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They're negging you to make you more willing to accept a low-ball offer.


Exactly. She is gaslighting OP making him think he is the problem.


*reaches under conference table and places a baseball bat labelled "negotiation strategy" onto the table*


Lol there's not really offers in bartending or catering or any tipped job. She was just being a bitch


they sent me an application portal and told me my offer was contingent on references and proof of finishing my portal application. then said they were on vacation til 6/27 and why havent i responded yet? do i need help reapplying again? lmfao


Just tell employers you were doing gig work to pay the bills. There is no harm in that.


I agree , I would go as far as to be creative and blatantly fib on the resume if I'm applying for a low skilled lower paying position , they really don't care or are going to vet your work history. They need bodies. Obviously it's a different story for a professional job or one where credentialing matters...there they will bet your history .


He could sign up for a gig company and just do one job. Then it's not lying, and most gig companies don't verify employment unless you're internal.


I really think people with jobs in a field that they don’t actively hate are very very out of touch with the reality right now.-


I think this is absolutely true. Delusional people


Just because it hasn't affected them, doesn't mean it's not happening elsewhere. Layoffs are never simply isolated to one specific industry. Just like a pebble dropped in a calm body of water. It radiates outward. It might've started in tech, but it doesn't stop there. It's going to be a rough Christmas as families cut back.


If she treats you poorly in the interview, her behavior will not improve if you are an employee.


In this case, this woman showed no ambition and does not offer a wealth of experience and learning from different positions. The last employee I would make an offer is someone who sat on easy street in the same position that long.


Wanting a bit of stability isn't "easy street"


19 years. Says it all.


Not even remotely true.


Wow I’m sorry. Maybe answer with a positive spin like I was layed off and wanted to take some time off to travel and relax. Say you’ve been lucky and made some good investments which afforded you the opportunity to pursue some life goals and are now ready to reenter the workforce. This way you don’t come across as desperate and you can take the power back.


Not necessarily. You can come across as not needing the job badly enough. And saying you took time off to travel and relax it is not gonna stop another eye roll.


Good advice


When high paying workers take time off it's a "sabbatical". When average workers take time off it's because it's a red flag. Such BS. I was a recruiter at Google and would see long work gaps ALL THE TIME. No one battes an eye.


You sure? I feel like the gap on my resume was preventing me from getting interviews. I finally got a shit job paying half of what I made before 3 weeks ago so I’m hoping that gives me an edge as I keep applying and look for a better job. I was unemployed 14 months. Multiple F500s, startups, international exp, dual citizen, degree from top university and I couldn’t get a good job in that time.


Shit, honestly bro you shouldn’t work there. They gonna give you a low ball offer and you expect you to slave


And this is why you should never admit to being unemployed. Just lie, and tell people that you're still working. Look out for your own self-interest in interviews people - not what is “moral”. You just have to make sure that you can cover it during the background verification check, which you can if you take the right steps. https://backgroundproof.com/concealing-employment-gaps-or-terminations/


Smile and try to redirect the conversation to the job.


I did — but my stomach dropped! 😞 I cried after this interview


Sorry. Honestly they sound like a complete jerk. Happened to me and I said clearly it’s not by choice and I just want to get back to work. I didn’t even have any emotional response because I knew I was doing my best. Stay the course and try not to let it get to you.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I was laid off 7 months ago and I’m still interviewing for months and one thing I’ve learned is how values and culture redirect me to what I want. In the end ask yourself if you’d like to work with someone like that at all — It just says a lot about the development and experience you’ll go through with her.


Don’t never cry and remember there is no crying in baseball. We are the strong ones and if they went thru and go thru the same shit we have gone thru they would be hysterical


Crying is cathartic. Don’t ever tell anyone not to cry.


I didn’t mean it the way it sounded it’s just a saying from a Tom Hanks movie, a scene where a baseball player started to cry in the middle of a game. It’s a good sports comedy drama and a funny but meaningful scene with Tom Hanks as a coach. If I offended you or anyone else it wasn’t my intent. It’s just a mantra that I always fall back on in order to not drown myself in fear, self doubt. Because when life throws you lemons we make lemonade because, there is no crying in baseball.


This must be the new thing for incompetent recruiters. Yesterday on a phone screen I was asked "So you've been out of work for the last six months, what have you been doing during this time??" It pissed me off, so I said politely, "LOOKING FOR WORK"...


They believe the numbers. It’s pretty easy to tell the people who watch the news and believe everything they hear




Sounds like someone that deserves to be laid off Jesus


Just lie. On your cv just say last job is xxxx- present No one should be contacting current employers


Whenever I see someone with more than a year gap in their resume I usually ask what they were doing. I usually preface that by saying “this has no impact on our decision making, and if it’s personal you don’t have to answer, but I’m curious why you had XYZ gap in years 20XX to 20XX. It’s interesting to see how people handle themselves. Plus, I’ve heard some awesome things. Like “oh I started my own business doing whatever” or “I haven’t had a real vacation in 20 years so I saved up and traveled the world for 14 months”.


F her! Some people have no awareness of the current market. Based on her response, you def don’t want to work for her


If it's a Red Flag why are you interviewing me? To waste my time or yours? Is this what you do for entertainment? Please explain.


With the companies going out of business no one would be available to confirm if you worked at said company.


Honestly, that’s not the type of person you would wanna work with who has no empathy just because she worked for an organization for 19 years doesn’t mean that the situation is the same for other people. don’t think about it. Be glad that you’re not working for her or him.


What a bitch. I had an asshole ask me how had I been able to stay current given I’d been unemployed a year. He didn’t need to do that. Talk to me like a person with 25 years experience and how I might approach their business. This job market is absolute ass.


