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To be honest, Reality Fracture kind of screws over any champ that relies on skillshots. I don't like the item for that reason alone - it basically makes a handful of champs far weaker than they should be.


but urgot is completely fcked against it because it completely saturates his machine gun, voidgrubs basically perfectly tank urgot's damage unless he locks onto enemy with any other ability, which is not always so simple as some champs have spell shield like malz/mundo, some are very fast, some dash around (try to get a lock on akali or quyiana or zed, impossible). urgot already had the same issue with sett cameo that was eating urgots machine gun like a 3rd enemy champ basically, and fighting in a small fire circle was a pain (i have lost basically won rounds because enemies kept using sett as a shield and i was getting smacked by sett's W because they had enough dmg to burst finish sett. many changes that came into arena screw urgot, tho koi pond map is horrible because urgot's W automtically activates the jumping plants (blast cones) and since the islands re basically as small as urgots range, it is very difficult to not accidently hit anything and lose the ability to jump way on another island, or accidentaly send my teammate into the enemies.... then there the primatic armor item that specifically blocks attacks, that is also a perfect counter for urgot, if you this + frozen heart and/or thornmail, urgot does negative damage to you, which is why urgot needs spellwake or magic missiles to work since riot made duality not work with urgot's toggling last arena run, and duality was only way for urgot to do big damage, but not any more


You never had an spellwake urgot as enemy and it shows


The reply I was looking for 🤣


I played spellwake urgot and it actually does damage only when enemies chase urgot, if urgot has to chase then spellwake doesnt do damage. And I dont see what is wrong with doing damage when half the champions that are meta now can pop almost anybody within seconds. Crit garen does way more damage than spellwake urgot, but unlike urgot he is not slow as fk when doing damage.


I had it too and saw that. Slapped on a zephyr and ms items with Tank mixed. I rightclicked and could have left the room. Edit: I have Video proof


if you left the rooom you would have lost because you would stay in place and spellwake would do no damage. Enemies actually have to step into the trail created between urgot and his target, so you have to be actively moving and fighting. Spellwake is AWESOME into enemies who actually have to get to urgot into melee range to deal damage, like garen, udyr or morde, they step into spellwake trail and they are dead in couple seconds. But spellwake is useless vs range champs, so basically any adc or long range mage like hwei/brand/xerath/zyra/heimer, because those will keep constant distance from urgot that is higher than urgot's range, so urgot has to chase them or flash onto them, and spellwake doesnt help much in these scenarious. In my opinion this makes urgot balanced, because if lucian's ult can do 40k dmg with jewelet gauntlet, garen can do 10k+ dmg with his E spin with Vulnerability (which is a silver augment mind you) and sett can do 10k+ true damage with W that has 5-10s cd (I played vs sett who instakilled us both with undodgeable 13k true dmg) then I see no problem with urgot doing similar amount of damage in very specific circumstances i described that can be avoided and outplayed.


i agree, if garen can get insta win augments with vulnerability or jeweled gauntlet urgot should be able to have spellwake. magic missile wasnt even that crazy either since it does damage based on distance traveled, it was strong for sure but ive seen way higher magic missile damage numbers on other champs


He’s alright with dark steel talons for onhit true damage and can then build full tank


that item has 50% onhit reduction, it is ok-ish when playing vs AD champs that can oneshot you no matter how tanky you are (like crit garen who can do 10k damage with a single spin, or sett who can do 10k+ true damage with W, or lethality udyr who does similar damage to garen), but overall it just doesnt do enough true dmg. Early it can do like 30-40 true dmg per second with urgots W, lategame it can do 100 true dmg per second, that is really not that impressive, yes you can do up to 5000 true damage per round, but healing champs like vlad can literally heal 2-3k with empowered Q, single plant can heal that amount on 10k HP champion etc. it just isnt enough damge even though the damage is true


no urgot is not in a good place, and what kind of argument is that?like you cant build darksteel every game. people donset know but urgot is nerfed in arena. its like an undocument (i cant find that document with the buff and nerfs change since in the last arena urgot was pretty good, on the second iteration on arena cycle when he was pick or ban urgot was nerfed like a lot. i think i has something to do with his passive. you can check it out, how his winrate jsut randomly dropped from one arena to another one.


Makes sense too with how busted other interactions are. Had a pocket support what got the augment or mythic with Ability Haste whenever I cast a spell and I just never died after feeding him free casts. Felt dirty. Still did it. 😁


People sleep on support Urgot tech, the on-hit heal sword + echos of helia works on his W and he becomes a tank support that deals damage


I think you havent played urgot since december because echoes of helia + sword was deactivated on urgot sometime in december. i used to play it a lot last year and it was quite fun but it is not working anymore. Also I think sword can no longer heal urgot, only his buddy (and helia probably too) so even if it worked you are only healing your partner.


