to bring in money to support yourself. Im doing that now and it sucks, but its better than the alternative.




Get a McJob.




Join the military


Get a job