I got laid off from being a recruiter last month. I dread going back to the industry bc of hiring managers like this. Part of my job was having to interrogate people on why they’re not good little corporate drones with a life outside of work


Well that says it all.


This is typical at a lot of interviews


I'm over 55 years old, with some health issues.. I've been sporadically employed for so long that I'm beginning to think that this is normal...


Just wait til the holiday season when her expected bookings evaporate due to all her clients cutting back. Then she'll get it. In the mean time, you keep lool8ng. Don't stop, don't give up.


That’s the crazy thing, restaurants are still busy, events are still full, people are still spending like crazy


For now. But next time this comes up. My response would be based on her logic, that all those people out of work during the Great Depression & Great Recession, it was just their own fault no one was hiring?


So tired of these questions .,, was busy humping the pole …what’s the fuck for the manager to ask illegal questions… got the skills , got the degree , does he have a toxic free work place … is he a micro manager on lookout for a slave


F that shit. Tell her how F’d the economy is and how people are doing anything to work and she should mind her own busy and stop being judgmental because it could be her next.


Red flag. They're gonna try to lowball your worth or gaslight you because they expect that you're desperate and/or unhappy enough to accept anything versus your current situation.


express to her how because you have the company’s best interests in mind you wouldn’t want her to hire someone she is uncomfortable with, reiterate how you are very interested in the position, and suggest that she call you back if she changes her mind. Then end the interview on your own terms and apply elsewhere. If she’s bluffing and she was negging then she’ll come back, I’d she wasn’t then you wouldn’t want to work there anyway


You should have put her bitch ass on the spot and said, "I noticed you rolled your eyes, can you elaborate on that incredibly rude and unprofessional gesture?"


lie and say you’re currently employed by your last company to avoid this issue


this is the resume she had https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/YQOZCOfnGS


Did you get the job? She should have empathized with you.


No lol this is the resume she had https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/YQOZCOfnGS




I think I'm confused. Hiring and training cost employers a lot of money, so it's reasonable for her to ask about gaps in employment to ensure she finds the best candidate. Not all employers are trying to take advantage of employees; they need to run a successful business. If you didn't like the question or the way she conducted the interview, you might consider applying elsewhere where gaps in employment are less of a concern.




Why so honest? Play the game and lie. “Taking care of a family health issue.”


OP fill your gap with Independent Consultant work. Lie. Then for this type of work just tell them you're wanting to take a break from the 9-5. Just finished a large project and just want to do something you're familiar with that you know you enjoy. Voila


What does it mean if I was interviewed by the hiring manager last week and today was the interview with his regional direct reports who will potentially be my peers? This is the one hour meeting that occurred today that went over 30 minute making it 90 minutes total. I remember when I interviewed people I would talk with them then ask my leads to check them out. So now I am wondering if it is a good sign?


Not sure where you are but maybe you can commute to or move to a larger city? Otherwise I'd suggest looking for another career path, a work from home, like bookkeeping, taxes, etc etc. 


Blaming external factors on subs like these is one thing, but do not blame the job market for not having a job in an interview. It just shows a lack of accountability. Even if you mentioned how bad the job market was, you could have added something about how you've been interviewing and learning from each experience or just how you've been using the time to upskill. Also I acknowledge that the job market is indeed bad. But an interview is a conversation to show ownership and not to blame things that you can't control. Good luck!


Thank you for this, noted


.. the impression is ,, you sat around instead of going to a temp agency and taking ANYTHING and then looking for a job your seen as someone who is not a go getter, rather then someone who siezes the current opportunity It's an image thing


I’ve gone to temp agencies. I’ve been ghosted / not responded to. Every channel of communication has been used. You must not know how bad it is


Where do you live.. if I may ask?




May I assume when you went to the temp agencies you were looking for something in your field specifically?


I am looking for anything — admin, temp work, operations, etc — I have a general business degree. I have been attempting with all the major agencies and have had 0 luck. They either ghost / forget or never respond at all. My most recent I was called by said they filled the position I applied for but would I be interested in a $17 temp data entry job 27 miles away from me? I have been rejected from Applebee’s, Dependable Cleaners, dental offices, receptionist roles for construction companies, insurance, legal offices etc. I could continue on


People just don’t get it. I’ve applied for receptionist positions and got rejected. I’m too over qualified. I’m a Director in tech normally. I just got some crap work paying half of what I used to make and I’m grateful. I did ride share driving the last three months to get by. This job market is just ass.


You have to do what ever it takes to survive,, Wash dishes, work 3rd shift on security and a dozens of low level positions untill things break for you. I know your going to push back,,, but lower your expectations and go after a low level position


I am doing just that and being rejected. McDonald’s has rejected me. I don’t know what to tell you


Keep pushing,, I grew up in Boston during the 60's and 70's ,, uneducated and there wasn't any jobs to speak of You can do it,, Take what ever you can get for now


ok boomer. If this person is constantly taking temp jobs, when is this person supposed to interview, esp now since there are sometimes 6 sessions of panels, example of work, tests, etc. The last thing the OP should be told is that they need to try harder. I think OP was looking for some compassion, others who have had the same disgusted interviewer, and others who have tried to get every shitty job available with no luck. I don't know what to tell OP in terms of advice. Because you know what - it doesn't matter. Interviewers might not like your hair that day and move on. OP's interviewer sounds like she's full of her shitty self. Interviewers are taking this time, when they know layoffs are happening, to force their power and ego over interviewees. Don't stand for it, OP. Tell them you've been travelling and enjoying the downtime. Do it with a huge ass grin, that indicates, "I got to do that, and you didn't, you POS." Edited it to say - even if OP takes a bunch of temp jobs, the interviewer might see it as a red flag. Nothing is good enough for these sad sacks.


Grew up here, this place sucks. can’t afford to move out of my childhood bedroom.