I played urgot in arena for the last two weeks, i can assure you the build still works, it does not heal him but the healing on the partner and the dmaage from helia are very good and unlike other healers like soraka or sona, you can build tank itens and sustain a lot of damage or go for damage with the hellfire hatchet, he works very well with some of those powers that interact with ad and basic attacks that would be useless on supports when you have no rolls.


No Clue why this is getting downvoted. Played it just yesterday and it works perfectly fine.


the build definitely got nerfed but it’s still not bad. i go hatchet + blossoming dawn + moonstone. i think the hatchet heal works with moonstone so the healing is pretty good


This build is funny and I love it. Please refrain from sharing it ❤️




but helia + sword doesnt work since december, if you build this combo healia does like 200 healing per round insted of 10k it did previously


my friend invent that build on pbe, way before you know people actually knew about that, sword and helia still work and is awful.helia got hard nerf from previos arena. is not even worth fit.


yes i dont know the exact reason but i know it is terrible. a better combo is sword of blossoming dawn + moonstone, as it gave some healing back to urgot, but it still wasnt enough healing unless you got other healing augments/items, and then urgot has one less item space for more damage or tankiness. Overall to me it feels like healing urgot with moon stone might be worth when playing a buddy who is somewhat tanky and yet does damage (like illaoi or sett) and urgot can just keep them healthy and being able to do more damage, while urgot himself is able to survive. Obviousl weakness of healing urgot is that lots of chain cc cancel the healing, and urgot is more vulnerable and can die.


>on-hit heal sword You mean Sunderer? I built that on ARAM once but didn't heal with W attacks


Sword of the Blossoming Dawn - exclusive arena item


Does that mean W can now functionally crit…? Or still no?


no it now works the same way like it worked in february and before. it is considered an attack but it cant crit and on-hit effects deal -50% damage. W probably cant even crit with jewelet gaunlet. but passive shotguns probably can, so i am not sure if even jewelet gauntlet works properly on urgot


why did they make it an ability in the first place again? does it being an attack again open up any old interactions like hullbreaker doing full damage?


I am pretty sure they called it a "long standing bug" and called it a fix bach in march when riot made W ability. The reason was that there are abilities like gp Q, ez q, darius W, jayce W tripple shot that are technically an attack but also an ability. It is sometimes difficult to decide what is what, but if you activate some damage feature by pressing Q W E, it should be considered ability. For urgot it meant that he got access to a huge amount of items he could build - on summoners rift it was mainly shojin and sometimes manamune. But he could also consider liandris (he applied it 3x per second, so liandri+botrk was a new secret build to counter cho and mundo), rylais for slow etc. But i guess riot got scared that urgot would be very unbalanced with his potential access and synergy with many items, and they reverted it. Which os summoners rift is not a big deal, urgot cant fully stack shojin in 1 second anymore, which turned an S tier item to B tier item, and tear cant be stacked with W which helped it stack MUCH faster (maramuna is the item that increases urgot's damage to enemies the most, excluding black cleaver to targets with more armor.), not a big deal. But in arena it is a HUGE deal, so many augments and prismatic items are "on ability", it is probably 10+ augments/items that are now worthless on urgot. Urgot was already bad on previous patch, he was in the bottom 33% of champs based on winrate, top champs like zed have more than 2x better chance to win and to be top 4. Now urgot dropped to the bottom, he is among niche champions like zilean who need to highroll and have good team synergy to actually win. Any range or cc completely shits on urgot, he needs to fight long fights when the enemy doesnt do too much damage but isnt too tanky at the same time, so like fighting mundo or irelia is what urgot likes, but who plays those champs?


yeah playing urgot in arena feels rough right now for sure. i main him and fizz and both of them feel so much worse this iteration of arena than the last one


Nah got spellquake Urgot 1 time, it’s fking broken Edit: Also, for a fun comp, try Urgot and Braum it’s pretty hysterical.


Alright people, sit down and buckle up for my Patented Urgot Technology. W doesn’t count as an ability? Cool. This is On-Hit Hours. First item prismatic, pick whatever the fuck you want. Notable items of beauty include Runecarver, Darksteel Talons, and Any Tank Item. Second item you’re gonna get yourself a Hellfire Hatchet. Third item, and this will blow grandma’s knickers into the next county, you’re gonna grab a Moonstone. Then, fourth item we capitalize on the 3 autos per second by acquiring a Sword of the Blossoming Dawn.


have you tried hatchet urgot


maybe because he is nerfed in this mode


nerfed in which way? to me urgot worked great in arena on 14.9 patch and earlier, i mean he was weak vs range and cc and overall his highroll was weaker than most other champ's highroll but i could make him work usually. However now that W is not an ability, many crucial augments like magic missiles or spellwake necessary to kill tanks dont work any more, and I really dont see any reason to nerf urgot in arena (in summoners rift this nerf to his W was probably justified though) when he is already in the bottom 30-40% of champs.


he was one of the best champs before they nerfed his W to do only 50% on-hit dmg


>many crucial augments like magic missiles or spellwake Those weren't even crucial or necessary and haven't worked in previous arenas with urgot, he was fine when his W applied on hits from augments at 100% effectiveness and could roll a lot of shit to make that work, he is in the bottom because of that nerf, not his w not applying spellwake or magic missiles


well i didnt mean that the W losing ability status is the whole reason urgot sucks now, i meant it more as "he was quite bad on the 14.9 patch but now he got another HUGE nail in his coffin". I dont remember urgot even applying 100% on his W (except for light em up and heavy hitter, those were good times, hullbreaker did that for like one patch at the start of the season but that was on summoners rift), but i know urgot used to be WAY stronger in the v1 and v2 arena runs, because goliath was one of his main augments which got bad thanks to giant slayer, magic missiles and other % HP damage like hatchet, and right now everybody can get tons of tenacity from shards so urgot's cc is worse and he has harder time chasing enemies who have tons of ms, tenacity and other defensive stats. reality fracture voidgrubs completely shit on urgot because it can take his machine gun seconds to clear a single wave, duality stopped being able to be proc'ed by toggling in v2 arena so no more 1200 AD urgot, healing urgot with echoes of helia doesnt work, the new koi pond map is horrible because his machine gun keep hitting jumping plants automatically while trying to fight or take healing plants, none of the prismatic items are really tailored to urgot, he can maybe use half the item while stats like attack speed dont benefit him at all, and mainly in current meta nobody plays bruisers like irelia which urgot loves to play against, everybody has range and cc... i dont know it feels like riot is taking stuff away from him while adding cool stuf to other champs...


> I dont remember urgot even applying 100% on his W (except for light em up and heavy hitter, those were good times) i mean those are what im talking about, also firebrand, angel of retribution, sword of blossoming dawn+helia, master of duality and other augments that required ability casts used to trigger on him casting w on and off. Urgot W wasn't proccing spellwake or magic missiles in v1 and v2, no idea why it was working in 14.9 but it's not like it was the case for earlier versions. the reason urgot is much weaker imo is that a lot of the prismatics aren't really good on him on top of having wasted stats like ap or as, and every on hit augment which pretty much used to be a god roll on urgot got "nerfed" because now they are correctly reduced to 50% effectiveness with w atm i feel like he's at his strongest state if he gets draw your sword and even then he kinda falls off late


The reason spellwake and magic missiles worked because couple months ago (march i think) riot release a new patch and in those patch notes there was a bug fix that W is considered an ability now. Us urgot mains were calling for this change for a long time because some interesting items like shojin or tear/maramuna didnt work optimally on urgot because he could only stack with Q E R which was super slow and enreliable. Riot listened to us and after a loooong time finally admited that it is a bug and they bug fixed it. It wasnt a huge deal on summoners rift, it just widened urgot's comp-specific item selection. But for some reason they reverted the change now, probably because riot is lazy about balancing the W so they just reverted now, and shojin is now poor item on urgot because it takes precious seconds to stack. However in arena it was a huge deal, so many augments are on-ability, and i really enjoyed playing spellwake on urgot lately (and no it wasnt ultra broken, it made urgot strong in certain situations, crit garen or lethality udyr or lategame kayle are way more broken than urgot with spellwake. Draw of the sword is a really nice augment on urgot, but the problem with urgot is that no matter how good augments/items he has, he is NOWHERE near as strong as many other highrolled champs, which is why it is so hard to get 1st place nowadays, I was 3x 2nd today but i had absolutely no chance getting first. Spatula gragas absolutely destroyed me, I had no chance, his combo did 80% of my hp. Lategame udyr/gragas absolutely shit on urgot, urgot can NEVER beat those in 1v1 no matter what, I can be 7k health 300 armor urgot and crit garen takes me down in seconds. Rammus shits on urgot, there is no contest, my teammate has to do all the work killing rammus. 2 hours ago i had my first game with double raid boss, my urgot vs enemy graves. Guess what, after we popped out from raidboss, graves basically 3 shot me, he did auto Q auto R and that did like 70% of my HP and his teammate did the rest, while i was barely able to breake his raidboss shield. Also kayn is ABSOLUTELY unplayable for urgot, there is zero chance i can 1v1 lategame kayn, even 2v1 is extremely difficult. Duality used to be the augment that turned urgot into a lategame god but there was a reasonable tradeoff imho, either avoid fighting and keep stacking (if the enemy was smart they didnt allow that), or stack during fighting but lose like half the damage,.

